Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang adjective clause pada complex sentence. Adjective clause digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda dan terdiri dari subject dan verb. Relative pronoun seperti who, whom, whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan fungsi subject, object, dan possessive dalam adjective clause. Contoh kalimat mendemonstrasikan penggunaan berbagai relative pronoun dalam adjective clause.
The document discusses the simple present tense in English. It provides examples of its common uses which include facts, general truths, habitual actions and descriptions. It then explains the formula and structures for positive, negative and interrogative sentences in both verbal (with verbs like eat, study) and nominal (with verbs like be, seem) constructions. Examples are given for each. In the end, readers are instructed to complete exercises on simple present tense in their English Time textbook.
This document discusses reducing clauses in sentences. It explains that adjective clauses and adverb clauses can sometimes be shortened by removing words while keeping the same meaning. Adjective clauses can be reduced by removing the connector and verb, changing the verb to "-ing" form. Adverb clauses can also be reduced, such as by removing the subject and changing the verb to "-ing" form. The document provides examples and guidelines for determining when clauses can be reduced based on their structure and content.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Future Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa di masa depan. Terdapat dua rumus untuk membentuk Future Tense, yaitu menggunakan will/shall dan be going to. Rumus tersebut diterapkan pada kalimat verbal maupun nominal untuk membentuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan tanya di masa depan. Contoh penggunaan complement seperti hari,
The document summarizes the passive voice in English grammar. It discusses what the passive voice is and provides examples of changing sentences from active to passive voice in different tenses, including simple present, past, future and continuous tenses. It also lists examples of how the subject, verb "to be" and past participle change in passive sentences for each tense.
The document discusses adjective clauses. It defines an adjective clause as a dependent clause that modifies or provides more information about a noun. It explains the different types of relative pronouns (who, whom, which, whose, that) and how they are used based on whether the noun is the subject or object of the clause. Examples are provided to illustrate how different nouns can be modified with adjective clauses using the appropriate relative pronouns. Exercises are included for students to practice forming adjective clauses.
An adjective clause modifies a noun and is introduced by a pronoun such as who, which, that, where or when. It can function as the subject, object or object of a preposition within the clause. Commas are used to set off nonrestrictive adjective clauses but not restrictive ones. Adjective clauses can be reduced to adjective phrases by omitting the subject and verb.
The document discusses the TOEFL Reading Comprehension section. It aims to test students' ability to understand, interpret, and analyze texts on various topics. The section contains 4-6 passages of 200-450 words each, followed by 7-12 questions. There are a total of 50 questions on reading comprehension. Passage topics often relate to academic subjects like biology, physics, geography, American history, biographies, economics, social sciences, and arts.
This document discusses conditional sentences in English. It describes the four types of conditional sentences: Type 0 uses present tense in both clauses and refers to universal truths. Type 1 uses present tense in the if-clause and future tense in the main clause to refer to probable present or future events. Type 2 uses past tense in the if-clause and "would" plus an infinitive in the main clause to refer to unlikely present or future events. Type 3 uses past perfect tense in the if-clause and "would" plus the present perfect form in the main clause to refer to impossible past events. Examples are provided to illustrate the tenses used in each type of conditional sentence.
This document discusses different situations in which the subject and verb may be inverted in English sentences. It covers inversion with question words, place expressions, negatives, conditionals, and comparisons. Specifically, it explains that the subject and verb invert when a question word introduces a question or when a place expression, negative, "had/should/were", or comparison is required to complete the sentence. But inversion is optional after comparisons and doesn't occur when the question word or place expression provides extra information.
This document discusses the passive voice in Indonesian and provides rules and examples for forming sentences from the active to the passive voice in different tenses. The key points are:
- In passive sentences, the subject of the active sentence becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
- The verbs "to be" and past participle forms are used.
- Examples are given for changing sentences from active to passive in the present, past, and future tenses. Formulas and sample conversions are provided. Exercises with sentence conversions are included at the end.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang subjunctive, yaitu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak nyata. Subjunctive dibedakan menjadi tiga jenis berdasarkan waktunya: future subjunctive untuk pengandaian masa depan, present subjunctive untuk masa sekarang, dan past subjunctive untuk masa lalu. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan pola kalimat dan contoh penggunaan masing-masing jenis subjunctive.
