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Valuing Staff as Stakeholders in Recreating Library Space
Jan Tidwell & Tara Spies, Reference Librarians jt14@txstate.edu, ts20@txstate.edu Link to slideshow:  http://www.slideshare.net/alkeklibrary/valuing-staff-as-stakeholders-in-recreating-library-space-presentation Albert B Alkek Library, Texas State University C San Marcos
Background 7 floors Over 300 k square ft. Printed volumes C 902,978 Print Serial Subscriptions C 5,804 7 floors Over 300 k square ft. Printed volumes C 1,513,583 67% increase Print Serial Subscriptions C 4,268 <29.39> decrease Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
Background Special Collections Accessions C 310 Special Collections Storage C2,976 sq. ft. University Archives - NA Special Collections Accessions C 3,761 1,113 % increase Special Collections Storage C 10,516 sq. ft. 253.36% increase University Archives C 4800 (linear ft. received in last two years) Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
Background Public Seating C 2,985 University Enrollment C 20,778 Library Door Count C 543,546 Public Seating C 3,193 7% increase University Enrollment C 29,125 40.17%  increase Library Door Count C 753,757 38.67%  increase Alkek Library - 1990 Alkek Library - 2008
Background E-Books C 0 Electronic Serials C 0 E-Books C 369,342 Electronic Serials C  57,287 (unique titles) Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
Background Number of employees - 69 Number of employees C 96 39.13 % increase Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
Academic Library Trends Electronic Resources Course Management Systems Information/Technology Literacy Social Networking C Web 2.0
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Money Grant from Albert B. Alkek Foundation Texas State University Capitol Campaign
Enter: Library Space Assessment Team
Charge To assess and recommend changes to how library space is designed with attention to student learning and learning spaces, the integration of technology, changes in teaching and learning, and how library users search for and use information in relation to learning spaces.
Library Staff Survey Spaces to assess: staff meeting rooms staff offices storage areas service points technology areas student study spaces collection spaces Issues to assess: amount location comfort functionality technology access lighting
The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space The office space in my department is used effectively. 50.8% disagree ^ The work areas in Acquisitions have different workflows than 18 years ago. . . I think that a major review and redesign would benefit the department. ̄ ^ Space use and space waste in technical services is disgraceful. There are areas that are empty or have few people and in others we are piled in with little space to work or put material. ̄ ^ We do not have the space available for student work projects, volunteers, or interns. . . a lot of the space we do have for staff ends up being used as storage for supplies, equipment, and collections.
Acquisitions Office Space/Storage
The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space My department is dispersed to more than one area/floor of the library  48.3% agree Is this an obstacle and how? ^ My department is spread out throughout the library on various floors. It is hard to have meetings with students, faculty or other staff in my office area because of lack of privacy and/or the cramped area. ̄ ^ New incoming librarians have been thankful to not be placed in the offices in the Reference office due to the noise. ̄ ^ We need more office space! ̄
The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space Storage space is adequate in my work area:  51.7% disagree ^ We are so low on storage space that offices are becoming over-packed with items that just need to be stored rather than items that pertain to that person's job function. ̄ ^ I think we do the best we can, but having to accommodate archives arriving for processing alongside moving tables and chairs in and out for events, posters needing to be laid out to dry, carts in use or in need of storage, overflowing publication, supply, and book storage shelves--simply a lack of ENOUGH space--just seems to be too much for what all we have going on. . . ̄
Reference/Interlibrary Loan Office Office Space/Storage
Reference Librarians with offices on 3 rd  floor Office Space/Storage
Information Literacy Electronic Classroom Storage
Photocopiers and recycle bins have more space than staff: Office Space/Storage
The Survey Says: Service Points The location for the following services points facilitates effective service: Interlibrary Loan (in Reference Office)  47.1% -no Circulation Desk  92.3% Yes
Circulation Desk Service Points
Interlibrary Loan Service Points
Reference Office and Interlibrary Loan on 2 nd  Floor Service Points
Interlibrary Loan Service Points
Service Points: Other Questions The amount of space for the following service points is: Equipment at the following service points is (please consider ergonomics, appearance, and functionality in your responses): Furniture at the following services points is (please consider comfort, appearance and functionality in your responses):
