bir felsefe. Kurumlar?n? bu felsefeyle d?n¨¹?t¨¹ren y?netim ve ik ekipleri var ve her ge?en g¨¹n ?o?al?yorlar. Ekteki slayt dizisi asl?nda bir webinar i?in haz?rlad???m bir sunumun ?zeti:
? Agile nedir, 5 ad?m?, Agile ekibi kimlerden olu?ur?
? ?evik d?n¨¹?¨¹m nedir?
? Yeterince ?evik miyiz?
? Bu d?n¨¹?¨¹m neden gerekli?
? D?n¨¹?¨¹m¨¹n boyutlar? ve stratejisi
? Zorluklar & ?nyarg?lar & hatalar
? ?evik organizasyonlar ve ?evik ?K
Faydal? olmas? dile?iyle
AnkaraJUG Aral?k 2012 - Agile, Adaptasyon ve D?n¨¹?¨¹mAnkara JUG
Ge?mi?i 10-15 sene ?ncesine dayanan, de?eri yava? yava? anla??lm?? ve g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde gittik?e pop¨¹lerle?meye ba?layan Agile terimi ve Agile Metodolojiler (?zellikle Scrum) hakk?nda genel bilgi payla??m?nda bulunulacak, organizasyonel ve kurumsal seviyede agile adaptasyon ve d?n¨¹?¨¹m konular?nda bilgiler sunulmaktad?r.
The lean team assessed the status of lean strategy implementation in an assembly unit of a company that specializes in low and medium voltage switchgear products. They formed a lean implementation team and defined key performance indicators like processing time. The existing assembly process was mapped and current performance was measured using Continuous Performance Measurement. Major wastes identified included long walk times, improper layout, and lack of tools at workstations. The lean tools implemented included redesigning the layout to reduce walking, separating tasks among operators to balance work, and providing necessary tools and parts at each station. After implementation, non-value added time decreased by 10 minutes, efficiency increased by 18%, and effectiveness increased by 22%, showing the methodology effectively improved operational performance.
This document outlines Hector Camacho's achievements, goals, and values. It includes a list of his past achievements like learning guitar and making the volleyball team. His goals for the next year include growing his YouTube channel to 500,000 subscribers and graduating high school. Long term, he wants to become an FBI agent and own a BMW M6. The document emphasizes values like gratitude, the importance of true friends, and making good choices.
El documento argumenta que las personas con discapacidad son iguales a los dem¨¢s y merecen las mismas oportunidades. A pesar de que la sociedad a menudo los ve como diferentes, tienen capacidades y talentos, y cuentan con el apoyo incondicional de sus padres y otras personas que los aprecian. Ellos representan el futuro y la esperanza de un mundo m¨¢s inclusivo.
This is the English version of my talk about agile software development practices at Agile Talks seminars in Ankara, Turkey. I tried to focus on the nature of software development and figure out the development practices that let us build software in natural way.
Un simulador es un aparato, generalmente inform¨¢tico, que permite reproducir un sistema y sus sensaciones y experiencias de forma realista. Un simulador usa modelos matem¨¢ticos y mecanismos complejos para simular sensaciones f¨ªsicas como velocidad y aceleraci¨®n. Un emulador, por otro lado, trata de modelar un dispositivo de forma precisa para que funcione como si estuviera en el dispositivo original, a diferencia de solo reproducir su comportamiento como un simulador.
New research from Ogilvy & Mather and Communispace reveals extreme new consumer shopping behavior and spending priorities.
This report looks at how consumers will go to market in 2011.
This document provides information about the 2nd Annual Mobile Apps 2013 conference organized by Virtue Insight on August 30th, 2013 in Bangalore, India. It includes the list of key speakers from companies like Samsung, HP, Infosys, Oracle, and Microsoft. The conference will discuss topics like the impact of mobile apps on brands, developing network-friendly apps, native apps vs mobile web, monetizing multi-platform apps, and the future of mobile payments. Attendees will include VPs, directors, and managers from mobile operators, handset manufacturers, content providers, and app developers. The conference aims to explore business models and strategies in the mobile app industry in India and worldwide trends that will shape the digital
Which Superhero Flies Highest on Social Media?Mashable
Comic book fans love to see their favorite super-powered characters face off again and again. But what if superheroes, and their evil-doing nemeses, squared off in the social arena?
