Two years after Yerevan: progress so farColin T端ck
Presentation on the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes at the international conference "Single Accreditation of Joint Programmes - Turning a Bologna Guideline into Reality", 30 May 2017, Vilnius
This document outlines the requirements and process for institutions to apply for and receive the EAQUALS Certificate of Achievement, which certifies that an institution has implemented a high-quality CEFR-based assessment system. It describes the benefits of certification for institutions, students, and teachers. Key requirements include having a CEFR-aligned curriculum, providing standardization training for teachers in CEFR levels and assessment, and implementing moderation techniques to ensure consistent student evaluation. Applicant institutions must demonstrate their CEFR-based assessment approach, undergo evaluation by EAQUALS' Assessment Panel, and receive final certification if all criteria are satisfied.
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint ProgrammesColin T端ck
This document proposes a European approach for quality assurance of joint higher education programs. It would establish consistent standards and procedures based on existing Bologna frameworks rather than national criteria. Cooperating institutions could undergo a single external review of their joint program by any EQAR-registered quality assurance agency, replacing multiple national reviews. This would recognize the joint character of programs and simplify their creation. The proposal aims to be adopted at the 2015 Yerevan ministerial conference to promote recognition of joint degrees across Europe.
Selecting And Training Students For The External Review PanelsTraian Bruma
The document discusses Romania's experience with selecting and training students to serve on external review panels for university evaluations. It describes the process used from 2007-2008, which involved training 64 students over two years. Student evaluators provided positive and negative feedback on universities but required improved evaluation skills training. The training program was revised to focus more on practical skills like roleplays and simulations. Ongoing work is needed to better promote student involvement, connect training to internal QA programs, and build an online community for student evaluators.
Brussels Training Seminar Implementing Change Michael DoomsYouth Agora
The document discusses the challenges of implementing the Bologna Process across participating European countries. It aims to create easily readable and comparable degrees by establishing a three-cycle system of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. This increases diversity as academic and professional programs cooperate and credit transfer is possible between phases. Implementation issues include the organizational impacts of increased diversity and the need for transparency and flexibility in program contents, scheduling, and location. Stakeholders involved in the changes include students, staff, administration, governments, sponsors and alumni. Financial implications involve the costs of increased diversity and flexibility as well as potential new revenue sources. Governance of universities must also adapt to the changing context.
Presentation 3
LEBPASS Project - Work package 2
Developing the Lebanese Diploma Supplement Principles and Form (12 - 15 January 2020) in University of Cyprus, Nicosia
Diploma Supplements Responsibilities, Processes, Practice at FAULEBPass Project
The document discusses diploma supplements at FAU University. It provides an overview of FAU, including its establishment, locations, schools, professors, staff and students. It then discusses FAU's approach to quality assurance, which includes 4 levels (university, school, study program, module) and 4 dimensions (quality policy, structural quality, process quality, result quality). Specifically regarding diploma supplements, it describes FAU's template and process for generating supplements specific to each study program. The process involves teams constructing the program, support from quality management offices, and approval from decision-making bodies. It concludes with lessons learned about clarifying roles and processes to ensure ownership while providing support.
Realizziamo stage per i progetti PON C5 in Inghilterra (Londra o altre citt). Siamo al servizio dei tour operators e delle agenzie per fornire le soluzioni,
Para insertar una imagen desde internet en Blogger, primero debes ir a Entradas, luego dar click en el 鱈cono de imagen, pegar la URL de la imagen copiada desde el buscador, y finalmente dar click en Publicar.
Corsi di inglese per giovani ingegneri - English for Young Engineersallthingslondon
Corso di Inglese per giovani ingegneri a Londra.
Un programma mirato all'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro nel settore ingegneristico.
Con possibilit di stage in Inghilterra dopo il corso. Occorre almeno un livello B1 (intermedio).
Visita Chiamaci 800 592420 numero verde gratuito dall'Italia.
Corsi di Business English a Londra, Oxford, Canterbury e altre citt del Regno Unito.