Comments about Service Points ^ The reason some of these service points are so large (eg. Circulation and Periodicals) is because they also serve as office spaces for staff. This is not good for two reasons. Staff should have office space that is not out in the public 8 hours per day, so that they can concentrate on other projects/tasks. ̄ ^ Periodicals area appears crowded but, not much is going on up there these days. ̄ ^ Computer lab counter is really long. Is it because it is acting as a barrier to the office behind it? ̄
Comments about Service Points ^ When entering the 4th floor from the elevator, GovDocs is visually blocked by SLAC & tables from the students trying to locate documents. Signage might be appropriate here. ̄ ^ Chairs at the reference desk and in the reference area are shared by many people and get very dirty in the course of the semester. We should have some system for regular cleaning of chairs. ̄
Comments about Service Points ^ The reference desk is very unergonomic. Anyway that you sit at it you are not sitting correctly. A new desk and chairs would be nice. ̄ ^ Service points (Gov Docs and periodicals) with lots of partitions sometimes make it hard for staff and patrons to locate those staffing the area. These areas do not appear &quot;approachable&quot; from a public service standpoint. ̄ ^ Computer/printer help desk needs to be farther away from reference desk. It encourages conversation between reference desk staff and student workers at computer/printer help desk by being next to the reference desk. ̄
Reserves Desk and Periodicals Desk  Service Points with public office space
Government Documents, 4 th  floor Service Points with public office space
^ Gov Docs looks cluttered and tight. Reserve is a bit better, but also has too much stuff in too little space. ̄ Government Documents
^ Gov Docs looks cluttered and tight. Reserve is a bit better, but also has too much stuff in too little space. ̄ Reserves
^ The reference desk is very un-ergonomic. Anyway that you sit at it you are not sitting correctly. A new desk and chairs would be nice. ̄ Reference Desk
Reference Desk
^ Computer/printer help desk needs to be farther away from reference desk. It encourages conversation between reference desk staff and student workers at computer/printer help desk by being next to the reference desk. ̄ Printer Help Desk
The Survey Says: Computer/Technology Spaces The amount of space for the following public use computer/technology spaces is: 2nd floor Workstations  62.3% not enough 4th floor Computer Lab  52.8% not enough
2 nd  Floor reference area computers: Self-monitored Chaos Computer/Technology Areas
2 nd  Floor reference area computers: Students waiting in line for a station Computer/Technology Areas
2 nd  Floor reference area computers: Waiting patiently Computer/Technology Areas
The Survey Says: Study Spaces The amount of space for study is: Individual study rooms 45.8%  appropriate Group study rooms 47.9% not enough Individual study carrels 40.4% too much
Comments about Study Spaces ^ Need more individual and group study rooms. Also a few more soft couch/chair areas (closer to the windows and with table lamps for reading. Open study tables should be arranged more creatively. Get rid of most of the individuals study carrels. ̄ ^ I never see the space of the individual carrels being utilized to their potential either by lack of student need or by their purpose. I believe that some of the space taken up by individual carrels might be reconfigured or put into use another way. ̄
Comments About Study Space ^ We need smaller tables, not the huge, heavy tables we now have - we need more group study rooms, but perhaps a variety of sizes, like several 4-8 person, several 8-12, a couple of 20+ maybe. ̄ ^ Don't need so many study carrels. Use this space for comfortable furniture like couches and chairs and low coffee-table like tables with plenty of internet/outlet access. ̄
^ we are wasting precious window space for individual study rooms, when it would be better to have open study area or soft couch/chair areas close to windows. ̄ Individual Study Rooms
^ Lighting, especially at night, is bad in individual study areas. It looks fine during the day but, take a walk through the building at night and you will see a difference in lighting issues. ̄ Individual Study Rooms
^ Get rid of most of the individuals study carrels. ̄ Study Carrels
Students Using Photocopy Rooms for Group Study Study Spaces
Study areas on 3 rd  Floor in Microforms/Periodicals Study Spaces
^ Could have smaller open study tables possible round? Need bigger more comfortable couches. Take out maybe all study carrels. Outdated. ̄ Study Space
^ Soft couch areas should be close to natural lighting near the windows. ̄ Study Spaces
^ uncomfortable seating, even the so called soft couch/chair areas - they are hard and too small. ̄ Study Spaces
Index Tables behind reference desk on 2 nd  floor ^ Use this space for comfortable furniture like couches and chairs and low coffee-table like tables with plenty of internet/outlet access. ̄ Study Spaces
^ needs to be more inviting and multi-use rooms and areas ̄ Study Spaces
^ wireless access is everywhere, but need lots and lots of plugs for people's laptops to charge ̄
^ Updated, more colorful furniture, carpet, walls. Fewer squares, more circles visually throughout. More collaborative space. Better use of natural lighting ̄ General Comments