Synthesio monitored social media channels over a 30-day period to measure the impact of the world's mightiest heroes ... and villains. The 10 characters with the highest social scores appear in this infographic.
Read more:
Torben Budde has over 30 years of experience in finance and management roles. He has worked for companies like British American Tobacco, TDC, Nykredit Bank, and Jyske Bank, gaining experience in accounting, controlling, treasury, and managing teams. Most recently, he was CFO for Thales Transportation Signalling & Security Systems A/S and Finance Manager for a consortium project to re-signal the Danish railway.
Greetings from Virtue Insight,
I am happy to invite you and your colleagues to be a sponsor/ delegate for our upcoming ¡°IoT Asia Summit 2015¡± The conference will Be held on 07th October 2015, Matthan Hotel, Bangalore, India. Please find the detailed agenda for the same with this email.
Fmd:- + 91 9171350244 or,
Tomasz Bo?cun, Online Marketing Manager z firmy ClickMeeting opowiedzia? o trendzie jakim s? obecnie webinary - co to jest oraz gdzie mo?na je wykorzysta?.
Break The rules experience : The FOG
Workshop pour les ¨¦tudiants Lean Startup de l'¨¦cole ITESCIA anim¨¦ par Guillaume Warckol (
Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., leading the company to pioneer personal computers and mobile devices. He dropped out of college but took a calligraphy class that influenced Apple's emphasis on design. After being ousted from Apple, he founded NeXT and Pixar, and returned to Apple in 1996 as CEO. Under his leadership, Apple introduced revolutionary products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone and App Store that transformed technology and how people interact with computers and mobile devices.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre la tabla peri¨®dica de los elementos qu¨ªmicos. Explica que la tabla peri¨®dica clasifica los 109 elementos conocidos seg¨²n sus propiedades qu¨ªmicas en grupos y periodos. Tambi¨¦n describe varios experimentos realizados para analizar el comportamiento qu¨ªmico de algunos elementos mediante la observaci¨®n de cambios de color y tipo de llama al quemar sales de diferentes elementos.
Este documento resume tres res¨²menes de casos de estudio sobre conciencia ciudadana y contaminaci¨®n atmosf¨¦rica en tres ciudades latinoamericanas: la Ciudad de M¨¦xico, S?o Paulo y Santiago de Chile. Analiza los comportamientos individuales y colectivos, la comunicaci¨®n social y la participaci¨®n ciudadana en relaci¨®n con la contaminaci¨®n del aire en cada ciudad. Adem¨¢s, presenta marcos te¨®ricos sobre la importancia de la conciencia ciudadana para promover la descontaminaci¨®n y sobre la participaci¨®n de la ciudadan¨ªa en la lucha contra la contaminaci¨®n atmosf¨¦
Promotional products are an effective advertising method that provides long-lasting impressions at a low cost per exposure. Surveys found that over 75% of recipients can recall details about promotional products they received in the past two years. Many recipients keep and use promotional items for over a year, generating 52 or more impressions each year. Consumers generally have positive views of receiving promotional products and are more likely to patronize businesses that give them away.
Bu dok¨¹man ERP, CRM, ?nsan Kaynaklar? Y?netimi vb. kurumsal bilgi sistemi uygulamalar?n? i?letmelerinde hayata ge?irecek olan firma proje y?neticilerine ve karar vericilerine ???k tutacak bilgiler i?ermektedir
This is the English version of my talk about agile software development practices at Agile Talks seminars in Ankara, Turkey. I tried to focus on the nature of software development and figure out the development practices that let us build software in natural way.
Un simulador es un aparato, generalmente inform¨¢tico, que permite reproducir un sistema y sus sensaciones y experiencias de forma realista. Un simulador usa modelos matem¨¢ticos y mecanismos complejos para simular sensaciones f¨ªsicas como velocidad y aceleraci¨®n. Un emulador, por otro lado, trata de modelar un dispositivo de forma precisa para que funcione como si estuviera en el dispositivo original, a diferencia de solo reproducir su comportamiento como un simulador.
New research from Ogilvy & Mather and Communispace reveals extreme new consumer shopping behavior and spending priorities.
This report looks at how consumers will go to market in 2011.
