A very brief and handy summary of book named atomic habits. I made this presentation not for those who want to understand but for those who want to present it in front of others. Hope you like it.
The document discusses how tiny improvements can lead to big results over time. It explains how the British cycling team improved their performance through small adjustments like changing bike seats and rubbing alcohol on tires. These "atomic habits" have a compound effect. The document outlines four steps to create good habits: make the cue obvious, make it attractive, make it easy to perform, and make it satisfying. It emphasizes that habits form identity and processes are better than goals for achieving progress.
Atomic Habits explains how small habits can have a tremendous impact on our lives over time. It argues we should focus on building good habits through a system of "tiny habits" rather than obsess over goals. The book provides tips for developing habits, including making new habits obvious with a specific plan, starting small and simple, performing the habit at the same time each day, and linking new habits to existing routines. By following these principles of habit formation, readers can change their habits and ultimately change their lives.
1) The book discusses how to build good habits and break bad ones using a four-step model of cues, craving, response, and reward. It explains how to design each step to either strengthen or weaken a habit.
2) Specific techniques include habit stacking, temptation bundling, designing your environment for success, using commitment devices, finding an accountability partner, and tracking habits with a simple checklist.
3) The book argues that habits are largely context-dependent and influenced by their surrounding environment. It's easier to avoid temptation than resist it, so reducing exposure to cues for bad habits makes them easier to change.
Atomic Habits by James Clear is a brilliant work with clear actionable to build good habits and to break from bad ones. I have created visuals of the valuable lessons. Each visual summarizes the key points and collectively it is the visual summary of Atomic Habits.
This presentation has slides that cover most of the topics from the Atomic Habits book by James Clear. This is a super long slide set with templates. I took a subset of these slides for the free one hour workshop I hosted in November 2022. I'm posting all the slides here in case there is anyone out there looking for a more comprehensive summary of the Atomic Habits book with the habit loop and tools, techniques, and templates for creating the habits you want and stopping the habits you no longer want.
Atomic Habits Book Exploration By Laurie HawkinsLaurie Hawkins
The document summarizes key ideas from the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It discusses how small daily improvements of 1% can lead to big results over time through the compound effect. It also outlines the four laws of behavior change: 1) make habits obvious and rewarding, 2) make them attractive, 3) make them easy to perform, and 4) provide instant gratification to encourage continued performance. Focusing on identity and process over rigid goals and outcomes leads to more sustainable behavior change.
This document provides an overview of chapters from a book about habits. Some of the key points made include:
1) Habits are cues that trigger automatic behaviors and rewards. Successful habits are made obvious, attractive, easy to perform and satisfying.
2) Your environment and identity strongly influence your habits. You can design your environment to support better habits and make poor habits difficult.
3) Social relationships also impact habits as people tend to emulate the habits of those close to them and in positions of power.
Atomic Habits discusses how small, daily habits can have major impacts over time. It argues goals are less important than developing systems and processes. Good habits are created by making cues obvious, cravings attractive, and responses easy through habit stacking and manipulating the environment. Bad habits are removed by making cues invisible, cravings unattractive, and responses difficult. The book provides strategies for starting new habits easily through decisive moments and the two minute rule to avoid seeing the initial action as a challenge.
This document summarizes the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It discusses how small, incremental changes can lead to remarkable results over time. Habits are formed through a loop that involves cues, cravings, responses, and rewards. The loop can be leveraged by making cues more obvious, cravings more attractive, responses easier to perform, and rewards more satisfying. Through tiny adjustments applied consistently over long periods, major improvements are possible.
The document provides a summary of techniques for creating good habits and breaking bad habits according to the book Atomic Habits. It outlines strategies organized under the "laws" of making habits obvious, attractive, and easy as well as making them satisfying. The techniques include using implementation intentions, habit stacking, temptation bundling, reducing friction, and making habits visible or invisible through environmental cues. The goal is to optimize habits through small changes that have outsized impact on behavior.
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesEricWalter24
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.
If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale CarnegieSameer Mathur
We all face problems maintaining our relationship with friends and family. There are various dynamics to all relations and it can get very complicated if you don't do it right. Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" is humbling yet empowering. The book is a guide to 'live life'. For book summary prepared by Prof. Sameer Mathur, click here.
