This document provides information for the INTRO TO DESIGN module. It outlines the module synopsis, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, delivery methods and assessment components. The module is a 5-credit course that introduces students to basic design elements, principles and processes through lectures, tutorials, study trips and design projects. Students will complete exercises and 2 projects to demonstrate their understanding and skills. They will be assessed through individual and group work, design journals, presentations and an ePortfolio. The module aims to equip students with foundational knowledge and skills in design.
This document is a transcript for a student named Gina Gianita (ID: 1413202502) for semesters 2 through 6 of their university studies. It lists the courses taken each semester along with the credits earned and grades received. In total, Gina earned 429.3 credits over 6 semesters and maintained a cumulative achievement index of 3.58. Based on this, Gina's judisium or classification was "Cum Laude". The transcript also notes that Gina's behavior was good for all semesters.
Roxanne Marx worked as a Buyer for Huisman North America Services from August 2013 to May 2015. She was responsible for sourcing, negotiating, buying, and expediting a wide variety of parts, tools, equipment, consumables, and services to support offshore production and equipment restoration. Due to the high-pressure nature of the offshore oil and gas business, Roxanne demonstrated flexibility, resourcefulness, product knowledge, negotiating abilities, teamwork, and expediting skills. She also advocated for the company's culture change program. Her former manager highly recommends her for either a sales or procurement position.
Program helsinki vienna expert exchange updated 17march 2015Sonja Witting
This document outlines the itinerary and program for a youth work expert exchange between Helsinki, Finland and Vienna, Austria from March 9-12, 2015. The program includes visits to various Helsinki youth centers and organizations, presentations on topics like the vision and priorities of Helsinki's youth department and welfare reports on Helsinki youth, and discussions on tools and methods used in Finnish youth work practice and development like balance scorecards and key indicators. The participants will receive an introduction to cultural youth work programs in Helsinki and learn about the Ruuti youth participation system. The exchange aims to provide insights into the structure and practice of advanced youth work in Helsinki.
Hany Widodo received the Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate certification on December 12, 2014. The certification number associated with this achievement is 235796162DBOCA11G.
Heroku is a platform that allows developers to build applications that integrate with Salesforce using technologies like Postgres, the Streaming API, Docker, Elasticsearch, and more. It provides tools for building APIs, syncing data, deploying apps, and testing that enhance the Salesforce development experience, making Heroku analogous to Pliny the Elder as a foundational resource.
This document provides information for the INTRO TO DESIGN module. It outlines the module synopsis, teaching objectives, learning outcomes, delivery methods and assessment components. The module is a 5-credit course that introduces students to basic design elements, principles and processes through lectures, tutorials, study trips and design projects. Students will complete exercises and 2 projects to demonstrate their understanding and skills. They will be assessed through individual and group work, design journals, presentations and an ePortfolio. The module aims to equip students with foundational knowledge and skills in design.
This document is a transcript for a student named Gina Gianita (ID: 1413202502) for semesters 2 through 6 of their university studies. It lists the courses taken each semester along with the credits earned and grades received. In total, Gina earned 429.3 credits over 6 semesters and maintained a cumulative achievement index of 3.58. Based on this, Gina's judisium or classification was "Cum Laude". The transcript also notes that Gina's behavior was good for all semesters.
Roxanne Marx worked as a Buyer for Huisman North America Services from August 2013 to May 2015. She was responsible for sourcing, negotiating, buying, and expediting a wide variety of parts, tools, equipment, consumables, and services to support offshore production and equipment restoration. Due to the high-pressure nature of the offshore oil and gas business, Roxanne demonstrated flexibility, resourcefulness, product knowledge, negotiating abilities, teamwork, and expediting skills. She also advocated for the company's culture change program. Her former manager highly recommends her for either a sales or procurement position.
Program helsinki vienna expert exchange updated 17march 2015Sonja Witting
This document outlines the itinerary and program for a youth work expert exchange between Helsinki, Finland and Vienna, Austria from March 9-12, 2015. The program includes visits to various Helsinki youth centers and organizations, presentations on topics like the vision and priorities of Helsinki's youth department and welfare reports on Helsinki youth, and discussions on tools and methods used in Finnish youth work practice and development like balance scorecards and key indicators. The participants will receive an introduction to cultural youth work programs in Helsinki and learn about the Ruuti youth participation system. The exchange aims to provide insights into the structure and practice of advanced youth work in Helsinki.
Hany Widodo received the Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate certification on December 12, 2014. The certification number associated with this achievement is 235796162DBOCA11G.