This document provides information about the 2nd Annual Mobile Apps 2013 conference organized by Virtue Insight on August 30th, 2013 in Bangalore, India. It includes the list of key speakers from companies like Samsung, HP, Infosys, Oracle, and Microsoft. The conference will discuss topics like the impact of mobile apps on brands, developing network-friendly apps, native apps vs mobile web, monetizing multi-platform apps, and the future of mobile payments. Attendees will include VPs, directors, and managers from mobile operators, handset manufacturers, content providers, and app developers. The conference aims to explore business models and strategies in the mobile app industry in India and worldwide trends that will shape the digital
Which Superhero Flies Highest on Social Media?Mashable
Comic book fans love to see their favorite super-powered characters face off again and again. But what if superheroes, and their evil-doing nemeses, squared off in the social arena?
Synthesio monitored social media channels over a 30-day period to measure the impact of the world's mightiest heroes ... and villains. The 10 characters with the highest social scores appear in this infographic.
Read more:
Torben Budde has over 30 years of experience in finance and management roles. He has worked for companies like British American Tobacco, TDC, Nykredit Bank, and Jyske Bank, gaining experience in accounting, controlling, treasury, and managing teams. Most recently, he was CFO for Thales Transportation Signalling & Security Systems A/S and Finance Manager for a consortium project to re-signal the Danish railway.
Greetings from Virtue Insight,
I am happy to invite you and your colleagues to be a sponsor/ delegate for our upcoming ¡°IoT Asia Summit 2015¡± The conference will Be held on 07th October 2015, Matthan Hotel, Bangalore, India. Please find the detailed agenda for the same with this email.
Fmd:- + 91 9171350244 or,
Tomasz Bo?cun, Online Marketing Manager z firmy ClickMeeting opowiedzia? o trendzie jakim s? obecnie webinary - co to jest oraz gdzie mo?na je wykorzysta?.
Break The rules experience : The FOG
Workshop pour les ¨¦tudiants Lean Startup de l'¨¦cole ITESCIA anim¨¦ par Guillaume Warckol (
Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., leading the company to pioneer personal computers and mobile devices. He dropped out of college but took a calligraphy class that influenced Apple's emphasis on design. After being ousted from Apple, he founded NeXT and Pixar, and returned to Apple in 1996 as CEO. Under his leadership, Apple introduced revolutionary products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone and App Store that transformed technology and how people interact with computers and mobile devices.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre la tabla peri¨®dica de los elementos qu¨ªmicos. Explica que la tabla peri¨®dica clasifica los 109 elementos conocidos seg¨²n sus propiedades qu¨ªmicas en grupos y periodos. Tambi¨¦n describe varios experimentos realizados para analizar el comportamiento qu¨ªmico de algunos elementos mediante la observaci¨®n de cambios de color y tipo de llama al quemar sales de diferentes elementos.
Este documento resume tres res¨²menes de casos de estudio sobre conciencia ciudadana y contaminaci¨®n atmosf¨¦rica en tres ciudades latinoamericanas: la Ciudad de M¨¦xico, S?o Paulo y Santiago de Chile. Analiza los comportamientos individuales y colectivos, la comunicaci¨®n social y la participaci¨®n ciudadana en relaci¨®n con la contaminaci¨®n del aire en cada ciudad. Adem¨¢s, presenta marcos te¨®ricos sobre la importancia de la conciencia ciudadana para promover la descontaminaci¨®n y sobre la participaci¨®n de la ciudadan¨ªa en la lucha contra la contaminaci¨®n atmosf¨¦
Promotional products are an effective advertising method that provides long-lasting impressions at a low cost per exposure. Surveys found that over 75% of recipients can recall details about promotional products they received in the past two years. Many recipients keep and use promotional items for over a year, generating 52 or more impressions each year. Consumers generally have positive views of receiving promotional products and are more likely to patronize businesses that give them away.
Bu dok¨¹man ERP, CRM, ?nsan Kaynaklar? Y?netimi vb. kurumsal bilgi sistemi uygulamalar?n? i?letmelerinde hayata ge?irecek olan firma proje y?neticilerine ve karar vericilerine ???k tutacak bilgiler i?ermektedir
Kurumlardaki en dinamik stratejilerden birisi kurumsal bilgi stratejisidir. ?¨¹nk¨¹ i?erik ¡°i?¡±in en de?i?ken unsurlar?ndan birisidir. Bilginin ??? gibi artmas? ve bo?ulma etkisi yaratmas?na kar??l?k kurumlar orta-uzun vadeli kurumsal i?erik y?netim stratejilerini olu?turup, bu stratejileri uygun plan ve teknolojileri uygulamaya almad?klar? s¨¹rece giderek zorlanacak ve rekabette geri kald?klar?n? fark edeceklerdir.