Presentation on dale carnegie how to win friends and influence peopleSumaiya Jabin
This document summarizes the contents of the book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It outlines 6 parts that discuss fundamental techniques for handling people, ways to make people like you and win them over to your way of thinking, how to change people without offense, examples of effective letters, rules for happier home life, and a favorite quote. The document provides an overview of the major topics and strategies covered in the book for positively influencing others.
This document outlines a goal setting workshop to help participants develop SMART goals. It discusses the importance of setting goals and having a plan to achieve them. Participants are guided through an exercise to identify their values, skills, dreams and a personal mission statement. They then brainstorm goals in 8 areas of life and prioritize the top 3 in each area. Finally, participants quantify their overall goals into 90-day increments and draft daily activity plans to help ensure they are taking the necessary actions to achieve their goals. The document provides a framework to help people develop meaningful and achievable personal and professional goals.
Here are top 6 positive thinking tips that can help you change the way you think about other people and things around. To learn more tips of this type, click the link: http://vkool.com/discover-16-positive-thinking-tips/.
1. Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated
All people wish to be treated with respect. The way that you behave others shows your personality. Therefore, if you want to have good personality, including positive thoughts, you should treat other people the way you want to be treated. If you want to be trusted by friends, learn to trust them first. If you want to be loved by your relatives, learn to love them first. If you want to be welcomed by neighbors, learn to welcome them first.
2. Be Tolerant
In order to build positive thoughts, you should learn to forgive people who make you sad or angry. You even need to learn to forgive the ones who offend you. No matter what they do to you, they are teaching you some good lessons in life.
Moreover, you should be honestly happy when people around you succeed in life or at work. Do not be jealous with them as jealousy is one of the typical causes of negative thinking.
3. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
Among positive thinking tips, avoiding negative self-talk is the most important. What you talk to yourself also will result in the way you behave people around. If your mind is full of negative self-talk, you will not be able to treat others with respect as you may believe that they do not deserve your good behavior. When you are in that situation, try to eliminate your negative talk, and tell yourself that everyone may make mistakes, but everyone has something for you to learn from.
4. Do Meditation Or Yoga
Bath helps clean your body and meditation helps clean and refresh your mind. People who meditate on a regular basis have more positive thoughts than the ones who do not meditate. Meditation will certainly become the future of mankind. If you are a wise person, you should start doing meditation today to enjoy its benefits, to think more positively, and to have a better life.
Yoga helps you stop thinking negatively about others as it is really relaxing when you do it. Doing yoga also helps ease and refresh your mind, building positive thoughts.
5. Help People Around
If you can live for others, your mind will always be clean and relaxed. Helping people around is one of the top positive thinking tips. When you try your best to give others a helping hand, you are building your dignity. What you give others will certainly return to you some ways. If you help others, your mind will be built up with love, respect, and gratitude. As a result, you will be thinking positively.
6. Make Friends With Positive People
When you are with positive people, you can learn from them the way they treat others, and the way they think about life. You will gradually change the way you think as positive as they do.
The document provides guidance on effective goal setting. It discusses framing goals positively and with precision, setting priorities, ensuring goals are realistic but not too low. It outlines seven types of goals including physical, family, and financial. It describes SMART goals as being specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible. The document emphasizes setting specific goals that specify who is involved, what will be accomplished, when, which obstacles may arise, and why the goal is important. It recommends keeping records of progress and committing goals to paper while setting high yet achievable long-term goals.
The document summarizes key points from the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. It explains that habits emerge from a neurological loop consisting of a cue, routine, and reward. The cue triggers the routine and craving for the reward, which then reinforces the loop. To change habits, one must identify the cue, routine, and rewards to find substitutes that satisfy the same craving. Experimenting with different rewards can help shape new behaviors.
Using the skills from the Dale Carnegie course such as finding out what your audience wants and helping them get it can improve your professional and personal life.
The document provides tips for getting the most out of the book by developing a desire to master its principles, reading each chapter twice, applying the suggestions, and reviewing the book monthly. It then lists principles such as not criticizing others, giving honest appreciation, making a good first impression by smiling, remembering the importance of names, being a good listener focused on others' interests, not arguing but getting others to agree, and assuming positive traits in people.
