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3906 N 28th St
Sheboygan, WI 53083 Ryan DeMolli
(309) 831-5442
~ Business Analyst ~
Driving efforts for continuous process, performance, and system improvements
Accomplished Operations and Project leader with a 19-year portfolio of success driving systems & data through to
development and execution to support organizational growth. Instrumental in building new business units ,
implementing new technological innovations, and cutting operational expenses. Skilled in leading on-site and remote
support teams. Dedicated to aligning resources, technology, and strategies to overcome obstacles, resolve issues, and
achieve corporate objectives.
Expertise includes:
Project Manager  Quality Assurance/Monitoring  RFPs  Contract Negotiations Strategic Planning  Vendor Relations 
Cost/Benefit Analysis  Cost Reductions  Process/Performance Improvements  Collection Best Practices
Skip Tracing  User AcceptanceTesting  ManagingDiverse Teams & Functions  Operations Management  Client Relations
AIC part 33  FDCPA
Afni, Inc. Bloomington, IL 1995 - Present
Afni delivers contact center and receivables management solutions to many of the nation's leading companies. For more
than 75 years they have been committed to becoming strategic business partners with their clients. Afni is a privately-held
company headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois, with facilities nationwide, and off shore.
Business Analyst III, Receivables Management, Subrogation 2011-Present
 Relocated to Sheboygan, WI in order to be with family and accepted a role as a Business Analyst III.
 Create divisional budgets for various departments.
 Create and present ROI business cases and analysis to internal and external clients.
 Develop departmental strategies that improve operational efficiencies.
 Create production models, pricing models and forecasting for internal and external clients.
 Project managed integration of systems to help retrieve data from various data bases.
 Meet with clients to discuss operational reviews, addressing client concerns and issues.
Sr. Manager  Business Analytics 20092011
 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of business analysts responsible for gathering reports or data for various
business units within the company. Data was used by executive level managers to assess performance,
production and the cost profitability of a specific department.
 Creation of divisional budgets for various departments.
 Presentation of ROI business cases and analysis to internal and external clients.
 Development of departmental strategies that improve operational efficiencies.
 Creation of pricing models and forecasting for internal and external clients.
 Integration of systems to help retrieve data from various data bases.
Sr. Operations Manager  Subrogation 2006-2009
 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 3 Team Managers their corresponding 40 Subrogation Analysts
responsible for monthly production goals and collection of subrogation claims that generated revenue for the
 Creation of departmental budgets and responsibility for departmental P&L controls.
 Client relations with existing and potential new clients.
 Performed quarterly operational reviews with existing clients.
 Responsible for operational effectiveness, production and efficiencies.
Ryan DeMolli ryandemolli@yahoo.com
Sr. Manager  Financial Business Analyst - Subrogation 20042006
 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 30 Subrogation Analysts responsible for monthly production goals
and collection of subrogation claims that generated revenue for the company.
 Project manager between Operations and IT for system related issues with internal and external customers.
 Analyzed data for both internal and external clients use. Wrote queries in software database systems for
reporting and analytical purposes. Creation of departmental budgets.
 Maintained the internal software system, set up new users, transferred files and allocated new work to Analysts
for maximum efficiency.
 Oversaw maintenance of payments received to ensure client satisfaction.
Assistant Manager - Support / Business Analytics 2001-2004
 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 2 Supervisors and their corresponding 30 Subrogation Support
employees responsible for data entry of new subrogation claims into Afnis system. They also requested
Department of Transportation license suspensions and corresponded with clients on a daily basis.
 Maintained the internal software system, set up new users, transferred files and allocated new work to Analysts
for maximum efficiency.
 Creation of analytical data for departmental use.
Subrogation Analyst 1999-2001
 Negotiated subrogation claims for various clients.
 Used analytical skills to assess the amount of damages that needed to be collected from other Insurance carriers
based upon the facts of the accident.
Recovery Specialist 1995-1999
 Collection of delinquent telecommunication accounts for various clients.
 Used negotiation skills when working with consumers to collect outstanding accounts.
 Attained advanced FDCPA certifications.
1993 - 1995
Kohls Department Store ~ Supervisor of the shoe department
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, IL
Illinois State University - attended a 6 month MBA course at Illinois State University.
Elks  Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, by
undertaking projects that address unmet needs, and by honoring the service and sacrifice of our veterans.
Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Word, Access, SQL, Tableau, AS400
Ryan DeMolli ryandemolli@yahoo.com
 Responsible for implementing strategies that helped maximize the revenue of my business unit, while at the same
time, reducing costs associated with running the operation.
 Helped improve a departments annual gross profit from -$250k to $500k within 2 years.
 Project management in strategy, technology and process improvement in developing and implementing new
systems and coordinating with the Operational unit and the Information Technology team on all aspects of the
 Four years of third party collection experience in debt purchase and contingency collections.
 Sixteen years of Subrogation Experience.
 Guest speaker at the NASP, National Association of Subrogation Professionals, conference in 2008 and 2009.

