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1216 East Oregon Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85014
HARMONY HOME-outdoor learning studio
Main cross streets: 12th
mmasonslp@gmail.com (602) 550-1254 cell
AZ License #SLP537 AZ Dept Educ.Certified K-12 ASHA # 09126783
May 2017: Seeking PT Speech Therapy positions
(evaluation/treatment pediatric-adult) Clinic settings
M.A. Speech-Language Pathology , Indiana University-Bloomington G.P.A. 3.9 12/1995
B.A. English/ Natural History Carleton College MN magna cum laude 5/1990
Permaculture Design Intensive 5/2007
University of Arizona Master Gardener Program 9/2016
Desert Botanical Garden Landscape School
(Landscape Design, Irrigation, Plant ID and Basic Horticulture) 4/2017
2 additional courses needed to become DBG-certified Landscape Designer
Resource/ CCSC SLP Washington Elementary School District #9 Aug 1999-2016
Provided high quality speech therapy for average of 80 students on 1-2 campuses per year (9 total
campuses over 16 years) conducting initial and tri-annual evaluation referrals and IEP reviews, within the
Resource/self-contained service models.
Areas of expertise: Motivating children-adults ages 5 and up via creative, fun and functional
projects, bringing teachers and parents into the process, instilling a supportive, exciting atmosphere to
learn. Possess strong clinical skills in articulation, vocabulary/ language development, fluency, and
voice. Enjoy collaborating with other professionals, helping teachers/parents feel comfortable and
empowered in meetings, using conflict resolution, behavioral modification and calming techniques.
Currently forging hybrid specialty: SLP/Horticultural Therapy-using hands-on
gardening/welding tasks to build social/vocational rehab skills in home-based/Clinic or outpatient
clients, with designed community outings
• Developed IEPs based on latest special and regular education mandates. Possess 16 years of
experience with complex case management balancing teacher/parent and student needs.
• Modifed student curricula to aid in access. Assisted in state testing as needed.
Adept at FileMaker, Synergy/Genesea and Southwest Educational billing programs.
• Supervised graduate students from ASU/NAU, arranging for diverse clinical experiences.
• Organize student events to build confidence through use of dramatic performances based on popular
books or outdoor activities (eg, student theater shows, garden scavenger hunts, plant sales).
Reference contact: Chris McDonald Lead SLP Sweetwater Elementary (602) 896-6572
SLP, Arizona Speech Pathology Tempe, AZ 6/2007-8/2010
6/2012- present
Served at a clinic and now a home-based pediatric caseload (ages 3-18) with Autism, developmental
delays, various syndromes and/or corrective surgeries. I now serve one home-bound client with severe
disabilities (Spina Bifida and an AAC device). Trish Nedberg, MA CCC-SLP (602) 573-2717
SLP, Nelson Pediatric Therapy Mesa, AZ 5-8/2002
Assumed full caseload for maternity leave coverage. Treated children (age 4-16) and several adults.
Clients had communication delays resulting from Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down’s and other syndromes.
Collaborated with other SLPs, group home managers. Supervisor: Kathy Sulser, MA CCC-SLP
SLP 5 Star Health and Rehabilitation Scottsdale, AZ 10/2016- 5/2017 Part-time $42/hr
5/11/2017-- PRN $51/hr
Provided caring, quality speech services for geriatric SNF caseload (dysphagia, aphasia, safe
discharge planning) with recent AmpCare 1 day training in e-stim therapy for more effective
dysphagia treatment. Main campus: The Gardens at Scottsdale
Reference: Anna Roth OTR (480) 941-2222 Ask for Rehab Dept
SLP American Retirement Corp. Sun City, AZ 5/2003- 9/2006
Provided summer coverage serving SNF patients with communication, cognitive and swallowing
disorders related to dementia, Parkinson’s, TB and other conditions. Main campuses: Freedom Plaza,
Plaza del Rio.
Reference contact: Mary Kay Allen MA CCC-SLP (602) 628-3598
SLP CFY/ CCC-SLP NovaCare, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 2/1997- 8/1999
Managed adult speech caseloads in up to four sites per day. Successfully served in over 10 outpatient
sites over a three-year period. Inserviced nursing and staff on safe patient feeding practices.
SLP/ CFY Rehab Hospital of Arizona Indianapolis, IN 4/11/1996- 2/1007
Community Garden Plot Designer Growing Together Garden Fall 2016 ongoing
Rent a 20’ irrigated, raised bed at Central/Glendale Ave for $200 per year—currently a lush garden of
flowers, vegetables—excellent potential space for horticultural/speech therapy in cool months
(No fencing so clients must not be elopement risk)
Ktizo UCC Church Garden Designer 3/2016 ongoing
Installed custom 20’x20’ drip irrigated garden at church, enlisting 4 homeless church members and
contractor to install hand-made pavers and plant a desert adapted tree, shrubs within a $400 budget with
some additional donations for timer/parts.
