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Thomas F. Juliano
phone: (cell) 443-801-3703
(home) 630-861-9667
1466 Somerfield Dr.
Bolingbrook, IL 60490
Alternative Teacher Certification Program in Science and Mathematics  2011
Benedictine University, Lisle, IL
Type 09 Certification in Physics from the Illinois State Board of Education
Endorsements in Mathematics, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Biology,
and Environmental Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering - 2004
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Graduate Advisor: Prof. Yury Gogotsi, PhD, DSc
Thesis Title: Inducing Phase Transformations using Depth-Sensing Indentation
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - 2001
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, IL
Minor: Mathematics
Graduated with University Honors (4.7/5.0)
August 2010 Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, Chicago, IL
To June 2015 Physics Teacher
 Experience teaching 4 AP physics classes (C 
Mechanics), 13 honors-level physics classes, and 9 advanced level physics
classes over the course of five academic years
 Promoted student learning for an all-female
 Managed a cooperative and supportive learning
environment, lecture, create assessments, and lead lab activities
 Taught preparation for ACT science skills
 Raised average AP class score over 2 points in
4 years
August 2010 Saint Marys University, Winona, MN
to June 2015 Adjunct Faculty
 Taught physics for the Program for Advanced
College Credit (PACC) at Mother McAuley
May 2010 Huntington Learning Center, Downers Grove, IL
to August 2010 Tutor
 Tutored students part-time in high-school and
college level math
 Prepared students for ACT science and math
February 2007 Community College of Baltimore County, Essex, MD
to May 2007 Part-Time Tutor in Student Success Center
 Tutored students in mathematics and physics
 Assisted with statistics, algebra, calculus and
introductory physics topics
June 2005 United States Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
to May 2007 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Post-Doctoral
Research Fellow
 Mentored two college students at Army Research Laboratory
 Worked with teacher from Aberdeen Science and Mathematics Academy to
develop an introductory engineering course that began early 2007
August 2005 Community College of Baltimore County, Essex, MD
to December 2005 Adjunct Faculty in Mathematics Department
 Taught five-credit-hour evening course in introductory calculus
 Lectured, created tests, quizzes, and homework
 Provided feedback and tutoring to students, and frequently interacted with
other professors
 Given positive remarks on course evaluation by faculty and students
August 2001 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
to September 2004 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow
 Co-advised senior design groups and two undergraduate students in various
 Served as mentor for two Illinois Math and Science Academy students during
two-week concentrated mentorship program
September 2003 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
to December 2003 Teaching Assistant
 Assisted Advanced Materials Characterization course (MATE 270)
September 2002  Created course tests and conducted lecture on nano-indentation
to December 2002  Led student lab classes on atomic force microscopy, nano-indentation, and
Raman micro-spectroscopy
 Held lab discussions about IR-Raman spectroscopy, orientation imaging
microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry
January to May 2001 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Engineering Orientation Teaching Assistant
 Introduced freshman and sophomore level undergraduate students to
mechanical engineering program by leading tours and various group
May 2007 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
to February 2010 Academic Programs Manager
 Managed outreach efforts for the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Graduate Research Fellowship program, the NSF East Asia and Pacific
Summer Institutes program, and the NSF/ASEE Corporate Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Engineers program; total program funding
exceeded $150M annually
 Worked alongside others to promote programs administered by ASEE such
as the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG)
Fellowship and the Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation
(SMART) Scholarship, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) Aeronautics Scholarship
 Have familiarity with major aspects of awards administration, including
application processing, help desk systems, eligibility screening, organizing
panel review sessions, applicant and panelist recruitment methods with
emphasis on under-represented and under-served populations, and
implementing program improvements
 Gained experience writing successful program-administration proposals to
 Advised ASEE-sponsored fellow from the National GEM Consortium April-
June 2009 on project focused on creating an online engineering faculty
development and teaching/learning center
 Managed other co-workers; assisted in interviewing and hiring new
October 2004 United States Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
to May 2007 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Post-Doctoral
Research Fellow
 Led projects including:
o Development of diblock-triblock copolymer gels for flesh-mimicking
o Micro-scale mechanical analysis of polymer, ceramic, and bulk
amorphous metal systems
o Improvement of methods for measuring time-dependent properties
via quasi-static and dynamic depth-sensing indentation techniques
o Energy absorption and scratch behavior on polycarbonate-based
o Infiltration methods of nano-porous glass to produce organic-
inorganic hybrids
 Managed a Hysitron Triboscope indenter, a MTS Nano Indenter XP, and a
Digital Instruments Dimension 3100 atomic force microscope for all lab users
August 2001 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
to September 2004 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow
 Researched statistics of pressure induced phase transformations during
indentation of silicon, lead zirconate titanate, and boron carbide for
application in bulk surface phase patterning, dynamic contact behavior
prediction, and micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) reliability
 Analyzed ductile behavior of silicon and other semiconductors during
scratching with different tool shapes for application in microelectronics
 Performed in depth Raman micro-spectroscopy and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) analysis on ceramics
June 2003 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
to August 2003 Invited Summer Intern
 Examined the response of a piezoelectric with varying lead-oxide content to
depth-sensing indentation
 Detected phase transition (ferroelectric to antiferroelectric) presence in the
material as well as variance of mechanical properties at different surface
 Analyzed materials with Raman micro-spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, SEM,
orientation imaging microscopy, and indentation data
August 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
to July 2001 Undergraduate Research Assistant
 Performed motion control analysis at the sub-micron level
 Worked with Visual Basic computerized systems
 Advised high school students and worked alongside graduate students
May 2000 Thatcher Tubes, Woodstock, IL
to August 2000 Intern
 Worked with mechanical drawings and performed design work with AutoCad
 Learned various mechanical processes and automation equipment
 Performed safety engineering
March 2015 Neighbor Chain, L.L.C, Bolingbrook, IL
To Present Founder
 Work with trusted advisors to maintain a web and business presence for
Neighbor Chain, a company whose mission is to help people better know
their neighbors and utilize each other as a valuable resource.
