This document discusses several medical cases involving pediatric patients undergoing outpatient surgery:
1. An 8-year-old patient weighing 85kg arrived for a tonsillectomy and was given oral midazolam by the pre-op nurse. Within 5 minutes the child lost consciousness and had respiratory depression requiring oxygen and observation.
2. A surgeon asked if tests were needed before proceeding with a cervical node biopsy on a seemingly healthy 10-year old, as induction of anesthesia led to immediate cardiac arrest.
3. A 2-year old undergoing hernia repair suffered cardiac arrest within 5 minutes of induction, and died, raising questions about the vaporizer design used for halothane anesthesia.
Este documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas y funciones de privacidad y seguridad de un navegador web como la protecci¨®n contra el robo de identidad, la ejecuci¨®n de aplicaciones de forma segura, las actualizaciones autom¨¢ticas y el almacenamiento en la nube. Tambi¨¦n cubre opciones como pesta?as abiertas, modo inc¨®gnito, historial y accesibilidad para mejorar la privacidad y gestionar la informaci¨®n personal del usuario.
This document discusses several medical cases involving pediatric patients undergoing outpatient surgery:
1. An 8-year-old patient weighing 85kg arrived for a tonsillectomy and was given oral midazolam by the pre-op nurse. Within 5 minutes the child lost consciousness and had respiratory depression requiring oxygen and observation.
2. A surgeon asked if tests were needed before proceeding with a cervical node biopsy on a seemingly healthy 10-year old, as induction of anesthesia led to immediate cardiac arrest.
3. A 2-year old undergoing hernia repair suffered cardiac arrest within 5 minutes of induction, and died, raising questions about the vaporizer design used for halothane anesthesia.
Este documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas y funciones de privacidad y seguridad de un navegador web como la protecci¨®n contra el robo de identidad, la ejecuci¨®n de aplicaciones de forma segura, las actualizaciones autom¨¢ticas y el almacenamiento en la nube. Tambi¨¦n cubre opciones como pesta?as abiertas, modo inc¨®gnito, historial y accesibilidad para mejorar la privacidad y gestionar la informaci¨®n personal del usuario.
Business plan:working with GPS navigation systemManohar Boda
The Business plan was drawn on the basis of a new kind of business model. The objective of the model is With the help of GPS navigation system how to maintain the security of children.
El documento discute c¨®mo la tecnolog¨ªa ha revolucionado la sociedad del conocimiento y ha tra¨ªdo cambios en todos los aspectos de la vida humana. El aprendizaje ya no se limita al aula, sino que ocurre en cualquier lugar a trav¨¦s de las nuevas tecnolog¨ªas. El software libre ha permitido un acceso m¨¢s amplio a la informaci¨®n en comparaci¨®n con el software privativo. Adem¨¢s, las nuevas generaciones digitales requieren formaci¨®n que involucre las tecnolog¨ªas emergentes para prepararse para los continuos cambios tecnol¨®gicos.
1) Una red de ¨¢rea local (LAN) es una red de alta velocidad confinada a un edificio que utiliza medios de transmisi¨®n como cable UTP, coaxial o fibra ¨®ptica para obtener altas velocidades y baja tasa de errores. 2) Las LANs se usan en redes empresariales desde hace 15-20 a?os y tecnolog¨ªas como Ethernet son ampliamente difundidas aunque surgen nuevas como ATM y Gigabit. 3) Protocolos como Ethernet asignan el ancho de banda de forma din¨¢mica entre usuarios y
Top Three Data Modeling Tools Usability ComparsionErin
The document provides a comparison of three data modeling tools: PowerDesigner, ER/Studio, and CA ERwin. It summarizes the key features and testing of each tool. PowerDesigner was found to have a cryptic interface that made basic tasks difficult to accomplish. ER/Studio was more intuitive but had documentation issues and loose coupling between logical and physical models. CA ERwin was found to be the most usable and flexible of the three tools.
Este documento trata sobre gimnasia. Explica el origen del t¨¦rmino gimnasia, los ejercicios construidos y sus tipos, los planos y ejes de movimiento, la entrada en calor y sus componentes, y proporciona una bibliograf¨ªa al final.
The document discusses developing a shared vision and roadmap for digital transformation through strategic foresight. It emphasizes integrating stakeholder perspectives to overcome challenges and develop a common future state for the digital enterprise. It outlines training objectives to provide a strategic foresight framework, conduct workshops to gather business/tech visions and requirements, and mentor teams to finalize transformation plans and solution architectures. The goal is to design foresight tools and platforms that deliver business agility and technological flexibility.
Pondering the (Near) Future: Climate Change and the Genetics of Plant Migrati...nycparksnmd
Dr Julie Etterson, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Presented at the "What is Local? Genetics & Plant Selection in the Urban Context" Symposia. Tuesday, May 23, 2006, American Museum of Natural History