This document summarizes Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by outlining the key principles discussed in each chapter. The principles focus on effective communication techniques like showing genuine interest in others, making people feel important, understanding different perspectives, using praise and encouragement, and appealing to people's motivations to inspire cooperation and change. The overall message is that treating people with sincerity, respect and understanding is the best way to positively influence them.
The document discusses goal setting. It defines goals as dreams with deadlines that provide direction for effort toward achieving measurable objectives. Goals can be short-term and accomplished in weeks or months, or long-term and take years. Setting goals provides clarity, focus, and drives one forward. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. The golden rules are to set motivating and smart goals in writing, make an action plan, and stick to it.
1. How to reverse your bad habits and stick to good ones.
2. The science of how your brain processes habits.
3. The common mistakes most people make (and how to avoid them).
4. How to overcome a lack of motivation and willpower.
5. How to develop a stronger identity and believe in yourself.
6. How to make time for new habits (even when your life gets crazy).
7. How to design your environment to make success easier.
8. How to make big changes in your life without overwhelming yourself.
9. How to get back on track when you get off course with your goals.
10. And most importantly, how to put these ideas into practice in real life.
This document discusses the importance of setting goals and provides guidance on effective goal setting. It begins by noting that many people do not set clear goals and therefore do not achieve their full potential. It then explores some common reasons why people fail to set goals, such as fear of failure or rejection. The document emphasizes that setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) goals is crucial for success. It provides guidelines for writing goals and different types of goals one can set. Overall, the document makes the case that having clear goals provides focus and motivation to achieve what you want out of life.
Atomic habits an easy & proven way to build bdf summarymohamed badry
British cyclists had poor performance until Dave Brailsford was hired as their new coach. He implemented a strategy of seeking small, 1% improvements in all areas, known as "aggregation of marginal gains." This led to huge success, including 60% of gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics. The book Atomic Habits discusses how habits are formed from a cue, craving, response, and reward in a loop. Massive success comes from accumulating many small improvements over time. Habits can be created by making cues obvious, responses attractive and easy to perform, and rewards satisfying.
An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad bdf summarymohamed badry
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
Atomic Habits discusses how small, daily habits can have major impacts over time. It argues goals are less important than developing systems and processes. Good habits are created by making cues obvious, cravings attractive, and responses easy through habit stacking and manipulating the environment. Bad habits are removed by making cues invisible, cravings unattractive, and responses difficult. The book provides strategies for starting new habits easily through decisive moments and the two minute rule to avoid seeing the initial action as a challenge.
This document summarizes the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It discusses how small, incremental changes can lead to remarkable results over time. Habits are formed through a loop that involves cues, cravings, responses, and rewards. The loop can be leveraged by making cues more obvious, cravings more attractive, responses easier to perform, and rewards more satisfying. Through tiny adjustments applied consistently over long periods, major improvements are possible.
The document provides a summary of techniques for creating good habits and breaking bad habits according to the book Atomic Habits. It outlines strategies organized under the "laws" of making habits obvious, attractive, and easy as well as making them satisfying. The techniques include using implementation intentions, habit stacking, temptation bundling, reducing friction, and making habits visible or invisible through environmental cues. The goal is to optimize habits through small changes that have outsized impact on behavior.
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesEricWalter24
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.
If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale CarnegieSameer Mathur
We all face problems maintaining our relationship with friends and family. There are various dynamics to all relations and it can get very complicated if you don't do it right. Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends and Influence People" is humbling yet empowering. The book is a guide to 'live life'. For book summary prepared by Prof. Sameer Mathur, click here.
Presentation on dale carnegie how to win friends and influence peopleSumaiya Jabin
This document summarizes the contents of the book "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It outlines 6 parts that discuss fundamental techniques for handling people, ways to make people like you and win them over to your way of thinking, how to change people without offense, examples of effective letters, rules for happier home life, and a favorite quote. The document provides an overview of the major topics and strategies covered in the book for positively influencing others.