 Experience with business networking, creating user-friendly web and mobile
based platforms, and managing day-to-day operations of the business
December 2006 Phyxx, L.L.C., Nottingham, MD
to October 2011 Co-Founder and CEO
 Generated initial idea for and worked with other investors to create a
Facebook application where users personality is assessed by selecting one
image out of sets of four. Individuals may submit images and receive
demographic-based feedback on comparative desirability of the images.
 Experience with forming L.L.C., filing full and provisional patent application,
working with web developers, maintaining website, and performing market
American Association of Physics Teachers
American Modeling Teachers Association
Illinois Science Teachers Association
American Society for Engineering Education
The Materials Society
The American Society of Materials
The Adhesion Society
The American Ceramics Society
Materials Research Society
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
UIC Alpha Sigma Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering
Honor Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Golden Key National Honor Society
Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society
Mother McAuley High School Science Bowl Coach, 2013-2015
Mother McAuley iPad Integration Team Member (1 of 6 selected faculty), 2013
Mother McAuley High School Advisor for Engineering Club, 2011-2013
Mother McAuley High School Advisor for Women in Science and Engineering
(WISE) Chapter, 2010-2015
Selection Committee for American Association for Advancement of Science
(AAAS) Science & Public Policy Fellowships, 2009
Evaluation Committee for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Aeronautics Scholarship Program, 2008 and 2009
Evaluation Committee for Science, Mathematics and Research for
Transformation (SMART) Service for Scholarship awards, 2005 and 2008
Evaluation Committee Chair for National Defense Science and Engineering
Graduate Fellowships, 2007 and 2009
Evaluation Committee for National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate
Fellowships, 2005 and 2006
Session Co-Chair for Damage Mechanics and Injury Mechanisms in
Biomechanics Symposium  Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental
and Applied Mechanics, St. Louis, Missouri, June 5-7, 2006
Organized and led Army Research Lab tour for Drexel Research Experience in
Advanced Materials (DREAM) program  August 2, 2005
Cofounder of Drexel University Student Chapter of the Materials Research
Society and Vice President, 2003-2004
Organizer/Moderator of Nano Indentation Short Symposium at Drexel University,
May 15, 2003
Treasurer of MAGNET  Drexel Materials Graduate Society, 2002-2003
Session Chair for Non-Oxide Ceramics Symposium  5th
International Meeting of
Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Nagoya, Japan, October 2003
Cofounder of UIC Alpha Sigma Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical
Engineering Honor Society - 1999
Positions Held: President 2000-01, Vice President 2000
Founded the Pi Tau Sigma Leadership and Service Scholarship at UIC in 2001
Invited Journal Article Referee for:
Journal of the American Ceramics Society
Journal of Applied Mechanics
Experimental Mechanics
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology
Faculty Graduation Speaker (as voted by senior level students)  Mother
McAuley Liberal Arts High School, 2015
Honors Assembly Speaker (as voted by junior level students)  Mother McAuley
Liberal Arts High School, 2015
Northwestern University Distinguished Secondary Teacher Award Finalist, 2015
Science Bowl Coach for Regional Champion Team  Mother McAuley Liberal Art
High School, 2014
Best University Dissertation Award for a Student in Engineering or Science 
Drexel University, 2005
Honored as One of Twelve Rising Stars from Drexel University College of
Engineering (http://www.coe.drexel.edu/risingstars/), 2005
National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship (declined), 2004
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2004-
Teaching Assistant Excellence Award (nominated by faculty and students) -
Drexel University, 2004
Travel Fellowship from American Ceramics Society to 5th
International Meeting of
Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Nagoya, Japan, September 29  October 2, 2003
Americas Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2003
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, 2002
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2002
Nominated for and Member of United States Achievement Academy, 2002
George Hill Endowed Fellowship  Drexel University, 2001
University Fellowship  University of Illinois at Chicago (declined), 2001
Graduate Student Fellowship - University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (declined),
Arlene F. Norsym Award (UIC)  Senior design project titled Variable Boost
System voted Best Project by participants of the engineering expo, out of about
70 projects, 2001
Recipient of Illinois Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship, 2000
Nominated for and Mentioned in The National Deans List Annual
Book, 2000 and 2001
Mother McAuley Middle School Science Fair Judge  2012 to 2015
Frequent University, Conference and Laboratory Visits to Promote Various
Fellowship Opportunities  2007 to 2010
George Lisby and Moravia Park Elementary School Visit (Baltimore, MD) 
National Chemistry Week, October 18, 2006
Towson University Baltimore Regional Science Fair Judge  March 25, 2006
Colgate Elementary School Visit (Baltimore, MD)  National Chemistry Week,
October 18, 2005
Morgan State University (MD) Science Fair Judge  March 19, 2005
Valley Forge (PA) Middle School Visit  Drexel Engineering Awareness, April 15,
Professional Tutor in Mathematics
Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Volunteer (Baltimore, MD)
JOURNAL T. Krus, T. Juliano, L. Kecskes and M. VanLandingham, Initial Plasticity Onset in
ARTICLES Zr and Hf Rich Bulk Metallic Glasses during Instrumented Indentation, Journal of
Materials Research, 22, 1265-9 (2007).
T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, C. Tweedie and K. Van Vliet, Multiscale Creep
Compliance of Epoxy Networks, Experimental Mechanics, 47, 99-105 (2007).
A. Gurga, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, S. Dub, N. Stus, D. Stratiichuk and V. Lisnyak,
The Mechanical Properties of Lithium Tetraborate (100), (011) and (112) Faces,
Materials Letters, 61, 770-3 (2007).
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, T. Buchheit, C. Watson, S. Kalinin, J. Shin and A.
Response of 95/5 Lead Zirconate Titanate to Depth-Sensing Indentation, Journal
of the American Ceramics Society, 89 (11), 3557-9 (2006).