Heroku is a platform that allows developers to build applications that integrate with Salesforce using technologies like Postgres, the Streaming API, Docker, Elasticsearch, and more. It provides tools for building APIs, syncing data, deploying apps, and testing that enhance the Salesforce development experience, making Heroku analogous to Pliny the Elder as a foundational resource.
Este documento trata sobre varios temas relacionados con la moda como su evoluci坦n, influencia en la vida cotidiana, grandes industrias, iconos, temporadas, publicidad, modelos, pasarelas y estereotipos. La moda es un concepto que abarca muchos puntos y se desarrolla a partir de tendencias imitadas por personas. La industria de la moda es muy grande y ejerce constante influencia en nuestras vidas.
Los impedimentos para contraer matrimonio incluyen: 1) la existencia de parentesco entre los futuros c坦nyuges, 2) el matrimonio entre patricios y plebeyos, y 3) no pod鱈a celebrarse el matrimonio entre personas como una adultera y su amante, un raptor y la persona raptada, o personas que hayan hecho voto de castidad.
POWERPOINT [H畛 S畛 Anh, Website S畛 GD&T Qu畉ng Tr畛 ]
1. 坦ng g坦i v gi畉i n辿n t畉p tin powerpoint
a/ M畛c 鱈ch :
+ Th畛c hi畛n g坦i t畉p tin c畉n v t畉t c畉 c叩c t畉p tin li棚n quan nh動 h狸nh 畉nh, 但m thanh, font
+ Thu nh畛 k鱈ch th動畛c c叩c t畉p tin c畉n thi畉t 畛 d畛 dng sao ch辿p, lu但n chuy畛n
+ C坦 th畛 mang th畛c hi畛n t畉i b畉t c畛 m叩y no c坦 h畛 i畛u hnh Windows m kh担ng c畉n
c坦 MS-Powerpoint
b/ Th畛c hi畛n 坦ng g坦i:
+ Vo Powerpoint, m畛 t畉p tin tr狸nh chi畉u c畉n ra.
+ Ch畛n l畛nh File, pack and go . Khi 坦 c坦 c叩c c畛a s畛 pack and go wizard v l畉n l動畛t
qua c叩c b動畛c sau:
- B動畛c 1: Ch畛n Next.
- B動畛c 2: Ch畛n t畉p tin c畉n 坦ng g坦i. Ch畛n Active presentation (n畉u 達 m畛 n坦
ra) ho畉c Other presentation (n畉u mu畛n ch畛n 1 t畉p tin kh叩c ch動a m畛 ra), ch畛n Next.
- B動畛c 3: Ch畛n th動 m畛c m畛c l動u tr畛 t畉p tin 坦ng go鱈 畛 choose Destination
(d湛ng l畛nh Browse 畛 ch畛n) , ch畛n Next.
- B動畛c 4: Ch畛n c叩c m畛c li棚n k畉t : Include link ( 畛 ch辿p theo c叩c t畉p tin m t畉p
tin 坦ng g坦i ny li棚n k畉t t畛i), Embed True Type fonts ( 畛 ch辿p theo c叩c font ch畛 m
t畉p tin ny d湛ng t畛i), ch畛n Next.
- B動畛c 5: Ch畛n Don't include the viewer (kh担ng ch辿p theo ch動董ng tr狸nh
Viewer), ho畉c Viewer for Microsoft Windows (ch辿p theo ch動董ng tr狸nh Viewer 畛 tr狸nh
chi畉u tr棚n c叩c m叩y kh担ng c坦 MS-Powerpoint), ch畛n Next.
- B動畛c 6: ch畛n Finish
Sau khi 坦ng g坦i xong t畉i th動 m畛c ta ch畛n l動u t畉p tin 坦ng g坦i xu畉t hi畛n 2 t畉p tin
pngsetup.exe v pres0.ppz. V 坦 l 2 t畉p tin 坦ng g坦i c畉n mang theo.
c/ Gi畉i n辿n t畉p tin 坦ng g坦i:
+ Ch辿p 2 t畉p tin pngsetup.exe v pres0.ppz vo m叩y m ta c畉n d湛ng 畛 tr狸nh chi畉u
+ D湛ng (M) b畉m 炭p vo t畉p tin pngsetup.exe. Powerpoint t畛 bung c叩c t畉p tin 達
動畛c g坦i ra v t畛 畛ng chi畉u.
d/ 坦ng g坦i MS Office 2003
+ Vo Powerpoint, m畛 t畉p tin tr狸nh chi畉u ra.
+ Ch畛n menu File, Package for CD . Khi 坦 ta ch畛n Package for CD hi畛n ra v l畉n
l動畛t qua c叩c b動畛c sau:
- B動畛c 1: 畉t t棚n file c畉n 坦ng g坦i.