This document outlines a goal setting workshop to help participants develop SMART goals. It discusses the importance of setting goals and having a plan to achieve them. Participants are guided through an exercise to identify their values, skills, dreams and a personal mission statement. They then brainstorm goals in 8 areas of life and prioritize the top 3 in each area. Finally, participants quantify their overall goals into 90-day increments and draft daily activity plans to help ensure they are taking the necessary actions to achieve their goals. The document provides a framework to help people develop meaningful and achievable personal and professional goals.
Here are top 6 positive thinking tips that can help you change the way you think about other people and things around. To learn more tips of this type, click the link: http://vkool.com/discover-16-positive-thinking-tips/.
1. Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated
All people wish to be treated with respect. The way that you behave others shows your personality. Therefore, if you want to have good personality, including positive thoughts, you should treat other people the way you want to be treated. If you want to be trusted by friends, learn to trust them first. If you want to be loved by your relatives, learn to love them first. If you want to be welcomed by neighbors, learn to welcome them first.
2. Be Tolerant
In order to build positive thoughts, you should learn to forgive people who make you sad or angry. You even need to learn to forgive the ones who offend you. No matter what they do to you, they are teaching you some good lessons in life.
Moreover, you should be honestly happy when people around you succeed in life or at work. Do not be jealous with them as jealousy is one of the typical causes of negative thinking.
3. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
Among positive thinking tips, avoiding negative self-talk is the most important. What you talk to yourself also will result in the way you behave people around. If your mind is full of negative self-talk, you will not be able to treat others with respect as you may believe that they do not deserve your good behavior. When you are in that situation, try to eliminate your negative talk, and tell yourself that everyone may make mistakes, but everyone has something for you to learn from.
4. Do Meditation Or Yoga
Bath helps clean your body and meditation helps clean and refresh your mind. People who meditate on a regular basis have more positive thoughts than the ones who do not meditate. Meditation will certainly become the future of mankind. If you are a wise person, you should start doing meditation today to enjoy its benefits, to think more positively, and to have a better life.
Yoga helps you stop thinking negatively about others as it is really relaxing when you do it. Doing yoga also helps ease and refresh your mind, building positive thoughts.
5. Help People Around
If you can live for others, your mind will always be clean and relaxed. Helping people around is one of the top positive thinking tips. When you try your best to give others a helping hand, you are building your dignity. What you give others will certainly return to you some ways. If you help others, your mind will be built up with love, respect, and gratitude. As a result, you will be thinking positively.
6. Make Friends With Positive People
When you are with positive people, you can learn from them the way they treat others, and the way they think about life. You will gradually change the way you think as positive as they do.
The document provides guidance on effective goal setting. It discusses framing goals positively and with precision, setting priorities, ensuring goals are realistic but not too low. It outlines seven types of goals including physical, family, and financial. It describes SMART goals as being specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible. The document emphasizes setting specific goals that specify who is involved, what will be accomplished, when, which obstacles may arise, and why the goal is important. It recommends keeping records of progress and committing goals to paper while setting high yet achievable long-term goals.
The document summarizes key points from the book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. It explains that habits emerge from a neurological loop consisting of a cue, routine, and reward. The cue triggers the routine and craving for the reward, which then reinforces the loop. To change habits, one must identify the cue, routine, and rewards to find substitutes that satisfy the same craving. Experimenting with different rewards can help shape new behaviors.
Using the skills from the Dale Carnegie course such as finding out what your audience wants and helping them get it can improve your professional and personal life.
The document provides tips for getting the most out of the book by developing a desire to master its principles, reading each chapter twice, applying the suggestions, and reviewing the book monthly. It then lists principles such as not criticizing others, giving honest appreciation, making a good first impression by smiling, remembering the importance of names, being a good listener focused on others' interests, not arguing but getting others to agree, and assuming positive traits in people.
This document summarizes Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by outlining the key principles discussed in each chapter. The principles focus on effective communication techniques like showing genuine interest in others, making people feel important, understanding different perspectives, using praise and encouragement, and appealing to people's motivations to inspire cooperation and change. The overall message is that treating people with sincerity, respect and understanding is the best way to positively influence them.
