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1206 W Green St  Urbana, IL 61801
(314) 957-8291  jsandrs2@illinois.edu
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Champaign, IL
Ph.D.  Theoretical & Applied Mechanics  June 2017 (expected)  M.S. August 2013
 Dissertation Title: Modeling and Simulation of High-Temperature Creep and Damage in
Generation-IV Nuclear Reactor Alloys  Dissertation Adviser: Petros Sofronis
Sapienza University of Rome  Rome, Italy
Visiting Scholar  Dept. of Structural & Geotechnical Engineering  Spring 2012
Saint Louis University  St. Louis, MO
B.S.  Engineering Physics and Mathematics  May 2011  GPA: 3.99 / 4.00 (Summa Cum Laude)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate Teaching Fellow  Champaign, IL  Summer 2014, Summer 2015, Summer 2016
 Served as the Instructor of Record for an undergraduate-level Introductory Dynamics course
 Emphasized high-level comprehension of the material by presenting concepts in order, ab initio
 Engaged students by illustrating advanced concepts (such as angular momentum) with in-class
experiments, demonstrations, and activities
 Helped students develop better technical and communication skills by designing an open-ended,
semester-long, project-based learning exercise on air resistance in sports
 Supervised one teaching assistant, who helped with grading and held office hours
 Consistently received positive student feedback (rated 4.2/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate Teaching Assistant  Champaign, IL  Fall 2013 / 2015 / 2016, Spring 2016 / 2017
 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Introductory Dynamics course with
anywhere from 250-500 students per semester
 Helped students develop better technical and communication skills by facilitating hour-long
discussion sections on a weekly basis
 Used interpersonal and communication skills to help students understand difficult concepts during
weekly office hours and through an online class forum
 Consistently added to universitys List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students
based on the results of student evaluations (rated 4.8/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate Teaching Assistant  Champaign, IL  Spring 2015
 Helped students in a graduate-level Solid Mechanics course understand difficult concepts by
providing detailed feedback on graded assignments and holding office hours on a weekly basis
 Received positive student feedback (rated 4.0/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate Teaching Assistant  Champaign, IL  Spring 2015
 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Heat Transfer Laboratory
 Assisted students in applying what they had learned in lecture to real-world thermodynamic
systems by facilitating laboratory experiments on a bi-weekly basis
 Helped students develop better technical communication skills by providing detailed feedback on
graded laboratory reports
 Added to universitys List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students based on the
results of student evaluations (rated 4.6/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness)
Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 2
Saint Louis University  Dept. of Physics
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant  St. Louis, MO  Spring 2010, Fall 2010
 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Engineering Physics Laboratory
 Assisted students in applying what they had learned in lecture to real-world mechanical systems
by facilitating laboratory experiments on a weekly basis
 Helped students develop better technical communication skills by providing detailed feedback on
graded laboratory reports
Saint Louis University  Dept. of Academic Support
Academic Tutor  St. Louis, MO  August 2008-December 2010
 Offered tutoring in over thirty engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science courses
ranging from the 100-level to the 400-level as part of a university-wide tutoring center
 Used interpersonal and communication skills to help students understand difficult concepts
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant  Lab of Petros Sofronis  Champaign, IL  May 2013-present
 Enable engineers to predict the lifetimes of next-generation nuclear reactor components by
modeling and simulating the constitutive behavior and rupture of high temperature alloys
 Solved a long-standing problem within the nuclear engineering community by applying
micromechanical models of rupture to data for high temperature alloys
 Personally designed a method to calibrate the six material parameters of a combined transient
and steady-state creep constitutive model to alloys 230 and 617 at 800属C and 900属C using
experimental creep test data provided by colleagues
 Implemented said model in Abaqus (via UMAT) and used it to simulate the fields ahead of a
stationary crack tip in the presence of transient and steady-state creep
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant  Lab of Harry Dankowicz  Champaign, IL  August 2011-May 2013
 Showed that a mathematical paradox in contact mechanics called reverse chatter is exhibited
by realistic mechanical systems, and investigated its possible applications
Saint Louis University  Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Research Assistant  Lab of Arif Malik  St. Louis, MO  November 2010-May 2011
 Wrote several Matlab programs to apply reliability-based design optimization to the metal sheet
rolling process, supplementing existing code
DRS Technologies, Inc.  DRS Marlo Coil
Engineering Intern  High Ridge, MO  June 2010-August 2010
 Identified the algorithms used in an undocumented (and long-dormant) Visual Basic program that
did computations for refrigeration coil design using knowledge of thermodynamics
 Incorporated algorithms for three additional refrigerants, making the program up-to-date
 Enabled other engineers to update the program in the future by writing a manual (17 pages)
detailing the process, and created an Excel spreadsheet to do all of the necessary calculations
DRS Technologies, Inc.  DRS Marlo Coil
Engineering Intern  High Ridge, MO  June 2009-August 2009
 Improved quality by writing a C++ program (6,114 lines) to assess whether a given product
complies with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and to print a written report
 Enabled other engineers to modify the program in the future, if necessary, by writing a detailed
manual (40 pages) on the C++ programming language
Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 3
DRS Technologies, Inc.  DRS Marlo Coil
Engineering Intern  High Ridge, MO  May 2008-August 2008
 Increased efficiency by enabling batch processing of tedious Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire tasks with
the use of Distributed Pro/BATCH, a built-in batch processing tool
 Wrote a detailed manual (25 pages) on Distributed Pro/BATCH for future reference
 Modeled, using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, a hardware casing for a certain product, and was able to
see the finished product the following summer
Midcoast Aviation, Inc.
