GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At CommercetoolsNicola Molinari
The document describes commercetools' experience with adopting GraphQL for their merchant center application. They were initially fetching category data with multiple REST requests, but were able to fetch it in one GraphQL query along with additional fields like number of subcategories and products. This solved a performance issue and allowed them to easily extend their API. They also migrated other parts of their client to use GraphQL, reducing network requests and complexity. Overall, GraphQL allowed them to optimize queries and extend their API with minimal effort.
In this talk, we shared some of our highlights of the GraphQL Europe conference.
You can see the full coverage of the conference here:
GraphQL is a data query and manipulation language that provides a single endpoint for fetching data from multiple sources. It allows clients to define their own data requirements and exposes data through a single schema. Some key benefits include fewer roundtrips to the server and allowing UI components to describe their own data dependencies. Apollo Client is commonly used with GraphQL and works well with Redux. It provides features like caching, refetching, and loading states. Development tools include Apollo devtools, GraphiQL, and ESLint plugins. Best practices include creating interfaces for pagination, handling authorization, error handling, and partial responses.
This document provides an introduction and overview of GraphQL, including:
- A brief history of GraphQL and how it was created by Facebook and adopted by other companies.
- How GraphQL provides a more efficient alternative to REST APIs by allowing clients to specify exactly the data they need in a request.
- Some key benefits of GraphQL like its type system, declarative data fetching, schema stitching, introspection, and versioning capabilities.
- Some disadvantages like potential complexity in queries and challenges with rate limiting.
In this talk, I go over some of the concerns people initially have when adding GraphQL to their existing frontends and backends, and cover some of the tools that can be used to address them.
This document discusses various GraphQL tooling options. It describes GraphQL Config as a common configuration format, the GraphQL CLI for tying together multiple tools, and GraphQL Playground for exploring schemas. It also outlines GraphQL Binding for reusing APIs, GrAMPS for building microservices, GraphQL Import for splitting schemas, Apollo Tracing for performance insights, and GraphQL Yoga as an all-in-one server implementation.
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits togetherSashko Stubailo
My talk from GraphQL Summit 2017!
In this talk, I talk about a future for GraphQL which builds on the idea that GraphQL enables lots of tools to work together seamlessly across the stack. I present this through the lens of 3 examples: Caching, performance tracing, and schema stitching.
Stay tuned for the video recording from GraphQL Summit!
GraphQL is an application layer query language developed by Facebook that allows clients to define queries for retrieving multiple resources from an API in a single request. It uses a type system and schema to define the data and operations available. GraphQL aims to solve issues with REST APIs like over-fetching and under-fetching data by allowing clients to specify exactly what data they need.
In this presentation, Suraj Kumar Paul of Valuebound has walked us through GraphQL. Founded by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL is a data query language that provides an alternative to REST and web service architectures.
Here he has discussed core ideas of GraphQL, limitations of RESTful APIs, operations, arguments, fragmentation, variables, mutations etc.
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Our website:
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that uses a type system to define queries and mutations. It originated at Facebook in 2011 to address issues with REST APIs like multiple round trips and misaligned data shapes. GraphQL allows clients to specify exactly what data they need in a single request, making it more efficient than REST. It has gained popularity with over 300 billion requests per day on Facebook and adoption by companies like GitHub for their APIs.
This document is a presentation on GraphQL fundamentals. It was created by Virbhadra S. Ankalkote from BORN Group. The presentation covers what GraphQL is, who created it, why it was created, and how it works. It defines GraphQL as a query language for APIs that fulfills queries with existing data. It notes that Facebook developed GraphQL in 2012 for their native mobile app. In comparison to REST APIs, GraphQL allows clients to get precisely the data they need in one request. The presentation explains the GraphQL specification and includes sections on reading and writing data, using variables and fragments, and limitations such as indefinite querying depth.