The document discusses goal setting. It defines goals as dreams with deadlines that provide direction for effort toward achieving measurable objectives. Goals can be short-term and accomplished in weeks or months, or long-term and take years. Setting goals provides clarity, focus, and drives one forward. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. The golden rules are to set motivating and smart goals in writing, make an action plan, and stick to it.
1. How to reverse your bad habits and stick to good ones.
2. The science of how your brain processes habits.
3. The common mistakes most people make (and how to avoid them).
4. How to overcome a lack of motivation and willpower.
5. How to develop a stronger identity and believe in yourself.
6. How to make time for new habits (even when your life gets crazy).
7. How to design your environment to make success easier.
8. How to make big changes in your life without overwhelming yourself.
9. How to get back on track when you get off course with your goals.
10. And most importantly, how to put these ideas into practice in real life.
This document discusses the importance of setting goals and provides guidance on effective goal setting. It begins by noting that many people do not set clear goals and therefore do not achieve their full potential. It then explores some common reasons why people fail to set goals, such as fear of failure or rejection. The document emphasizes that setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) goals is crucial for success. It provides guidelines for writing goals and different types of goals one can set. Overall, the document makes the case that having clear goals provides focus and motivation to achieve what you want out of life.
Atomic habits an easy & proven way to build bdf summarymohamed badry
British cyclists had poor performance until Dave Brailsford was hired as their new coach. He implemented a strategy of seeking small, 1% improvements in all areas, known as "aggregation of marginal gains." This led to huge success, including 60% of gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics. The book Atomic Habits discusses how habits are formed from a cue, craving, response, and reward in a loop. Massive success comes from accumulating many small improvements over time. Habits can be created by making cues obvious, responses attractive and easy to perform, and rewards satisfying.
An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad bdf summarymohamed badry
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
Atomic habits an easy & proven way to build bdfmohamed badry
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
The document discusses how to create healthy habits through exercising regularly. It explains that habits are formed through making cues obvious, making the desired behavior attractive, making it easy to perform, and making it satisfying to do. Some tips for creating an exercise habit include using a scorecard to track current habits, setting clear times and locations to exercise, temptation bundling by rewarding exercise with an enjoyable activity, reducing barriers like having exercise clothes ready, and tracking progress to see rewards. Forming habits takes consistency over time, and the document emphasizes making tiny changes that compound into remarkable results through sticking with habits for years.
Toyota Kata Presentation for ITSM.fi TOP 10 ConferenceTeemu Toivonen
A presentation about Toyota Kata for the ITSM.fi TOP 10 Conference. The presentation covers:
* What is a learning organization
* Introduction to Toyota Kata and mapping it to the learning organization model.
* Introduction and example of Improvement Kata
* Introduction to Coaching Kata
* Introduction to A3 - templates
Sprint to Habits. As easy as 1,2,3 (Exo-World Talk)Bryan Cassady
The document discusses running habit-building sprints. It provides an overview of a four-step process for building habits: 1) identify specific behaviors, 2) facilitate skills and willingness, 3) create triggers, and 4) provide reinforcement. Sprints can contribute to this process by providing learning through doing, building confidence and motivation with quick wins, and daily check-ins to reinforce behaviors during the sprint. However, sprints alone may not be enough, as reinforcement is usually not provided after the sprint. The document suggests adding strategic elements before, during, and after sprints to better utilize them for long-term habit building.
Atomic habits summary (Book by James clear)Shakti Savarn
Atomic habits is a book which could transform our lives towards the best possibilities by creating amazing habits.
Small daily habits have the biggest impact on our lives, shaping who we become in the future.
Adopting healthy habits is crucial for long-term success and well-being.
Forming new habits can be challenging, but there are tips and tricks to help.
The four laws of habit-forming include making habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.
Making habits attractive, easy, and satisfying increases the likelihood of adherence.
Accountability partners and habit contracts provide further support in establishing new habits or breaking bad ones.
This document outlines an agenda and materials for a workshop called One Change Club aimed at helping participants build good habits, one at a time. The agenda includes sections on change, self-awareness, motivation, habits, tips for forming new habits, and creating a 30 day plan. Key points include that change is difficult but possible with small steps and persistence, the importance of self-awareness and acceptance in driving change, using intrinsic motivation and tiny habits to form new behaviors, and providing support and accountability over 30 days to help participants achieve their goals.