Bu sunumda genel kurumsal i?erik y?netimi kavramlar? ve projelerde ba?ar?ya ula?mak i?in gereken p¨¹f noktalar?ndan bahsedilmektedir.
Agile nedir? ne i?e yarar? Felsefesi nas?l olu?tu? Temel konseptler? Agile ekibi kimlerden olu?ur? gibi daha ?ok Agile yeni ba?layanlar i?in rehber niteli?inde hap gibi bir k?lavuz & tan?t?m.
Proje Y?netcili?inin g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde uluslararas? normlar? belirlenmi? bir meslek olarak,D¨¹nya¡¯da kabul g?rm¨¹? olmas?,en ?ok kazanan meslekler s?ralamas?nda Avukatl?ktan sonra 2.S?rada (PWC¡¯nin ?al??mas?) olmas?,
bu ihtiyac?n en belirgin g?stergesidir.
Application Lifecycle Management Services by 4SSerdar Zeybek
Application Lifecycle Management Services by 4S. 4S is one of the leading companies in Turkey. 4S has finished many sucessfull projects in EMEA Region.
E-ticarette Yaz?l?m ve Altyap?
Startup Heroes, Developers
We Made IT Possible
Software and Hardware Help Desk Saving %40 Time for IT teams
Haz?r Yaz?l?m Deri ceket gibidir, hep bir?eylerin ekli?ini hisedersin.
Before going down Proactive Monitoring
¡®M¨¹kemmel iyinin d¨¹?man?d?r¡¯, Voltaire
¡®Engineering is nothing but optimization¡¯
Yaz?l?m, ya?ayan bir organizmad?r... ?hmale gelmez.
In IT Complete Solution means, Agile Swat Teams
Design System as a Product - Maria Elena Duenias, Esther Butcher
Design systems are a great example where web development and design meet. You can find innumerable resources on the internet, books and conferences on how to build them, and how they are exactly what your organization needs. But, building one requires a lot more than following a recipe. In this talk we are going to discuss how to build a design system as an internal product, and how it evolves to become what the users need.
Designers, Developers and Dogs: Finding the magic balance between product and tech - Charlotte Vorbeck, ShareNow and Sahil Bajaj
How can an agile delivery team become a successful product team? When does collaboration between product and tech succeed and when not? Why do people in some teams inspire each other while others in the same environment don't speak the same language? In this talk we want to share our learnings and experiences from rebuilding an internal tool for customer support at ShareNow. What could have been just another boring rewrite surprisingly became one of our best experiences in collaboration. We will look at how a joint discovery phase helped us to come up with a shared vision, how a better team setup enabled us to do the necessary work, how focusing on the customer kept us aligned during our journey, and also how we built upon existing collaborative techniques to achieve this new level of cooperation and trust.
During this presentation, Ward Coessens, ThoughtWorks' Consultant will share best practice insights from the Daimler partnership, helping the automotive group on their cloud innovation journey.
How to create more business impact with flexible teams - Jan Hegewald, Zalando & Rebekka Beels, Zalando
Usually, Software Engineering teams are organized around a fixed set of components which they develop further and maintain. Such component teams gain a high level of expert knowledge about their services. However, with agile product development, it often is difficult to implement the most important initiatives with such teams. This leads to a situation where the teams do not work on the most relevant business topics but on those for the respective team. At Zalando, we introduced a new model where we shape teams flexibly around business goals to create the highest impact. How we organize these teams and which challenges especially for the software quality need to be addressed, will be explored in this talk.
Amazon¡¯s Culture of Innovation & The Working Backwards session
Working Backwards; leading organisations achieve growth by marrying customer-obsession with a modern technology strategy. Where do you begin? By focusing on the customer.
During this webinar, Amazon will discuss key innovation principles which have been instrumental in their continued success and their Working Backwards approach.