The document discusses narrative text and provides an example story about Snow White. It defines narrative text as stories that include a plot with a climax and resolution to entertain readers. It then lists common types of narrative texts like fables, legends, and folk tales. The generic structure of narrative texts is also outlined as orientation, complication, and resolution. The document concludes by providing a short story about Snow White in both English and Indonesian to exemplify a narrative text.
personal pronouns adalah kata ganti bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan penyebutan nama dalam bahasa Inggris. seperti penggunaan he, she, it, you, they dan we
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang berbagai jenis kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: kata ganti orang (personal pronoun), kata ganti penunjuk (demonstrative pronoun), kata ganti kepemilikan (possessive pronoun), kata ganti relatif (relative pronoun), kata ganti tanya (interrogative pronoun), kata ganti tak tentu (indefinite pronoun), dan kata ganti pantulan (reflexive pronoun).
Teks ini membahas tentang factual report, yaitu teks yang menyajikan informasi faktual tentang suatu objek secara sistematis. Factual report bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi umum tentang suatu kelas objek, baik benda alam maupun buatan. Unsur bahasa yang digunakan antara lain penggunaan kata benda umum, kata kerja hubung untuk mendeskripsikan fitur, kata kerja tindakan, waktu kini yang tidak terbatas, istilah teknis
Hortatory exposition is a type of writing that aims to persuade readers to accept the writer's viewpoint by presenting arguments in a logical manner. It contains a thesis statement announcing the issue, arguments providing reasons for concern that lead to a recommendation, and a recommendation stating what should or should not be done based on the arguments. Language features used include simple present tense, connectors, passive voice, and modal auxiliaries. The document provides examples of potential topics for hortatory expositions such as banning mobile phones at school, banning Facebook, and banning smoking.
Skills 15 19 inverted subjects and verbsMarla Yoshida
This document discusses inverted subjects and verbs in English. It explains that the subject and verb switch positions in questions, sentences beginning with place expressions or negative words, conditional sentences without "if", and sometimes in comparisons. Specific examples are provided for each case to illustrate the inversion of subjects and verbs.
berisi tentang cara belajar reported speech dengan mudah berisi penjelasan yang ringkas serta dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh nyata sehingga anda akan lebih mudah memahaminya dan tentu saja tanpa rumus-rumusan.
This document provides guidance on subject-verb agreement. It discusses how verbs must match their subject in number, and that the subject is not always the word directly preceding the verb. Several situations where subject-verb agreement can be tricky are outlined, including with prepositional phrases, inverted subjects, expressions of quantity, and certain pronoun subjects. The document stresses the importance of identifying the true subject of a clause to select the correctly corresponding verb form.
This document discusses conditional sentences in English. It describes the four types of conditional sentences: Type 0 uses present tense in both clauses and refers to universal truths. Type 1 uses present tense in the if-clause and future tense in the main clause to refer to probable present or future events. Type 2 uses past tense in the if-clause and "would" plus an infinitive in the main clause to refer to unlikely present or future events. Type 3 uses past perfect tense in the if-clause and "would" plus the present perfect form in the main clause to refer to impossible past events. Examples are provided to illustrate the tenses used in each type of conditional sentence.
This document discusses different situations in which the subject and verb may be inverted in English sentences. It covers inversion with question words, place expressions, negatives, conditionals, and comparisons. Specifically, it explains that the subject and verb invert when a question word introduces a question or when a place expression, negative, "had/should/were", or comparison is required to complete the sentence. But inversion is optional after comparisons and doesn't occur when the question word or place expression provides extra information.
This document discusses the passive voice in Indonesian and provides rules and examples for forming sentences from the active to the passive voice in different tenses. The key points are:
- In passive sentences, the subject of the active sentence becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
- The verbs "to be" and past participle forms are used.
- Examples are given for changing sentences from active to passive in the present, past, and future tenses. Formulas and sample conversions are provided. Exercises with sentence conversions are included at the end.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang subjunctive, yaitu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak nyata. Subjunctive dibedakan menjadi tiga jenis berdasarkan waktunya: future subjunctive untuk pengandaian masa depan, present subjunctive untuk masa sekarang, dan past subjunctive untuk masa lalu. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan pola kalimat dan contoh penggunaan masing-masing jenis subjunctive.
