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Applying standards to
2.1 applying standards to testing: plenary CTS-Academic


Objectives of setting up standards


Overview of international testing standards


The Common European Framework of Reference
Standards = code of practice


an agreed set of guidelines which should be
consulted and, as far as possible, heeded in the
construction and evaluation of a test
(definition from Language Test Construction and
Evaluation by Alderson, Clapham and Wall, 1995
Standards: history


late 20th century:
! various

competing educational and testing standards

! some

widely respected, but no universal acceptance:
ALTE Code of Practice (1994) or UCLES Standards (for
Cambridge Main Suite exams)


early 21st century:
! move

towards internationally recognised standards: the
CEFR (2001)
What the CEFR is


The Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages  Learning, Teaching, Assessment


A Council of Europe project, initiated in 2001


Designed to facilitate mutual recognition of
qualifications, and communication concerning
objectives and achievement standards


Description, not prescription
What the CEFR isnt


Not a framework only for Europe (or for the EU)


Not a language teaching curriculum, or syllabus plan


Not an exam system


The Portfolio is only part of the CEFR, and so are the
assessment tables
The Common Reference Levels




Proficient user


Independent user


Basic user





Criticism of the CEFR

Not user-friendly


Practices differ from school to school, from country to


Policymakers see CEFR as a quick fix


The implementation is top-down


Applying the assessment tables in practice is


Favours the communicate approach only


Creativity is limited
Benefits of the CEFR

The CEFR can be the basis of a school (or national)
curriculum, offering transparent standards


The CEFR can be the basis of a course syllabus


The assessment criteria can serve as the basis for
exam specifications


The Portfolio involves the learner in the process of
their learning (! self-assessment)


The use of CEFR level labels makes distinction
between courses clearer
Disadvantages of applying
CEFR in the school classroom

No measure of grammar-based progression


Not geared towards school-based learners (and
towards non-adults)


Self-assessment descriptors are not exhaustive


Some functional areas are not covered
Advantages of applying CEFR
in the school classroom

Focus on situational / functional language (real
world context)


Skills and strategies (can do)


Less focus on mechanical practice


Clear link between student achievement and exams


Self-assessment and autonomy


Encouragement of continuity
Portfolio: CEFR applied to teaching

Continuous assessment throughout the
learning career


Portfolio work is not only for beginners


Any age group


The Portfolio belongs to the learner, not to
the institution or teacher


The Portfolio becomes a record of the
learning process
Thank you!


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2.1 applying standards to testing: plenary CTS-Academic

  • 3. Aims ! Objectives of setting up standards ! Overview of international testing standards ! The Common European Framework of Reference
  • 4. Standards = code of practice ! an agreed set of guidelines which should be consulted and, as far as possible, heeded in the construction and evaluation of a test (definition from Language Test Construction and Evaluation by Alderson, Clapham and Wall, 1995 CUP)
  • 5. Standards: history ! late 20th century: ! various competing educational and testing standards ! some widely respected, but no universal acceptance: ALTE Code of Practice (1994) or UCLES Standards (for Cambridge Main Suite exams) ! early 21st century: ! move towards internationally recognised standards: the CEFR (2001)
  • 6. What the CEFR is ! The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Learning, Teaching, Assessment ! A Council of Europe project, initiated in 2001 ! Designed to facilitate mutual recognition of qualifications, and communication concerning objectives and achievement standards ! Description, not prescription
  • 7. What the CEFR isnt ! Not a framework only for Europe (or for the EU) ! Not a language teaching curriculum, or syllabus plan ! Not an exam system ! The Portfolio is only part of the CEFR, and so are the assessment tables
  • 8. The Common Reference Levels Reception Listening C2 Audiovisual Interaction Reading Proficient user C1 B2 Independent user B1 A2 A1 Basic user Production Spoken Spoken Written Written
  • 9. Criticism of the CEFR ! Not user-friendly ! Practices differ from school to school, from country to country ! Policymakers see CEFR as a quick fix ! The implementation is top-down ! Applying the assessment tables in practice is complicated ! Favours the communicate approach only ! Creativity is limited
  • 10. Benefits of the CEFR ! The CEFR can be the basis of a school (or national) curriculum, offering transparent standards ! The CEFR can be the basis of a course syllabus ! The assessment criteria can serve as the basis for exam specifications ! The Portfolio involves the learner in the process of their learning (! self-assessment) ! The use of CEFR level labels makes distinction between courses clearer
  • 11. Disadvantages of applying CEFR in the school classroom ! No measure of grammar-based progression ! Not geared towards school-based learners (and towards non-adults) ! Self-assessment descriptors are not exhaustive ! Some functional areas are not covered
  • 12. Advantages of applying CEFR in the school classroom ! Focus on situational / functional language (real world context) ! Skills and strategies (can do) ! Less focus on mechanical practice ! Clear link between student achievement and exams ! Self-assessment and autonomy ! Encouragement of continuity
  • 14. Portfolio: CEFR applied to teaching ! Continuous assessment throughout the learning career ! Portfolio work is not only for beginners ! Any age group ! The Portfolio belongs to the learner, not to the institution or teacher ! The Portfolio becomes a record of the learning process