- B動畛c 2: C畛n Copy to folder. Ch畛n Brows l動 vo n董i c畉n, ch畛n OK.
- B動畛c3: Ch畛n Close
2. T畉p tin tr狸nh chi畉u Viewer
Trong b動畛c 5 c畛a qu叩 tr狸nh 坦ng g坦i n棚u tr棚n, c坦 vi畛c ch畛n Viewer 畛 ch辿p theo t畉p
tin ny. Tuy nhi棚n, do ph畉n m畛m MS-Office s畛 d畛ng hi畛n nay 動畛c d湛ng h畉u h畉t
2. kh担ng c坦 b畉n quy畛n n棚n m畛c ny th動畛ng kh担ng th畛c hi畛n 動畛c. M畉t kh叩c c叩c Version
MS-Office c滴ng thay 畛i th動畛ng xuy棚n, version tr動畛c l畉i kh担ng d湛ng 動畛c cho version
sau. V狸 th畉, t畉i 坦 ta th畉y c坦 m畛c Dowload the Viewer 畛 l畉y t畛 m畉ng Internet v畛 t畉p tin
Viewer m畛i nh畉t. Thay v狸 l畉y t畛 m畉ng Internet ta c滴ng c坦 th畛 ch辿p ch動董ng tr狸nh ny
(hi畛n nay l Version 2003, g畛i l Microsoft Office Powerpoint Viewer 2003) v mang
theo 畛 ci 畉t vo m叩y t鱈nh kh担ng c坦 MS-Powerpoint (ho畉c n畉u c坦 m version c滴 h董n
kh担ng th畛c hi畛n 動畛c c叩c hi畛u 畛ng c畛a version m畛i h董n). Khi tr狸nh chi畉u g畛i ch動董ng
tr狸nh ny (n畉u n坦 達 動畛c ci 畉t n畉u kh担ng ta ph畉i mang n坦 theo v g畛i Setup 畛 ci
畉t vo v sau 坦 n坦 t畛 th畛c hi畛n lu担n) v n坦 cho ta ch畛n t畉p tin tr狸nh chi畉u (達 動畛c
gi畉i n辿n tr動畛c 坦, v nh畛 坦 tr棚n c叩c m叩y kh担ng c坦 powerpoint hay c坦 v畛i version c滴
v畉n c坦 th畛 tr狸nh chi畉u c叩c t畉p tin Powerpoint XP ).
1. Tr鱈ch o畉n phim Video
a/ M畛c 鱈ch :
+ V畛i c叩c t畉p tin phim (.Avi ) th狸 Powerpoint cho ph辿p ch竪n ch炭ng vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u
畛 chi畉u. Tuy nhi棚n c坦 l炭c ta kh担ng mu畛n chi畉u h畉t c畉 1 t畉p tin phim 坦 m ch畛 mu畛n
tr鱈ch 1 ph畉n.
+ V畛i c叩c o畉n phim tr棚n 挑a VCD (chuy畛n t畛 analog sang, d畉ng .Dat) th狸 Powerpoint
kh担ng cho ph辿p ch竪n ch炭ng vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u 畛 chi畉u! Tuy nhi棚n ta l畉i th鱈ch
nh畛ng o畉n phim 坦.
+ 担i khi ta l畉i th鱈ch 1 o畉n phim c畛a t畉p tin ny, gh辿p v畛i m畛t o畉n phim kia .... 畛 t畉o
thnh 1 t畉p tin m畛i v ch竪n vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u.
b/ Th畛c hi畛n ci 畉t v s畛 d畛ng :
+ C坦 nhi畛u ch動董ng tr狸nh 畛 ch畛n, 畛 但y xin h動畛ng d畉n s董 s董 vi畛c d湛ng ch動董ng tr狸nh
VCD Cutter 4.1
+ Vi畛c ci 畉t ch畛 ch畛n t畉p tin Setup, t畛 n坦 th畛c hi畛n ci 畉t vo.
+ D湛ng l畛nh Start, program, VCDCutter (ho畉c b畉m 炭p vo h狸nh t動畛ng c畛a n坦 tr棚n
mn h狸nh)
+ Ch畛n l畛nh open 畛 m畛 t畉p tin phim. Tr棚n thanh th畛c hi畛n c坦 nhi畛u n炭t: Play,
Pause ....
