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Muslim Live
Mohammed EL Bakri Mohammed
 Muslim women if come to physical maturity, should put veil.
 Putting veil for Muslim women, is a straightforward order
from God, bring to light the Muslim women dress, the detail
is on prophetic tradition. Its a dress cover all the body
except the face and hands.
 Any Muslim women argue in this matter, should review its
 Putting veil does not mean that you are a religious women,
but you wear this dress because you obeyed your God as a
Muslim women.
 Dont be flunkey, rival other un Muslim women in their dress
, because in the people of the book, the veil is imposed only
to those who unbroken for worship in churches.
Music: Mixing poison with honey
 Music is an old art, controls human mood.
 This science has a dangerous effect, known by the
communist who used it to influence us.
 Art and music should be teached in elementary schools,
with an advanced Islamic understanding, so our children
can learn how to listen and discriminate poison of honey.
 A golden advice to youth, dont listen to any music that
leads you to frustration, and listen instead to a music
that improves your mood.
 When prayer time comes, stop listening to music and go
to your prayer.
 There are some affairs has no legitimate judgment for it
Continue: Music
 Like music in Islam, but there others completely
deprived to Muslim although they are permissible to
the people of book like: occultism, magic, spying,
soothsaying, reading the Torah and the Gospel.
 The wisdom in deprival of these affairs is that they
extend the human with what exceeds his capacity, so he
override the straight path and enter to the circle of
doubt, polytheism and misguidance.
Handshake To Women
 Try as mush as possible to minimize handshaking to
women, and cockiness with throwing the greeting of
Islam( Al Salamo Alykom).
 If you can refrain from handshaking to women that is
the best.
 If women handshaking caused the descend of your
ablution, revise the book of fiqh, chapter of handshaking
to know the legitimate governance.
How To spend your Day
 Start your day with tooth brushing, purity and
performing dawn prayer.
 Drink an amount of water.
 Stick on daily recitation of the holy Quran.
 Perform your job perfectly with awakening conscience, if
you are a student your job is to understand the lessons
and attend lectures.
 Educate yourself by reading interpretation of the Quran,
the biography of the prophet, the conduct of the
companions, the banner of Muslims and learning
 After graduation and getting job, look for a good wife, to
Continue: How To spend your day
 To make a well- being family.
 Persevere on educating, advising and instructing your
 Do not go out of your home, without your weapon with
you which is ablution.
 Soldiered on renewing ablution whenever interrupted.
 Keep to your prayer on its time and in a group if
possible, and the best is in the mosque.
 Stick on one prayer in the mosque at least a day.
 Soldiered on voluntary fasting, and the best fasting is on
Mondays and Thursdays.
Continue: How To spend your day
 Soldiered on not to gaze and last seeing to girls,
because the first glance is a gain to you but the second
is upon you.
 Gaze to girls cause psychological stress and physical
The 21 Century: (The age of
science and scientist)
 In the name of God the merciful But those who fear
Allah are the scientists  Surat Fatir 28
 In the name of God the merciful raise degrees those we
starch, and above all ever aware of knowing Surat
Yusuf 76
 The prophet peace be upon him said: the scientist are
the heirs of the prophets.
 Do your job perfectly hope to get Allah gratification.
 Develop yourself always to compete in Global market.
Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice
 The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said,  If one of you
saw evil, he should change it by his hand, if he can not,
he can disallow it by his tongue, if he can not, he can
denies it by his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.
 The responsibility of the establishment of Islamic
country is a shared one, between the government and
the society, this hadith is very accurate in determining
the mission of every part.
 The government should provide fair judges, trained
police, the individuals in the society have the mission of
application of Islam by applying promotion of virtue and
prevention of vice by submitting notifications to police, if
he cannot, he can speak by tongue, if he can not , he
can write in social media, if he can not, he can deny by
Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice 2
 His heart and that is the weakest of faith.
 Ranking in this hadith is important.
 So its a common responsibility, laws are existing, only
application remains. Raise notification to Police in every
thing you saw disown, and let police do his work.
 Changing by hand is the submitting notifications to
police, if you can not, write on social media about this
evil and disgrace who do it.
 All of you is a guardian, and responsible for his flock,
this guardian is you and me, every one has brother work
as a judge, officer or auditor, submitting notifications to
police is the first step in removing evil, the second step
Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice 3
 Is writing in social media and news papers.
 God will not change what in a people if they dont
change what in their selves.
