Action verbsJacob GonzalezThis document lists over 50 common verbs in English including actions like walk, run, sleep, play, read, write, talk, listen, jump, drink, eat as well as other verbs like open, close, count, go, come, watch TV, play TV games, speak, sing, dance, ride, laugh, cry, swim, study, make a sandcastle, fight, clean, throw, catch, draw, wait, climb, play football, cook, play the piano, use a computer, fly, take a bath, turn on, turn off, share, call, push, pull, give, look at, colour, look for, find, break, fix, throw away, wash, ask
استخدام خريطة المفاهيم في التعليمAziz HoodThe document lists various mind mapping software tools that can be used to create and share visual representations of ideas, concepts, and connections between them. Some of the mind mapping tools mentioned include, Mindomo, Buzan's iMindMap, Edraw Mind Map, Cayra, Inspiration, and SmartDraw. These tools allow for creating, editing, and sharing of digital mind maps online or through computer applications.
( BOLSSOMS ) عرض الفصول التفاعليةnoura22Blossoms is an online learning platform from MIT that provides educational content on various topics. It is free to use and allows users to create a profile, enroll in courses, and access learning materials. The site aims to make high-quality education available to anyone interested in lifelong learning.
لماذا ندرس رياضيات تأمين الحياةnaglaa Khmiesمادة رياضيات الحياة للصف الثالث الثانوي تجاري عن التأمين عن الحياة والوفاة وجداول الحياة والوفاة وجداول الأستعاضة وكيفية احتساب اقساط التأمين التجارية - الوحيدة الصافية - والسنوية الصافية
كيف يدافع الجسم عن ماهو ذاتيAmal EllassraouiThis document discusses three main types of white blood cells - neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Neutrophils are the most abundant white blood cell and act as the immune system's first responders to fight bacteria or other pathogens. Monocytes develop into macrophages that help fight infection. Lymphocytes include T cells and B cells which have different roles in the adaptive immune response.
إدارة الوقتkhadejh10Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to ݺߣShare.
استخدام خريطة المفاهيم في التعليمAziz HoodThe document lists various mind mapping software tools that can be used to create and share visual representations of ideas, concepts, and connections between them. Some of the mind mapping tools mentioned include, Mindomo, Buzan's iMindMap, Edraw Mind Map, Cayra, Inspiration, and SmartDraw. These tools allow for creating, editing, and sharing of digital mind maps online or through computer applications.
( BOLSSOMS ) عرض الفصول التفاعليةnoura22Blossoms is an online learning platform from MIT that provides educational content on various topics. It is free to use and allows users to create a profile, enroll in courses, and access learning materials. The site aims to make high-quality education available to anyone interested in lifelong learning.
لماذا ندرس رياضيات تأمين الحياةnaglaa Khmiesمادة رياضيات الحياة للصف الثالث الثانوي تجاري عن التأمين عن الحياة والوفاة وجداول الحياة والوفاة وجداول الأستعاضة وكيفية احتساب اقساط التأمين التجارية - الوحيدة الصافية - والسنوية الصافية
كيف يدافع الجسم عن ماهو ذاتيAmal EllassraouiThis document discusses three main types of white blood cells - neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Neutrophils are the most abundant white blood cell and act as the immune system's first responders to fight bacteria or other pathogens. Monocytes develop into macrophages that help fight infection. Lymphocytes include T cells and B cells which have different roles in the adaptive immune response.
إدارة الوقتkhadejh10Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to ݺߣShare.