Dual-Track Agile for Discovery & Development - Adriana Katrandzhieva
The talk will focus on one of the ways teams can ensure continuous delivery and design in their projects. The so-called ¡®Dual-track¡¯ model shows the parallel tracks of discovery and development throughout the product design and delivery process. These continually feedback into each other informing new hypothesis that can be tested in order to be proven/disproven. This model is not always easy to implement out of the box and so I will share my own experiences in applying it in practice - what worked, what didn't and how the model can be adjusted to fit different teams and organisational environments.
This document discusses developer experience (DX) and how to design for it. It begins with introductions of the presenters and defines DX as the experience developers have when using a product. It then discusses understanding developer pain points and personas, designing the developer journey, and using different interfaces like APIs, portals, and CLIs. The document outlines challenges in the design process like getting buy-in and measuring DX metrics. It argues that improving DX benefits business goals like enabling experiments, increasing flexibility, and attracting talent. It concludes that developers are also users and designers, and that DX is important to consider for business reasons.
When we design together - Sabrina Mach, Ammara Gafoor and James Emmott
From three distinct perspectives, this talk will contend that design is an activity undertaken by everyone in a software development team. It occurs throughout the process of delivery ¡ª not only at the beginning or the end ¡ª and it is a powerful instrument for learning about and adapting to the problems our work seeks to solve, which is a shared responsibility. Making the best use of our multidisciplinary expertise in the activity of design requires forms of collaboration that are too often disrupted by the role-based silos that keep us separated and weaken the valuable contribution our diverse approaches could make to our collective efforts. If you care about accelerating time to market, improving customer experience, or building happy and productive teams, you will want to know why and how it matters that we believe ¡®design is in everything that we do¡¯.
Hardware is hard(er): designing for distributed user experiences in IoT - Claire Rowland,
Designing connected devices and hardware-enabled services is significantly more complex than pure software. There are more devices on which code can run, connectivity and data sharing patterns to consider, and often multiple and varied touchpoints for users to interact with. Pulling this all together into a coherent experience involves strong collaboration between design and engineering, and a systems thinking approach to UX. In this talk, we¡¯ll introduce what designers need to know about the tech, what engineers need to know about UX for IoT, and how to facilitate the whole-collaboration needed to create great products.
Customer-centric innovation enabled by cloudThoughtworks
Working Backwards - Leading organisations achieve growth by marrying customer-obsession with a modern technology strategy. In this upcoming webinar, we¡¯ve partnered with AWS to bring you exclusive insights from one of the world¡¯s most innovative companies, Amazon.
The document discusses Amazon's culture of innovation. It emphasizes starting with the customer and working backwards to develop solutions. Amazon focuses on small, autonomous teams that are nimble and own their work. The company's leadership principles guide decision-making and encourage inventiveness, customer obsession, high standards, and long-term thinking to solve customer problems.
The document discusses techniques for establishing shorter feedback loops between developing features and measuring user behavior, including:
1) Shadow traffic which runs new and old features simultaneously to get early feedback without users noticing a difference.
2) Visual reports which assess the quality of a feature through a report (e.g. HTML page) of key metrics.
3) A/B testing which statistically compares user behavior between a control and test group after exposing each to a different variant of a feature. Sample size considerations and statistical significance are discussed.
As a tech leader at ThoughtWorks, a large part of my job involves recommending practices to our clients so they can build and deliver good quality software faster. In doing so repeatedly for many clients I have created a toolkit that contains practical advice from being on the ground. This is what we do, we know it works. When Julius Caesar entered Rome with his army by crossing the river Rubicon, he did something that couldn¡¯t be undone ever again. In your journey as a leader, avoid mistakes that are difficult to correct later. Here are a set of practices that you want to adopt as soon as possible.
Handling error conditions is a core part of the software we write. However, we often treat it as a second class citizen, obscuring our intent through abuse of null values and exceptions that make our code hard to understand and maintain. In the functional programming community, it is common to use datatypes such as Option, Either or Validated to make our intentions explicit when dealing with errors. We can leverage the compiler to verify that we are handling them instead of hoping for the best at runtime. This results in code that is clearer, without hidden path flows. We¡¯ll show how we have been doing this in Kotlin, with the help of the Arrow library.
