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In the previous lesson, you learned
   how to use the subjunctive with expressions of
   will and influence. You will now learn how to
   use the subjunctive with verbs and expressions
   of emotion.

 Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-1
   When the verb in the main clause of a sentence
       expresses an emotion or feeling such as hope, fear,
       joy, pity, surprise, etc., the subjunctive is required in
       the subordinate clause.

 Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                                    4.1-2
Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-3
Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-4
 As  with expressions of will and influence, the
     infinitive, not the subjunctive, is used after an
     expression of emotion when there is no change
     of subject from the main clause to the
     subordinate clause. Compare these sentences.

 Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-5
 The  expression ojal叩 (que) means I hope or
     I wish, and it is always followed by the
     subjunctive. Note that the use of que with this
     expression is optional.

 Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-6
Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                               4.1-7
Completa las oraciones con las formas correctas de los verbos.

  1.                     descubran
        Ojal叩 que ellos __________ (descubrir) nuevas formas de energ鱈a.
  2.    Espero que Ana nos ________ (ayudar) a recoger la basura en la carretera.
  3.    Es una l叩stima que la gente no ________ (reciclar) m叩s.
  4.    Esperamos ________ (proteger) el aire de nuestra comunidad.
  5.    Me alegro de que mis amigos ________ (querer) conservar la naturaleza.
  6.    Espero que t炭 ________ (venir) a la reuni坦n (meeting) del Club de Ecolog鱈a.
  7.    Es malo ________ (contaminar) el medio ambiente.
  8.    A mis padres les gusta que nosotros ________ (participar) en la reuni坦n.
  9.    Siento que nuestras ciudades ________ (estar) afectadas por la contaminaci坦n.
  10.   Ojal叩 que yo ________ (poder) hacer algo para reducir la contaminaci坦n.
 Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All
rights reserved.                                                  4.1-8

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Subjuntivo para expresar emociones

  • 1. In the previous lesson, you learned how to use the subjunctive with expressions of will and influence. You will now learn how to use the subjunctive with verbs and expressions of emotion. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-1
  • 2. When the verb in the main clause of a sentence expresses an emotion or feeling such as hope, fear, joy, pity, surprise, etc., the subjunctive is required in the subordinate clause. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-2
  • 3. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-3
  • 4. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-4
  • 5. As with expressions of will and influence, the infinitive, not the subjunctive, is used after an expression of emotion when there is no change of subject from the main clause to the subordinate clause. Compare these sentences. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-5
  • 6. The expression ojal叩 (que) means I hope or I wish, and it is always followed by the subjunctive. Note that the use of que with this expression is optional. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-6
  • 7. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-7
  • 8. Completa las oraciones con las formas correctas de los verbos. 1. descubran Ojal叩 que ellos __________ (descubrir) nuevas formas de energ鱈a. 2. Espero que Ana nos ________ (ayudar) a recoger la basura en la carretera. 3. Es una l叩stima que la gente no ________ (reciclar) m叩s. 4. Esperamos ________ (proteger) el aire de nuestra comunidad. 5. Me alegro de que mis amigos ________ (querer) conservar la naturaleza. 6. Espero que t炭 ________ (venir) a la reuni坦n (meeting) del Club de Ecolog鱈a. 7. Es malo ________ (contaminar) el medio ambiente. 8. A mis padres les gusta que nosotros ________ (participar) en la reuni坦n. 9. Siento que nuestras ciudades ________ (estar) afectadas por la contaminaci坦n. 10. Ojal叩 que yo ________ (poder) hacer algo para reducir la contaminaci坦n. Copyright 息 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved. 4.1-8