Garden Director, Sweetwater Elementary School Garden Fall 2014- 2015
Implemented a sensory garden for multiply abled children (including those with severe disabilities) with 5
raised beds and automatic irrigation system—with a 3 year success story—including increased
student/staff use and enhanced mural art surrounding space.
Garden Director, Manzanita Elementary School Garden Fall 2007- 2016
Installed an in-ground garden, raised beds and a 15 tree citrus orchard, all served by irrigation timer
located in speech room. Staff/administrative support was more sporadic than at Sweetwater, which
boasted a Leader in Me Program (Steven Covey). Ironically, my church ended up helping with some
desperately needed maintenance on this campus in later years.
Manzanita’s garden was featured on the 2010 Slow Food Tour and won a $1,000 Urban Tree grant
written through Arizona Homegrown Solutions (AHS) to build working orchard on campus. 6th
students planted 18 fruit trees Spring 2010—all trees still thriving (2 survived student vandalism and
regrew). Our original peach tree planted in 2007-8 is still alive in a less watered area on campus.
2007-2009 –Seasonal plantings by students/parent volunteers; community networking through AHS.
Obtained administrative approval to build a 70` raised bed (concrete block construction) for flowers, with
drip system. Block construction completed for free by a subcontractor friend.
2007—Invited a local landscape architect to campus as part of an attempt to win a $10,000 Schoolyard
Habitat Grant. While our school was not successful in that venture, we won a National Schoolyard
Garden contest, with garden supplies, seeds and curricula. Built succulent/ice plant desert garden with
artichoke plants as centerpiece. I enlisted students enrolled in both gifted and speech programs to help
design and build garden.
2006—Began early garden lessons while completing speech activities in special education classrooms.
(eg potting petunias, planting peach tree near Behavior Management Room).
Training: Desert Botanical Garden Landscape School 2014-present Training to become a Certified
Landscape Designer by mid 2018.
U of A Master Gardener Program : Completed 9/2016
Completed Permaculture Training Program (Mesa/Phoenix) 2007 including final presentation of
permaculture-based design of my home to fellow participants.
Attended Granny in the Garden weeklong teacher workshop (Loveland, OH) 2007 Please see
www.grannysgardenschool.com. for video including my interview.
Director Roberta Paolo created one of the largest school-based gardens in the Midwest.
Hosted Ms. Paolo in Phoenix at SAARC campus December 2008 during garden workshop series.
Phoenix Horticultural Therapy Conference 2006 Lowell Elementary
(Attended workshops and a city tour of working school gardens). This workshop literally opened my eyes
to the untold possibilities of horticultural therapy. I will never forget the school tour—seeing a wall of
hand-painted sneakers with flowers growing out of them!
Garden-related skills/ interests: I tend to rely on U of A Maricopa Extension seed guides in terms of
when and where to plant. I am a garden artist not a reference book in terms of plant types and
facts/figures. Rather, I enjoy getting to know a client—their strengths and needs, and designing a project
which makes sense for the client, therapeutically and practically. I am more of a permaculturalist in that I
enjoy studying a place and capitalizing on all its resources—to slowly build its sustainability and beauty.
I am good at social networking and finding unique people to help.
What type of speech therapist am I? I am a child/adult connoisseur who really gets to know a person’s
personality, strengths and needs. Children with special needs or adults facing a disability/dementia must
feel a strong rapport with their therapist. I design client-centered activities —as this will reveal where
s/he is coming from and where they could go. I have 17 years experience working mostly with school-
age students (mild to moderate delays) and adults in OP and SNF settings. I now have renewed my
experience working with the elderly and would love to explore some ZenJoi* types of virtual reality
gardening techniques to engage the infirm with Nature. *This is a local non-profit with exciting projects
using virtual reality technology with Alzheimer’s patients. Wouldn't it be an exciting therapy intervention
to film some garden videos, and then use in session/marketing/home programs?
Why am I seeking different forms of employment now? During my time at the public schools, I was at
times frustrated with lack of administrative support and limited therapy gains with students. The true
magic of a therapeutic interaction is when the right activity is chosen—to accentuate a person’s strengths
and indirectly address weaknesses. If this activity happens to have social, civic or monetary value ---eg, a
client participating in a cottage industry or community event—the magic is expanded to include anyone
else touched by the project. Collective mindsets about ability/disability change, self esteem and behavior
improve. The world simply becomes a better place. I am a social creature and am seeking clinic work
to supplement home-based DDD services.
