Este artÃculo describe cómo crear un reloj digital simple en Visual Basic 6. El código muestra cómo usar un timer para actualizar la hora cada segundo y mostrarla en un label. Usa funciones como Format, Now y Time para extraer la hora actual y formatearla antes de mostrarla. El proyecto completo incluye el código y explicaciones paso a paso para crear este reloj básico en Visual Basic 6.
The magazine targets teenage girls and boys aged 12-17 who are in education. It focuses on popular artists, fashion, and celebrity gossip. It has a large social media following across Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Tumblr. Readers say they find the magazine engaging and can relate to the articles. For advertising inquiries, contact John Leeman at Immediate Media Co.
The document provides a summary of commodity prices and trading information. It includes the following key points:
- Gold prices were steady in Asia as investors look to Chinese New Year demand. Other metals like silver and copper saw small declines.
- Crude oil prices rebounded ahead of data on US stockpiles that will influence the market.
- Natural gas prices fell over 2% on Tuesday.
- The document provides support and resistance levels for various commodities as well as margin requirements for commodity futures on the MCX exchange in India.
Loc.. Stincuso – Caulonia
L o c S ti n c u so – C a u lo n i a
8/9 dicembre 2012
ANTIPASTO Antipasto rustico
BIS DI PRIMI Pasta di casa con zuppa di fagioli e cozze
Tagliatelle fatte in casa con vellutata di zucca, pinoli,
semi di papavero e pancetta croccante
SECONDO PIATTO Bracioline di vitello alle erbe aromatiche con contorno
di insalata verde
DESSERT Dolce della casa
Prezzo € 18,00 (bibite varie escluse)
prenotazione obbligatoria
Info e prenotazioni: 320 79 07 682 - 388 75 25 642 - 339 38 11 832