General Comments Please identify at least 3 interior design elements important to the re-design of library spaces. ^ Clean, uncluttered, logical space use at service points and use areas. 2. Lots of wiring and/or internet connectivity. 3. Staff areas are in visual and service harmony within the public service points. ̄ ^ more &quot;social spaces&quot; to improve and increase student use ̄ ^ more plants throughout the library ̄
^ Lots of wiring and/or internet connectivity. ̄ General Comments
General Comments Please identify at least 3 interior design elements important to the re-design of library spaces. ^ Complementary use of color and materials--all working together in a beautiful way. 2] Non-institutional colors and materials. Create a sense being welcomed by and at-home in the space. 3] Art, art, and more art. ̄ ^ more green, pot plants in the breezeway, comfortable seating in the breezeway, even small lawn furniture seating in the breezeway and other accessible areas. ̄
^ more &quot;social spaces&quot; to improve and increase student use ̄ General Comments
General Comments ^ . . .students want an inviting and comfortable place to work and hang out. we need to give them a few recreational or stress relief activities, like a gaming room with computer games, tables with board games, a small inviting coffee shop or sandwich shop where they can take a break from study. ̄
Where do we go from here? Action Items List: Prioritized short, medium & long term actions Some items complete C study carrels removed, print management system for 2 nd  floor stations Many items in progress C move index tables from 2 nd  floor area, create living-room style browsing area Some items will have to wait for money C furniture, more workstations, carpet Design students will work on project to create better signage
Thank you very much! Comments? Questions?

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Valuing Staff as Stakeholders in Recreating Library Space

  • 1. Valuing Staff as Stakeholders in Recreating Library Space
  • 2. Jan Tidwell & Tara Spies, Reference Librarians jt14@txstate.edu, ts20@txstate.edu Link to slideshow: http://www.slideshare.net/alkeklibrary/valuing-staff-as-stakeholders-in-recreating-library-space-presentation Albert B Alkek Library, Texas State University C San Marcos
  • 3. Background 7 floors Over 300 k square ft. Printed volumes C 902,978 Print Serial Subscriptions C 5,804 7 floors Over 300 k square ft. Printed volumes C 1,513,583 67% increase Print Serial Subscriptions C 4,268 <29.39> decrease Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
  • 4. Background Special Collections Accessions C 310 Special Collections Storage C2,976 sq. ft. University Archives - NA Special Collections Accessions C 3,761 1,113 % increase Special Collections Storage C 10,516 sq. ft. 253.36% increase University Archives C 4800 (linear ft. received in last two years) Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
  • 5. Background Public Seating C 2,985 University Enrollment C 20,778 Library Door Count C 543,546 Public Seating C 3,193 7% increase University Enrollment C 29,125 40.17% increase Library Door Count C 753,757 38.67% increase Alkek Library - 1990 Alkek Library - 2008
  • 6. Background E-Books C 0 Electronic Serials C 0 E-Books C 369,342 Electronic Serials C 57,287 (unique titles) Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
  • 7. Background Number of employees - 69 Number of employees C 96 39.13 % increase Alkek Library 1990 Alkek Library 2008
  • 8. Academic Library Trends Electronic Resources Course Management Systems Information/Technology Literacy Social Networking C Web 2.0
  • 9. Library as Place Library as Intellectual Heart of Campus Must Keep
  • 10. Coffee Shop? Barnes & Noble Arrangement? Combine Service Points? What Can We Do?
  • 11. Create New Spaces Information Commons Concept? Remote Storage Facility What Can We Do?
  • 12. Money Grant from Albert B. Alkek Foundation Texas State University Capitol Campaign
  • 13. Enter: Library Space Assessment Team
  • 14. Charge To assess and recommend changes to how library space is designed with attention to student learning and learning spaces, the integration of technology, changes in teaching and learning, and how library users search for and use information in relation to learning spaces.
  • 15. Library Staff Survey Spaces to assess: staff meeting rooms staff offices storage areas service points technology areas student study spaces collection spaces Issues to assess: amount location comfort functionality technology access lighting
  • 16. The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space The office space in my department is used effectively. 50.8% disagree ^ The work areas in Acquisitions have different workflows than 18 years ago. . . I think that a major review and redesign would benefit the department. ̄ ^ Space use and space waste in technical services is disgraceful. There are areas that are empty or have few people and in others we are piled in with little space to work or put material. ̄ ^ We do not have the space available for student work projects, volunteers, or interns. . . a lot of the space we do have for staff ends up being used as storage for supplies, equipment, and collections.