+ D湛ng (M) r棚 n炭t th畛c hi畛n t畛i 畉u ph畉n phim c畉n, b畉m F5, r棚 ti畉p t畛i cu畛i o畉n phim
c畉n (ho畉c b畉m Play 畛 n坦 th畛c hi畛n ) b畉m F6, F7. Ti畉p t畛c cho nh畛ng ph畉n o畉n kh叩c
( F5, F6, F7). Khi xong b畉m F8, Generate 畛 tr鱈ch c叩c o畉n 達 ch畛n ra t畉p tin (.AVI)
(n董i 畛 t畉p tin ny 動畛c ch畛n trong m畛c Option )
2. Tr鱈ch o畉n nh畉c
a/ M畛c 鱈ch :
+ V畛i c叩c t畉p tin nh畉c (.MP? ) th狸 Powerpoint cho ph辿p ch竪n ch炭ng vo trang tr狸nh
chi畉u 畛 ph叩t nh畉c. Tuy nhi棚n c坦 l炭c ta kh担ng mu畛n ph叩t nguy棚n 1 bi nh畉c 坦 m ch畛
mu畛n tr鱈ch 1 ph畉n.
+ V畛i c叩c bi nh畉c tr棚n i達 CD ( track) th狸 vi畛c ch竪n ch炭ng vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u 畛
chi畉u th狸 ph畉i c坦 挑a CD trong 畛 挑a l炭c tr狸nh chi畉u th狸 n坦 m畛i ph叩t nh畉c 動畛c.
+ 担i khi ta l畉i th鱈ch 1 o畉n nh畉c c畛a t畉p tin ny, gh辿p v畛i m畛t o畉n nh畉c kia .... 畛 t畉o
thnh 1 t畉p tin m畛i v ch竪n vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u.
b/ Th畛c hi畛n ci 畉t v s畛 d畛ng :
3. + C坦 nhi畛u ch動董ng tr狸nh 畛 ch畛n, 畛 但y xin h動畛ng d畉n s董 s董 vi畛c d湛ng ch動董ng tr狸nh
Sonic foundry Acid V4
+ Vi畛c ci 畉t ch畛 ch畛n t畉p tin Setup, t畛 n坦 th畛c hi畛n ci 畉t vo.
+ D湛ng l畛nh Start, program, ACID Pro 4.0 (ho畉c b畉m 炭p vo h狸nh t動畛ng c畛a n坦 tr棚n
mn h狸nh)
+ Ch畛n l畛nh open 畛 ch畛n th畛c m畛c ch畛a t畉p tin nh畉c (t棚n c叩c t畉p tin xu畉t hi畛n 畛
ph畉n mn h狸nh ph鱈a d動畛i)
+ D湛ng (M) ch畛n m畛t t畉p tin nh畉c k辿o vo ph畉n tr棚n, khi hi畛n ra c但y b炭t b畉m gi畛 k辿o
畛 quan s叩t c叩c s坦ng nh畉c.
+ D湛ng c叩c c担ng c畛 : t畉y 畛 c畉t b畛 1 ph畉n nh畉c; d湛ng b炭t 畛 t畉o l畉i m畛t 畛an nh畉c;
c担ng c畛 ch畛n 畛 n畛i c叩c o畉n nh畉c.....
+ D湛ng c叩c n炭t Play 畛 nghe, Pause 畛 ng畛ng.
+ Khi xong, ch畛n l畛nh File, Render as, l動u vo 1 t畉p tin
1) T畉p tin Flash
a) M畛c 鱈ch:
C叩c t畉p tin phim (.swf) c畛a Flash th畛 hi畛n c叩c o畉n phim 畛 h畛a chu畉n tr棚n WEB. H狸nh
畉nh trong Flash s畛 d畛ng 畛 h畛a vector n棚n t畉p tin nh畛 g畛n, chuy畛n t畉i l棚n WEB nhanh
v th畛 hi畛n c叩c h狸nh 畉nh 畛ng th炭 v畛 lm cho trang WEB sinh 畛ng. V畛i 畉c i畛m ny,
c叩c ti li畛u d畉ng WEB trong ngnh gi叩o d畛c c滴ng s畛 d畛ng FLASH 畛 th畛 hi畛n c叩c minh
h畛a, m担 ph畛ng v c叩c gi叩o vi棚n c坦 th畛 t畉n d畛ng l畉i c叩c minh h畛a ny 畛 動a vo bi
gi畉ng i畛n t畛 c畛a ri棚ng m狸nh (m kh担ng ph畛 thu畛c vo trang WEB). i畛u b畉t ti畛n duy
nh畉t 坦 l Powerpoint cho 畉n nay kh担ng cho ph辿p ch竪n tr畛c ti畉p (Insert, movies and
sound) t畉p tin Flash (.swf) vo c叩c trang tr狸nh chi畉u (slide) !
