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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE)
Elements of Natural Built Environment ARC30105 (FNBE 0115)
Prerequisite: None
Lecturers: Ms Delliya Zain, Miss Noorul Iffa, Pn Hasmanira and Mr Paul
The Journal Note
Visual Note Taking
20% Individual (out of the 100% overall marks)
Submission Date: 26th March, 21st May, 12th June and 24th June
Visual notetaking is a process of representing ideas non-linguistically. Visual notetaking can include concept
mapping, but also more artistic ways of visually capturing and representing ideas. On the simpler side of the
visual notetaking continuum, visual notes can be used to create narrated art. On the complex end of the
spectrum, some visual notetaking applications support the creation of whiteboard animation videos which
include audio narration synchronized to screencasts of drawings. Visual or graphic facilitation can be used
at meetings to summarize presentations and guide discussions. Whether simple or complex, visual notes
can be used to more deeply process information as well as communicate it to others with images.
The Journal Note is a task for students to capture the information during each ENBE lecture into visual
notes to improve their understanding of the content delivered during the lectures. Students will need to
make visual notes during each ENBE lecture and submit it after 4 to 5 weeks as stated in this brief. For the
4-5 week submission, students will then need to make an overall conclusion of the few topics that they are
submitting. At the end of the semester students are required to submit a compilation of all their notes.
Objectives of Assignment
The objectives of this assignment;
1. To question, analyze and articulate the impact between natural and built environment
Learning Outcomes of this Project
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following:
1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment
2. Understand how to communicate ideas through observation and using different
media/tools/techniques to present information of the study of natural and built environment
Tasks - Methodology
Individually students are required to take notes and practice visual note taking in each weekly ENBE lecture
session. You are required to download and print the ¡°weekly note worksheet template¡± and the ¡°note
plain template¡± and use it to take notes during the lecture session. After a few lectures, students are
required to provide a conclusion for the few topics that have been delivered and to be submitted. During this
submission students are required to print the ¡°TJN assessment sheet¡± and submit it with all of the TJN for
that submission. Only one ¡°TJN assessment sheet¡± per submission. The conclusion will need to be
produced as visual notes and mapping on one or two pieces of paper only. At the end of the semester
students are required to compile all their notes and all ENBE projects in one folder. Students are required to
scan their notes before submitting The Journal Notes and upload to their eportfolio.
The links to download the weekly note worksheet template, note plain template and TJN assessment sheet
will be provided on TIMES and FB group page.
Step ONE ¨C Download and PRINT the worksheet & template;
Step TWO ¨C For submission you will need to provide an overall conclusion and the TJN Assessment
Step THREE ¨C Submit it all in ONE clear plastic
envelope as shown below and in class.
Just one
for all topics
to be submitted
for the particular
to be produce
on the NOTE
And use these worksheets and template during
class to write your notes.
You may print on any type of paper.
Each TNJ should NOT be more than 5 pages.
Sheet =
Just one
sheet for each
SUB 01
These are the weekly topic and submissions
Week TJN # Topic Submission Note
W2 TJN 01 The Planet Earth & Its Resources
W4 TJN 02 Natural Phenomena, Climate, Weather, The Different
Zones and Environment (habitat)
W5 TJN 03 The World of Animals & Plants
W6 TJN 04 The Forest Kingdom + Mountain + Grassland
W7 TJN 05 Marine/Ocean + Desert /Savana + Caves &Underground SUB 01 - 26/3 TJN 1-4
W8 TJN 06 Living with Nature + Conserve and Preserving Nature +
Extinction & Evolution
W10 TJN 07 Introduction to The Build Environment
W11 TJN 08 Range of Places, Zoning Areas, building typology and
W12 TJN 09 Systems, Infrastructures, Interactions and Utilities and
Amenity (how the city work)
W13 TJN 10 The History, Concept and Development of a City ¨C & The
4 City
W14 TJN 11 What makes a good City, Green Cities and Futuristic
SUB 02 - 22/5 TJN 5-10
W15 TJN 12 The Intangible Factors of a City
W16 TJN 13 Over Populated, Pollution, Development and issues,
W17 TJN 14 Your Duty towards the Natural & Build Environment SUB 03 - 12/6 TJN 11-14
EXAM TJN 1-14 FINAL COMPILATION TJN & Projects SUB 04 - 24/6 all
Submission Requirement
This is an individual assignment. Students are required to follow the instructions stated in this brief.
? All notes must be produce on the given template. These template are; The Weekly Note
Worksheet, Note Plain Template. These templates can be printed on ANY type of suitable paper.
? The ¡°conclusion¡± must be produce on the ¡°Note Plain Template¡± and must NOT exceed 2 pages.
