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Flux to GraphQL
Turadg Aleahmad, Remind
@turadg, @RemindEng
 My company is awesome
 GraphQL, what and why
 How to transition
 Tips and gotchas
Working to connect every teacher, student and parent
In a study, text-message alerts to parents reduced course failures by 39% and
increased class attendance by 17%.
Over 20 million actively use Remind every month (70% of US public schools)
Over 3.6 billion messages delivered on Remind in 2016
Now: Engineering Manager on Engagement team at Remind
N-1 Led our Web platform and Client Infra team
N-2 Started React at Coursera
N-3 Academia
Turadg Aleahmad
Web team
A query language for your API
POST a query
Get back JSON
 Over-fetching for 5yr backwards compatibility
 Client-server misunderstandings (nullability, enums, Swagger lies, etc)
 Under-fetching (without getting a backend dev)
 Ad-hoc batching (graph queries in REST)
 Rails API monolith hard to break apart
Problems we faced
 Every fetch declares exactly what it needs
 Schema is fully typed and enforced
 Client can batch whatever it likes
 Nested data parsing is well specified
 Lightweight graph resolver service abstracts away all the actual services
Why we adopted GraphQL
 Developed by dedicated company
 Optimized for ease of use
 Builds on Redux
 Available now and trustable migration
 Will keep stealing from Relay
Choosing a stack
Used by Facebook
Optimized for performance
Heavier to adopt
Relay 1.0 was going to be replaced by
something very different, with no timeline
(Havent looked yet at Relay Modern)
React Flux to GraphQL
How to transition (n=1)
Started as fast rewrite of an Angular app into React with vanilla Flux pattern.
(Summer 2015)
Backbone, with a store for almost every type. CurrentUser, GroupStore, 
No libraries, just a pattern. No constraints.
Lots of actions that were also blocking promises (shortcut).
Starting point
Had two data access patterns for components:
1. Store updates
2. Promise resolution
3. Apollo client
without breaking the other two.
1.GraphQL server
2.Isolated GraphQL component
3.GraphQL in legacy actions
4.Component queries updating legacy stores
GraphQL server
Isolated GraphQL component
Test out developer experience and operations
Chose a single form field to test read/write
Low traffic off in the settings page
Used react-apollo abstraction to contain entirely in component
React Flux to GraphQL
React Flux to GraphQL
Want all our existing data access to resolved by GraphQL
Had to maintain contract of the actions (Flux and promises)
But also update the Apollo state
GraphQL in legacy actions
React Flux to GraphQL
React Flux to GraphQL
Component queries updating legacy stores
Actions were now updating stores and Apollo
Pure GraphQL requests had to manually update stores (localUpdate)
We wanted a way to have legacy stores update when any relevant data came in
by GraphQL
watchQuery fires when any data underlying the query changes
React Flux to GraphQL
Some REST endpoints we havent migrated to GraphQL server yet
Authed User object tricky to move. For push data, no other option.
We dont want to fetch redundantly so we bring that data into Apollo
Have to match the response structure for the query, including __typename
Adapting legacy data into Apollo
React Flux to GraphQL
Tips and Gotchas
As components declare what they need, you need to track what you already
dataIdFromObject is the cache key in Apollos part of the Redux store.
We ended up writing a lint rule to ensure that the key data is always queried
Cache keys
React Flux to GraphQL
HTTP response headers
GraphQL responds 200 if the resolver returns.
The resolver can gather a lot of errors.
Further complicated by network-level query batching.
Have to write logic for what you used to handle by HTTP error codes.