The document discusses narrative text and provides an example story about Snow White. It defines narrative text as stories that include a plot with a climax and resolution to entertain readers. It then lists common types of narrative texts like fables, legends, and folk tales. The generic structure of narrative texts is also outlined as orientation, complication, and resolution. The document concludes by providing a short story about Snow White in both English and Indonesian to exemplify a narrative text.
personal pronouns adalah kata ganti bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan penyebutan nama dalam bahasa Inggris. seperti penggunaan he, she, it, you, they dan we
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang berbagai jenis kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: kata ganti orang (personal pronoun), kata ganti penunjuk (demonstrative pronoun), kata ganti kepemilikan (possessive pronoun), kata ganti relatif (relative pronoun), kata ganti tanya (interrogative pronoun), kata ganti tak tentu (indefinite pronoun), dan kata ganti pantulan (reflexive pronoun).
Teks ini membahas tentang factual report, yaitu teks yang menyajikan informasi faktual tentang suatu objek secara sistematis. Factual report bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi umum tentang suatu kelas objek, baik benda alam maupun buatan. Unsur bahasa yang digunakan antara lain penggunaan kata benda umum, kata kerja hubung untuk mendeskripsikan fitur, kata kerja tindakan, waktu kini yang tidak terbatas, istilah teknis
Hortatory exposition is a type of writing that aims to persuade readers to accept the writer's viewpoint by presenting arguments in a logical manner. It contains a thesis statement announcing the issue, arguments providing reasons for concern that lead to a recommendation, and a recommendation stating what should or should not be done based on the arguments. Language features used include simple present tense, connectors, passive voice, and modal auxiliaries. The document provides examples of potential topics for hortatory expositions such as banning mobile phones at school, banning Facebook, and banning smoking.
Skills 15 19 inverted subjects and verbsMarla Yoshida
This document discusses inverted subjects and verbs in English. It explains that the subject and verb switch positions in questions, sentences beginning with place expressions or negative words, conditional sentences without "if", and sometimes in comparisons. Specific examples are provided for each case to illustrate the inversion of subjects and verbs.
berisi tentang cara belajar reported speech dengan mudah berisi penjelasan yang ringkas serta dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh nyata sehingga anda akan lebih mudah memahaminya dan tentu saja tanpa rumus-rumusan.
This document provides guidance on subject-verb agreement. It discusses how verbs must match their subject in number, and that the subject is not always the word directly preceding the verb. Several situations where subject-verb agreement can be tricky are outlined, including with prepositional phrases, inverted subjects, expressions of quantity, and certain pronoun subjects. The document stresses the importance of identifying the true subject of a clause to select the correctly corresponding verb form.
2. Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE
CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat) yang
digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang
menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun.
Untuk lebih jelasnya penjelasan mengenai
Adjective Clause, perhatikan penjelasan di
bawah ini:
3. • I have read the book (that) you just
Main Clause: I have read the book.
Subordinate Clause: (that) you just
4. • The lesson (that) she is learning is
very difficult.
Main Clause: The lesson is very difficult.
Subordinate Clause: (that) she is
5. * The girl who is sitting next to me is
==> The boy is playing the piano is Bent.
6. Seringkali Adjective Clause digunakan
dalam pola: noun + of which. Pola ini
terutama digunakan untuk tulisan
bahasa Inggris resmi (formal written
English). Dalam pola ini biasanya
Adjective Clause menerangkan
7. Adjective Clause sering digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan kuantitas dengan of.
Ungkapan kuantitas mendahului
pronoun, dan hanya whom, which, dan
whose yang digunakan dalam pola ini.
Ungkapan kuantitas dengan "of" antara
lain: some of, none of, both of, one of,
many of, two of, all of, each of, most of,
9. Pedoman umum dalam Tanda Baca pada
Adjective Clauses yaitu:
jangan menggunakan tanda koma bila Adjective
Clause diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi noun
yang dijelaskan olehnya.Gunakanlah tanda koma
bila Adjective Clause hanya berfungsi untuk
memberi informasi tambahan dan tidak
dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi noun yang
dijelaskan olehnya.
10. •I know the house where he lives.
(where he lives mempunyai antecedent
the house, yang merupakan objek dari
kata know)
11. •The woman to whom he has been
giving money is a poor relative of
(Adjective Clause dimulai dengan to yang
merupakan bentuk a prepositional phrase
dengan whom dalam Adjective Clause itu. Dan
To dapat diletakkan di bagian belakang
Adjective Clause. The woman, whom he has
been giving money to, is a poor relative of his).