  • 18. The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space My department is dispersed to more than one area/floor of the library 48.3% agree Is this an obstacle and how? ^ My department is spread out throughout the library on various floors. It is hard to have meetings with students, faculty or other staff in my office area because of lack of privacy and/or the cramped area. ̄ ^ New incoming librarians have been thankful to not be placed in the offices in the Reference office due to the noise. ̄ ^ We need more office space! ̄
  • 19. The Survey Says: Office/Storage Space Storage space is adequate in my work area: 51.7% disagree ^ We are so low on storage space that offices are becoming over-packed with items that just need to be stored rather than items that pertain to that person's job function. ̄ ^ I think we do the best we can, but having to accommodate archives arriving for processing alongside moving tables and chairs in and out for events, posters needing to be laid out to dry, carts in use or in need of storage, overflowing publication, supply, and book storage shelves--simply a lack of ENOUGH space--just seems to be too much for what all we have going on. . . ̄
  • 20. Reference/Interlibrary Loan Office Office Space/Storage
  • 21. Reference Librarians with offices on 3 rd floor Office Space/Storage
  • 22. Information Literacy Electronic Classroom Storage
  • 23. Photocopiers and recycle bins have more space than staff: Office Space/Storage
  • 24. The Survey Says: Service Points The location for the following services points facilitates effective service: Interlibrary Loan (in Reference Office) 47.1% -no Circulation Desk 92.3% Yes
  • 27. Reference Office and Interlibrary Loan on 2 nd Floor Service Points
  • 29. Service Points: Other Questions The amount of space for the following service points is: Equipment at the following service points is (please consider ergonomics, appearance, and functionality in your responses): Furniture at the following services points is (please consider comfort, appearance and functionality in your responses):
  • 30. Comments about Service Points ^ The reason some of these service points are so large (eg. Circulation and Periodicals) is because they also serve as office spaces for staff. This is not good for two reasons. Staff should have office space that is not out in the public 8 hours per day, so that they can concentrate on other projects/tasks. ̄ ^ Periodicals area appears crowded but, not much is going on up there these days. ̄ ^ Computer lab counter is really long. Is it because it is acting as a barrier to the office behind it? ̄
  • 31. Comments about Service Points ^ When entering the 4th floor from the elevator, GovDocs is visually blocked by SLAC & tables from the students trying to locate documents. Signage might be appropriate here. ̄ ^ Chairs at the reference desk and in the reference area are shared by many people and get very dirty in the course of the semester. We should have some system for regular cleaning of chairs. ̄
  • 32. Comments about Service Points ^ The reference desk is very unergonomic. Anyway that you sit at it you are not sitting correctly. A new desk and chairs would be nice. ̄ ^ Service points (Gov Docs and periodicals) with lots of partitions sometimes make it hard for staff and patrons to locate those staffing the area. These areas do not appear &quot;approachable&quot; from a public service standpoint. ̄ ^ Computer/printer help desk needs to be farther away from reference desk. It encourages conversation between reference desk staff and student workers at computer/printer help desk by being next to the reference desk. ̄
  • 33. Reserves Desk and Periodicals Desk Service Points with public office space
  • 34. Government Documents, 4 th floor Service Points with public office space
  • 35. ^ Gov Docs looks cluttered and tight. Reserve is a bit better, but also has too much stuff in too little space. ̄ Government Documents
  • 36. ^ Gov Docs looks cluttered and tight. Reserve is a bit better, but also has too much stuff in too little space. ̄ Reserves
  • 37. ^ The reference desk is very un-ergonomic. Anyway that you sit at it you are not sitting correctly. A new desk and chairs would be nice. ̄ Reference Desk
  • 39. ^ Computer/printer help desk needs to be farther away from reference desk. It encourages conversation between reference desk staff and student workers at computer/printer help desk by being next to the reference desk. ̄ Printer Help Desk
  • 40. The Survey Says: Computer/Technology Spaces The amount of space for the following public use computer/technology spaces is: 2nd floor Workstations 62.3% not enough 4th floor Computer Lab 52.8% not enough
  • 41. 2 nd Floor reference area computers: Self-monitored Chaos Computer/Technology Areas