T. Juliano, A. Forster, P. Drzal, T. Weerasooriya, P. Moy and M.
VanLandingham, Multiscale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic
Physically Associating Gels, Journal of Materials Research, 21 (8), 2084-92
M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Measuring Tip Shape for
Instrumented Indentation using Atomic Force Microscopy, Measurement Science
and Technology, 16, 2173-85 (2005).
T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Examining Pressure-Induced Phase
Transformations in Silicon by Spherical Indentation and Raman Spectroscopy: A
Statistical Study, Journal of Materials Research, 19 (10), 3099-3108 (2004).
D. Ge, V. Domnich, T. Juliano, E. Stach and Y. Gogotsi, Structural Damage in
Boron Carbide under Contact Loading, Acta Materialia, 53 (13), 3921-7 (2004).
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, The Effect of Indentation Unloading
Conditions on the Phase Transformation Induced Events in Silicon, Journal of
Materials Research, 18 (5), 1192-1201 (2003).
BOOK CHAPTER T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 5.4: Phase Transformations
Under Dynamic Loading, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering,
edited by Y.Gogotsi and V. Domnich, p. 521-40 (Institute of Physics Publishing,
London, 2004).
CONFERENCE T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and T. Ovaert, Probing Gel
PROCEEDINGS Architecture Utilizing Flat Punch Indentation, 30th
Adhesion Society Proceedings,
21-3, (2007).
T. Juliano, P. Moy, A. Forster, T. Weerasooriya, M. VanLandingham and P.
Drzal, Multiscale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Gels for Army
Applications, 25th
Army Science Conference Proceedings, (2006).
D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Optically Transparent
Nanoporous Glass Composites, 25th
Army Science Conference Proceedings,
T. Juliano, P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, A. Forster and M. VanLandingham,
Compression and Instrumented Indentation Measurements on Biomimetic
Polymers, in Society of Experimental Mechanics Proceedings, June 4-7, 2006,
St. Louis, MO (CD).
P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham and W. Chen, Dynamic
Response of an Alternative Tissue Simulant, Physically Associating Gels, in
Society of Experimental Mechanics Proceedings, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO
T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and P. Drzal, Properties of Biomimetic
Polymers from Instrumented Indentation Measurements, 29th
Annual Adhesion
Society Proceedings, 224-226 (2006).
M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Aspects of Tip Shape
Characterization for Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Materials Research
Society Symposium Proceedings, 841, R.2.1-6 (2005).
T. Juliano, V. Domnich, T. Buchheit, and Y. Gogotsi, Numerical Derivative
Analysis of Load-Displacement Curves in Depth-Sensing Indentation, Materials
Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 791, Q7.5.1-11 (2004).
Y. Gogotsi and T. Juliano, Ductile Cutting of Silicon Wafers Using A Single Point
Diamond Turning Machine And Raman Micro Spectroscopy Studies, in Proc. Of
the NSF Design & Manufacturing Research Conference, January 7-10, 2002,
San Juan, Puerto Rico (CD).
TECHNICAL D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Transparent Nanoporous Glass
REPORTS -Polymer Composite for U.S. Army Applications, ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR-
4631 (2008).
T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, T. Weerasooriya and P. Moy, Extracting Stress-
Strain and Compressive Yield Stress Information from Spherical Indentation,
ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR-4229 (2007).
T. Krus, T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Indentation of Bulk Amorphous
Metals to Investigate Pop-In Effects, ARL Technical Report, ARL-CR-574,
M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Instrumented Indentation of M855
Cartridge, Core, and Jacket Materials, ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR-3570,
INVITED ORAL T. Juliano, Engineering the World Through Materials, Aberdeen Science and
PRESENTATIONS Mathematics Academy, February 27, 2007, Aberdeen, MD.
T. Juliano, A. Forster, T. Ovaert and M. VanLandingham, Probing Gel
Architecture Utilizing Flat Punch Indentation, 30th
Annual Adhesion Society
Meeting, February 19, 2007, Tampa Bay, FL.
T. Juliano, The Army Research Laboratory and What Education Can Do For You,
Community College of Baltimore County Scholarship Recipients, January 24,
2007, Baltimore, MD.
T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Probing Mechanical Properties of Small
Polymer Volumes, National Institute of Standards and Technology January 24,
2006, Gaithersburg, MD.
V. Domnich, D. Ge, T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Response of Boron Carbide to
Contact Loading, 107th
Annual Meeting of the American Ceramics Society, April
10-13, 2005, Baltimore, MD.
T. Juliano, About Industry, Internships, Graduate School and Government
Laboratories, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 8-9, 2005, Chicago, IL.
T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, S. Kalinin, C. Watson, J. Shin and Y. Gogotsi, Using
Depth-Sensing Indentation to Induce Phase Transformations in Lead Zirconate
Titanate, High Pressure Phase Transformations Workshop, August 16-17, 2004,
Raleigh, NC.
T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Detecting Solid Phase Transformations During
Localized Contact Loading Using Depth-Sensing Indentation and Raman
Spectroscopy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, March 24, 2004,
Gaithersburg, MD.
T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Detecting Solid Phase Transformations During
Localized Contact Loading Using Depth-Sensing Indentation and Raman
Spectroscopy, Army Research Laboratory, March 7, 2004, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD.
ORAL SCIENTIFIC M. VanLandingham and T. Juliano, Tip Shape Characterization for
PRESENTATIONS Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Veeco Seeing at the Nanoscale IV
Conference, July 17-20, 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
T. Juliano, A. Forster, P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, and M. VanLandingham,
Compression and Indentation Measurements on Biomimetic Polymers, Society
for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO.
P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, and W. Chen, Dynamic
Response of an Alternative Tissue Simulant, Physically Associating Gels, Society
for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO.
T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and P. Drzal, Properties of Biomimetic
Polymers from Instrumented Indentation Measurements, 29th
Annual Meeting of
The Adhesion Society, February 19-22, 2006, Jacksonville, FL.