Lezioni in piccolo gruppo o individuali per ottimizzare il tempo e i risultati.
Sconti per i soci della Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Regno Unito. Possibilit di finanziamenti con fondi interprofessionali per dirigenti.
Inglese generale per over 30, inglese per il business, inglese legale, inglese per HR, inglese per il public speaking, e altro.
Chiama il numero verde 800 592420
Corso di Business English a Londra per giovani. Possibilit di stage successivoallthingslondon
Neolaureato, studente, o ai primi passi della tua carriera? Un programma di studi a Londra dedicato a chi vuole migliorare linglese specifico per il mondo del lavoro.
Con possibilit di uno stage all'estero successivo al corso, in un settore di tuo interesse. Visita il sito,, chiama 800 592420 numero verde gratuito dall'Italia.
3.3 tests of productive skills: workshop CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document discusses challenges in testing productive language skills, specifically writing and speaking. For writing tests, it addresses issues like time constraints, plagiarism, complexity of instructions, and difficulty assessing multiple writing skills. It suggests making writing tests realistic, valid by focusing only on writing ability, and fairly marked with clear expectations. For speaking tests, it notes difficulties standardizing individual oral exams and determining examiners' roles. The document concludes by having participants watch an example oral exam and discuss considerations for their own speaking tests.
Summary:The Common European Framework of Reference for Language JrPanaifo
The document discusses the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which was created by the Council of Europe to standardize language assessments across Europe. The CEFR describes language proficiency through 6 levels from A1 to C2. It is used by curriculum developers, teachers, exam boards, and publishers to determine the language skills required for educational programs and jobs. While initially criticized for its broad levels, the CEFR provides a common system for comparing language qualifications internationally.
3.1 curriculum and assessment: plenary CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document outlines Dr. Simon Phipps' presentation on curriculum and assessment at Meliksah University from January 29-31, 2014. The presentation covers the importance of aligning curriculum and assessment, challenges in English language assessment in Turkish universities, and implications of curriculum changes for assessment systems. It includes an example case study of curriculum development where levels were linked to the CEFR and objectives and expectations were specified for each skill, strand and level. The presentation emphasizes that curriculum, assessment, and beliefs about language learning should be aligned and provides resources on relating exams to the CEFR and using the European Language Portfolio.
1.1 language assessment in Turkey: plenary CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document outlines Dr. Simon Phipps' presentation on language assessment in Turkish universities given at Melikah University from January 29-31, 2014. The presentation covered several key topics: [1] challenges in English language assessment in Turkish universities including beliefs about language and testing; [2] principles of ethical testing including reliability, validity, and test misuse; [3] the importance of assessment literacy for teachers and test developers; and [4] using tests as part of the learning process with positive backwash. The presentation concluded with a discussion of institutional issues around long-term planning, disconnects between teaching and tests, and the need for external validation.
This document discusses the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) and a project called QualiCEFR that aims to develop a quality approach template for CEFR implementation. The CEFR has had an impact in many countries and institutions but its complexity poses challenges for teachers. The QualiCEFR project will research exemplary CEFR implementation projects to identify techniques that improve quality. These techniques will be presented in a template to guide innovation, academic management, and classroom teaching practices for effective CEFR use.
This document outlines a roadmap for English language education reform in Malaysia between 2015-2025. It aims to:
1) Develop an English language program that meets international standards and is supported by a high-quality delivery system.
2) Increase the English proficiency of Malaysian students so that they can compete globally.
3) Establish clear proficiency levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference at each stage of education.
The roadmap proposes comprehensive reforms across the education system, including curriculum, teaching, assessment, and teacher education aligned to CEFR standards. It establishes 3 phases of development and priority areas to improve areas like teacher quality, learning time, and remedial support. The goal is to drive
Khoa hoc TESOL tai truong Anh ngu EV - CebuMYD Vietnam
The document provides information about EVACADEMY's TEFL/TESOL certificate program, including eligibility requirements, course objectives, structure, and grading. The 12-week intensive course is designed to train participants to teach English as a foreign language through developing an understanding of language acquisition theories and classroom skills like lesson planning, teaching techniques, and managing a classroom in a learner-centered approach. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate and have a foundation to work as English teachers internationally or in their home country.