Consultant  Cahokia, IL  March 2010-April 2010
 Enabled engineers to simulate the mechanical response of a proprietary material by modeling,
pro bono, its constitutive behavior in Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica
 Conducted a finite element analysis validation test on the actual material in Saint Louis
Universitys Structures Laboratory to check the results
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Research Mentor  Champaign, IL  January 2017-present
 Coordinate and supervise the research of an undergraduate student as part of an Undergraduate
Research Opportunity (URO) sponsored by the Department
 Showed my mentee how to formulate the standard boundary-value problem of solid mechanics
 Enabled her to solve said boundary-value problem by teaching her how to use the general-
purpose finite element program Abaqus and to apply it to problems of interest
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I
Research Mentor  Champaign, IL  February 2016-March 2016
 Chosen by the Director of I
CNER to host an undergraduate student from Kyushu University in
Japan during a five-week exchange program with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
 Showed my mentee how to formulate the standard boundary-value problem of solid mechanics
 Enabled her to solve said boundary-value problem by teaching her how to use the general-
purpose finite element program Abaqus and to apply it to problems of interest
J. Sanders, M. Dadfarnia, J. Stubbins, and P. Sofronis, On the fracture of high temperature alloys by
creep cavitation under uniaxial or biaxial stress states, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids, vol. 98, pp. 49-62, 2017
J. Sanders, H. Dankowicz, and A. Nordmark, The reverse chatter paradox: generalizations and
implications for mechanical systems, 2013 (unpublished)
J. Sanders, An easy way to determine the sense of rotation of phase plane trajectories, The Pi Mu
Epsilon Journal, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 491-494, 2013
A. Malik, J. Sanders, R. Grandhi, and M. Zipf, Reliability-based optimal cluster mill pass
scheduling, in Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress &
Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, November 11-17, 2011
J. Sanders, G. Herman, and M. West, Scaling-up project-based learning for a large introductory
mechanics course using mobile phone data capture and peer feedback, in Proceedings of the ASEE
2016 Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 26-29, 2016
Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 4
J. Sanders, H. Dankowicz, and W. Lacarbonara, Design and analysis of a microelectromechanical
device capable of testing theoretical models of impact at the microscale, in Proceedings of the ASME
2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, August 12-15, 2012
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  2012-present
Programming Languages: Matlab  C++  Fortran  R  some Visual Basic  some HTML
Software: Abaqus  PTC Creo  Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint  LaTeX  MathType
 Mathematica  Tecplot
English (fluent)  Spanish (proficient)  Latin (proficient)  Italian (limited)  Ancient Greek (limited)
 Robert Miller Teaching Excellence Award  University of Illinois  2017
 Graduate Teaching Fellowship  University of Illinois  Summer 2014, 2015, 2016
 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students  UIUC  Fall 2013/15, Spring 2015/16
 Student Marshal for Parks College at Saint Louis Universitys Commencement  Spring 2011
 Pi Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honorary Society member  2011-present
 James Collins Award for Student Academic Excellence in Physics  Saint Louis University  2011
 First Place in Mechanical Engineering  MESCON  University of Evansville  2011
 The University Physics Competition  First Place (as a team of one)  2010
Petros Sofronis James Stubbins
Professor Professor and Chair
Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(217) 333-2636, sofronis@illinois.edu (217) 333-2295, jstubbin@illinois.edu
Huseyin Sehitoglu Elif Ertekin
Professor Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(217) 333-4112, huseyin@illinois.edu (217) 333-8175, ertekin@illinois.edu

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Curriculum Vitae

  • 1. JOHN W. SANDERS 1206 W Green St Urbana, IL 61801 (314) 957-8291 jsandrs2@illinois.edu linkedin.com/in/johnwsanders EDUCATION University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL Ph.D. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics June 2017 (expected) M.S. August 2013 Dissertation Title: Modeling and Simulation of High-Temperature Creep and Damage in Generation-IV Nuclear Reactor Alloys Dissertation Adviser: Petros Sofronis Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy Visiting Scholar Dept. of Structural & Geotechnical Engineering Spring 2012 Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO B.S. Engineering Physics and Mathematics May 2011 GPA: 3.99 / 4.00 (Summa Cum Laude) TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Graduate Teaching Fellow Champaign, IL Summer 2014, Summer 2015, Summer 2016 Served as the Instructor of Record for an undergraduate-level Introductory Dynamics course Emphasized high-level comprehension of the material by presenting concepts in order, ab initio Engaged students by illustrating advanced concepts (such as angular momentum) with in-class experiments, demonstrations, and activities Helped students develop better technical and communication skills by designing an open-ended, semester-long, project-based learning exercise on air resistance in sports Supervised one teaching assistant, who helped with grading and held office hours Consistently received positive student feedback (rated 4.2/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant Champaign, IL Fall 2013 / 2015 / 2016, Spring 2016 / 2017 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Introductory Dynamics course with anywhere from 250-500 students per semester Helped students develop better technical and communication skills by facilitating hour-long discussion sections on a weekly basis Used interpersonal and communication skills to help students understand difficult concepts during weekly office hours and through an online class forum Consistently added to universitys List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students based on the results of student evaluations (rated 4.8/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant Champaign, IL Spring 2015 Helped students in a graduate-level Solid Mechanics course understand difficult concepts by providing detailed feedback on graded assignments and holding office hours on a weekly basis Received positive student feedback (rated 4.0/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistant Champaign, IL Spring 2015 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Heat Transfer Laboratory Assisted students in applying what they had learned in lecture to real-world thermodynamic systems by facilitating laboratory experiments on a bi-weekly basis Helped students develop better technical communication skills by providing detailed feedback on graded laboratory reports Added to universitys List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students based on the results of student evaluations (rated 4.6/5.0 on overall teaching effectiveness)
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 2 Saint Louis University Dept. of Physics Undergraduate Teaching Assistant St. Louis, MO Spring 2010, Fall 2010 Served on a team of several TAs for an undergraduate-level Engineering Physics Laboratory Assisted students in applying what they had learned in lecture to real-world mechanical systems by facilitating laboratory experiments on a weekly basis Helped students develop better technical communication skills by providing detailed feedback on graded laboratory reports Saint Louis University Dept. of Academic Support Academic Tutor St. Louis, MO August 2008-December 2010 Offered tutoring in over thirty engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science courses ranging from the 100-level to the 400-level as part of a university-wide tutoring center Used interpersonal and communication skills to help students understand difficult concepts RESEARCH EXPERIENCE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering Graduate Research Assistant Lab of Petros Sofronis Champaign, IL May 2013-present Enable engineers to predict the lifetimes of next-generation nuclear reactor components by modeling and simulating the constitutive behavior and rupture of high temperature alloys Solved a long-standing problem within the nuclear engineering community by applying micromechanical models of rupture to data for high temperature alloys Personally designed a method to calibrate the six material parameters of a combined transient and steady-state creep constitutive model to alloys 230 and 617 at 800属C and 900属C using experimental creep test data provided by colleagues Implemented said model in Abaqus (via UMAT) and used it to simulate the fields ahead of a stationary crack tip in the presence of transient and steady-state creep University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Graduate Research Assistant Lab of Harry Dankowicz Champaign, IL August 2011-May 2013 Showed that a mathematical paradox in contact mechanics called reverse chatter is exhibited by realistic mechanical systems, and investigated its possible applications Saint Louis University Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Research Assistant Lab of Arif Malik St. Louis, MO November 2010-May 2011 Wrote several Matlab programs to apply reliability-based design optimization to the metal sheet rolling process, supplementing existing code PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DRS Technologies, Inc. DRS Marlo Coil Engineering Intern High Ridge, MO June 2010-August 2010 Identified the algorithms used in an undocumented (and long-dormant) Visual Basic program that did computations for refrigeration coil design using knowledge of thermodynamics Incorporated algorithms for three additional refrigerants, making the program up-to-date Enabled other engineers to update the program in the future by writing a manual (17 pages) detailing the process, and created an Excel spreadsheet to do all of the necessary calculations DRS Technologies, Inc. DRS Marlo Coil Engineering Intern High Ridge, MO June 2009-August 2009 Improved quality by writing a C++ program (6,114 lines) to assess whether a given product complies with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and to print a written report Enabled other engineers to modify the program in the future, if necessary, by writing a detailed manual (40 pages) on the C++ programming language
