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Mistake-Proofing in the Custom, Short-Run Environment presented by Sam Wagner Director of Advanced Manufacturing Donnelly Custom Manufacturing Co. at   Productivity, Inc.s Lean Management Conference   in   Nashville, TN on October 9, 2008
www.donnmfg.com Sam Wagner, Director of Advanced Manufacturing [email_address] 320-762-6408 Mr. Wagner is responsible for the production, quality, training and continuous improvement functions at Donnelly.  He holds an MBA and BS in Engineering Management, and is a Certified Trainer in TWIs Job Methods.  Mr. Wagners experience includes executive, management and engineering positions in both high and low volume production of plastic and metal products in a variety of industries including defense and aerospace, construction and automotive. How Short Run is Done
Agenda Defining the custom, short-run environment Some of the challenges of this environment Mistake-proofing:  One way to help solve the short-run puzzle
Donnelly was founded in 1984 as a custom, plastic injection molding company A small, one-story building Four presses, eight people, no customers An idea to focus on short run, close tolerance parts  The Donnelly Story - Donnelly Story
Today, the organization is over 220 people strong Best-in-class technologies and quality systems 24/7 Operations, 125,000 square foot facility with  33 presses 700+ Materials used 2500+ active molds 3000+ active parts Industry-leading and world-renowned OEM customers  $28+ Million in Revenues (20% Growth Last 2 yrs) Started Lean journey in late 2002 The Donnelly Story Donnelly Story -
Mission   Deliver Good Products On Time   Tag Line How Short Run Is Done 40+ changeovers every day Median job runs 8 hours Core Values Do your best Treat others the way you want to be treated Dont be afraid to ask for help Always work as a team Donnelly Story - Alexandria 油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
Some Challenges of Custom Short Run Addressing the Complexity Factor  Lots of changeovers; little mold standardization is feasible How short run is done:  through people Challenges
Why Mistake-proofing Why Mistake-Proofing? Large OEM customers expect zero defects   yes, really, zero defects   even for low volume products SPC & Process Capability (C pk ) must be done but cant get you there Short run is done through people and people make mistakes Most defects are caused by human error
Quality Performance Without Mistake-proofing (one part #) Why Mistake-proofing Mistake One mistake on one box = March PPM of 1,341vs. Customer expectation = 500 Good parts Rejects
Why a Mistake-proofing Workshop Concluded the only path to zero defects is through plant-wide mistake-proofing Proven TWI structure and philosophy of learn by doing and learn from each other Focus on mindset and a structured approach Cross-functional Immediate application Easy to follow up Why Mistake-proofing
Training Within Industry structure Training in 2-hour blocks on 4-5 consecutive days Small classes of 8-10 people Demonstrate, then learn by doing  learn from each other Use todays real problems during the training Focus on areas within your control Pocket-sized reminder card Workshop
Mistake-proofing Workshop Success = ( TWI + ZQC ) x attitude 2 Debunk the top ten myths about mistakes Provide lots of examples Provide a structured problem-solving approach Include many functions in each class Show how to use it on todays problems  solve them during class  遜 hour each Workshop
RR Crossing  Potential Solutions Risk of mistake Sign Bridge Sign+Lights Sign+Lights+arms Cost of device
Some Top Myths about Mistakes I dont make mistakes so I dont need this Others make mistakes because they arent paying attention or need to try harder Mistakes arent an issue here If you make a mistake, you should quickly and privately take care of it We cant mistake-proof everything, so why bother Mistake-proofing is too expensive Workshop
Structured Approach to Mistake-proofing What went wrong  what mistake was made? Identify the root cause(s) Has the job been simplified using Job Methods? Was Job Instruction used to train effectively? Develop the best solution Consider cost versus risk Is the right way the easy way? Apply the solution Workshop Is the risk reduced?
Results Mindset changes occurring  Just try harder giving way to more permanent fixes Less finger pointing, more celebrating successes Substantially reduced rejects due to mistakes Improved PPM defect rate by 44% With one major OEM customer, went from being on probation to being a top supplier Also achieved significant benefits in reducing recurring equipment damage Summary
Resources Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection  and the Poka-Yoke System,  by   Shigeo Shingo   List Price:  $80.00 Cat. #:  PP9907 ISBN:  9780915299072 ISBN 10:  0915299070 Publication Date:  4/1/1986 N umber of Pages:  336 Poka-Yoke: Improving Product Quality  by Preventing Defects List Price:  $75.00 Cat. #  PP9931 ISBN:  9780915299317 ISBN 10:  0915299313 Publication Date:  2/1/1989 Number of Pages:  304 Make No Mistake!: An Outcome-Based  Approach to Mistake-Proofing,  by   C. Martin Hinckley   List Price:  $80.00 Cat. #:  P7227 ISBN:  9781563272271 ISBN 10:  156327227X Publication Date:  9/30/2001 Number of Pages:  440 List Price:  $45.00 Cat. #:  PP7315 ISBN:  9781563273155 ISBN 10:  1563273152 Publication Date:  2/13/2006 Number of Pages:  224 Training Within Industry: The Foundation of Lean,  by Don Dinero   List Price:  $45.00 Cat. #:  PP7307 ISBN:  9781563273070 ISBN 10:  1563273071 Publication Date:  5/27/2005 Number of Pages:  352 The TWI Workbook: Essential Skills for  Supervisors,  by  Patrick Graupp & Robert J. Wrona www.mistakeproofing.com   油 Productivity Press   油 油油油油  油 Productivity Press   油 油油油油  油 Productivity Press   油 油油油油  油 Productivity Press   油 油油油油  油 Productivity Press   油 油油油油

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Mistake proofing workshop overview

  • 1. Mistake-Proofing in the Custom, Short-Run Environment presented by Sam Wagner Director of Advanced Manufacturing Donnelly Custom Manufacturing Co. at Productivity, Inc.s Lean Management Conference in Nashville, TN on October 9, 2008
  • 2. www.donnmfg.com Sam Wagner, Director of Advanced Manufacturing [email_address] 320-762-6408 Mr. Wagner is responsible for the production, quality, training and continuous improvement functions at Donnelly. He holds an MBA and BS in Engineering Management, and is a Certified Trainer in TWIs Job Methods. Mr. Wagners experience includes executive, management and engineering positions in both high and low volume production of plastic and metal products in a variety of industries including defense and aerospace, construction and automotive. How Short Run is Done
  • 3. Agenda Defining the custom, short-run environment Some of the challenges of this environment Mistake-proofing: One way to help solve the short-run puzzle
  • 4. Donnelly was founded in 1984 as a custom, plastic injection molding company A small, one-story building Four presses, eight people, no customers An idea to focus on short run, close tolerance parts The Donnelly Story - Donnelly Story
  • 5. Today, the organization is over 220 people strong Best-in-class technologies and quality systems 24/7 Operations, 125,000 square foot facility with 33 presses 700+ Materials used 2500+ active molds 3000+ active parts Industry-leading and world-renowned OEM customers $28+ Million in Revenues (20% Growth Last 2 yrs) Started Lean journey in late 2002 The Donnelly Story Donnelly Story -
  • 6.