  • 42. 2 nd Floor reference area computers: Students waiting in line for a station Computer/Technology Areas
  • 43. 2 nd Floor reference area computers: Waiting patiently Computer/Technology Areas
  • 44. The Survey Says: Study Spaces The amount of space for study is: Individual study rooms 45.8% appropriate Group study rooms 47.9% not enough Individual study carrels 40.4% too much
  • 45. Comments about Study Spaces ^ Need more individual and group study rooms. Also a few more soft couch/chair areas (closer to the windows and with table lamps for reading. Open study tables should be arranged more creatively. Get rid of most of the individuals study carrels. ̄ ^ I never see the space of the individual carrels being utilized to their potential either by lack of student need or by their purpose. I believe that some of the space taken up by individual carrels might be reconfigured or put into use another way. ̄
  • 46. Comments About Study Space ^ We need smaller tables, not the huge, heavy tables we now have - we need more group study rooms, but perhaps a variety of sizes, like several 4-8 person, several 8-12, a couple of 20+ maybe. ̄ ^ Don't need so many study carrels. Use this space for comfortable furniture like couches and chairs and low coffee-table like tables with plenty of internet/outlet access. ̄
  • 47. ^ we are wasting precious window space for individual study rooms, when it would be better to have open study area or soft couch/chair areas close to windows. ̄ Individual Study Rooms
  • 48. ^ Lighting, especially at night, is bad in individual study areas. It looks fine during the day but, take a walk through the building at night and you will see a difference in lighting issues. ̄ Individual Study Rooms
  • 49. ^ Get rid of most of the individuals study carrels. ̄ Study Carrels
  • 50. Students Using Photocopy Rooms for Group Study Study Spaces
  • 51. Study areas on 3 rd Floor in Microforms/Periodicals Study Spaces
  • 52. ^ Could have smaller open study tables possible round? Need bigger more comfortable couches. Take out maybe all study carrels. Outdated. ̄ Study Space
  • 53. ^ Soft couch areas should be close to natural lighting near the windows. ̄ Study Spaces
  • 54. ^ uncomfortable seating, even the so called soft couch/chair areas - they are hard and too small. ̄ Study Spaces
  • 55. Index Tables behind reference desk on 2 nd floor ^ Use this space for comfortable furniture like couches and chairs and low coffee-table like tables with plenty of internet/outlet access. ̄ Study Spaces
  • 56. ^ needs to be more inviting and multi-use rooms and areas ̄ Study Spaces
  • 57. ^ wireless access is everywhere, but need lots and lots of plugs for people's laptops to charge ̄
  • 58. ^ Updated, more colorful furniture, carpet, walls. Fewer squares, more circles visually throughout. More collaborative space. Better use of natural lighting ̄ General Comments
  • 59. General Comments Please identify at least 3 interior design elements important to the re-design of library spaces. ^ Clean, uncluttered, logical space use at service points and use areas. 2. Lots of wiring and/or internet connectivity. 3. Staff areas are in visual and service harmony within the public service points. ̄ ^ more &quot;social spaces&quot; to improve and increase student use ̄ ^ more plants throughout the library ̄
  • 60. ^ Lots of wiring and/or internet connectivity. ̄ General Comments
  • 61. General Comments Please identify at least 3 interior design elements important to the re-design of library spaces. ^ Complementary use of color and materials--all working together in a beautiful way. 2] Non-institutional colors and materials. Create a sense being welcomed by and at-home in the space. 3] Art, art, and more art. ̄ ^ more green, pot plants in the breezeway, comfortable seating in the breezeway, even small lawn furniture seating in the breezeway and other accessible areas. ̄
  • 62. ^ more &quot;social spaces&quot; to improve and increase student use ̄ General Comments
  • 63. General Comments ^ . . .students want an inviting and comfortable place to work and hang out. we need to give them a few recreational or stress relief activities, like a gaming room with computer games, tables with board games, a small inviting coffee shop or sandwich shop where they can take a break from study. ̄
  • 64. Where do we go from here? Action Items List: Prioritized short, medium & long term actions Some items complete C study carrels removed, print management system for 2 nd floor stations Many items in progress C move index tables from 2 nd floor area, create living-room style browsing area Some items will have to wait for money C furniture, more workstations, carpet Design students will work on project to create better signage
  • 65. Thank you very much! Comments? Questions?