? Students are supposed to use A4 paper however if they use A3 paper they can always fold it into
an A4 size for submission.
? All information of the notes will be hand written and hand drawn. Minimal printed images are
? For the submission, students are required to submit at the location announced on TIMES and FB
group page. Please put it in a clear plastic envelope.
? The submitted work should be in a visual note taking style or mapping. Students may use pencil
colours or coloured pens etc.
? Student must SCAN their work before submission and upload it to their Eportfolio.
All sketches, doodles, research, planning, discussion to be place in the e-portfolio. It¡¯s the
responsibility of every student to make sure they record the process and final product of
their work.
Assessment criteria
The assessment for this assignment will be based on your
? Complete and organised documentation (items that need to be in the final compilation)
? Importance, depth and appropriateness of content related to the weekly topic (substance)
? Originality, creativity, and clarity of the visual notes and mapping produced (delivery)
? Structure and personalization of content and (clarity)
Marking criteria
Marks shall be distributed as follows:
For each submissions 26th March, 21st May, 12th June;
? Importance, depth and appropriateness of content related to the weekly topic (substance) 2%
? Originality, creativity, and clarity of the visual notes and mapping produced (delivery) 2%
? Structure and personalization of content and (clarity ) 1%
Total for each submission: 5%
(5% x 3 submissions = 15%)
The Journal Note Compilation Submission 24th June;
? Complete and organised documentation (items that need to be in the compilation) 3%
? Originality, creativity, appropriateness and clarity of the file cover (content & delivery) 2%
Total: 5%
TOTAL: 20%
Suggested References
These are just some links and books that should start you with your independent learning through research.
1. The Sketchnote Handbook: the illustrated guide to visual note taking Paperback ¨C December 13,
2012 by Mike Rohde
2. Mind Maps: Quicker Notes, Better Memory, and Improved Learning 3.0 Paperback ¨C Large Print,
January 3, 2014 by Michael Taylor
3. How to Take Great Notes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAhRf3U50lM
4. Sketcho Frenzy: The Basics of Visual Note-taking
5. Sketcho Frenzy: Mind Map -

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Enbe the journal note brief

  • 1. 1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE) Elements of Natural Built Environment ARC30105 (FNBE 0115) Prerequisite: None Lecturers: Ms Delliya Zain, Miss Noorul Iffa, Pn Hasmanira and Mr Paul The Journal Note Visual Note Taking 20% Individual (out of the 100% overall marks) Submission Date: 26th March, 21st May, 12th June and 24th June Introduction Visual notetaking is a process of representing ideas non-linguistically. Visual notetaking can include concept mapping, but also more artistic ways of visually capturing and representing ideas. On the simpler side of the visual notetaking continuum, visual notes can be used to create narrated art. On the complex end of the spectrum, some visual notetaking applications support the creation of whiteboard animation videos which include audio narration synchronized to screencasts of drawings. Visual or graphic facilitation can be used at meetings to summarize presentations and guide discussions. Whether simple or complex, visual notes can be used to more deeply process information as well as communicate it to others with images. http://maps.playingwithmedia.com/visual-notetaking/ The Journal Note is a task for students to capture the information during each ENBE lecture into visual notes to improve their understanding of the content delivered during the lectures. Students will need to make visual notes during each ENBE lecture and submit it after 4 to 5 weeks as stated in this brief. For the 4-5 week submission, students will then need to make an overall conclusion of the few topics that they are submitting. At the end of the semester students are required to submit a compilation of all their notes. Objectives of Assignment The objectives of this assignment; 1. To question, analyze and articulate the impact between natural and built environment Learning Outcomes of this Project On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following: 1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment 2. Understand how to communicate ideas through observation and using different media/tools/techniques to present information of the study of natural and built environment