CEFR-based tools and resources: latest developments (Mila Angelova)eaquals
This document provides an overview of an EAQUALS session on CEFR-based curriculum and assessment. It discusses developing resources like the Core Inventory for French and reading/listening scenarios. The EAQUALS Certificate of Achievement scheme guarantees quality CEFR-implemented assessment and curriculum design through screening processes. Benefits include differentiating members and demonstrating academic competence. Main prerequisites for certification include a CEFR-based curriculum, standardization training, and moderation techniques. The session aims to help members implement CEFR-based approaches and identify areas of interest.
Thom Kiddle: Responding to the challenge of testing and assessing speakingeaquals
The document discusses assessment of speaking skills in several contexts:
1. It describes the oral secondary school leaving exam in Austria, which consists of a sustained monologue and interactive dialogue assessed based on criteria like fulfillment of task, language use, and intercultural awareness.
2. It discusses the challenges of implementing in-house speaking assessment criteria compared to public examination benchmarking, and proposes a profiling approach using dimensions like range, accuracy, delivery, and interaction.
3. It addresses how to reconcile a language use criterion with the Common European Framework of Reference, and the importance of developing criteria collaboratively based on evidence.
This document discusses language assessment targets and proficiency levels. It introduces the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which established international standards for language learning, teaching, and assessment. The CEFR describes language abilities through 6 proficiency levels from A1 to C2. It also uses "can do" statements to outline the communication skills learners have at each level without focusing on grammar. The document then explains how major English tests, like the TOEFL and IELTS, develop assessment targets based on the CEFR levels and proficiency descriptors.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) aims to provide a common basis for language learning across Europe by identifying common reference levels of proficiency and describing what language learners should know and be able to do at each level. It consists of 6 common reference levels, a self-assessment grid to help learners track their progress, and a descriptive scheme that outlines the competencies that make up language ability at different levels. While comprehensive, the CEF is not a reader-friendly document and does not recommend any specific teaching methodology.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) aims to provide a common basis for language learning across Europe by identifying common reference levels of proficiency and describing what language learners should know and be able to do at each level. It consists of 6 common reference levels, a self-assessment grid to help learners track their progress, and a descriptive scheme that comprehensively outlines the knowledge and skills of language users at different levels. While not prescriptive, the CEF aims to help curriculum developers, teachers, test makers, and learners plan and assess language learning in a coherent and transparent way.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) provides common standards for teaching, learning, and assessing foreign languages across Europe. Published in 2001 by the Council of Europe, the CEFR describes foreign language proficiency at six levels from A1 to C2. It helps teachers set goals, select materials, and evaluate progress. Teachers can use the CEFR's detailed descriptions of language skills and example "can do" statements to guide instruction and help students self-assess. The CEFR also encourages students to reflect on their learning through language portfolios and take ownership of their progress toward communication goals.
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is a standard developed by the Council of Europe to describe language ability. It introduces six common reference levels (A1 to C2) to standardize language education across Europe. The CEFR provides clear definitions of what language learners can do at each level to facilitate cooperation in language education.
The document summarizes the revised First Certificate of English (FCE) Speaking Test introduced in 1996. It describes the test format which involves two candidates and two examiners. The test consists of four parts designed to assess different interaction patterns between candidates and examiners. It aims to provide an equal opportunity for each candidate to demonstrate their speaking abilities through a variety of tasks while standardizing the assessment process through examiner training and test specifications.
Realizziamo stage per i progetti PON C5 in Inghilterra (Londra o altre citt). Siamo al servizio dei tour operators e delle agenzie per fornire le soluzioni,
Para insertar una imagen desde internet en Blogger, primero debes ir a Entradas, luego dar click en el 鱈cono de imagen, pegar la URL de la imagen copiada desde el buscador, y finalmente dar click en Publicar.