Basic resume Feb 2017

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  • 1. MARGOT MASON MA CCC-SLP 1216 East Oregon Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85014 HARMONY HOME-outdoor learning studio Main cross streets: 12th Street/Camelback mmasonslp@gmail.com (602) 550-1254 cell AZ License #SLP537 AZ Dept Educ.Certified K-12 ASHA # 09126783 May 2017: Seeking PT Speech Therapy positions (evaluation/treatment pediatric-adult) Clinic settings EDUCATION M.A. Speech-Language Pathology , Indiana University-Bloomington G.P.A. 3.9 12/1995 B.A. English/ Natural History Carleton College MN magna cum laude 5/1990 Permaculture Design Intensive 5/2007 University of Arizona Master Gardener Program 9/2016 Desert Botanical Garden Landscape School (Landscape Design, Irrigation, Plant ID and Basic Horticulture) 4/2017 2 additional courses needed to become DBG-certified Landscape Designer SCHOOL-BASED EXPERIENCE Resource/ CCSC SLP Washington Elementary School District #9 Aug 1999-2016 Provided high quality speech therapy for average of 80 students on 1-2 campuses per year (9 total campuses over 16 years) conducting initial and tri-annual evaluation referrals and IEP reviews, within the Resource/self-contained service models. Areas of expertise: Motivating children-adults ages 5 and up via creative, fun and functional projects, bringing teachers and parents into the process, instilling a supportive, exciting atmosphere to learn. Possess strong clinical skills in articulation, vocabulary/ language development, fluency, and voice. Enjoy collaborating with other professionals, helping teachers/parents feel comfortable and empowered in meetings, using conflict resolution, behavioral modification and calming techniques. Currently forging hybrid specialty: SLP/Horticultural Therapy-using hands-on gardening/welding tasks to build social/vocational rehab skills in home-based/Clinic or outpatient clients, with designed community outings • Developed IEPs based on latest special and regular education mandates. Possess 16 years of experience with complex case management balancing teacher/parent and student needs. • Modifed student curricula to aid in access. Assisted in state testing as needed. Adept at FileMaker, Synergy/Genesea and Southwest Educational billing programs. • Supervised graduate students from ASU/NAU, arranging for diverse clinical experiences. • Organize student events to build confidence through use of dramatic performances based on popular books or outdoor activities (eg, student theater shows, garden scavenger hunts, plant sales). Reference contact: Chris McDonald Lead SLP Sweetwater Elementary (602) 896-6572 PRIVATE PRACTICE/ HOME-THERAPY EXPERIENCE SLP, Arizona Speech Pathology Tempe, AZ 6/2007-8/2010 6/2012- present Served at a clinic and now a home-based pediatric caseload (ages 3-18) with Autism, developmental delays, various syndromes and/or corrective surgeries. I now serve one home-bound client with severe disabilities (Spina Bifida and an AAC device). Trish Nedberg, MA CCC-SLP (602) 573-2717 SLP, Nelson Pediatric Therapy Mesa, AZ 5-8/2002 Assumed full caseload for maternity leave coverage. Treated children (age 4-16) and several adults. Clients had communication delays resulting from Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down’s and other syndromes. Collaborated with other SLPs, group home managers. Supervisor: Kathy Sulser, MA CCC-SLP MEDICAL EXPERIENCE SLP 5 Star Health and Rehabilitation Scottsdale, AZ 10/2016- 5/2017 Part-time $42/hr
  • 2. 5/11/2017-- PRN $51/hr Provided caring, quality speech services for geriatric SNF caseload (dysphagia, aphasia, safe discharge planning) with recent AmpCare 1 day training in e-stim therapy for more effective dysphagia treatment. Main campus: The Gardens at Scottsdale Reference: Anna Roth OTR (480) 941-2222 Ask for Rehab Dept SLP American Retirement Corp. Sun City, AZ 5/2003- 9/2006 Provided summer coverage serving SNF patients with communication, cognitive and swallowing disorders related to dementia, Parkinson’s, TB and other conditions. Main campuses: Freedom Plaza, Plaza del Rio. Reference contact: Mary Kay Allen MA CCC-SLP (602) 628-3598 SLP CFY/ CCC-SLP NovaCare, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 2/1997- 8/1999 Managed adult speech caseloads in up to four sites per day. Successfully served in over 10 outpatient sites over a three-year period. Inserviced nursing and staff on safe patient feeding practices. SLP/ CFY Rehab Hospital of Arizona Indianapolis, IN 4/11/1996- 2/1007 HORTICULTURE EXPERIENCE Community Garden Plot Designer Growing Together Garden Fall 2016 ongoing Rent a 20’ irrigated, raised bed at Central/Glendale Ave for $200 per year—currently a lush garden of flowers, vegetables—excellent potential space for horticultural/speech therapy in cool months (No fencing so clients must not be elopement risk) Ktizo UCC Church Garden Designer 3/2016 ongoing Installed custom 20’x20’ drip irrigated garden at church, enlisting 4 homeless church members and contractor to install hand-made pavers and plant a desert adapted tree, shrubs within a $400 budget with some additional donations for timer/parts. Garden Director, Sweetwater Elementary School Garden Fall 2014- 2015 Implemented a sensory garden for multiply abled children (including those with severe disabilities) with 5 raised beds and automatic irrigation system—with a 3 year success story—including increased student/staff use and enhanced mural art surrounding space. Garden Director, Manzanita Elementary School Garden Fall 2007- 2016 2011-12: Installed an in-ground garden, raised beds and a 15 tree citrus orchard, all served by irrigation timer located in speech room. Staff/administrative support was more sporadic than at Sweetwater, which boasted a Leader in Me Program (Steven Covey). Ironically, my church ended up helping with some desperately needed maintenance on this campus in later years. 