Real-time GraphQL API with minimum coding and maximum benefitMikhail Asavkin
There are many ways to build your GraphQL server in NodeJS. Some will require a lot of work, some will require almost no code at all. This time we'll focus on real-time GraphQL API or so-called 'live query' feature. We'll explore the best libraries and services to use to build your own real-time GraphQL API server, highlight some pros and cons and mistakes to avoid.
GraphQL is a wonderful abstraction for describing and querying data. Apollo is an ambitious project to help you build apps with GraphQL. In this talk, we'll go over how all the partsClient, Server, Dev Tools, Codegen, and morecreate an end-to-end experience for building apps on top of any data.
## Detailed description
In today's development ecosystem, there are tons of options for almost every part of your application development process: UI rendering, styling, server side rendering, build systems, type checking, databases, frontend data management, and more. However, there's one part of the stack that hasn't gotten as much love in the last decade, because it usually falls in the cracks between frontend and backend developers: Data fetching.
The most common way to load data in apps today is to use a REST API on the server and manage the data manually on the client. Whether you're using Redux, MobX, or something else, you're usually doing everything yourselfdeciding when to load data, how to keep it fresh, updating the store after sending updates to the server, and more. But if you're trying to develop the best user experience for your app, all of that gets in the way; you shouldn't have to become a systems engineer to create a great frontend. The Apollo project is based on the belief that data loading doesn't have to be complicated; instead, you should be able to easily get the data you want, when you want it, and it should be managed for you just like React manages updating your UI.
Because data loading touches both the frontend and backend of your app, GraphQL and Apollo have to include many parts to fulfill that promise of being able to seamlessly connect your data together. First, we need client libraries not only for React and JavaScript, but also for native iOS and Android. Then, we must bring server-side support for GraphQL queries, mutations, and most recently subscriptions to every server technology and make those servers easier to write. And finally, we want not only all of the tools that people are used to with REST APIs, but many more thanks to all of the capabilities enabled by GraphQL.
In this talk, we'll go over all of the parts of a GraphQL-oriented app architecture, and how different GraphQL and Apollo technologies come together to solve all of the parts of data loading and management for React developers.
This document discusses transitioning a web application from a REST API to a GraphQL API. It covers why the company adopted GraphQL to address over-fetching and under-fetching issues, choosing the Apollo GraphQL client library, and a staged approach to transitioning including creating a GraphQL server, isolated GraphQL components, and updating legacy stores with component queries. It also provides tips on handling caching keys, response headers, mobile REST clients, server rendering, and taking a staged approach to the transition.
GraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend DevsSashko Stubailo
Engineers working on backend data services are often focused on operational concerns like data consistency, reliability, uptime, and storage efficiency. Because each situation calls for a specific set of tradeoffs, one organization can end up with a diverse set of backend databases and services. For the people building the UI and frontend API layers, this diversity can quickly become an issue, especially if the same client needs to call into multiple backends or fetch related objects across different data sources.
GraphQL is a language-agnostic API gateway technology designed precisely to solve this mismatch between backend and frontend requirements. It provides a highly structured, yet flexible API layer that lets the client specify all of its data requirements in one GraphQL query, without needing to know about the backend services being accessed. Better yet, because of the structured, strongly typed nature of both GraphQL queries and APIs, it's possible to quickly get critical information, such as which objects and fields are accessed by which frontends, which clients will be affected by specific changes to the backend, and more.
In this talk, I'll explain what GraphQL is, what data management problems it can solve in an organization, and how you can try it today.
What if you could create a GraphQL API by combining many smaller APIs? That's what we're aiming for with schema stitching, the new feature in the Apollo graphql-tools package.
GraphQL: Enabling a new generation of API developer toolsSashko Stubailo
This document discusses the history and benefits of GraphQL as an API layer between frontends and backends. It provides examples of how GraphQL allows flexible queries to get only necessary data, and describes tools like GraphiQL, static query analysis, code generation and dev tools that improve the developer experience. GraphQL provides a shared language for frontend and backend teams to communicate about data requirements and optimize performance.
