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Together, we can help everyone to love later life
Engaging Digital Comms: 23.04.15
Rob Mansfield
Emotional content to
engage your audience
What I wont tell you today
Rocket science
01 Lets begin
What our research discovered
What we know
Im not old
Im more than my
grey hair
Dont call me elderly
Dont patronise me
We want to be heard
Love Later life
Provoking emotion
I've learned that people will
forget what you said, people
will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how
you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Its how you feel
Second that emotion
Irritation Sadness Anger
Surprise Delight Curiosity
02 So far so obvious
Content depends on your channel
Our website users are predominantly task-driven and
want to find information or advice quickly
Our Facebook fans want to be entertained or diverted
 even by a charity they follow
Twitter users  by their very nature  want a quick fix;
a pithy one-liner, a link to a
news story, an inforaphic
Channel hopping
We intersperse our short, bite-sized information that
answers specific questions with rich media that
complements and enhances with stories and more
playful content.
The good
Reach of 1m; 20.7k Likes; 7k shares
Throw in Age UK content
Reach of 330k; 2.6k Likes
Reach of 188k; 776 Likes, 78k views
Twitter needs to poke the
curiosity monster in us all
03 9 things Ive learned
Follow a negative with a positive
We cant ignore the problems were working
on, but make sure you show what your
solutions are
and tell them what to do
Once youve outlined the
problem, make sure you
give follow-up
instructions that explains
to supporters what they
can do next.
Subtlety is not what
were about!
Its hard to make money from social
#icebucketchallenge and #nomakeupselfie have
been both a blessing and a curse
but you have to try
You need to plan and scan for possible
Love your evergreen content
Engaging doesnt have to mean funny or
include rich media  it just needs to work
Use celebrities sparingly
If your audience cant relate to them, youll do
more harm than good
Recycling is good for you
Dont be afraid to push your best stories again and
again. If they resonate with you, theyll do the same
with the public.
Use your supporters name
Dont be afraid to push your best stories again and
again. If they resonate with you, theyll do the same
with the public
Say thank you
Be inventive with the ways you thank people
05 In summary
In summary
 Provoke an emotion, no matter what. Any
emotion is good, even frustration.
 Be channel-specific. What works on your
site, wont necessarily work on Facebook or
 Tell your audience what you want them to
do (forget subtlety)
 Give your supporters something back (even
if its just the word thank you)
06 Any questions?
Rob Mansfield

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Using emotional content to engage your audience online

  • 1. Together, we can help everyone to love later life Engaging Digital Comms: 23.04.15 Rob Mansfield @robram Emotional content to engage your audience
  • 2. What I wont tell you today Rocket science @robram
  • 6. What our research discovered What we know @robram Im not old Im more than my grey hair Dont call me elderly Dont patronise me We want to be heard
  • 8. Provoking emotion I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou Its how you feel @robram
  • 9. Second that emotion Irritation Sadness Anger Surprise Delight Curiosity @robram
  • 10. 02 So far so obvious
  • 11. @robram Content depends on your channel Our website users are predominantly task-driven and want to find information or advice quickly Our Facebook fans want to be entertained or diverted even by a charity they follow Twitter users by their very nature want a quick fix; a pithy one-liner, a link to a news story, an inforaphic Channel hopping
  • 12. Website We intersperse our short, bite-sized information that answers specific questions with rich media that complements and enhances with stories and more playful content. The good @robram
  • 13. Facebook @robram Reach of 1m; 20.7k Likes; 7k shares
  • 14. Throw in Age UK content Reach of 330k; 2.6k Likes Reach of 188k; 776 Likes, 78k views @robram
  • 15. Twitter @robram Twitter needs to poke the curiosity monster in us all
  • 16. 03 9 things Ive learned
  • 17. Follow a negative with a positive We cant ignore the problems were working on, but make sure you show what your solutions are @robram 1.
  • 18. and tell them what to do Once youve outlined the problem, make sure you give follow-up instructions that explains to supporters what they can do next. Subtlety is not what were about! @robram 2.
  • 19. Its hard to make money from social #icebucketchallenge and #nomakeupselfie have been both a blessing and a curse @robram 3.
  • 20. but you have to try You need to plan and scan for possible opportunities @robram 4.
  • 21. Love your evergreen content Engaging doesnt have to mean funny or include rich media it just needs to work @robram 5.
  • 22. Use celebrities sparingly @robram 6. If your audience cant relate to them, youll do more harm than good
  • 23. Recycling is good for you Dont be afraid to push your best stories again and again. If they resonate with you, theyll do the same with the public. @robram 7.
  • 24. Use your supporters name Dont be afraid to push your best stories again and again. If they resonate with you, theyll do the same with the public @robram 8.
  • 25. Reciprocate Say thank you Be inventive with the ways you thank people @robram 9.
  • 27. In summary Provoke an emotion, no matter what. Any emotion is good, even frustration. Be channel-specific. What works on your site, wont necessarily work on Facebook or Twitter. Tell your audience what you want them to do (forget subtlety) Give your supporters something back (even if its just the word thank you) @robram
  • 28. 06 Any questions? Rob Mansfield @robram rob.mansfield@ageuk.org.uk