Corsi di inglese per giovani ingegneri - English for Young Engineersallthingslondon
Corso di Inglese per giovani ingegneri a Londra.
Un programma mirato all'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro nel settore ingegneristico.
Con possibilit di stage in Inghilterra dopo il corso. Occorre almeno un livello B1 (intermedio).
Visita Chiamaci 800 592420 numero verde gratuito dall'Italia.
Corsi di Business English a Londra, Oxford, Canterbury e altre citt del Regno Unito.
Lezioni in piccolo gruppo o individuali per ottimizzare il tempo e i risultati.
Sconti per i soci della Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Regno Unito. Possibilit di finanziamenti con fondi interprofessionali per dirigenti.
Inglese generale per over 30, inglese per il business, inglese legale, inglese per HR, inglese per il public speaking, e altro.
Chiama il numero verde 800 592420
Corso di Business English a Londra per giovani. Possibilit di stage successivoallthingslondon
Neolaureato, studente, o ai primi passi della tua carriera? Un programma di studi a Londra dedicato a chi vuole migliorare linglese specifico per il mondo del lavoro.
Con possibilit di uno stage all'estero successivo al corso, in un settore di tuo interesse. Visita il sito,, chiama 800 592420 numero verde gratuito dall'Italia.
3.3 tests of productive skills: workshop CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document discusses challenges in testing productive language skills, specifically writing and speaking. For writing tests, it addresses issues like time constraints, plagiarism, complexity of instructions, and difficulty assessing multiple writing skills. It suggests making writing tests realistic, valid by focusing only on writing ability, and fairly marked with clear expectations. For speaking tests, it notes difficulties standardizing individual oral exams and determining examiners' roles. The document concludes by having participants watch an example oral exam and discuss considerations for their own speaking tests.
Summary:The Common European Framework of Reference for Language JrPanaifo
The document discusses the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which was created by the Council of Europe to standardize language assessments across Europe. The CEFR describes language proficiency through 6 levels from A1 to C2. It is used by curriculum developers, teachers, exam boards, and publishers to determine the language skills required for educational programs and jobs. While initially criticized for its broad levels, the CEFR provides a common system for comparing language qualifications internationally.
3.1 curriculum and assessment: plenary CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document outlines Dr. Simon Phipps' presentation on curriculum and assessment at Meliksah University from January 29-31, 2014. The presentation covers the importance of aligning curriculum and assessment, challenges in English language assessment in Turkish universities, and implications of curriculum changes for assessment systems. It includes an example case study of curriculum development where levels were linked to the CEFR and objectives and expectations were specified for each skill, strand and level. The presentation emphasizes that curriculum, assessment, and beliefs about language learning should be aligned and provides resources on relating exams to the CEFR and using the European Language Portfolio.
1.1 language assessment in Turkey: plenary CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document outlines Dr. Simon Phipps' presentation on language assessment in Turkish universities given at Melikah University from January 29-31, 2014. The presentation covered several key topics: [1] challenges in English language assessment in Turkish universities including beliefs about language and testing; [2] principles of ethical testing including reliability, validity, and test misuse; [3] the importance of assessment literacy for teachers and test developers; and [4] using tests as part of the learning process with positive backwash. The presentation concluded with a discussion of institutional issues around long-term planning, disconnects between teaching and tests, and the need for external validation.
This document discusses the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) and a project called QualiCEFR that aims to develop a quality approach template for CEFR implementation. The CEFR has had an impact in many countries and institutions but its complexity poses challenges for teachers. The QualiCEFR project will research exemplary CEFR implementation projects to identify techniques that improve quality. These techniques will be presented in a template to guide innovation, academic management, and classroom teaching practices for effective CEFR use.
This document outlines a roadmap for English language education reform in Malaysia between 2015-2025. It aims to:
1) Develop an English language program that meets international standards and is supported by a high-quality delivery system.