Taking Control of your Data with GraphQLVinci Rufus
The document discusses how GraphQL provides a solution for problems with traditional REST APIs by allowing flexible data fetching with one query. It summarizes pain points like over-fetching or under-fetching data and inconsistent features between platforms. The document then explains what GraphQL is, how it evolved from internal use at Facebook, popular brands using it, its specifications and implementations in different languages. It demonstrates how GraphQL enables flexible querying of data without versioning or multiple endpoints. The document also covers related tools like GraphiQL, schemas and types, and how GraphQL can be used with React. It concludes by discussing upcoming areas of focus like prioritizing data and supporting real-time updates.
Learn how to build advanced GraphQL queries, how to work with filters and patches and how to embed GraphQL in languages like Python and Java. These slides are the second set in our webinar series on GraphQL.
It is a basic presentation which can help you understand the basic concepts about Graphql and how it can be used to resolve the frontend integration of projects and help in reducing the data fetching time
This presentation also explains the core features of Graphql and why It is a great alternative for REST APIs along with the procedure with which we can integrate it into our projects
GraphQL is a specification created by Facebook that defines a query language for fetching data from backend services. It allows clients to request specific data fields from a server in a hierarchical manner and receive only the requested data. GraphQL queries are strongly typed and introspective, allowing clients to understand the structure of the returned data. While still in draft form, GraphQL is used in production by Facebook's mobile apps and provides advantages over traditional REST APIs by being more product-centric and client-driven.
This document summarizes and compares several GraphQL libraries for Java: graphql-java, graphql-java-kickstart, and dgs-framework. It discusses their features for defining schemas and types, handling data fetching and caching, performing mutations, handling errors, testing functionality, and code generation capabilities. Overall, dgs-framework requires the least amount of boilerplate code, supports testing and code generation more fully, and is designed specifically for use within Spring Boot applications.
apidays LIVE Australia 2020 - Have your cake and eat it too: GraphQL? REST? W...apidays
apidays LIVE Australia 2020 - Building Business Ecosystems
Have your cake and eat it too: GraphQL? REST? Why not have both!
Roy Mor, Technical Lead at Sisense
This document discusses various GraphQL tooling options. It describes GraphQL Config as a common configuration format, the GraphQL CLI for tying together multiple tools, and GraphQL Playground for exploring schemas. It also outlines GraphQL Binding for reusing APIs, GrAMPS for building microservices, GraphQL Import for splitting schemas, Apollo Tracing for performance insights, and GraphQL Yoga as an all-in-one server implementation.
GraphQL across the stack: How everything fits togetherSashko Stubailo
My talk from GraphQL Summit 2017!
In this talk, I talk about a future for GraphQL which builds on the idea that GraphQL enables lots of tools to work together seamlessly across the stack. I present this through the lens of 3 examples: Caching, performance tracing, and schema stitching.
Stay tuned for the video recording from GraphQL Summit!
GraphQL is an application layer query language developed by Facebook that allows clients to define queries for retrieving multiple resources from an API in a single request. It uses a type system and schema to define the data and operations available. GraphQL aims to solve issues with REST APIs like over-fetching and under-fetching data by allowing clients to specify exactly what data they need.
In this presentation, Suraj Kumar Paul of Valuebound has walked us through GraphQL. Founded by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL is a data query language that provides an alternative to REST and web service architectures.
Here he has discussed core ideas of GraphQL, limitations of RESTful APIs, operations, arguments, fragmentation, variables, mutations etc.
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Our website:
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that uses a type system to define queries and mutations. It originated at Facebook in 2011 to address issues with REST APIs like multiple round trips and misaligned data shapes. GraphQL allows clients to specify exactly what data they need in a single request, making it more efficient than REST. It has gained popularity with over 300 billion requests per day on Facebook and adoption by companies like GitHub for their APIs.
This document is a presentation on GraphQL fundamentals. It was created by Virbhadra S. Ankalkote from BORN Group. The presentation covers what GraphQL is, who created it, why it was created, and how it works. It defines GraphQL as a query language for APIs that fulfills queries with existing data. It notes that Facebook developed GraphQL in 2012 for their native mobile app. In comparison to REST APIs, GraphQL allows clients to get precisely the data they need in one request. The presentation explains the GraphQL specification and includes sections on reading and writing data, using variables and fragments, and limitations such as indefinite querying depth.