Mutation testing in software development surfaced in academia during the 70's and has recently seen a resurgence in popularity as a legitimate tool in your testing arsenal. In this session we review the conventional testing pyramid, modern approaches to testing software and look at how mutation testing can help fill in those blind spots.
The document discusses security challenges and best practices for Docker containers. It outlines risks at different stages of the container lifecycle from image development to deployment. Key risks include lack of isolation, complex ecosystems, and known vulnerabilities. The document recommends practices like using linting and scanning during development, restricting resources and access controls at deployment, and signing images from trusted sources to improve container security.
Mainframes handle 30 billion business transactions each day and 87% of all credit card transactions*, they are not traditionally associated with flexible, fail-fast development approaches. Can we bring the practices of agile, CI/CD and fully automated deployments to applications running on a mainframe? During our talk, we'll tell you a story about test automation; redefining the smallest testable unit of a program. And we'll discuss our learnings from introducing continuous integration and agile practices to the world of insurance and mainframes.
*9 Mainframe statistics that may surprise you
ThoughtWorks' Lucy Kurian, James Lewis & Kief Morris discuss tech trends in our latest Technology Radar, covering techniques, platforms, tools, languages and frameworks.
1. E l i f ? z d e m i r , L e a d C o n s u l t a n t
2. 2
?al??anlar, organizasyonlar?n?n s¨¹rekli
de?i?ti?inden yak?nsalar da, bu de?i?imler
organizasyonlar? ileriye g?t¨¹ren paradoxlara
gerekli cevaplard?r.
Jim Highsmith
3. ?ncelikler
5% 22% 43% 30%
3% 19% 49% 29%
11% 25% 41% 23%
4% 24% 54% 18%
7% 26% 50% 17%
10% 30% 45% 15%
8% 36% 45% 11%
11% 37% 42% 10%
17% 39% 34% 10%
14% 39% 39% 8%
15% 40% 38% 7%
16% 42% 35% 7%
38% 33% 24% 5%
Accelerate time to market
Manage changing priorities
Better alight IT/business
Increase productivity
Enhance software quality
Project visibility
Reduce risk
Simplify development process
Reduce cost
Enhance software maintainability/extensibility
Improve team morale
Improve/increase engineering discipline
Manage distributed teams
Not important at all Somewhat important Very important Highest importance
4. Bug¨¹n Neredeyiz?
The Post ¨C Chasm Agile Blues
Agile is here
Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards
? High tolerance for change
? Conservative, risk-adverse
Whole Product Incomplete
Training Coaching
8. M¨¹hendislik Pratikleri
Whole Team
Pair Refactoring
Simple Design
10. ?evik Yaz?l?m Geli?tirme Manifestosu
Bizler daha iyi yaz?l?m geli?tirme yollar?n?, uygulayarak ve ba?kalar?n?n
da uygulamas?na yard?m ederek ortaya ??kart?yoruz.
Bu ?al??malar?n sonucunda:
S¨¹re?ler ve ara?lardan ziyade bireyler ve etkile?imlere
Kapsaml? d?k¨¹mantasyondan ziyade ?al??an yaz?l?ma
S?zle?me pazarl?klar?ndan ziyade m¨¹?teri ile i?birli?ine
Bir plana ba?l? kalmaktan ziyade de?i?ime kar??l?k
vermeye de?er vermeye kanaat getirdik.
?zetle, sol taraftaki maddelerin de?erini kabul etmekle birlikte,
sa? taraftaki maddeleri daha de?erli bulmaktay?z.
11. Prensipler ve Pratikler
Erkenden ve s¨¹rekli olarak de?er katmak: iteratif ?al??mak
T¨¹m ekip projenin ba??ndan sonuna kadar beraber
?al??mal?: co-located, cross-functional tak?mlar
Motivasyonu y¨¹ksek bireylerden tak?mlar olu?turmal? ve onlara ba?ar?l?
olacaklar? ortamlar vermeli: self-organising, self-governing tak?mlar
Y¨¹z y¨¹ze konu?ma en etkin ileti?im bi?imidir: feedback
?lerlemenin en iyi g?stergesi ?al??an yaz?l?md?r: showcase
S¨¹rd¨¹r¨¹lebilir h?z: IPM
Sadele?tirmek: incremental delivery
Zaman zaman ekip bir araya gelerek kendi
s¨¹re?lerini g?zden ge?irir: retrospective