The document analyzes data from Twitter to compare preferences and sentiments between two geographic locations. It:
1) Extracted tweets containing the phrase "I want" from Seattle, WA and Southampton, UK and analyzed the prevalence of terms like "pizza" and "sleep" to compare food and activity preferences. It found pizza more commonly mentioned in Seattle tweets.
2) Also extracted tweets mentioning "Monday" or "Friday" paired with terms like "I hate" and "Thank God" to analyze sentiment towards weekdays. It found more negative Monday mentions compared to thankful Friday mentions, especially in Seattle.
3) Used statistical tests to analyze the results and plot the findings, finding preferences and sentiments differed somewhat
The document describes two mini-projects analyzing Twitter data:
1. It analyzes the prominence of followers for celebrities Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, and Ashley Tisdale by calculating a prominence ratio and finding statistics. It finds Mariah Carey has the most prominent followers based on the median ratio.
2. It extracts tweets from Seattle, WA and Southampton, UK containing phrases like "I want pizza" and "I want to sleep" to compare preferences. It also analyzes tweets with "Monday" vs "Friday" to study mood. It finds pizza is more popular in Seattle tweets while sleep is slightly more popular in Southampton tweets. Both cities seem more negative on Mondays than thankful
The document analyzes data from Twitter to compare preferences and sentiments between two geographic locations. It:
1) Extracted tweets containing the phrase "I want" from Seattle, WA and Southampton, UK and analyzed the prevalence of terms like "pizza" and "sleep" to compare food and activity preferences. It found pizza more commonly mentioned in Seattle tweets.
2) Also extracted tweets mentioning "Monday" or "Friday" paired with terms like "I hate" and "Thank God" to analyze sentiment towards weekdays. It found more negative Monday mentions compared to thankful Friday mentions, especially in Seattle.
3) Used statistical tests to analyze the results and plot the findings, finding preferences and sentiments differed somewhat
The document describes two mini-projects analyzing Twitter data:
1. It analyzes the prominence of followers for celebrities Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, and Ashley Tisdale by calculating a prominence ratio and finding statistics. It finds Mariah Carey has the most prominent followers based on the median ratio.
2. It extracts tweets from Seattle, WA and Southampton, UK containing phrases like "I want pizza" and "I want to sleep" to compare preferences. It also analyzes tweets with "Monday" vs "Friday" to study mood. It finds pizza is more popular in Seattle tweets while sleep is slightly more popular in Southampton tweets. Both cities seem more negative on Mondays than thankful
Women in Pakistan are treated like slaves and are not allowed to make their own decisions. Girls are not allowed to go to school and women cannot own property or divorce without permission. The document proposes changing laws to give women the same rights as men, including allowing them to vote and make their own choices.
This document contains prominence ratio data for celebrities Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, and Ashley Tisdale, including their mean, median, and standard deviation values. Britney Spears had the highest mean prominence ratio of 0.493 and largest standard deviation of 3.403, while Mariah Carey had the highest median prominence ratio of 0.154.
This document discusses securing a WordPress website. It begins by explaining the typical LAMP stack environment used to run WordPress and each component's known vulnerabilities. It emphasizes the importance of knowing your hosting environment, only using secure connection methods like SFTP, using strong unique passwords, and staying up-to-date on software. The document then outlines common attack vectors like injections, backdoors and defacements. It provides tips for hardening WordPress through configuration changes and plugin use to limit access and vulnerabilities.
Women in Pakistan face many issues such as being treated like slaves, not being able to vote or go to school, and not being able to own property even after divorce. The document proposes letting women make their own decisions, allowing them to vote, and changing laws to give women the same rights as men to solve these problems.
The document discusses how driving may not actually promote happiness and proposes alternatives that could improve happiness. It analyzes how driving relates to factors of gross national happiness like health, community vitality, and living standards. Obesity and subsidies are increasing while community engagement and costs are decreasing in car-dependent areas. The document presents examples from other cities where car-free solutions like walking school buses and public transit have increased health, community, and affordability over driving.
Este documento descreve uma pesquisa que validou qualitativamente produtos cartogr叩ficos gerados por um ve鱈culo a辿reo n達o tripulado (VANT) de baixo custo. A metodologia envolveu o planejamento de voo do VANT, aquisi巽達o de imagens a辿reas e dados, processamento das imagens para gerar um modelo digital de eleva巽達o e ortofoto. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que VANTs podem ser usados para mapeamentos tem叩ticos e atualiza巽達o de bases de dados cartogr叩ficas.