Real-time GraphQL API with minimum coding and maximum benefitMikhail Asavkin
There are many ways to build your GraphQL server in NodeJS. Some will require a lot of work, some will require almost no code at all. This time we'll focus on real-time GraphQL API or so-called 'live query' feature. We'll explore the best libraries and services to use to build your own real-time GraphQL API server, highlight some pros and cons and mistakes to avoid.
GraphQL is a wonderful abstraction for describing and querying data. Apollo is an ambitious project to help you build apps with GraphQL. In this talk, we'll go over how all the partsClient, Server, Dev Tools, Codegen, and morecreate an end-to-end experience for building apps on top of any data.
## Detailed description
In today's development ecosystem, there are tons of options for almost every part of your application development process: UI rendering, styling, server side rendering, build systems, type checking, databases, frontend data management, and more. However, there's one part of the stack that hasn't gotten as much love in the last decade, because it usually falls in the cracks between frontend and backend developers: Data fetching.
The most common way to load data in apps today is to use a REST API on the server and manage the data manually on the client. Whether you're using Redux, MobX, or something else, you're usually doing everything yourselfdeciding when to load data, how to keep it fresh, updating the store after sending updates to the server, and more. But if you're trying to develop the best user experience for your app, all of that gets in the way; you shouldn't have to become a systems engineer to create a great frontend. The Apollo project is based on the belief that data loading doesn't have to be complicated; instead, you should be able to easily get the data you want, when you want it, and it should be managed for you just like React manages updating your UI.
Because data loading touches both the frontend and backend of your app, GraphQL and Apollo have to include many parts to fulfill that promise of being able to seamlessly connect your data together. First, we need client libraries not only for React and JavaScript, but also for native iOS and Android. Then, we must bring server-side support for GraphQL queries, mutations, and most recently subscriptions to every server technology and make those servers easier to write. And finally, we want not only all of the tools that people are used to with REST APIs, but many more thanks to all of the capabilities enabled by GraphQL.
In this talk, we'll go over all of the parts of a GraphQL-oriented app architecture, and how different GraphQL and Apollo technologies come together to solve all of the parts of data loading and management for React developers.
This document discusses transitioning a web application from a REST API to a GraphQL API. It covers why the company adopted GraphQL to address over-fetching and under-fetching issues, choosing the Apollo GraphQL client library, and a staged approach to transitioning including creating a GraphQL server, isolated GraphQL components, and updating legacy stores with component queries. It also provides tips on handling caching keys, response headers, mobile REST clients, server rendering, and taking a staged approach to the transition.
GraphQL: The Missing Link Between Frontend and Backend DevsSashko Stubailo
Engineers working on backend data services are often focused on operational concerns like data consistency, reliability, uptime, and storage efficiency. Because each situation calls for a specific set of tradeoffs, one organization can end up with a diverse set of backend databases and services. For the people building the UI and frontend API layers, this diversity can quickly become an issue, especially if the same client needs to call into multiple backends or fetch related objects across different data sources.
GraphQL is a language-agnostic API gateway technology designed precisely to solve this mismatch between backend and frontend requirements. It provides a highly structured, yet flexible API layer that lets the client specify all of its data requirements in one GraphQL query, without needing to know about the backend services being accessed. Better yet, because of the structured, strongly typed nature of both GraphQL queries and APIs, it's possible to quickly get critical information, such as which objects and fields are accessed by which frontends, which clients will be affected by specific changes to the backend, and more.
In this talk, I'll explain what GraphQL is, what data management problems it can solve in an organization, and how you can try it today.
What if you could create a GraphQL API by combining many smaller APIs? That's what we're aiming for with schema stitching, the new feature in the Apollo graphql-tools package.