  • 7. Mission Deliver Good Products On Time Tag Line How Short Run Is Done 40+ changeovers every day Median job runs 8 hours Core Values Do your best Treat others the way you want to be treated Dont be afraid to ask for help Always work as a team Donnelly Story - Alexandria 油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
  • 8. Some Challenges of Custom Short Run Addressing the Complexity Factor Lots of changeovers; little mold standardization is feasible How short run is done: through people Challenges
  • 9. Why Mistake-proofing Why Mistake-Proofing? Large OEM customers expect zero defects yes, really, zero defects even for low volume products SPC & Process Capability (C pk ) must be done but cant get you there Short run is done through people and people make mistakes Most defects are caused by human error
  • 10. Quality Performance Without Mistake-proofing (one part #) Why Mistake-proofing Mistake One mistake on one box = March PPM of 1,341vs. Customer expectation = 500 Good parts Rejects
  • 11. Why a Mistake-proofing Workshop Concluded the only path to zero defects is through plant-wide mistake-proofing Proven TWI structure and philosophy of learn by doing and learn from each other Focus on mindset and a structured approach Cross-functional Immediate application Easy to follow up Why Mistake-proofing
  • 12. Training Within Industry structure Training in 2-hour blocks on 4-5 consecutive days Small classes of 8-10 people Demonstrate, then learn by doing learn from each other Use todays real problems during the training Focus on areas within your control Pocket-sized reminder card Workshop
  • 13. Mistake-proofing Workshop Success = ( TWI + ZQC ) x attitude 2 Debunk the top ten myths about mistakes Provide lots of examples Provide a structured problem-solving approach Include many functions in each class Show how to use it on todays problems solve them during class 遜 hour each Workshop
  • 14. RR Crossing Potential Solutions Risk of mistake Sign Bridge Sign+Lights Sign+Lights+arms Cost of device
  • 15. Some Top Myths about Mistakes I dont make mistakes so I dont need this Others make mistakes because they arent paying attention or need to try harder Mistakes arent an issue here If you make a mistake, you should quickly and privately take care of it We cant mistake-proof everything, so why bother Mistake-proofing is too expensive Workshop
  • 16. Structured Approach to Mistake-proofing What went wrong what mistake was made? Identify the root cause(s) Has the job been simplified using Job Methods? Was Job Instruction used to train effectively? Develop the best solution Consider cost versus risk Is the right way the easy way? Apply the solution Workshop Is the risk reduced?
  • 17. Results Mindset changes occurring Just try harder giving way to more permanent fixes Less finger pointing, more celebrating successes Substantially reduced rejects due to mistakes Improved PPM defect rate by 44% With one major OEM customer, went from being on probation to being a top supplier Also achieved significant benefits in reducing recurring equipment damage Summary
  • 18. Resources Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-Yoke System, by Shigeo Shingo List Price: $80.00 Cat. #: PP9907 ISBN: 9780915299072 ISBN 10: 0915299070 Publication Date: 4/1/1986 N umber of Pages: 336 Poka-Yoke: Improving Product Quality by Preventing Defects List Price: $75.00 Cat. # PP9931 ISBN: 9780915299317 ISBN 10: 0915299313 Publication Date: 2/1/1989 Number of Pages: 304 Make No Mistake!: An Outcome-Based Approach to Mistake-Proofing, by C. Martin Hinckley List Price: $80.00 Cat. #: P7227 ISBN: 9781563272271 ISBN 10: 156327227X Publication Date: 9/30/2001 Number of Pages: 440 List Price: $45.00 Cat. #: PP7315 ISBN: 9781563273155 ISBN 10: 1563273152 Publication Date: 2/13/2006 Number of Pages: 224 Training Within Industry: The Foundation of Lean, by Don Dinero List Price: $45.00 Cat. #: PP7307 ISBN: 9781563273070 ISBN 10: 1563273071 Publication Date: 5/27/2005 Number of Pages: 352 The TWI Workbook: Essential Skills for Supervisors, by Patrick Graupp & Robert J. Wrona www.mistakeproofing.com 油 Productivity Press 油 油油油油 油 Productivity Press 油 油油油油 油 Productivity Press 油 油油油油 油 Productivity Press 油 油油油油 油 Productivity Press 油 油油油油