T. Sano, G. Gilde, J. Campbell, S. Szewczyk, and T. Juliano, Correlation
between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Hot Pressed TiB2-AlN
Composites, 30th
International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, January 22-27, 2006, Cocoa Beach, FL.
A. Forster, T. Juliano, O. Breslouer, M. VanLandingham and P. Drzal, Rate
Dependent Measurements of Biomimmetic Polymers using Instrumented
Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2005 Meeting, November 29, 2005,
Boston, MA.
T. Krus, T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Indentation of Bulk Metallic Glasses
to Investigate Pop-In Effects, Army Research Laboratory Science and
Engineering Apprenticeship Program Symposium, August 12, 2005, Aberdeen
Proving Grounds, MD.
M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and P. Drzal, Characterizing Viscoelastic
Behavior Using Nanoindentation, Materials Research Society Spring 2005
Meeting, March 28-April 1, 2005, San Francisco, CA.
T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Spherical Depth-Sensing Indentation on
Silicon and Phase Transformation Pressure Dependence on Unloading Rate and
Maximum Applied Load, Materials Research Society Fall 2004 Meeting,
November 29-December 3, 2004, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, V. Domnich, T. Buchheit, and Y. Gogotsi, Numerical Derivative
Analysis of Load-Displacement Curves in Nano Indentation, Materials Research
Society Fall 2003 Meeting, December 1-5, 2003, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, and C. Watson, Evaluating the Response of 95/5 PNZT
to Instrumented Indentation, The 15th
Annual Rio Grande Symposium on
Advanced Materials, October 28, 2003, Albuquerque, NM.
T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, and Y. Gogotsi, Finding the Failure Mechanisms
in Boron Carbide Single Crystals using Indentation, Raman Spectroscopy, and
TEM Analysis, The 5th
International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies,
October 2, 2003, Nagoya, Japan.
T. Juliano, Detecting Phase Transformations in Materials during Localized
Contact Loading, Drexel University PhD Proposal Seminar, September 23, 2003,
Philadelphia, PA.
T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, C. Watson and Y. Gogotsi, Evaluating the Response of
95/5 PNZT to Indentation, Sandia Eighth Annual Technical Student Symposium,
August 5, 2003, Albuquerque, NM.
T. Juliano and V. Domnich, Introduction to Nano Indentation and T. Juliano, Y.
Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Statistical Analysis of Indentations, Nano Indentation
Short Symposium at Drexel University, May 15, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
T. Juliano, Silicon Processing: From Sand to Wafer, Drexel University Graduate
Seminar, March 6, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Statistical Analysis of Events in Silicon
Unloading Curves During Nano Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall
2002 Meeting, December 2-6, 2002, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Statistical Treatment of Events in Silicon
Unloading Curves During Nano Indentation, 3rd
Annual Nano Indenter Users
Group Meeting, August 19, 2002, Las Vegas, NV.
POSTER T. Juliano, P. Moy, A. Forster, T. Weerasooriya, P. Drzal and M.
PRESENTATIONS Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Gels for Army
Applications, 25th
Army Science Conference, November 27-December 1, 2006,
Orlando, FL.
D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Optically Transparent
Nanoporous Glass-Polymer Composites, 25th
Army Science Conference,
November 27-December 1, 2006, Orlando, FL.
T. Juliano, T. Krus and M. VanLandingham, Nanoindentation at the Army
Research Laboratory, 1st
U.S. Army Materials Summit, March 13-16, 2006,
Gettysburg, PA.
M. Hagon, M. VanLandingham and T. Juliano, The Application of
Nanoindentation to Army Materials Research, 28th Annual Meeting of the
Adhesion Society, Inc., February 13-16, 2005, Mobile, AL.
M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Aspects of Tip Shape
Characterization for Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Materials Research
Society Fall 2004 Meeting, November 29-December 3, 2004, Boston, MA.
V. Domnich, D. Ge, T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Amorphization of Boron Carbide
Under Contact Loading, 11the International Conference on High Pressure
Semiconductor Physics, August 2-5, 2004, San Francisco, CA. (won best poster
T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, C. Watson, and Y. Gogotsi, Response of PNZT to Sharp
and Blunt Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2003 Meeting, December
1-5, 2003, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, E. Hackett, Y. Gogotsi, Boron Carbide for Armor
Applications: Indentation, Raman, and TEM Studies, Drexel University Research
Day, April 22, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, E. Hackett, Y. Gogotsi, Boron Carbide for Armor
Applications: Indentation, Raman, and TEM Studies, American Society of
Materials Liberty Bell Chapter Meeting, April 10, 2003, Willow Grove, PA (won 2nd
place out of over 20 posters).
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Ductile Regime Machining of Silicon:
Methods and Applications, Materials Research Society Fall 2002 Meeting,
December 2-6, 2002, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, D. Penrose, V. Domnich, Ductile Regime Machining of
Silicon: Methods and Applications (scored in top 25% of judges scores from 300
posters presented), and a Deans Award winning poster (two given out of about
50 posters) by a senior design team that I advised: M. Dirkmaat, R. Marquiss, K.
Riley, P. Shah, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, Micro Material Testing Device, Drexel
University Research Day, May 7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA.
Joint work with Gennum Corporation: M. Capanu, A. Cervin-Lawry, T. Juliano, Y.
Gogotsi, Thermomechanical Characterization of Thin Films for MEMS, Based on
Wafer Curvature (Disk Method) and Nanoindentation Techniques, Materials
Research Society MEMS Materials Issues Workshop Proc., Materials Research
Society MEMS Materials Issues Workshop, April 5-6, 2002, San Francisco, CA.
Poster of work done by IMSA student who I advised: M.A. Meneses, T. Juliano,
Y. Gogotsi Mechanism of Ductile Regime Machining of Silicon, AAAS Annual
Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2002 Annual Meeting, February 14-19, 2002,
Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, S. Cetinkunt, N. Bopearatchy, Ductile
Micromachining of Silicon for MEMS Applications, Materials Research Society
Fall 2001 Meeting, November 26-30, 2001, Boston, MA.