  • 3. Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 3 DRS Technologies, Inc. DRS Marlo Coil Engineering Intern High Ridge, MO May 2008-August 2008 Increased efficiency by enabling batch processing of tedious Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire tasks with the use of Distributed Pro/BATCH, a built-in batch processing tool Wrote a detailed manual (25 pages) on Distributed Pro/BATCH for future reference Modeled, using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, a hardware casing for a certain product, and was able to see the finished product the following summer CONSULTING EXPERIENCE Midcoast Aviation, Inc. Consultant Cahokia, IL March 2010-April 2010 Enabled engineers to simulate the mechanical response of a proprietary material by modeling, pro bono, its constitutive behavior in Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Conducted a finite element analysis validation test on the actual material in Saint Louis Universitys Structures Laboratory to check the results MENTORING EXPERIENCE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Research Mentor Champaign, IL January 2017-present Coordinate and supervise the research of an undergraduate student as part of an Undergraduate Research Opportunity (URO) sponsored by the Department Showed my mentee how to formulate the standard boundary-value problem of solid mechanics Enabled her to solve said boundary-value problem by teaching her how to use the general- purpose finite element program Abaqus and to apply it to problems of interest International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I 2 CNER) Research Mentor Champaign, IL February 2016-March 2016 Chosen by the Director of I 2 CNER to host an undergraduate student from Kyushu University in Japan during a five-week exchange program with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Showed my mentee how to formulate the standard boundary-value problem of solid mechanics Enabled her to solve said boundary-value problem by teaching her how to use the general- purpose finite element program Abaqus and to apply it to problems of interest PUBLICATIONS & MANUSCRIPTS J. Sanders, M. Dadfarnia, J. Stubbins, and P. Sofronis, On the fracture of high temperature alloys by creep cavitation under uniaxial or biaxial stress states, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 98, pp. 49-62, 2017 J. Sanders, H. Dankowicz, and A. Nordmark, The reverse chatter paradox: generalizations and implications for mechanical systems, 2013 (unpublished) J. Sanders, An easy way to determine the sense of rotation of phase plane trajectories, The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 491-494, 2013 A. Malik, J. Sanders, R. Grandhi, and M. Zipf, Reliability-based optimal cluster mill pass scheduling, in Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, November 11-17, 2011 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS J. Sanders, G. Herman, and M. West, Scaling-up project-based learning for a large introductory mechanics course using mobile phone data capture and peer feedback, in Proceedings of the ASEE 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 26-29, 2016
  • 4. Curriculum Vitae, John W. Sanders, page 4 J. Sanders, H. Dankowicz, and W. Lacarbonara, Design and analysis of a microelectromechanical device capable of testing theoretical models of impact at the microscale, in Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, August 12-15, 2012 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2012-present TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming Languages: Matlab C++ Fortran R some Visual Basic some HTML Software: Abaqus PTC Creo Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint LaTeX MathType Mathematica Tecplot LANGUAGES English (fluent) Spanish (proficient) Latin (proficient) Italian (limited) Ancient Greek (limited) SELECTED HONORS, AWARDS, & FELLOWSHIPS Robert Miller Teaching Excellence Award University of Illinois 2017 Graduate Teaching Fellowship University of Illinois Summer 2014, 2015, 2016 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students UIUC Fall 2013/15, Spring 2015/16 Student Marshal for Parks College at Saint Louis Universitys Commencement Spring 2011 Pi Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honorary Society member 2011-present James Collins Award for Student Academic Excellence in Physics Saint Louis University 2011 First Place in Mechanical Engineering MESCON University of Evansville 2011 The University Physics Competition First Place (as a team of one) 2010 REFERENCES Petros Sofronis James Stubbins Professor Professor and Chair Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-2636, sofronis@illinois.edu (217) 333-2295, jstubbin@illinois.edu Huseyin Sehitoglu Elif Ertekin Professor Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-4112, huseyin@illinois.edu (217) 333-8175, ertekin@illinois.edu