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Triforce your JavaScript with
Backbone, Promise and Singleton
My name is Alberto
drinking beer && coding
Python/Semantic Web Services
Python on embedded devices
to control LED lights
Cofounder of Urlist
Tech Stack
Loads of Javascript
Python (Tornado)
building a rich Web UI is hard
built¨Cin widgets
client/server overlapping
built¨Cin widgets
client/server overlapping
client UI / DOM¡ú
server JSON¡ú
The Server doesn't know
anything about the UI
it only exposes and
manipulates data
The Client handles user's
events and asks for
the data it needs
The Client is a collection of Widgets
Every widget is self¨Ccontained and is
responsible to ask for its data
Html5 bug
rendering your dashboard
1 GET to /api/profile/~
rendering your dashboard
1 GET to /api/profile/~
20 GETs to /api/list/
rendering your dashboard
1 GET to /api/profile/~
20 GETs to /api/list/
40 GETs to /api/user/
Pretty intense for the Server but
speeds up the development for
the Client
we've already optimized the client/server communication
MV* library
(do the **** you want)
by Jeremy Ashkenas from DocumentCloud
easy to understand
almost easy to customize
Backbone provides classes to represent:
Inspired by a post by SoundCloud
they call this pattern instance store
The Singleton Pattern
help us having one global
instance per ID
>>> a = new Backbone.Model({ id: 42 })
>>> b = new Backbone.Model({ id: 42 })
>>> a === b // true
IMO this should be the Backbone.Model default behaviour
¡°A Promise represents the
eventual value returned from the
single completion of an
A Promise is an object
representation of an event
>>> $.ajax({ success: log })
>>> var promise = $.ajax()
>>> promise.done(log)
log = function () { console.log(arguments) }
>>> $.ajax({ success: log, error: log })
>>> var promise = $.ajax()
>>> promise.done(log)
>>> promise.fail(log)
log = function () { console.log(arguments) }
>>> $.ajax({ success: [log, log],
error : log })
>>> var promise = $.ajax()
>>> promise.done(log)
>>> promise.fail(log)
>>> promise.done(log)
log = function () { console.log(arguments) }
all together now
Life cycle of a Visit
internal routing
{ hash: 'IOn' }
user visits
Life cycle of a Visit
internal routing
{ hash: 'IOn' }
user visits
l = new List(hash)
DOM Rendering
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
Life cycle of a Visit
internal routing
{ hash: 'IOn' }
user visits
l = new List(hash)
DOM Rendering
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
Life cycle of a Visit
internal routing
{ hash: 'IOn' }
user visits
l = new List(hash)
DOM Rendering
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
instance Mongo
Life cycle of a Visit
internal routing
{ hash: 'IOn' }
user visits
l = new List(hash)
DOM Rendering
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
l = new List(hash)
instance Mongo
Sum up
delegating to the Client the
responsibility to ask data to the
Server speeds up our
combining Backbone with
Promises and Singletons keeps
the code clean and
easy to maintain
resources of this presentation:
PS: we are hiring
Html5 bug
for (var i = 0; i < urlists.length; i++)
step 1
override the
method to manage all the
step 2
use a Ticker object
to buffer all the GETs
~100 sloc

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