GraphQL: Enabling a new generation of API developer toolsSashko Stubailo
This document discusses the history and benefits of GraphQL as an API layer between frontends and backends. It provides examples of how GraphQL allows flexible queries to get only necessary data, and describes tools like GraphiQL, static query analysis, code generation and dev tools that improve the developer experience. GraphQL provides a shared language for frontend and backend teams to communicate about data requirements and optimize performance.
Taking Control of your Data with GraphQLVinci Rufus
The document discusses how GraphQL provides a solution for problems with traditional REST APIs by allowing flexible data fetching with one query. It summarizes pain points like over-fetching or under-fetching data and inconsistent features between platforms. The document then explains what GraphQL is, how it evolved from internal use at Facebook, popular brands using it, its specifications and implementations in different languages. It demonstrates how GraphQL enables flexible querying of data without versioning or multiple endpoints. The document also covers related tools like GraphiQL, schemas and types, and how GraphQL can be used with React. It concludes by discussing upcoming areas of focus like prioritizing data and supporting real-time updates.
Learn how to build advanced GraphQL queries, how to work with filters and patches and how to embed GraphQL in languages like Python and Java. These slides are the second set in our webinar series on GraphQL.
It is a basic presentation which can help you understand the basic concepts about Graphql and how it can be used to resolve the frontend integration of projects and help in reducing the data fetching time
This presentation also explains the core features of Graphql and why It is a great alternative for REST APIs along with the procedure with which we can integrate it into our projects
GraphQL is a specification created by Facebook that defines a query language for fetching data from backend services. It allows clients to request specific data fields from a server in a hierarchical manner and receive only the requested data. GraphQL queries are strongly typed and introspective, allowing clients to understand the structure of the returned data. While still in draft form, GraphQL is used in production by Facebook's mobile apps and provides advantages over traditional REST APIs by being more product-centric and client-driven.
This document summarizes and compares several GraphQL libraries for Java: graphql-java, graphql-java-kickstart, and dgs-framework. It discusses their features for defining schemas and types, handling data fetching and caching, performing mutations, handling errors, testing functionality, and code generation capabilities. Overall, dgs-framework requires the least amount of boilerplate code, supports testing and code generation more fully, and is designed specifically for use within Spring Boot applications.
apidays LIVE Australia 2020 - Have your cake and eat it too: GraphQL? REST? W...apidays
apidays LIVE Australia 2020 - Building Business Ecosystems
Have your cake and eat it too: GraphQL? REST? Why not have both!
Roy Mor, Technical Lead at Sisense
GraphQL vs REST is a comparison of two popular data fetching protocols. GraphQL was created by Facebook in 2012 and allows clients to specify exactly the data they need from servers, resulting in more efficient APIs. REST has been around since 2000 and prescribes resources identified by URIs and standard HTTP methods. The article compares the advantages of each, such as GraphQL being more efficient by fetching only required data, and disadvantages like its complexity. It argues both can be used together based on specific project needs.
1. The document discusses how to use GraphQL with ApolloJS and provides an overview of both technologies. It introduces the presenter and covers GraphQL history, companies using GraphQL, advantages over REST, how to use GraphQL, and what ApolloJS is and its products.
2. It then summarizes how to set up an ApolloJS server including installing ApolloServer, defining types and schemas, resolving queries and mutations, using DataLoader for performance, subscriptions, and directives.
3. The presentation concludes with references for further reading on GraphQL and ApolloJS.
This presentation focuses on giving an intro to and purpose of GraphQL. Built GraphQL server app with Nodejs. GIT LINK -
GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs that allows clients to get precisely the data they need from a server in a single request. It provides a complete description of the available data in an API and gives clients control over the data received. In contrast, REST APIs typically require multiple requests to get all needed data. While REST is an architectural style for designing APIs, GraphQL is a specification and query language. GraphQL is gaining popularity as it can address limitations of REST like overfetching data and making multiple requests.
GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs that allows clients to get precisely the data they need from a server in a single request. It provides a complete description of the available data in an API and gives clients control over the data received. While REST uses a server-driven architecture with multiple endpoints, GraphQL uses a single endpoint and client-driven model. Some key advantages of GraphQL include fetching exact data needs to avoid over- or under-fetching, and stitching together schemas from multiple sources into a unified API.
Practical Application of API-First in microservices developmentChavdar Baikov
Building complex applications using microservices-based architecture naturally involves a great amount of remote communication based on RESTful APIs. The REST APIs represent the contract of the microservice, with both external and internal stakeholders. Microservices, with poorly designed and unstable APIs, might pose a challenge for
the whole application stack, for both adoption and maintenance.
In this session, we will dig into the benefits of the API-First development approach, for designing stable, clean, and robust microservice APIs. We will showcase a practical example of how API-First development can be streamlined for developing and consuming Spring-based Java microservices, leveraging mostly free and open source technologies.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a server-side runtime. It allows fulfilling queries by using a type system you define for your data. Why use GraphQL? What are the pros and cons? We did research and summarised our conclusions.
CONDG April 23 2020 - Baskar Rao - GraphQLMatthew Groves
This document provides an overview of GraphQL, including:
- A brief history of API architectures like REST and how GraphQL compares
- Common problems with REST APIs that GraphQL aims to address
- Key aspects of GraphQL like queries, mutations, subscriptions and its schema-first approach
- Popular GraphQL platforms and clients like Apollo, Hasura and Relay
- A demo of building a GraphQL API
GraphQL has made an excellent entree on the API scene. It is reintroducing the original concepts of RPC-style architecture with a revolutionary API consumer-oriented approach. It brought a new option to the stalled waters of RESTful APIs. But more importantly, GraphQL brought back the principal question: What is the right API architectural style for my project?
If you are building an API, this talk should give you enough of the theoretical background to make the right API-decision for your product.
In this talk, we will take a critical look at predominant API architectural style RESTful APIs and put it in contrast to GraphQL and Hypermedia APIs. We will discuss the expected properties of distributed systems, the consequences of choosing a particular API style, and reflect these findings in the pros and cons of the popular methods.
gRPC, GraphQL, REST - Which API Tech to use - API Conference Berlin oct 20Phil Wilkins
The document discusses different API technologies including gRPC, GraphQL, and REST. It provides overviews of each technology, describing their origins, key concepts, pros, and cons. gRPC was developed by Google and uses protocol buffers for messages and HTTP/2 for transport. GraphQL was created by Facebook and uses a query language for clients to specify the exact data they need. REST is the more established standard based on HTTP and uses URIs for identification of resources.
GraphQL is quickly becoming mainstream as one of the best ways to get data into your React application. When we see people modernize their app architecture and move to React, they often want to migrate their API to GraphQL as part of the same effort. But while React is super easy to adopt in a small part of your app at a time, GraphQL can seem like a much larger investment. In this talk, well go over the fastest and most effective ways for React developers to incrementally migrate their existing APIs and backends to GraphQL, then talk about opportunities for improvement in the space. If youre using React and are interested in GraphQL, but are looking for an extra push to get it up and running at your company, this is the talk for you!
apidays LIVE Paris - GraphQL meshes by Jens Neuseapidays
apidays LIVE Paris - Responding to the New Normal with APIs for Business, People and Society
December 8, 9 & 10, 2020
GraphQL meshes
Jens Neuse, Founder of Wundergraph
Introduction to Testing GraphQL PresentationKnoldus Inc.
Explore strategies and best practices for testing systems built on event-driven architecture. Learn how to ensure the reliability and responsiveness of event-driven applications through comprehensive testing methodologies.
Testing Graph QL Presentation (Test Automation)Knoldus Inc.
Discover how to test GraphQL effectively! This session dives into checking if your data queries and changes work correctly. You'll learn to ensure your data stays safe and accurate. We'll cover practical examples to help you understand these methods better by the end of our session.