2) Increase the English proficiency of Malaysian students so that they can compete globally.
3) Establish clear proficiency levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference at each stage of education.
The roadmap proposes comprehensive reforms across the education system, including curriculum, teaching, assessment, and teacher education aligned to CEFR standards. It establishes 3 phases of development and priority areas to improve areas like teacher quality, learning time, and remedial support. The goal is to drive
Khoa hoc TESOL tai truong Anh ngu EV - CebuMYD Vietnam
The document provides information about EVACADEMY's TEFL/TESOL certificate program, including eligibility requirements, course objectives, structure, and grading. The 12-week intensive course is designed to train participants to teach English as a foreign language through developing an understanding of language acquisition theories and classroom skills like lesson planning, teaching techniques, and managing a classroom in a learner-centered approach. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate and have a foundation to work as English teachers internationally or in their home country.
CEFR-based tools and resources: latest developments (Mila Angelova)eaquals
This document provides an overview of an EAQUALS session on CEFR-based curriculum and assessment. It discusses developing resources like the Core Inventory for French and reading/listening scenarios. The EAQUALS Certificate of Achievement scheme guarantees quality CEFR-implemented assessment and curriculum design through screening processes. Benefits include differentiating members and demonstrating academic competence. Main prerequisites for certification include a CEFR-based curriculum, standardization training, and moderation techniques. The session aims to help members implement CEFR-based approaches and identify areas of interest.
Thom Kiddle: Responding to the challenge of testing and assessing speakingeaquals
The document discusses assessment of speaking skills in several contexts:
1. It describes the oral secondary school leaving exam in Austria, which consists of a sustained monologue and interactive dialogue assessed based on criteria like fulfillment of task, language use, and intercultural awareness.
2. It discusses the challenges of implementing in-house speaking assessment criteria compared to public examination benchmarking, and proposes a profiling approach using dimensions like range, accuracy, delivery, and interaction.
3. It addresses how to reconcile a language use criterion with the Common European Framework of Reference, and the importance of developing criteria collaboratively based on evidence.
This document discusses language assessment targets and proficiency levels. It introduces the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which established international standards for language learning, teaching, and assessment. The CEFR describes language abilities through 6 proficiency levels from A1 to C2. It also uses "can do" statements to outline the communication skills learners have at each level without focusing on grammar. The document then explains how major English tests, like the TOEFL and IELTS, develop assessment targets based on the CEFR levels and proficiency descriptors.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) aims to provide a common basis for language learning across Europe by identifying common reference levels of proficiency and describing what language learners should know and be able to do at each level. It consists of 6 common reference levels, a self-assessment grid to help learners track their progress, and a descriptive scheme that outlines the competencies that make up language ability at different levels. While comprehensive, the CEF is not a reader-friendly document and does not recommend any specific teaching methodology.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) aims to provide a common basis for language learning across Europe by identifying common reference levels of proficiency and describing what language learners should know and be able to do at each level. It consists of 6 common reference levels, a self-assessment grid to help learners track their progress, and a descriptive scheme that comprehensively outlines the knowledge and skills of language users at different levels. While not prescriptive, the CEF aims to help curriculum developers, teachers, test makers, and learners plan and assess language learning in a coherent and transparent way.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) provides common standards for teaching, learning, and assessing foreign languages across Europe. Published in 2001 by the Council of Europe, the CEFR describes foreign language proficiency at six levels from A1 to C2. It helps teachers set goals, select materials, and evaluate progress. Teachers can use the CEFR's detailed descriptions of language skills and example "can do" statements to guide instruction and help students self-assess. The CEFR also encourages students to reflect on their learning through language portfolios and take ownership of their progress toward communication goals.
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is a standard developed by the Council of Europe to describe language ability. It introduces six common reference levels (A1 to C2) to standardize language education across Europe. The CEFR provides clear definitions of what language learners can do at each level to facilitate cooperation in language education.
