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Atomic Habits
 By James Clear
A book review by Shilpa Desai
The most life changing
book that is released in
recent times  even if you
follow just 1%
 Small changes are often dismissed as they dont
seem to matter. Saving little money every month
doesnt make you a millionaire in three months, or
three years. Going to gym three days in a row will
help you lose no weight. This also leads to bad habits.
One unhealthy meal will not make you fat tomorrow.
One cigaratte will not give you cancer next week.
But when you replicate such poor behavior of tiny
mistakes and over number of days, that leads to
problem of poor health, poor financial situation and
poor relationships.
 When nothing seems to help, I go and look at the
stonecutter hammering away at his rock  perhaps a
hundred times without showing a crack. Yet at
hundred and first blow when the stone breaks, I know
its not the last hammer and all those that had gone
Atomic  means an extremely small
amount of a thing; the single
irreducible unit of a larger system.
Habit  a routine or practice
performed regularly; automatic
response to a specific situation
Goals ? Or System to achieve the goals?
 Goals are the results you want to achieve
 but systems are the processes that will
lead you to the results.
 So if you completely ignore the results but
only focus on the systems to achieve your
goals, will you still succeed?
 So if you are a cricket team coach and
instead of focusing on the winning the
trophy, if you just focus that your team
practices everyday, will your team win the
Problems with goal
oriented mindset
 The losers have started with the same goals as the
winners. Just that they didnt have the same routine,
rigor or the efforts that the winners had put. Michel
Phelps practiced on every Sunday while other kids
didnt. That gave him 52 days of more practice than
other kids.
 Once you achieve your goal, it changes your life for
that moment. Also, when goal focused, you either
achieve it, or dont. When you dont, there is
disappointment. So your box yourself in a narrow
version of happiness. You are happy as long as your
systems are running.
 If all your hard work is for focused on a goal, nothing is
left to push once the goal is achieved.
The purpose of building the system is to continue to play
the game. True long term thinking is goal-less thinking. Its
not about accomplishing to create a cycle of endless
refinement and continuous improvement.
 Winners and losers have the
same goal
 Achieving the goal is only a
momentary change
 Goals restrict your happiness
 Goals are at odd with long
term progress
Why its easy to repeat bad habits and so
hard to keep up at the good ones
 What are the
layer of the
Your self image or
your judgement
about yourself and
 Implement a new
gym routine
 Practice everyday
 Lose weight
 Win a
Outcome based habit or Identity based
 Outcome  Process  Identity
 Focus on what you want to achieve
 Identity  Process  Outcome
 Focus on who you want to become
Stages of Habit
1  Cue
2  Craving
3  Response
4 - Reward
How does this work in case of
 Pick up the phone when it buzzes
 Drinking tea when we wake up
 Buy a doughnut when we pass by the
stall in the mall
 Check the phone and social media
when feel stuck at work
 Switch on the light when enter a dark
How to create good habits or kick the
bad ones?
 1st Law - Cue  Make it invisible
 2nd Law  Craving  Make it unattractive
 3rd Law  Response  Make it difficult
 4th Law  Reward  Make it unsatisfying
 1st Law - Cue  Make it obvious
 2nd Law  Craving  Make it attractive
 3rd Law  Response  Make it easy
 4th Law  Reward  Make it satisfying
How to create good habits or kick the
bad ones?
 Habit Stacking - Insert new behaviors in
current one.
 If you want to read more, when you make
your bed, add a book by the pillow.
 Eat healthy  serve vegetables in your
plate before you serve any other item
 Cue  implementation plan without
waiting for motivation.
 We often wait for motivation while what
we actually lack is clarity.
 I am going to eat healthy  I will write
more doesnt work.
 What works is make a plan of what we
want to eat for dinner for the week and
buy the stuff two days in advance.
 Set up time and prepare your desk to write
every day.
How to create good habits or kick the
bad ones?
 People with best self control are the ones
who have to use it the least.
 You want to not buy junk food, go to a
different super market where you dont
know which isle stores junk food.
 If you dont want to spend lot of money
on new gadgets, stop reading the reviews
of the latest gadgets.
 Motivation is overrated  environment
matters more
 You want to drink more water through the
day, carry a bottle with you and keep in
front of you at all time.
How to create good habits or kick the
bad ones?
 Want to exercise ? Keep your gym bag,
water battle ready at night
 Want to improve your diet? Buy the
healthy stuff beforehand and keep
veggies in the fridge in the main
Prime your environment for success. Same for
bad ones 
 Want to watch less TV ? Remove batteries
from the remote after you switch off and
keep them away.
 Dont want to see your phone too
frequently? Keep it in another room
 Make it easy  remove the friction from
the habit formation
How to create good habits or kick the
bad ones?
 For every good or bad habit, there are
decisive moments.
 Read before each night  should be read
a page before sleep.
 Do thirty minutes of Yoga is  take out your
yoga mat.
 Run three miles is  Put on your running
Once you start doing the right thing, its very
easy to continue it. But the start should not
fee like a challenge.
