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Recruiting Solutions

Winning ways with
passive candidates
Reach out successfully to top-level
talent with these 10 tips.

Passive candidates aren’t actively seeking their next role—they’re too busy changing the world in their
current positions. So engaging with these top professionals requires a different approach.

Based on interviews with LinkedIn Recruiting Solutions customers who had the highest InMail response
rates, we developed the following framework for passive talent recruiting success.

                                 1. Get on the same page quickly. Meet face-to-face with your
                                    hiring manager to understand the role's raw skills and personality
                                    requirements. Share sample LinkedIn profiles to set the baseline; agree
   Be a real                        which qualities are essential vs. nice to have. Develop a winning
   advisor to                       employee value proposition/ 'sales story' for each new role.

   your hiring
                                 2. Be the strategic partner they want. Keep in touch with hiring
   manager                          managers even when there's no open job, to proactively uncover the
                                    needs of the business and understand the organization. Share insight
                                    on your best sources by tracking success of prior hires.

                                 3. Build and leverage your own hiring team. Connect with
                                    all colleagues on LinkedIn to solicit referrals and cherry-pick from
                                    their networks. Make it the responsibility of every team member
                                    to identify great candidates.
   Source for
                                 4. Find the stars beneath the radar. Look beyond initial search
                                    results. Don't disregard skeleton profiles, and ask other LinkedIn
                                    members to identify outstanding but "un-findable" colleagues with
                                    limited or no online presence.
5. Immerse yourself in the candidate's world. Get smarter
                               on the industry, using sources like LinkedIn Today to keep up with
                               hot relevant topics. Research your prospect's current role and
Make a                         leverage mutual connections when possible.
great first
impression                  6. Build relationships, avoid being transactional. Send fewer,
                               more targeted InMails. Compliment profiles sincerely, and 'dangle
                               a carrot' to lure them in rather than blasting out lengthy job
                               descriptions. Ask to connect and continue the dialogue.

                            7. Listen and adapt. Invite candidates to talk about themselves,
                               uncover their needs/motivations, and keep detailed notes on their
                               profiles or within LinkedIn Recruiter at every touchpoint. Reflect their
Build                          input as you explain why your opportunity is right for them.
connections                 8. Develop your personal brand, online and offline.
                               Balance social network activity with live conversation - on the phone
                               or in person - to make a lasting impression. And regardless of the
                               channel, be transparent, honest, and positive.

                            9. Keep the door open. Be respectful of candidates who are either
                               too junior, not ready to move, not ultimately hired, or not quite right
                               for the current role. Today's up-and-coming analyst is tomorrow's
Think                          top-performing hire, hiring manager or referral source.
with your               10. Mind your manners. Be patient when waiting for replies.
                               Rather than hounding prospects relentlessly, stay top-of-mind by
relationships                  using indirect channels like LinkedIn status updates to stay visible and
                               showcase your knowledge. Always reply to candidates, and never
                               waste their time.

For a closer look at what passive candidates really want, check out our
infographic at http://talent.linkedin.com/passivetalent/infographic1

     Recruiting Solutions

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Passive talent tip sheet

  • 1. Recruiting Solutions Winning ways with passive candidates Reach out successfully to top-level talent with these 10 tips. Passive candidates aren’t actively seeking their next role—they’re too busy changing the world in their current positions. So engaging with these top professionals requires a different approach. Based on interviews with LinkedIn Recruiting Solutions customers who had the highest InMail response rates, we developed the following framework for passive talent recruiting success. 1. Get on the same page quickly. Meet face-to-face with your hiring manager to understand the role's raw skills and personality requirements. Share sample LinkedIn profiles to set the baseline; agree Be a real which qualities are essential vs. nice to have. Develop a winning advisor to employee value proposition/ 'sales story' for each new role. your hiring 2. Be the strategic partner they want. Keep in touch with hiring manager managers even when there's no open job, to proactively uncover the needs of the business and understand the organization. Share insight on your best sources by tracking success of prior hires. 3. Build and leverage your own hiring team. Connect with all colleagues on LinkedIn to solicit referrals and cherry-pick from their networks. Make it the responsibility of every team member to identify great candidates. Source for success 4. Find the stars beneath the radar. Look beyond initial search results. Don't disregard skeleton profiles, and ask other LinkedIn members to identify outstanding but "un-findable" colleagues with limited or no online presence.
  • 2. 5. Immerse yourself in the candidate's world. Get smarter on the industry, using sources like LinkedIn Today to keep up with hot relevant topics. Research your prospect's current role and Make a leverage mutual connections when possible. great first impression 6. Build relationships, avoid being transactional. Send fewer, more targeted InMails. Compliment profiles sincerely, and 'dangle a carrot' to lure them in rather than blasting out lengthy job descriptions. Ask to connect and continue the dialogue. 7. Listen and adapt. Invite candidates to talk about themselves, uncover their needs/motivations, and keep detailed notes on their profiles or within LinkedIn Recruiter at every touchpoint. Reflect their Build input as you explain why your opportunity is right for them. meaningful connections 8. Develop your personal brand, online and offline. Balance social network activity with live conversation - on the phone or in person - to make a lasting impression. And regardless of the channel, be transparent, honest, and positive. 9. Keep the door open. Be respectful of candidates who are either too junior, not ready to move, not ultimately hired, or not quite right for the current role. Today's up-and-coming analyst is tomorrow's Think top-performing hire, hiring manager or referral source. long-term with your 10. Mind your manners. Be patient when waiting for replies. Rather than hounding prospects relentlessly, stay top-of-mind by relationships using indirect channels like LinkedIn status updates to stay visible and showcase your knowledge. Always reply to candidates, and never waste their time. For a closer look at what passive candidates really want, check out our infographic at http://talent.linkedin.com/passivetalent/infographic1 Recruiting Solutions