The document summarizes the revised First Certificate of English (FCE) Speaking Test introduced in 1996. It describes the test format which involves two candidates and two examiners. The test consists of four parts designed to assess different interaction patterns between candidates and examiners. It aims to provide an equal opportunity for each candidate to demonstrate their speaking abilities through a variety of tasks while standardizing the assessment process through examiner training and test specifications.
Classroom Practices for English Learners (ELs) InstructionMegan Berger
Standards-based instruction for English learners involves aligning content, language, and performance standards. It creates high expectations and meaningful learning contexts framed around what and why students need to learn. Teachers should familiarize themselves with relevant standards and use differentiated instruction, content-based instruction, scaffolding and thematic units to meet student needs. Assessment of English learners should be multidimensional, involving formal and informal methods like portfolios and classroom observations in addition to standardized tests.
Sarah Aitken - Presenting Eaquals: Preparing for a successful Eaquals inspectioneaquals
Eaquals is an international non-profit organization that provides accreditation and quality assurance for language education programs. During an Eaquals accreditation inspection, inspectors will review documents prior to their visit, observe teaching, hold meetings with staff and students, check accommodation if applicable, and provide feedback and recommendations rather than final results on the last day. Eaquals evaluates language schools based on 12 quality standards including course design, teaching, resources, and student services. Effective course design involves defining the school's educational philosophy, setting clear learning objectives linked to the CEFR for each level, and creating documents for teachers and students to ensure coherent planning from global to lesson levels.
Evaluation in Capacity-Building Strategy: The Next Step in the LMD PhilosophyNaouel Abdellatif Mami
This document discusses evaluation in the context of Algeria's adoption of the LMD (license-master-doctorat) educational system. It notes some difficulties in reconciling different types of education and harmonizing between universities. The document considers what evaluation aims to achieve and how it can be conducted, such as through tests, quizzes, portfolios and language evaluations. It stresses defining objectives, updating assessment instruments, and training evaluators. Recommendations include rewriting curricula to focus on competencies, encouraging continuous evaluation and tutoring, and using portfolios to evaluate students and monitor the evaluation process. The document argues evaluation should be lifelong in the LMD system.
This document discusses assessment literacy and how it can best be achieved. It outlines an agenda for a workshop that will explore key concepts of assessment that practitioners should understand to teach effectively and make the most of assessment opportunities. The workshop will discuss the exam board's approach to assessment, focusing on validity, reliability, impact, and practicality. It will also address how teaching, learning, and assessment are connected through learning-oriented assessment, using formative assessment to provide feedback and support learners. The goal is to help participants and their students benefit from a better grasp of assessment purposes and processes.
The EPG project aimed to develop a standardized tool to support teacher development and quality in language education. It created a European Profiling Grid (EPG) with descriptors of teaching competencies across six levels. The EPG was validated through field testing in multiple languages and countries. It provides a framework for self-assessment, development of training programs, and quality assurance. Both an online and printable version were created to help teachers reflect and institutions benchmark and support staff. The EPG establishes common standards for language teaching while allowing flexibility to address local needs.
1.3 tests of grammar and vocabulary: workshop CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
The workshop covered why grammar and vocabulary are important to test, how they relate to beliefs about language learning and curricular specifications, different types of grammar and vocabulary test items, and considerations for writing effective test items. Key points included that testing grammar and vocabulary can encourage learning, diagnose weaknesses, and be tested directly unlike skills. Links between testing and beliefs, curriculum, and positive effects on learning were also discussed. Examples of test item types for both grammar and vocabulary were provided along with potential problems to avoid.
2.3 tests of receptive skills: workshop CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document summarizes a session on developing tests for reading and listening comprehension. It discusses the challenges in testing comprehension indirectly without observing learner behavior. It also covers selecting appropriate texts, writing different task types like multiple choice and short answer questions, and the pros and cons of each task type. The document provides tips for writing good multiple choice distractors and balancing the difficulty of comprehension questions.