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Quick show of hands, please How many of you have got irritated or frustrated by an old person, maybe walking too slowly in front of you or taking ages to pay at a till/ take cash out?
  • #6: Misao Okawa 114-year-old - was worlds oldest woman. Daughter of a kimono maker
  • #8: Bring some humanity, warmth and a story to older people People like Alan who at 79 is still giving tapdancing lessons all over the world (as well as at his local Age UK) and is the President of the International Jousting Federation Or Fauja the worlds oldest marathon runner. At the age of 102, he ran the London Marathon on behalf of Age UK. Hes now 104 and still runs every day
  • #9: Knowing how you're going to write and talk to your audience is crucial. You need: consistency, distinction, humanity
  • #10: Think about what encourages you to do something beyond read on social. It provokes something inside you. You could be irritated by someone whos always saying things you disagree with, sad about a moving video, angry having watched the footage in America of the
  • #12: These probably sound obvious, but if you don't even consider them before starting to build your following and posting, your channel will become schizophrenic and confusing to the audience you do have, making them less engaged.
  • #14: On Facebook, we dont solely use Age UK-related content. We take topics and stories that we know will resonate with our audience and put themout there. We follow the 10:4:1 rule Who likes talking to someone who always hogs the conversation about themselves and never wants to know what anyone else is up to? Age UK had 89k audience at time of writing These arent exceptional we regularly get this sort of numbers
  • #15: We follow the 10-4-1 rule Even a potentially downbeat topic such as being in poverty can be made slightly more positive and emotional by getting real people to talk to about it.
  • #16: We all know that a tweet is so short that it has to really work hard. Some tweets can tell the story in just the 140 characters, but the ones that work best tell the story and urge the reader to explore further
  • #18: There was a bit of overreaction to the latest change from Facebook essentially, they want to curtail what they see as promotional content following responses to a recent user survey. What this means is that you have a really essential message, you may have to pay for it. What they dont want to do is have what are effectively ads appearing in a regular news feed. This speaks to the 10:4:1 ratio that I talked about earlier. It also doesnt mean that people wont interact with your content, but you have to be very clever about what you post.
  • #19: Urgency can be blocked by customers minds if you dont give them specific instructions on how to solve the problem. Be as clear as you can vagueness wont help.
  • #22: For a recent Age International campaign to promote a new video, we achieved a return of 3p per view. For audience building, 10-20p a fan is highly achieveable although a lot depends on your knowledge of your users.
  • #25: Research into brain activation has shown that our brains actually light up when we hear or see our own name. In addition to that, we are more engaged and more trusting of a message that includes our name.
  • #26: The #1 thing that creates loyal supporters is reciprocity. Numerous studies have shown how important this is and 1-2-1 reciprocity is the most potent. This is why great customer service is so prized and equally why a good social media strategy that values excellent communication between your brand and your users is like gold-dust. If youve ever ticked the Gift Aid box when donating things to a charity shop, youll know that you should eventually get a letter saying