React Flux to GraphQL
React Flux to GraphQL
Mobile clients in the wild will continue to require REST
Dont want to have multiple paths
We created middleware for REST on top of GraphQL
REST client compatibility
 Great with Apollo client
 Just rehydrate the Redux store
 All data needs are declared in visual components
 For security, make sure every request gets a fresh client instance
 Also make sure that instance does not have query batching (CPU leak)
Server rendering
 Adopt in small steps
 Plan far ahead
 Get your schema right
 Be creative
Parting thoughts

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React Flux to GraphQL

  • 1. Flux to GraphQL Turadg Aleahmad, Remind @turadg, @RemindEng
  • 2. My company is awesome GraphQL, what and why How to transition Tips and gotchas Outline
  • 3. Working to connect every teacher, student and parent In a study, text-message alerts to parents reduced course failures by 39% and increased class attendance by 17%. Over 20 million actively use Remind every month (70% of US public schools) Over 3.6 billion messages delivered on Remind in 2016
  • 4. Now: Engineering Manager on Engagement team at Remind N-1 Led our Web platform and Client Infra team N-2 Started React at Coursera N-3 Academia Turadg Aleahmad
  • 9. Over-fetching for 5yr backwards compatibility Client-server misunderstandings (nullability, enums, Swagger lies, etc) Under-fetching (without getting a backend dev) Ad-hoc batching (graph queries in REST) Rails API monolith hard to break apart Problems we faced
  • 10. Every fetch declares exactly what it needs Schema is fully typed and enforced Client can batch whatever it likes Nested data parsing is well specified Lightweight graph resolver service abstracts away all the actual services Why we adopted GraphQL
  • 11. Apollo Developed by dedicated company Optimized for ease of use Builds on Redux Available now and trustable migration path Will keep stealing from Relay Choosing a stack Relay Used by Facebook Optimized for performance Heavier to adopt Relay 1.0 was going to be replaced by something very different, with no timeline (Havent looked yet at Relay Modern)
  • 14. Started as fast rewrite of an Angular app into React with vanilla Flux pattern. (Summer 2015) Backbone, with a store for almost every type. CurrentUser, GroupStore, No libraries, just a pattern. No constraints. Lots of actions that were also blocking promises (shortcut). Starting point
  • 15. Had two data access patterns for components: 1. Store updates 2. Promise resolution Add: 3. Apollo client without breaking the other two. Goal
  • 16. 1.GraphQL server 2.Isolated GraphQL component 3.GraphQL in legacy actions 4.Component queries updating legacy stores Stages
  • 18. Isolated GraphQL component Test out developer experience and operations Chose a single form field to test read/write Low traffic off in the settings page Used react-apollo abstraction to contain entirely in component
  • 21. Want all our existing data access to resolved by GraphQL Had to maintain contract of the actions (Flux and promises) But also update the Apollo state GraphQL in legacy actions
  • 24. Component queries updating legacy stores Actions were now updating stores and Apollo Pure GraphQL requests had to manually update stores (localUpdate) We wanted a way to have legacy stores update when any relevant data came in by GraphQL watchQuery fires when any data underlying the query changes
  • 26. Some REST endpoints we havent migrated to GraphQL server yet Authed User object tricky to move. For push data, no other option. We dont want to fetch redundantly so we bring that data into Apollo Have to match the response structure for the query, including __typename Adapting legacy data into Apollo
  • 29. As components declare what they need, you need to track what you already have. dataIdFromObject is the cache key in Apollos part of the Redux store. We ended up writing a lint rule to ensure that the key data is always queried https://github.com/apollographql/eslint-plugin-graphql/pull/50 Cache keys
  • 31. HTTP response headers GraphQL responds 200 if the resolver returns. The resolver can gather a lot of errors. Further complicated by network-level query batching. Have to write logic for what you used to handle by HTTP error codes.
  • 34. Mobile clients in the wild will continue to require REST Dont want to have multiple paths We created middleware for REST on top of GraphQL https://github.com/remind101/rest-graphql REST client compatibility
  • 35. Great with Apollo client Just rehydrate the Redux store All data needs are declared in visual components For security, make sure every request gets a fresh client instance Also make sure that instance does not have query batching (CPU leak) Server rendering
  • 36. Adopt in small steps Plan far ahead Get your schema right Be creative Parting thoughts