  • 2. 2 Tasks - Methodology THE TASK Individually students are required to take notes and practice visual note taking in each weekly ENBE lecture session. You are required to download and print the ¡°weekly note worksheet template¡± and the ¡°note plain template¡± and use it to take notes during the lecture session. After a few lectures, students are required to provide a conclusion for the few topics that have been delivered and to be submitted. During this submission students are required to print the ¡°TJN assessment sheet¡± and submit it with all of the TJN for that submission. Only one ¡°TJN assessment sheet¡± per submission. The conclusion will need to be produced as visual notes and mapping on one or two pieces of paper only. At the end of the semester students are required to compile all their notes and all ENBE projects in one folder. Students are required to scan their notes before submitting The Journal Notes and upload to their eportfolio. The links to download the weekly note worksheet template, note plain template and TJN assessment sheet will be provided on TIMES and FB group page. EXAMPLE:- Step ONE ¨C Download and PRINT the worksheet & template; Step TWO ¨C For submission you will need to provide an overall conclusion and the TJN Assessment Sheet. Step THREE ¨C Submit it all in ONE clear plastic envelope as shown below and in class. Weekly Note Worksheet Note Plain Template + TJN 01 TJN 02 TJN 03 TJN 04 + Just one CONCLUSION for all topics to be submitted for the particular submission session to be produce on the NOTE PLAIN TEMPLATE CONC LUSION+ + + And use these worksheets and template during class to write your notes. You may print on any type of paper. Each TNJ should NOT be more than 5 pages. + TJN Assess ment Sheet = Just one TJN Assessment sheet for each submission session SUB 01 SUBMISSION
  • 3. 3 These are the weekly topic and submissions Week TJN # Topic Submission Note W2 TJN 01 The Planet Earth & Its Resources W4 TJN 02 Natural Phenomena, Climate, Weather, The Different Zones and Environment (habitat) W5 TJN 03 The World of Animals & Plants W6 TJN 04 The Forest Kingdom + Mountain + Grassland W7 TJN 05 Marine/Ocean + Desert /Savana + Caves &Underground SUB 01 - 26/3 TJN 1-4 W8 TJN 06 Living with Nature + Conserve and Preserving Nature + Extinction & Evolution W10 TJN 07 Introduction to The Build Environment W11 TJN 08 Range of Places, Zoning Areas, building typology and Functions W12 TJN 09 Systems, Infrastructures, Interactions and Utilities and Amenity (how the city work) W13 TJN 10 The History, Concept and Development of a City ¨C & The 4 City W14 TJN 11 What makes a good City, Green Cities and Futuristic Cities SUB 02 - 22/5 TJN 5-10 W15 TJN 12 The Intangible Factors of a City W16 TJN 13 Over Populated, Pollution, Development and issues, Diseases W17 TJN 14 Your Duty towards the Natural & Build Environment SUB 03 - 12/6 TJN 11-14 EXAM TJN 1-14 FINAL COMPILATION TJN & Projects SUB 04 - 24/6 all Submission Requirement This is an individual assignment. Students are required to follow the instructions stated in this brief. ? All notes must be produce on the given template. These template are; The Weekly Note Worksheet, Note Plain Template. These templates can be printed on ANY type of suitable paper. ? The ¡°conclusion¡± must be produce on the ¡°Note Plain Template¡± and must NOT exceed 2 pages. ? Students are supposed to use A4 paper however if they use A3 paper they can always fold it into an A4 size for submission. ? All information of the notes will be hand written and hand drawn. Minimal printed images are allowed. ? For the submission, students are required to submit at the location announced on TIMES and FB group page. Please put it in a clear plastic envelope. ? The submitted work should be in a visual note taking style or mapping. Students may use pencil colours or coloured pens etc. ? Student must SCAN their work before submission and upload it to their Eportfolio. All sketches, doodles, research, planning, discussion to be place in the e-portfolio. It¡¯s the responsibility of every student to make sure they record the process and final product of their work.
  • 4. 4 Assessment criteria The assessment for this assignment will be based on your ? Complete and organised documentation (items that need to be in the final compilation) ? Importance, depth and appropriateness of content related to the weekly topic (substance) ? Originality, creativity, and clarity of the visual notes and mapping produced (delivery) ? Structure and personalization of content and (clarity) Marking criteria Marks shall be distributed as follows: For each submissions 26th March, 21st May, 12th June; ? Importance, depth and appropriateness of content related to the weekly topic (substance) 2% ? Originality, creativity, and clarity of the visual notes and mapping produced (delivery) 2% ? Structure and personalization of content and (clarity ) 1% Total for each submission: 5% (5% x 3 submissions = 15%) The Journal Note Compilation Submission 24th June; ? Complete and organised documentation (items that need to be in the compilation) 3% ? Originality, creativity, appropriateness and clarity of the file cover (content & delivery) 2% Total: 5% TOTAL: 20% Suggested References These are just some links and books that should start you with your independent learning through research. 1. The Sketchnote Handbook: the illustrated guide to visual note taking Paperback ¨C December 13, 2012 by Mike Rohde 2. Mind Maps: Quicker Notes, Better Memory, and Improved Learning 3.0 Paperback ¨C Large Print, January 3, 2014 by Michael Taylor 3. How to Take Great Notes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAhRf3U50lM 4. Sketcho Frenzy: The Basics of Visual Note-taking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9KdRfNN9w 5. Sketcho Frenzy: Mind Map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfx4PIg0rpI&list=PLOOGmeXtM8mSY2i3N9N0jZGGxm6Xn_e qX&index=3