 Promotion of virtue and prevention of vice is by the
order of the hadith.

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Muslim Live english

  • 1. Muslim Live Mohammed EL Bakri Mohammed
  • 2. Veil Muslim women if come to physical maturity, should put veil. Putting veil for Muslim women, is a straightforward order from God, bring to light the Muslim women dress, the detail is on prophetic tradition. Its a dress cover all the body except the face and hands. Any Muslim women argue in this matter, should review its faith. Putting veil does not mean that you are a religious women, but you wear this dress because you obeyed your God as a Muslim women. Dont be flunkey, rival other un Muslim women in their dress , because in the people of the book, the veil is imposed only to those who unbroken for worship in churches.
  • 3. Music: Mixing poison with honey Music is an old art, controls human mood. This science has a dangerous effect, known by the communist who used it to influence us. Art and music should be teached in elementary schools, with an advanced Islamic understanding, so our children can learn how to listen and discriminate poison of honey. A golden advice to youth, dont listen to any music that leads you to frustration, and listen instead to a music that improves your mood. When prayer time comes, stop listening to music and go to your prayer. There are some affairs has no legitimate judgment for it
  • 4. Continue: Music Like music in Islam, but there others completely deprived to Muslim although they are permissible to the people of book like: occultism, magic, spying, soothsaying, reading the Torah and the Gospel. The wisdom in deprival of these affairs is that they extend the human with what exceeds his capacity, so he override the straight path and enter to the circle of doubt, polytheism and misguidance.
  • 5. Handshake To Women Try as mush as possible to minimize handshaking to women, and cockiness with throwing the greeting of Islam( Al Salamo Alykom). If you can refrain from handshaking to women that is the best. If women handshaking caused the descend of your ablution, revise the book of fiqh, chapter of handshaking to know the legitimate governance.
  • 6. How To spend your Day Start your day with tooth brushing, purity and performing dawn prayer. Drink an amount of water. Stick on daily recitation of the holy Quran. Perform your job perfectly with awakening conscience, if you are a student your job is to understand the lessons and attend lectures. Educate yourself by reading interpretation of the Quran, the biography of the prophet, the conduct of the companions, the banner of Muslims and learning languages. After graduation and getting job, look for a good wife, to
  • 7. Continue: How To spend your day To make a well- being family. Persevere on educating, advising and instructing your children. Do not go out of your home, without your weapon with you which is ablution. Soldiered on renewing ablution whenever interrupted. Keep to your prayer on its time and in a group if possible, and the best is in the mosque. Stick on one prayer in the mosque at least a day. Soldiered on voluntary fasting, and the best fasting is on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • 8. Continue: How To spend your day Soldiered on not to gaze and last seeing to girls, because the first glance is a gain to you but the second is upon you. Gaze to girls cause psychological stress and physical fatigue.
  • 9. The 21 Century: (The age of science and scientist) In the name of God the merciful But those who fear Allah are the scientists Surat Fatir 28 In the name of God the merciful raise degrees those we starch, and above all ever aware of knowing Surat Yusuf 76 The prophet peace be upon him said: the scientist are the heirs of the prophets. Do your job perfectly hope to get Allah gratification. Develop yourself always to compete in Global market.
  • 10. Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said, If one of you saw evil, he should change it by his hand, if he can not, he can disallow it by his tongue, if he can not, he can denies it by his heart, and that is the weakest of faith. The responsibility of the establishment of Islamic country is a shared one, between the government and the society, this hadith is very accurate in determining the mission of every part. The government should provide fair judges, trained police, the individuals in the society have the mission of application of Islam by applying promotion of virtue and prevention of vice by submitting notifications to police, if he cannot, he can speak by tongue, if he can not , he can write in social media, if he can not, he can deny by
  • 11. Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice 2 His heart and that is the weakest of faith. Ranking in this hadith is important. So its a common responsibility, laws are existing, only application remains. Raise notification to Police in every thing you saw disown, and let police do his work. Changing by hand is the submitting notifications to police, if you can not, write on social media about this evil and disgrace who do it. All of you is a guardian, and responsible for his flock, this guardian is you and me, every one has brother work as a judge, officer or auditor, submitting notifications to police is the first step in removing evil, the second step
  • 12. Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice 3 Is writing in social media and news papers. God will not change what in a people if they dont change what in their selves. Promotion of virtue and prevention of vice is by the order of the hadith.