2010-2011- Manzanita’s garden was featured on the 2010 Slow Food Tour and won a $1,000 Urban Tree grant written through Arizona Homegrown Solutions (AHS) to build working orchard on campus. 6th grade students planted 18 fruit trees Spring 2010—all trees still thriving (2 survived student vandalism and regrew). Our original peach tree planted in 2007-8 is still alive in a less watered area on campus. 2007-2009 –Seasonal plantings by students/parent volunteers; community networking through AHS. Obtained administrative approval to build a 70` raised bed (concrete block construction) for flowers, with drip system. Block construction completed for free by a subcontractor friend. 2007—Invited a local landscape architect to campus as part of an attempt to win a $10,000 Schoolyard Habitat Grant. While our school was not successful in that venture, we won a National Schoolyard Garden contest, with garden supplies, seeds and curricula. Built succulent/ice plant desert garden with artichoke plants as centerpiece. I enlisted students enrolled in both gifted and speech programs to help design and build garden. 2006—Began early garden lessons while completing speech activities in special education classrooms. (eg potting petunias, planting peach tree near Behavior Management Room).
  • 3. Training: Desert Botanical Garden Landscape School 2014-present Training to become a Certified Landscape Designer by mid 2018. U of A Master Gardener Program : Completed 9/2016 Completed Permaculture Training Program (Mesa/Phoenix) 2007 including final presentation of permaculture-based design of my home to fellow participants. Attended Granny in the Garden weeklong teacher workshop (Loveland, OH) 2007 Please see www.grannysgardenschool.com. for video including my interview. Director Roberta Paolo created one of the largest school-based gardens in the Midwest. Hosted Ms. Paolo in Phoenix at SAARC campus December 2008 during garden workshop series. Phoenix Horticultural Therapy Conference 2006 Lowell Elementary (Attended workshops and a city tour of working school gardens). This workshop literally opened my eyes to the untold possibilities of horticultural therapy. I will never forget the school tour—seeing a wall of hand-painted sneakers with flowers growing out of them! Garden-related skills/ interests: I tend to rely on U of A Maricopa Extension seed guides in terms of when and where to plant. I am a garden artist not a reference book in terms of plant types and facts/figures. Rather, I enjoy getting to know a client—their strengths and needs, and designing a project which makes sense for the client, therapeutically and practically. I am more of a permaculturalist in that I enjoy studying a place and capitalizing on all its resources—to slowly build its sustainability and beauty. I am good at social networking and finding unique people to help. What type of speech therapist am I? I am a child/adult connoisseur who really gets to know a person’s personality, strengths and needs. Children with special needs or adults facing a disability/dementia must feel a strong rapport with their therapist. I design client-centered activities —as this will reveal where s/he is coming from and where they could go. I have 17 years experience working mostly with school- age students (mild to moderate delays) and adults in OP and SNF settings. I now have renewed my experience working with the elderly and would love to explore some ZenJoi* types of virtual reality gardening techniques to engage the infirm with Nature. *This is a local non-profit with exciting projects using virtual reality technology with Alzheimer’s patients. Wouldn't it be an exciting therapy intervention to film some garden videos, and then use in session/marketing/home programs? Why am I seeking different forms of employment now? During my time at the public schools, I was at times frustrated with lack of administrative support and limited therapy gains with students. The true magic of a therapeutic interaction is when the right activity is chosen—to accentuate a person’s strengths and indirectly address weaknesses. If this activity happens to have social, civic or monetary value ---eg, a client participating in a cottage industry or community event—the magic is expanded to include anyone else touched by the project. Collective mindsets about ability/disability change, self esteem and behavior improve. The world simply becomes a better place. I am a social creature and am seeking clinic work to supplement home-based DDD services.