ITSM.fi breakfast seminar about learning organizations and Toyota KataTeemu Toivonen
The slides for the ITSM.fi breakfast seminar about the capabilities of learning organisations and the Toyota Kata way of problem solving and managing. The new addition to this presentation was a play to highlight the differences in traditional management and Toyota Kata coaching.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a sustainability workshop on water conservation. The summary includes:
1) The workshop will include a welcome, discussions on sustainability and water conservation, breakout groups to discuss goals and challenges, and an introduction to behavior change and coaching.
2) A presentation on water conservation discusses common household water usage and tips to reduce usage in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry and outdoors.
3) Breakout group discussions will focus on setting water conservation goals and identifying barriers to change. Participants will practice peer coaching to support each other's goals.
4) The workshop introduces concepts of backcasting from a sustainable vision, and behavioral change models to help participants implement goals through understanding,
The document outlines the phases and components of becoming the best volleyball player, including acquiring skills, physical conditioning, and mental preparation. It emphasizes that attitude, effort, discipline, intensity, and consistency are factors under a player's control that directly impact their development. Mastering skills through perfect practice in training is essential for executing them successfully during matches.
Automatic Success: How to Create Winning HabitsGeoff McDonald
The key to being successful in life is to create winning habits. In this Book Rapper slides show we offer a toolkit for creating successful habits. It's derived from Charles Duhigg's book The Power of Habits.
This document outlines an agenda and materials for a training on leading change for the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. The agenda includes four sessions on leadership, the progress principle, the book "Switch", and organizational citizenship. Attendees are instructed to add two items after each session to a list of changes they need to make and to prioritize the top two changes in a wrap-up session. The document provides summaries and exercises for each session topic.
Stress can be caused by major life events, daily problems, environmental factors, and catastrophes. The body responds to stress in three stages - alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Individual responses to stress depend on personality traits like optimism and perfectionism. Effective coping strategies include managing time well, using mental rehearsal, engaging in physical activity, relaxation, positive thinking, building resilience, and seeking social support.
This document summarizes a training session on embracing change. The agenda includes sessions on overview of change, the progress principle, the book Switch, and organizational citizenship. Between sessions, participants are asked to add items to a list of changes they need to make. They are also encouraged to apply what they learn about change management back at work by making continual improvement a habit.
Habits can take an average of 66 days to form and become automatic. Key elements of habits include cues, actions, and rewards. Keystone habits like exercise and meditation can help transform other areas of life by building self-discipline. To build lasting habits, find your "why" by visualizing success through small process goals rather than large end results. Dopamine can be both an enemy and friend in habit formation - be aware of cues that trigger cravings but also use rewards to motivate completing small tasks. Various traps like temporal discounting, decision fatigue, and loss aversion can challenge self-discipline and should be planned for. Maintaining habits requires setting small wins, associating acts with other habits, and gradually increasing
simply a presentation on leadership im a 1st year student in level 5 tech support we had a professtional practices class. (font didnt upload properly?)
only feedback/ question i got was how is it related to the IT field? which is fair but wanting help and am open to all feedback i made this iver night the day before it was due as ive been in hospital, the presentation didn't go well as i didnt have much to say without reading the board and repeating it
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AI Safety in Parliaments: Latest Standards and Compliance ChallengesDr. Fotios Fitsilis
Joint presentation by Fotis Fitsilis and Vasileios Alexiou at the International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Society (IWCS)
5 March 2025
Universit辿 du Qu辿bec en Outaouais, Canada
Science Communication beyond Journal Publications WorkshopWAIHIGA K.MUTURI
Science Not Shared is Science Lost: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Impact 鏝
In the heart of Africa, where innovation meets resilience, lies an untapped reservoir of scientific brilliance. Yet, too often, groundbreaking research remains confined within the walls of journals, inaccessible to the communities it seeks to serve. This February, I am thrilled to join the "Science Communication Beyond Journal Publications" workshop at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) as one of the lead trainers. Together, we will unravel the power of storytelling, creative media, and strategic communication to amplify science's voice beyond academia.
