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OECD's project to counter aggressive tax planning policies, avoiding the move by multinational companies of the tax base from high-tax jurisdictions to others with low or no tax burden
Remedial Investigation (RI) for Cannon Iron and Metal Inc.Ed Baldwin
The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over several decades. Early research focused on symbolic approaches using rules and logic but progress was slow. More recently, machine learning techniques such as deep learning have seen increasing success by learning from large amounts of data without being explicitly programmed. These new approaches are being applied to many areas and fueling a new wave of innovation and development in AI.
¡°Naziler ve Atat¨¹rk¡± mukayeseli tarih anlay???n?n bir ¨¹r¨¹n¨¹ olarak Temmuz 2015¡¯te raflardaki
yerini ald?. Stefan Ihrig¡¯?n T¨¹rkiye¡¯de, ismiyle adeta infial yaratan bu eseri esas?nda Cambridge
?niversite Tarih B?l¨¹m¨¹nde yap?lan doktora tezinin kitap haline getirilmi? suretidir. Bu ?al??ma,
Atat¨¹rk ile Hitler¡¯i, Mussolini¡¯yi hatta General Franco¡¯yu k?yaslayarak, bu liderlerin aralar?ndaki
etkile?ime dikkat ?ekmeye ?al???yor. Liderlerin birbirleri hakk?ndaki g?r¨¹?lerine, tutumlar?na ve
de?erlendirmelerine s?k?a de?iniliyor. ?zellikle de Atat¨¹rk ve Hitler aras?nda¡ Ayr?ca sadece bu
iki liderle de s?n?rl? kal?nm?yor. T¨¹rk devrimiyle Nazi hareketinin ki?iler, kurumlar, ideolojiler ve
eylemler ba?lam?nda mukayeseleri yap?l?p etkile?imleri irdeleniyor. Bunu yaparken mecburen
d?nemin T¨¹rk-Alman ili?kilerine de pek tabii de?iniliyor. Bu de?inimin Kurtulu? Sava??¡¯ndan
?kinci Cihan Harbinin sonuna kadar oldu?unu s?ylemek gerek. Tabii eserin d¨¹nyan?n say?l?
¨¹niversitelerinden biri olan Cambridge ?niversitesi¡¯nde yap?lm?? bir tez olmas? okuyucuya
yeterince objektif ve bilimsel nitelikte titizlikle yaz?ld???n? d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹rt¨¹yor. Peki, bu yarg? ger?ekle
ne kadar uyu?maktad?r?
Ergonomic Tips for Computer Users provides guidelines for minimizing physical strain when working at a computer. It recommends eliminating screen reflections, positioning equipment accessibly, and taking breaks from the computer every hour to perform stretches that target the hands, back, shoulders, neck, and head. Simple active stretches are illustrated to incorporate into a daily routine at the office to reduce injury risks from static posture when sitting for long periods.
Konferences ¡°Rado?ums. Rado?s bibliotek¨¡rs rado?¨¡ bibliot¨¥k¨¡¡± programmaBibliot¨¥ku port¨¡ls
This document provides the program for a two-day international conference called "Creative Librarian in Creative Library" that is being held in Latvia. Day one will take place at Latvia University and the Microsoft Innovation Centre, and will include welcome speeches, presentations on creative industries in Latvia and Norway, and a panel discussion on creativity in public libraries. Day two will be held at Riga Central Library and include a presentation on creativity at Riga Central Library and a workshop on generating ideas using the SCAMPER technique led by a project team member from Poland. The goal is to share experiences and best practices around creativity in libraries.
LU SZF Inform¨¡cijas un bibliot¨¥ku studiju noda?as Ma?istra darbu aizst¨¡v¨¥?ana...Bibliot¨¥ku port¨¡ls
K¨¡rt¨¥j¨¡ akad¨¥misk¨¡ studiju gada nosl¨¥gum¨¡ Latvijas Universit¨¡tes Soci¨¡lo zin¨¡t?u fakult¨¡tes (SZF) Inform¨¡cijas un bibliot¨¥ku studiju noda?¨¡ notiek zin¨¡tnisko darbu aizst¨¡v¨¥?ana bakalaura un ma?istra gr¨¡du ieguvei.
LU SZF Inform¨¡cijas un bibliot¨¥ku studiju noda?as Bakalaura darbu aizst¨¡v¨¥?an...Bibliot¨¥ku port¨¡ls
K¨¡rt¨¥j¨¡ akad¨¥misk¨¡ studiju gada nosl¨¥gum¨¡ Latvijas Universit¨¡tes Soci¨¡lo zin¨¡t?u fakult¨¡tes (SZF) Inform¨¡cijas un bibliot¨¥ku studiju noda?¨¡ notiek zin¨¡tnisko darbu aizst¨¡v¨¥?ana bakalaura un ma?istra gr¨¡du ieguvei.