T. Juliano, P. Konopka and T. Krus, Method and Technique for Media Evaluation
and Comparing Personalities (patent pending) Publication No.: US
2008/0167949 A1, Provisional Application No.: 60/874,704

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T Juliano - CV

  • 1. Thomas F. Juliano tom.juliano@gmail.com phone: (cell) 443-801-3703 (home) 630-861-9667 1466 Somerfield Dr. Bolingbrook, IL 60490 EDUCATION Alternative Teacher Certification Program in Science and Mathematics 2011 Benedictine University, Lisle, IL Type 09 Certification in Physics from the Illinois State Board of Education Endorsements in Mathematics, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Biology, and Environmental Science Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering - 2004 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Graduate Advisor: Prof. Yury Gogotsi, PhD, DSc Thesis Title: Inducing Phase Transformations using Depth-Sensing Indentation Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - 2001 The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, IL Minor: Mathematics Graduated with University Honors (4.7/5.0) TEACHING EXPERIENCE August 2010 Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, Chicago, IL To June 2015 Physics Teacher Experience teaching 4 AP physics classes (C Mechanics), 13 honors-level physics classes, and 9 advanced level physics classes over the course of five academic years Promoted student learning for an all-female environment Managed a cooperative and supportive learning environment, lecture, create assessments, and lead lab activities Taught preparation for ACT science skills Raised average AP class score over 2 points in 4 years August 2010 Saint Marys University, Winona, MN to June 2015 Adjunct Faculty Taught physics for the Program for Advanced College Credit (PACC) at Mother McAuley May 2010 Huntington Learning Center, Downers Grove, IL to August 2010 Tutor Tutored students part-time in high-school and college level math Prepared students for ACT science and math skills February 2007 Community College of Baltimore County, Essex, MD to May 2007 Part-Time Tutor in Student Success Center Tutored students in mathematics and physics Assisted with statistics, algebra, calculus and introductory physics topics 1
  • 2. June 2005 United States Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD to May 2007 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Mentored two college students at Army Research Laboratory Worked with teacher from Aberdeen Science and Mathematics Academy to develop an introductory engineering course that began early 2007 August 2005 Community College of Baltimore County, Essex, MD to December 2005 Adjunct Faculty in Mathematics Department Taught five-credit-hour evening course in introductory calculus Lectured, created tests, quizzes, and homework Provided feedback and tutoring to students, and frequently interacted with other professors Given positive remarks on course evaluation by faculty and students August 2001 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA to September 2004 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow Co-advised senior design groups and two undergraduate students in various projects Served as mentor for two Illinois Math and Science Academy students during two-week concentrated mentorship program September 2003 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA to December 2003 Teaching Assistant Assisted Advanced Materials Characterization course (MATE 270) September 2002 Created course tests and conducted lecture on nano-indentation to December 2002 Led student lab classes on atomic force microscopy, nano-indentation, and Raman micro-spectroscopy Held lab discussions about IR-Raman spectroscopy, orientation imaging microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry January to May 2001 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL Engineering Orientation Teaching Assistant Introduced freshman and sophomore level undergraduate students to mechanical engineering program by leading tours and various group discussions INDUSTRY, NON-PROFIT, AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE May 2007 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) to February 2010 Academic Programs Manager Managed outreach efforts for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship program, the NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes program, and the NSF/ASEE Corporate Research Postdoctoral Fellowship for Engineers program; total program funding exceeded $150M annually Worked alongside others to promote programs administered by ASEE such as the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship and the Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Aeronautics Scholarship Have familiarity with major aspects of awards administration, including application processing, help desk systems, eligibility screening, organizing panel review sessions, applicant and panelist recruitment methods with 2
  • 3. emphasis on under-represented and under-served populations, and implementing program improvements Gained experience writing successful program-administration proposals to NSF and NASA Advised ASEE-sponsored fellow from the National GEM Consortium April- June 2009 on project focused on creating an online engineering faculty development and teaching/learning center Managed other co-workers; assisted in interviewing and hiring new employees October 2004 United States Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD to May 2007 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Led projects including: o Development of diblock-triblock copolymer gels for flesh-mimicking materials o Micro-scale mechanical analysis of polymer, ceramic, and bulk amorphous metal systems o Improvement of methods for measuring time-dependent properties via quasi-static and dynamic depth-sensing indentation techniques o Energy absorption and scratch behavior on polycarbonate-based materials o Infiltration methods of nano-porous glass to produce organic- inorganic hybrids Managed a Hysitron Triboscope indenter, a MTS Nano Indenter XP, and a Digital Instruments Dimension 3100 atomic force microscope for all lab users August 2001 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA to September 2004 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellow Researched statistics of pressure induced phase transformations during indentation of silicon, lead zirconate titanate, and boron carbide for application in bulk surface phase patterning, dynamic contact behavior prediction, and micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) reliability Analyzed ductile behavior of silicon and other semiconductors during scratching with different tool shapes for application in microelectronics industry Performed in depth Raman micro-spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis on ceramics June 2003 Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM to August 2003 Invited Summer Intern Examined the response of a piezoelectric with varying lead-oxide content to depth-sensing indentation Detected phase transition (ferroelectric to antiferroelectric) presence in the material as well as variance of mechanical properties at different surface locations Analyzed materials with Raman micro-spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, SEM, orientation imaging microscopy, and indentation data August 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL to July 2001 Undergraduate Research Assistant Performed motion control analysis at the sub-micron level Worked with Visual Basic computerized systems Advised high school students and worked alongside graduate students May 2000 Thatcher Tubes, Woodstock, IL 3