2.2.test design test writing: plenary CTS-AcademicSeltAcademy
This document discusses procedures for effective test design and writing. It covers defining test objectives, writing specifications, writing test items, editing items, and providing effective instructions. Effective instructions should be simple, brief, clear, unambiguous, and familiar to students. They should not test comprehension and should include examples for less familiar tasks. The key ingredients for good tests are clear aims, balanced assessment, thorough specifications, items that work as intended, and useful feedback.
Part 3 great opportunities great expectationsSeltAcademy
The last part of the presentation. Some more ideas for getting connected and engaging students. Today's Meet, Pinterest, Facebook, Edmodo, and a discussion of how education is changing.
Part 2 great opportunities great expectationsSeltAcademy
On day 2 we looked at some issues related to reading lessons, engaging students with communicative tasks and started to look at ways teachers can collect and share information.
Part 1 great opportunities great expectationsSeltAcademy
Intensive programs often face problems meeting high expectations but broader perspectives on teaching and learning can provide solutions. Effective teaching patterns that embrace change can lead to more effective learning outcomes for intensive programs seeking to meet great expectations through great opportunities.
The document discusses different types of stories that can be used to teach children, including folk tales, fairy tales, myths, legends, nursery rhymes, parables, and picture books. It provides examples and definitions for each type of story, explaining their purposes, common themes, and cultural significance. The document also offers guidance on how to use these stories to develop literacy and critical thinking skills in children through activities like reading aloud, drama, crafts, and exploring cultural contexts.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
3. Aims
Objectives of setting up standards
Overview of international testing standards
The Common European Framework of Reference
4. Standards = code of practice
an agreed set of guidelines which should be
consulted and, as far as possible, heeded in the
construction and evaluation of a test
(definition from Language Test Construction and
Evaluation by Alderson, Clapham and Wall, 1995
5. Standards: history
late 20th century:
! various
competing educational and testing standards
! some
widely respected, but no universal acceptance:
ALTE Code of Practice (1994) or UCLES Standards (for
Cambridge Main Suite exams)
early 21st century:
! move
towards internationally recognised standards: the
CEFR (2001)
6. What the CEFR is
The Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages Learning, Teaching, Assessment
A Council of Europe project, initiated in 2001
Designed to facilitate mutual recognition of
qualifications, and communication concerning
objectives and achievement standards
Description, not prescription
7. What the CEFR isnt
Not a framework only for Europe (or for the EU)
Not a language teaching curriculum, or syllabus plan
Not an exam system
The Portfolio is only part of the CEFR, and so are the
assessment tables
8. The Common Reference Levels
Proficient user
Independent user
Basic user
9. Criticism of the CEFR
Not user-friendly
Practices differ from school to school, from country to
Policymakers see CEFR as a quick fix
The implementation is top-down
Applying the assessment tables in practice is
Favours the communicate approach only
Creativity is limited
10. Benefits of the CEFR
The CEFR can be the basis of a school (or national)
curriculum, offering transparent standards
The CEFR can be the basis of a course syllabus
The assessment criteria can serve as the basis for
exam specifications
The Portfolio involves the learner in the process of
their learning (! self-assessment)
The use of CEFR level labels makes distinction
between courses clearer
11. Disadvantages of applying
CEFR in the school classroom
No measure of grammar-based progression
Not geared towards school-based learners (and
towards non-adults)
Self-assessment descriptors are not exhaustive
Some functional areas are not covered
12. Advantages of applying CEFR
in the school classroom
Focus on situational / functional language (real
world context)
Skills and strategies (can do)
Less focus on mechanical practice
Clear link between student achievement and exams
Self-assessment and autonomy
Encouragement of continuity
14. Portfolio: CEFR applied to teaching
Continuous assessment throughout the
learning career
Portfolio work is not only for beginners
Any age group
The Portfolio belongs to the learner, not to
the institution or teacher
The Portfolio becomes a record of the
learning process