Science is not just about discoveryit's about connection. Imagine a researcher in Kampala whose work could transform public health policy but struggles to translate their findings into actionable insights for policymakers. Or a young scientist in Nairobi whose groundbreaking study on climate resilience could inspire farmers but remains buried in technical jargon. These stories matter. They hold the potential to change lives and rewrite Africas narrative on poverty and development.
At this workshop, we will explore how scientists can collaborate with communicators to craft compelling stories that resonate with policymakers, communities, and global audiences alike. From podcasts that bring lab discoveries to life ァ to press releases that spark media attention and digital tools that democratize knowledge we will empower participants to make their research accessible and impactful.
This mission aligns deeply with my belief that Africa MUST change the way it tackles poverty. Science communication is not just about sharing knowledge; it's about driving action. When researchers effectively communicate their work, they empower communities with solutions rooted in evidence. They influence policies that prioritize sustainable development. They inspire innovation that addresses grassroots challenges.
Let us humanize scienceinfuse it with stories of hope, struggle, and triumphand ensure it reaches those who need it most. Because when science connects with people, it transforms lives.
To my fellow scientists and communicators: this is our call to action. Lets bridge the gap between discovery and impact. Lets co-create stories that not only inform but inspire action across Africa and beyond.
Strategic Excellence: In the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology, and governance, traditional views of capital as a static resource no longer suffice. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must not only accumulate resources but must activate, integrate, and orchestrate them in ways that align with long-term goals. Jarinzo Tanabatas Six Capital Forces offers a rigorous and pragmatic framework for achieving this level of strategic agility. By viewing capital not as a static accumulation but as an interconnected system of forces, Tanabata introduces a model that drives growth, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
In the same tradition as thinkers like Peter Drucker, who emphasized the importance of aligning strategy with organizational capabilities, and Michael Porter, who outlined the critical dynamics of competitive advantage, Tanabata offers a vision of capital that is fluid, responsive, and ever-adapting. His Six Capital Forces Intellectual, Social, Financial, Human, Structural, and Natural must be continuously activated, integrated, and orchestrated to yield real value. This approach aligns with the strategic and operational needs of organizations looking to excel in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Traditionally, capital was seen primarily as a static resource to be accumulated: assets, cash reserves, intellectual property, and human resources. But Tanabata's framework challenges this perspective by viewing capital as a dynamic force, a series of interrelated modalities that must be activated and integrated to drive sustained value creation. The success of modern institutions, corporations, and political bodies does not lie simply in their capital reserves but in their capacity to activate and orchestrate these reserves to deliver tangible, long-term results.
Profisee - HIMSS workshop - Mar 2025 - final.pptxProfisee
Workshop presentation given at the HIMSS 2025 conference, featuring Martin Boyd from Profisee, Anna Taylor from Multicare, Brigitte Tebow from Azulity, and Camille Whicker from Microsoft
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The hospitality industry is deeply influenced by social and cultural factors that shape customer expectations, service delivery, and overall business operations. Hospitality, which encompasses lodging, food and beverage services, travel, and tourism, thrives on human interactions. Understanding the social and cultural dimensions is crucial for businesses to create positive guest experiences, ensure inclusivity, and maintain a competitive edge in a globalized world. This paper explores the social and cultural perspectives in hospitality, focusing on their impact on service quality, customer relations, workforce diversity, and the adaptation of businesses to different cultural settings.
Australia's energy policy for heavy industries such as steel production are based on storing renewable energy as green hydrogen. However, steel production is energy intensive and green hydrogen is proving to be difficult to commercialise, let alone produce, store, and transport. The renewable energy link to Indonesia and Singapore, based on the plan for the Australian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara, has been replaced by the idea that green hydrogen can be converted to green ammonia for transportation, and converted back to hydrogen on the other side. Again, the process is energy intensive. Add to the energy demands that will be created by data centres and artificial intelligence, the scaling up of energy production is unlikely to be met without nuclear. The green energy dream is unlikely to materialise and is proving unworkable.
5. Goals vs systems
1 Winner and loser have the same goal
2 Achieving goal is only the momentary change
3 Goals restrict your happiness
4 Goals are add at long term progress