  • 4. to August 2000 Intern Worked with mechanical drawings and performed design work with AutoCad R14 Learned various mechanical processes and automation equipment Performed safety engineering ENTREPRENUERIAL EXPERIENCE March 2015 Neighbor Chain, L.L.C, Bolingbrook, IL To Present Founder Work with trusted advisors to maintain a web and business presence for Neighbor Chain, a company whose mission is to help people better know their neighbors and utilize each other as a valuable resource. Experience with business networking, creating user-friendly web and mobile based platforms, and managing day-to-day operations of the business December 2006 Phyxx, L.L.C., Nottingham, MD to October 2011 Co-Founder and CEO Generated initial idea for and worked with other investors to create a Facebook application where users personality is assessed by selecting one image out of sets of four. Individuals may submit images and receive demographic-based feedback on comparative desirability of the images. Experience with forming L.L.C., filing full and provisional patent application, working with web developers, maintaining website, and performing market research PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Association of Physics Teachers American Modeling Teachers Association Illinois Science Teachers Association American Society for Engineering Education The Materials Society The American Society of Materials The Adhesion Society The American Ceramics Society Materials Research Society Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society UIC Alpha Sigma Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society American Society of Mechanical Engineers 4
  • 5. Golden Key National Honor Society Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Mother McAuley High School Science Bowl Coach, 2013-2015 Mother McAuley iPad Integration Team Member (1 of 6 selected faculty), 2013 Mother McAuley High School Advisor for Engineering Club, 2011-2013 Mother McAuley High School Advisor for Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Chapter, 2010-2015 Selection Committee for American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Public Policy Fellowships, 2009 Evaluation Committee for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Aeronautics Scholarship Program, 2008 and 2009 Evaluation Committee for Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Service for Scholarship awards, 2005 and 2008 Evaluation Committee Chair for National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships, 2007 and 2009 Evaluation Committee for National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships, 2005 and 2006 Session Co-Chair for Damage Mechanics and Injury Mechanisms in Biomechanics Symposium Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, St. Louis, Missouri, June 5-7, 2006 Organized and led Army Research Lab tour for Drexel Research Experience in Advanced Materials (DREAM) program August 2, 2005 Cofounder of Drexel University Student Chapter of the Materials Research Society and Vice President, 2003-2004 Organizer/Moderator of Nano Indentation Short Symposium at Drexel University, May 15, 2003 Treasurer of MAGNET Drexel Materials Graduate Society, 2002-2003 Session Chair for Non-Oxide Ceramics Symposium 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Nagoya, Japan, October 2003 Cofounder of UIC Alpha Sigma Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society - 1999 Positions Held: President 2000-01, Vice President 2000 Founded the Pi Tau Sigma Leadership and Service Scholarship at UIC in 2001 Invited Journal Article Referee for: Journal of the American Ceramics Society Journal of Applied Mechanics Experimental Mechanics Nanotechnology 5
  • 6. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology HONORS AND AWARDS Faculty Graduation Speaker (as voted by senior level students) Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, 2015 Honors Assembly Speaker (as voted by junior level students) Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, 2015 Northwestern University Distinguished Secondary Teacher Award Finalist, 2015 Science Bowl Coach for Regional Champion Team Mother McAuley Liberal Art High School, 2014 Best University Dissertation Award for a Student in Engineering or Science Drexel University, 2005 Honored as One of Twelve Rising Stars from Drexel University College of Engineering (http://www.coe.drexel.edu/risingstars/), 2005 National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship (declined), 2004 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2004- 2007 Teaching Assistant Excellence Award (nominated by faculty and students) - Drexel University, 2004 Travel Fellowship from American Ceramics Society to 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Nagoya, Japan, September 29 October 2, 2003 Americas Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2003 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, 2002 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2002 Nominated for and Member of United States Achievement Academy, 2002 George Hill Endowed Fellowship Drexel University, 2001 University Fellowship University of Illinois at Chicago (declined), 2001 Graduate Student Fellowship - University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (declined), 2001 Arlene F. Norsym Award (UIC) Senior design project titled Variable Boost System voted Best Project by participants of the engineering expo, out of about 70 projects, 2001 Recipient of Illinois Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship, 2000 Nominated for and Mentioned in The National Deans List Annual Book, 2000 and 2001 6
  • 7. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Mother McAuley Middle School Science Fair Judge 2012 to 2015 Frequent University, Conference and Laboratory Visits to Promote Various Fellowship Opportunities 2007 to 2010 George Lisby and Moravia Park Elementary School Visit (Baltimore, MD) National Chemistry Week, October 18, 2006 Towson University Baltimore Regional Science Fair Judge March 25, 2006 Colgate Elementary School Visit (Baltimore, MD) National Chemistry Week, October 18, 2005 Morgan State University (MD) Science Fair Judge March 19, 2005 Valley Forge (PA) Middle School Visit Drexel Engineering Awareness, April 15, 2004 Professional Tutor in Mathematics Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Volunteer (Baltimore, MD) PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL T. Krus, T. Juliano, L. Kecskes and M. VanLandingham, Initial Plasticity Onset in ARTICLES Zr and Hf Rich Bulk Metallic Glasses during Instrumented Indentation, Journal of Materials Research, 22, 1265-9 (2007). T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, C. Tweedie and K. Van