Pharisees, Righteousness and love for God are no longer acceptable. By inher...franktsao4
Once I talked to a friend of the church about salvation, I mentioned that we must do GOD’s way, but he mentioned that we should not be a Pharisee, so what kind of people are Pharisees? Why Christ scolds them, what kind of things have been done, and how do we avoid becoming Pharisees today? But what are the strengths of the Pharisees that we can learn, and what are their shortcomings that we have to avoid them. In this case, we can grow into a healthy Christian in our lives
What is our role in the workplace? Apostle Paul said that we are ambassadors for Christ. If we can't share the Gospel with coworkers, how can we glorify God at the place where we spent most of our day? In this workshop, the speaker will share 5 surprisingly easy principles on how we can successfully introduce Christ into our workplace. Speaker is Christine Hsia in Mandarin Chinese.
Presented at West Coast Chinese Christian Conference, December 2018.
Pharisees, Righteousness and love for God are no longer acceptable. By inher...franktsao4
Once I talked to a friend of the church about salvation, I mentioned that we must do GOD’s way, but he mentioned that we should not be a Pharisee, so what kind of people are Pharisees? Why Christ scolds them, what kind of things have been done, and how do we avoid becoming Pharisees today? But what are the strengths of the Pharisees that we can learn, and what are their shortcomings that we have to avoid them. In this case, we can grow into a healthy Christian in our lives
What is our role in the workplace? Apostle Paul said that we are ambassadors for Christ. If we can't share the Gospel with coworkers, how can we glorify God at the place where we spent most of our day? In this workshop, the speaker will share 5 surprisingly easy principles on how we can successfully introduce Christ into our workplace. Speaker is Christine Hsia in Mandarin Chinese.
Presented at West Coast Chinese Christian Conference, December 2018.