C坦 th畛 t畉o ra c叩c t畉p tin ny nh畛 s畛 d畛ng ph畉n m畛m Flash ho畉c s畛 d畛ng c叩c t畉p tin
Flash c坦 s畉n tr棚n WEB.
b) Th畛c hi畛n tr鱈ch ch畛n phim Flash t畛 trang WEB vo m畛t t畉p tin
+ C坦 nhi畛u c叩ch, 畛 但y ch畛n c叩ch d湛ng ch動董ng tr狸nh Getflash, n坦 c畉n 動畛c ci s畉n 畛
tr棚n m叩y.
+ Vo Internet, m畛 m畛t trang WEB, b畉m (M) vo trang WEB, ch畛n l畛nh Save
Flash by Getflash. Khi 坦 t畉t c畉 c叩c o畉n Flash c坦 tr棚n trang WEB (c坦 th畛 c坦 nhi畛u
t畉p tin) s畉 hi畛n ra trong h畛p tho畉i:
+ Ch畛n m畛c option, save to default path, ch畛n th動 m畛c 畛 l動u.
+ Ch畛n m畛t phim Flash, quan s叩t, n畉u th畉y c畉n th狸 叩nh d畉u ch畛n. Khi xong,
ch畛n l畛nh Save. Ch動董ng tr狸nh t畛 l動u vo th動 m畛c 達 ch畛n v畛i c叩c t棚n t畉p tin do n坦 t畛
ch畛n (.SWF), sau 坦 n棚n 淡 畛i t棚n t畉p tin .SWF cho ph湛 h畛p.
v L動u 箪: V畛i c叩c trang WEB tr棚n 挑a th狸 ta t畛 t狸m c叩c t畉p tin Flash (.SWF) c坦
s畉n tr棚n 坦 n棚n Getflash kh担ng h畛 tr畛.
2) 動a phim Flash vo trong bi gi畉ng i畛n t畛
a) T畉o l畛nh trong Powerpoint 畛 ch竪n t畉p tin Flash nh畛 Swiff point player
+ M畛c 鱈ch : Swiffpointplayer l ph畉n th棚m vo ph畉n m畛m Powerpoint 畛 h畛 tr畛
ch竪n c叩c t畉p tin phim c畛a Flash vo c叩c trang tr狸nh chi畉u.
4. b/ Th畛c hi畛n :
+ C畉n download ch動董ng tr狸nh Swiff point player t畛 trang Web . Ho畉c c坦 th畛 ch辿p
t畉p tin Swiffpointplayer10.exe
+ Th畛c hi畛n Swiffpointplayer10 畛 ci 畉t. Khi 坦 n坦 t畛 ch竪n th棚m m畛c Flash
movies.... vao h畛 th畛ng l畛nh Insert c畛a Powerpoint v ta c坦 th畛 d湛ng l畛nh 坦 畛 ch竪n
c叩c t畉p tin Flash (.swf) tr畛c ti畉p vo trang tr狸nh chi畉u.
b) D畛ch t畉p tin .swf sang t畉p tin .exe:
+ Tr棚n m叩y c畉n ci 畉t tr動畛c ch動董ng tr狸nh Flash
+ Khi 坦 b畉m 炭p vo t畉p tin Flash (.swf).
+ Ch畛n m畛c File, Creat Projector, ch畛n th動 m畛c v cho m畛t t棚n t畉p tin (.exe)
Nh動 th畉, trong Powerpoint, c坦 th畛 t畉o li棚n k畉t v畛i t畉p tin .exe ny 畛 cho n坦 thi hnh khi
c畉n (L畛nh 際際滷 show, Action setting, Hyperlink to (ho畉c Run Program), Browse,
ch畛n t棚n t畉p tin .exe). D挑 nhi棚n n棚n ch畛n m畛t 畛i t動畛ng gi畉 no 坦 畛 li棚n k畉t (C坦 th畛
ch畛p m畛t h狸nh c畛a phim 畛 lm 畛i t動畛ng li棚n k畉t).
c) Chuy畛n t畉p tin .SWF sang t畉p tin phim .AVI (m Powerpoint h畛 tr畛)
+ Tr棚n m叩y c畉n ci tr動畛c ch動董ng tr狸nh Quicktime
+ Ch畉y ch動董ng tr狸nh Quicktime
+ Ch畛n File, Open Movies in new Player, ch畛n th動 m畛c v ch畛n m畛t t棚n t畉p tin Flash
+ Ch畛n File, Export, ch畛n th動 m畛c v cho m畛t t棚n t畉p tin .AVI
Trong Powerpoint, d湛ng l畛nh Insert Movies and sound 畛 ch畛n ch竪n t畉p tin .AVI vo
trang tr狸nh chi畉u.