Vliet, Multiscale Creep Compliance of Epoxy Networks, Experimental Mechanics, 47, 99-105 (2007). A. Gurga, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, S. Dub, N. Stus, D. Stratiichuk and V. Lisnyak, The Mechanical Properties of Lithium Tetraborate (100), (011) and (112) Faces, Materials Letters, 61, 770-3 (2007). T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, T. Buchheit, C. Watson, S. Kalinin, J. Shin and A. Baddorf, Response of 95/5 Lead Zirconate Titanate to Depth-Sensing Indentation, Journal of the American Ceramics Society, 89 (11), 3557-9 (2006). T. Juliano, A. Forster, P. Drzal, T. Weerasooriya, P. Moy and M. VanLandingham, Multiscale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Physically Associating Gels, Journal of Materials Research, 21 (8), 2084-92 (2006). M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Measuring Tip Shape for Instrumented Indentation using Atomic Force Microscopy, Measurement Science and Technology, 16, 2173-85 (2005). T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Examining Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations in Silicon by Spherical Indentation and Raman Spectroscopy: A Statistical Study, Journal of Materials Research, 19 (10), 3099-3108 (2004). D. Ge, V. Domnich, T. Juliano, E. Stach and Y. Gogotsi, Structural Damage in Boron Carbide under Contact Loading, Acta Materialia, 53 (13), 3921-7 (2004). 7
  • 8. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, The Effect of Indentation Unloading Conditions on the Phase Transformation Induced Events in Silicon, Journal of Materials Research, 18 (5), 1192-1201 (2003). BOOK CHAPTER T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Chapter 5.4: Phase Transformations Under Dynamic Loading, in High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering, edited by Y.Gogotsi and V. Domnich, p. 521-40 (Institute of Physics Publishing, London, 2004). CONFERENCE T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and T. Ovaert, Probing Gel PROCEEDINGS Architecture Utilizing Flat Punch Indentation, 30th Adhesion Society Proceedings, 21-3, (2007). T. Juliano, P. Moy, A. Forster, T. Weerasooriya, M. VanLandingham and P. Drzal, Multiscale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Gels for Army Applications, 25th Army Science Conference Proceedings, (2006). D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Optically Transparent Nanoporous Glass Composites, 25th Army Science Conference Proceedings, (2006). T. Juliano, P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, A. Forster and M. VanLandingham, Compression and Instrumented Indentation Measurements on Biomimetic Polymers, in Society of Experimental Mechanics Proceedings, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO (CD). P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham and W. Chen, Dynamic Response of an Alternative Tissue Simulant, Physically Associating Gels, in Society of Experimental Mechanics Proceedings, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO (CD). T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and P. Drzal, Properties of Biomimetic Polymers from Instrumented Indentation Measurements, 29th Annual Adhesion Society Proceedings, 224-226 (2006). M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Aspects of Tip Shape Characterization for Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 841, R.2.1-6 (2005). T. Juliano, V. Domnich, T. Buchheit, and Y. Gogotsi, Numerical Derivative Analysis of Load-Displacement Curves in Depth-Sensing Indentation, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 791, Q7.5.1-11 (2004). Y. Gogotsi and T. Juliano, Ductile Cutting of Silicon Wafers Using A Single Point Diamond Turning Machine And Raman Micro Spectroscopy Studies, in Proc. Of the NSF Design & Manufacturing Research Conference, January 7-10, 2002, San Juan, Puerto Rico (CD). TECHNICAL D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Transparent Nanoporous Glass REPORTS -Polymer Composite for U.S. Army Applications, ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR- 4631 (2008). T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, T. Weerasooriya and P. Moy, Extracting Stress- Strain and Compressive Yield Stress Information from Spherical Indentation, ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR-4229 (2007). T. Krus, T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Indentation of Bulk Amorphous Metals to Investigate Pop-In Effects, ARL Technical Report, ARL-CR-574, (2006). 8
  • 9. M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Instrumented Indentation of M855 Cartridge, Core, and Jacket Materials, ARL Technical Report, ARL-TR-3570, (2005). PRESENTATIONS INVITED ORAL T. Juliano, Engineering the World Through Materials, Aberdeen Science and PRESENTATIONS Mathematics Academy, February 27, 2007, Aberdeen, MD. T. Juliano, A. Forster, T. Ovaert and M. VanLandingham, Probing Gel Architecture Utilizing Flat Punch Indentation, 30th Annual Adhesion Society Meeting, February 19, 2007, Tampa Bay, FL. T. Juliano, The Army Research Laboratory and What Education Can Do For You, Community College of Baltimore County Scholarship Recipients, January 24, 2007, Baltimore, MD. T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Probing Mechanical Properties of Small Polymer Volumes, National Institute of Standards and Technology January 24, 2006, Gaithersburg, MD. V. Domnich, D. Ge, T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Response of Boron Carbide to Contact Loading, 107th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramics Society, April 10-13, 2005, Baltimore, MD. T. Juliano, About Industry, Internships, Graduate School and Government Laboratories, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 8-9, 2005, Chicago, IL. T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, S. Kalinin, C. Watson, J. Shin and Y. Gogotsi, Using Depth-Sensing Indentation to Induce Phase Transformations in Lead Zirconate Titanate, High Pressure Phase Transformations Workshop, August 16-17, 2004, Raleigh, NC. T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Detecting Solid Phase Transformations During Localized Contact Loading Using Depth-Sensing Indentation and Raman Spectroscopy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, March 24, 2004, Gaithersburg, MD. T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Detecting Solid Phase Transformations During Localized Contact Loading Using Depth-Sensing Indentation and Raman Spectroscopy, Army Research Laboratory, March 7, 2004, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. ORAL SCIENTIFIC M. VanLandingham and T. Juliano, Tip Shape Characterization for PRESENTATIONS Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Veeco Seeing at the Nanoscale IV Conference, July 17-20, 2006, Philadelphia, PA. T. Juliano, A. Forster, P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, and M. VanLandingham, Compression and Indentation Measurements on Biomimetic Polymers, Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO. P. Moy, T. Weerasooriya, T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, and W. Chen, Dynamic Response of an Alternative Tissue Simulant, Physically Associating Gels, Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO. 9