Oleg Bogut - Decoupled Drupal: how to build stable solution with JSON:API, Re...DrupalCamp Kyiv
This document discusses building a decoupled Drupal site architecture using JSON:API, ReactJS, and Elasticsearch. It defines decoupled Drupal as exposing Drupal data via web services for consumption by other applications. Key points covered include advantages of decoupling like content syndication and frontend developer experience. JSON:API and GraphQL are presented as options for the Drupal API. ReactJS is recommended for building client-side applications. Elasticsearch is proposed for site search. Performance tuning and caching strategies are also addressed.
apidays LIVE Hong Kong 2021 - Multi-Protocol APIs at Scale in Adidas by Jesus...apidays
1. The document discusses the need for an integration specification to manage APIs that use multiple protocols and styles at large companies.
2. An integration specification would provide a single source of truth for technical metadata about APIs, including how they are structured, the data they manage, and how they relate to each other and enterprise data.
3. This would enable automated API discovery, integration, and management processes by describing APIs and their access to data products at an enterprise level.
This document provides an overview of ASP.NET Core and instructions for setting up an ASP.NET Core project with Angular 2 and PrimeNG. It discusses .NET Core as a cross-platform, open-source, and modular framework. It then provides steps for installing prerequisites and creating an ASP.NET Core project on Windows, MacOS and Linux. It also covers adding Angular 2 and PrimeNG functionality and integrating them with the ASP.NET Core project.
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DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
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In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (, will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
Join us to learn how adopting a metrics-driven, product management mindset can transform your platform engineering efforts into a strategic, high-impact function that unlocks engineering velocity and business success.
Rise of the Phoenix: Lesson Learned Build an AI-powered Test Gen Enginestevebrudz1
In this talk, I give an overview and demo of Phoenix, an AI-powered test generation engine for Ruby on Rails applications, and share lessons learned while building it. I presented this at the Artificial Ruby Meet Up in NYC on March 4, 2025.
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4. Why GraphQL?
REST and SOAP often provide APIs from the server perspective, not optimized for
data and flows from user interfaces
Apps have to usually make multiple expensive REST calls and do data juggling
to get the data in the for that they need
Facebook noticed this in their mobile app development around 2012, released
the project as an open source project in 2015
No over or under-fetching of data, client always gets exactly what they asked
Do everything the client needs in one call, always is only a schema definition from Facebook, along with a
reference implementation for nodejs/react
Open source implementations on GitHub for Python, Go, .NET Core, Scala, etc
6. Why GraphQL instead of OData?
GraphQL is a different approach than OData OData grew out of the SQL Server
team at Microsoft, basically making the database queryable/editably from web
It doesnt however solve the problem of overly complex request flows to get
user interface optimized data
and may make the situation worse since you are married to the data model
Also can offer too much power to clients they can discover and manipulate
the database and data directly, which is usually not a good idea - only
makes sense in trusted environments
GraphQL offers more flexibility and simplicity on the client side, probably a
big win for client productivity and speed
7. Why OData instead of GraphQL?
GraphQL requires a new approach to define and implement GraphQL APIs, with
little built-in support in .NET environments
Odata has built in support in several key Microsoft technology stacks, could
make it faster to offer internal APIs to clients
8. Why maybe not GraphQL?
It is a new API format be prepared to learn a new schema format, basically
replaces Open API definitions with new GraphQL Schemas, and do completely new
implementations for services (very different code than a typical ASP.NET Core
REST API controller)
.NET GraphQL open source projects are functional, but still relatively young
and maybe not production-ready
Doesnt conform to REST principles that built the web uses POST for
9. Hows
Good! Works great with Core, translation from strongly-typed DTOs in
.NET Core to dynamic JSON response payloads works like a charm
ORM / DB integrations lacking, maybe should also be avoided, best if used as an
API gateway which integrates with backend services
11. Whos publicly using GraphQL?
The New York Times
Your neighbors dog?
12. Do some homework..
Do the intro exercises, they are fast and fun, and do an excellent job of
explaining the intention, platform, and concrete implementation steps
13. Takeaway:
Always offer an API Gateway to clients either
GraphQL, REST, or both. Dont make clients
integrate directly with backend services or