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Ryan DeMolli_Resume

  • 1. 3906 N 28th St Sheboygan, WI 53083 Ryan DeMolli Ryandemolli@yahoo.com (309) 831-5442 ~ Business Analyst ~ Driving efforts for continuous process, performance, and system improvements Accomplished Operations and Project leader with a 19-year portfolio of success driving systems & data through to development and execution to support organizational growth. Instrumental in building new business units , implementing new technological innovations, and cutting operational expenses. Skilled in leading on-site and remote support teams. Dedicated to aligning resources, technology, and strategies to overcome obstacles, resolve issues, and achieve corporate objectives. Expertise includes: Project Manager Quality Assurance/Monitoring RFPs Contract Negotiations Strategic Planning Vendor Relations Cost/Benefit Analysis Cost Reductions Process/Performance Improvements Collection Best Practices Skip Tracing User AcceptanceTesting ManagingDiverse Teams & Functions Operations Management Client Relations AIC part 33 FDCPA PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Afni, Inc. Bloomington, IL 1995 - Present Afni delivers contact center and receivables management solutions to many of the nation's leading companies. For more than 75 years they have been committed to becoming strategic business partners with their clients. Afni is a privately-held company headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois, with facilities nationwide, and off shore. Business Analyst III, Receivables Management, Subrogation 2011-Present Relocated to Sheboygan, WI in order to be with family and accepted a role as a Business Analyst III. Create divisional budgets for various departments. Create and present ROI business cases and analysis to internal and external clients. Develop departmental strategies that improve operational efficiencies. Create production models, pricing models and forecasting for internal and external clients. Project managed integration of systems to help retrieve data from various data bases. Meet with clients to discuss operational reviews, addressing client concerns and issues. Sr. Manager Business Analytics 20092011 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of business analysts responsible for gathering reports or data for various business units within the company. Data was used by executive level managers to assess performance, production and the cost profitability of a specific department. Creation of divisional budgets for various departments. Presentation of ROI business cases and analysis to internal and external clients. Development of departmental strategies that improve operational efficiencies. Creation of pricing models and forecasting for internal and external clients. Integration of systems to help retrieve data from various data bases. Sr. Operations Manager Subrogation 2006-2009 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 3 Team Managers their corresponding 40 Subrogation Analysts responsible for monthly production goals and collection of subrogation claims that generated revenue for the company. Creation of departmental budgets and responsibility for departmental P&L controls. Client relations with existing and potential new clients. Performed quarterly operational reviews with existing clients. Responsible for operational effectiveness, production and efficiencies.
  • 2. Ryan DeMolli ryandemolli@yahoo.com Sr. Manager Financial Business Analyst - Subrogation 20042006 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 30 Subrogation Analysts responsible for monthly production goals and collection of subrogation claims that generated revenue for the company. Project manager between Operations and IT for system related issues with internal and external customers. Analyzed data for both internal and external clients use. Wrote queries in software database systems for reporting and analytical purposes. Creation of departmental budgets. Maintained the internal software system, set up new users, transferred files and allocated new work to Analysts for maximum efficiency. Oversaw maintenance of payments received to ensure client satisfaction. Assistant Manager - Support / Business Analytics 2001-2004 Oversaw, coached and mentored a team of 2 Supervisors and their corresponding 30 Subrogation Support employees responsible for data entry of new subrogation claims into Afnis system. They also requested Department of Transportation license suspensions and corresponded with clients on a daily basis. Maintained the internal software system, set up new users, transferred files and allocated new work to Analysts for maximum efficiency. Creation of analytical data for departmental use. Subrogation Analyst 1999-2001 Negotiated subrogation claims for various clients. Used analytical skills to assess the amount of damages that needed to be collected from other Insurance carriers based upon the facts of the accident. Recovery Specialist 1995-1999 Collection of delinquent telecommunication accounts for various clients. Used negotiation skills when working with consumers to collect outstanding accounts. Attained advanced FDCPA certifications. EARLY CAREER HISTORY 1993 - 1995 Kohls Department Store ~ Supervisor of the shoe department EDUCATION & TRAINING Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, IL Illinois State University - attended a 6 month MBA course at Illinois State University. COMMUNITY SERVICE Elks Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, by undertaking projects that address unmet needs, and by honoring the service and sacrifice of our veterans. TECHNICALSKILLS Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Word, Access, SQL, Tableau, AS400
  • 3. Ryan DeMolli ryandemolli@yahoo.com CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Responsible for implementing strategies that helped maximize the revenue of my business unit, while at the same time, reducing costs associated with running the operation. Helped improve a departments annual gross profit from -$250k to $500k within 2 years. Project management in strategy, technology and process improvement in developing and implementing new systems and coordinating with the Operational unit and the Information Technology team on all aspects of the process. Four years of third party collection experience in debt purchase and contingency collections. Sixteen years of Subrogation Experience. Guest speaker at the NASP, National Association of Subrogation Professionals, conference in 2008 and 2009.