  • 10. T. Juliano, M. VanLandingham, A. Forster and P. Drzal, Properties of Biomimetic Polymers from Instrumented Indentation Measurements, 29th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society, February 19-22, 2006, Jacksonville, FL. T. Sano, G. Gilde, J. Campbell, S. Szewczyk, and T. Juliano, Correlation between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Hot Pressed TiB2-AlN Composites, 30th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2006, Cocoa Beach, FL. A. Forster, T. Juliano, O. Breslouer, M. VanLandingham and P. Drzal, Rate Dependent Measurements of Biomimmetic Polymers using Instrumented Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2005 Meeting, November 29, 2005, Boston, MA. T. Krus, T. Juliano and M. VanLandingham, Indentation of Bulk Metallic Glasses to Investigate Pop-In Effects, Army Research Laboratory Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program Symposium, August 12, 2005, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD. M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and P. Drzal, Characterizing Viscoelastic Behavior Using Nanoindentation, Materials Research Society Spring 2005 Meeting, March 28-April 1, 2005, San Francisco, CA. T. Juliano, V. Domnich and Y. Gogotsi, Spherical Depth-Sensing Indentation on Silicon and Phase Transformation Pressure Dependence on Unloading Rate and Maximum Applied Load, Materials Research Society Fall 2004 Meeting, November 29-December 3, 2004, Boston, MA. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, T. Buchheit, and Y. Gogotsi, Numerical Derivative Analysis of Load-Displacement Curves in Nano Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2003 Meeting, December 1-5, 2003, Boston, MA. T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, and C. Watson, Evaluating the Response of 95/5 PNZT to Instrumented Indentation, The 15th Annual Rio Grande Symposium on Advanced Materials, October 28, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, and Y. Gogotsi, Finding the Failure Mechanisms in Boron Carbide Single Crystals using Indentation, Raman Spectroscopy, and TEM Analysis, The 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, October 2, 2003, Nagoya, Japan. T. Juliano, Detecting Phase Transformations in Materials during Localized Contact Loading, Drexel University PhD Proposal Seminar, September 23, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, C. Watson and Y. Gogotsi, Evaluating the Response of 95/5 PNZT to Indentation, Sandia Eighth Annual Technical Student Symposium, August 5, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. T. Juliano and V. Domnich, Introduction to Nano Indentation and T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi and V. Domnich, Statistical Analysis of Indentations, Nano Indentation Short Symposium at Drexel University, May 15, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. T. Juliano, Silicon Processing: From Sand to Wafer, Drexel University Graduate Seminar, March 6, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Statistical Analysis of Events in Silicon Unloading Curves During Nano Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2002 Meeting, December 2-6, 2002, Boston, MA. 10
  • 11. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Statistical Treatment of Events in Silicon Unloading Curves During Nano Indentation, 3rd Annual Nano Indenter Users Group Meeting, August 19, 2002, Las Vegas, NV. POSTER T. Juliano, P. Moy, A. Forster, T. Weerasooriya, P. Drzal and M. VanLandingham, PRESENTATIONS Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization of Biomimetic Gels for Army Applications, 25th Army Science Conference, November 27-December 1, 2006, Orlando, FL. D. OBrien, T. Juliano, P. Patel and S. McKnight, Optically Transparent Nanoporous Glass-Polymer Composites, 25th Army Science Conference, November 27-December 1, 2006, Orlando, FL. T. Juliano, T. Krus and M. VanLandingham, Nanoindentation at the Army Research Laboratory, 1st U.S. Army Materials Summit, March 13-16, 2006, Gettysburg, PA. M. Hagon, M. VanLandingham and T. Juliano, The Application of Nanoindentation to Army Materials Research, 28th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Inc., February 13-16, 2005, Mobile, AL. M. VanLandingham, T. Juliano and M. Hagon, Aspects of Tip Shape Characterization for Nanoindentation of Compliant Materials, Materials Research Society Fall 2004 Meeting, November 29-December 3, 2004, Boston, MA. V. Domnich, D. Ge, T. Juliano and Y. Gogotsi, Amorphization of Boron Carbide Under Contact Loading, 11the International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics, August 2-5, 2004, San Francisco, CA. (won best poster award) T. Juliano, T. Buchheit, C. Watson, and Y. Gogotsi, Response of PNZT to Sharp and Blunt Indentation, Materials Research Society Fall 2003 Meeting, December 1-5, 2003, Boston, MA. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, E. Hackett, Y. Gogotsi, Boron Carbide for Armor Applications: Indentation, Raman, and TEM Studies, Drexel University Research Day, April 22, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. T. Juliano, V. Domnich, D. Ge, E. Hackett, Y. Gogotsi, Boron Carbide for Armor Applications: Indentation, Raman, and TEM Studies, American Society of Materials Liberty Bell Chapter Meeting, April 10, 2003, Willow Grove, PA (won 2nd place out of over 20 posters). T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, Ductile Regime Machining of Silicon: Methods and Applications, Materials Research Society Fall 2002 Meeting, December 2-6, 2002, Boston, MA. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, D. Penrose, V. Domnich, Ductile Regime Machining of Silicon: Methods and Applications (scored in top 25% of judges scores from 300 posters presented), and a Deans Award winning poster (two given out of about 50 posters) by a senior design team that I advised: M. Dirkmaat, R. Marquiss, K. Riley, P. Shah, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, Micro Material Testing Device, Drexel University Research Day, May 7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA. Joint work with Gennum Corporation: M. Capanu, A. Cervin-Lawry, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, Thermomechanical Characterization of Thin Films for MEMS, Based on Wafer Curvature (Disk Method) and Nanoindentation Techniques, Materials 11
  • 12. Research Society MEMS Materials Issues Workshop Proc., Materials Research Society MEMS Materials Issues Workshop, April 5-6, 2002, San Francisco, CA. Poster of work done by IMSA student who I advised: M.A. Meneses, T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi Mechanism of Ductile Regime Machining of Silicon, AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2002 Annual Meeting, February 14-19, 2002, Boston, MA. T. Juliano, Y. Gogotsi, V. Domnich, S. Cetinkunt, N. Bopearatchy, Ductile Micromachining of Silicon for MEMS Applications, Materials Research Society Fall 2001 Meeting, November 26-30, 2001, Boston, MA. PATENTS T. Juliano, P. Konopka and T. Krus, Method and Technique for Media Evaluation and Comparing Personalities (patent pending) Publication No.: US 2008/0167949 A1, Provisional Application No.: 60/874,704 12