 Two minute Rule  It should not take more
than two minutes to start a new habit
 The new habit should be a gateway habit
which will lead to a more productive path.

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Atomic habits

  • 1. Atomic Habits By James Clear A book review by Shilpa Desai
  • 2. The most life changing book that is released in recent times even if you follow just 1% Small changes are often dismissed as they dont seem to matter. Saving little money every month doesnt make you a millionaire in three months, or three years. Going to gym three days in a row will help you lose no weight. This also leads to bad habits. One unhealthy meal will not make you fat tomorrow. One cigaratte will not give you cancer next week. But when you replicate such poor behavior of tiny mistakes and over number of days, that leads to problem of poor health, poor financial situation and poor relationships. When nothing seems to help, I go and look at the stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without showing a crack. Yet at hundred and first blow when the stone breaks, I know its not the last hammer and all those that had gone before Atomic means an extremely small amount of a thing; the single irreducible unit of a larger system. Habit a routine or practice performed regularly; automatic response to a specific situation
  • 3. Goals ? Or System to achieve the goals? Goals are the results you want to achieve but systems are the processes that will lead you to the results. So if you completely ignore the results but only focus on the systems to achieve your goals, will you still succeed? So if you are a cricket team coach and instead of focusing on the winning the trophy, if you just focus that your team practices everyday, will your team win the trophy?
  • 4. Problems with goal oriented mindset The losers have started with the same goals as the winners. Just that they didnt have the same routine, rigor or the efforts that the winners had put. Michel Phelps practiced on every Sunday while other kids didnt. That gave him 52 days of more practice than other kids. Once you achieve your goal, it changes your life for that moment. Also, when goal focused, you either achieve it, or dont. When you dont, there is disappointment. So your box yourself in a narrow version of happiness. You are happy as long as your systems are running. If all your hard work is for focused on a goal, nothing is left to push once the goal is achieved. The purpose of building the system is to continue to play the game. True long term thinking is goal-less thinking. Its not about accomplishing to create a cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Winners and losers have the same goal Achieving the goal is only a momentary change Goals restrict your happiness Goals are at odd with long term progress
  • 5. Why its easy to repeat bad habits and so hard to keep up at the good ones What are the layer of the behavior change? Identity Your self image or your judgement about yourself and other Process Implement a new gym routine Practice everyday Outcomes Lose weight Win a trophy
  • 6. Outcome based habit or Identity based habit? Outcome Process Identity Focus on what you want to achieve Identity Process Outcome Focus on who you want to become
  • 7. Stages of Habit 1 Cue 2 Craving 3 Response 4 - Reward PROBLEM PHASE SOLUTION PHASE How does this work in case of Pick up the phone when it buzzes Drinking tea when we wake up Buy a doughnut when we pass by the stall in the mall Check the phone and social media when feel stuck at work Switch on the light when enter a dark room
  • 8. How to create good habits or kick the bad ones? KICKING BAD HABITS 1st Law - Cue Make it invisible 2nd Law Craving Make it unattractive 3rd Law Response Make it difficult 4th Law Reward Make it unsatisfying CREATING GOOD HABITS 1st Law - Cue Make it obvious 2nd Law Craving Make it attractive 3rd Law Response Make it easy 4th Law Reward Make it satisfying
  • 9. How to create good habits or kick the bad ones? Habit Stacking - Insert new behaviors in current one. If you want to read more, when you make your bed, add a book by the pillow. Eat healthy serve vegetables in your plate before you serve any other item Cue implementation plan without waiting for motivation. We often wait for motivation while what we actually lack is clarity. I am going to eat healthy I will write more doesnt work. What works is make a plan of what we want to eat for dinner for the week and buy the stuff two days in advance. Set up time and prepare your desk to write every day.
  • 10. How to create good habits or kick the bad ones? People with best self control are the ones who have to use it the least. You want to not buy junk food, go to a different super market where you dont know which isle stores junk food. If you dont want to spend lot of money on new gadgets, stop reading the reviews of the latest gadgets. Motivation is overrated environment matters more You want to drink more water through the day, carry a bottle with you and keep in front of you at all time.
  • 11. How to create good habits or kick the bad ones? Want to exercise ? Keep your gym bag, water battle ready at night Want to improve your diet? Buy the healthy stuff beforehand and keep veggies in the fridge in the main compartment? Prime your environment for success. Same for bad ones Want to watch less TV ? Remove batteries from the remote after you switch off and keep them away. Dont want to see your phone too frequently? Keep it in another room Make it easy remove the friction from the habit formation
  • 12. How to create good habits or kick the bad ones? For every good or bad habit, there are decisive moments. Read before each night should be read a page before sleep. Do thirty minutes of Yoga is take out your yoga mat. Run three miles is Put on your running shoes. Once you start doing the right thing, its very easy to continue it. But the start should not fee like a challenge. Two minute Rule It should not take more than two minutes to start a new habit The new habit should be a gateway habit which will lead to a more productive path.