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My ExperimentBy Ellandi
Aim and HypothesisAim-  Does music affect memory?My hypothesis- Memory will be better without music.The music will distract you and you will not be able to work or memorise.
Equipment	Classical Music - A new day, ultyma velocity ,our universe, time you'll never get back, Stardust.	4 Headphones   	10 Prep students A shape test
Method1.  Place 5 students in a quiet room.2. Place 5 student in a room with music playing. 3. Get the first group to do the without music test. 4.Then get the second group to do the with music test for the whole time the music will be playing.5.Tell them all the answer from the test for 2 minutes.6.Want 1 minutes, then do the test .7. First complete test without music for 5 minutes.8. Count the Results and see which group more of the answers right.
My experiment Ellandi
How I am going to improve MY experiment next time.I would improve my experiment by getting the grade 3/4s because the preps are were not focused.
ConclusionIn conclusion, that listening to music  dose affects memory.

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My experiment Ellandi

  • 2. Aim and HypothesisAim- Does music affect memory?My hypothesis- Memory will be better without music.The music will distract you and you will not be able to work or memorise.
  • 3. Equipment Classical Music - A new day, ultyma velocity ,our universe, time you'll never get back, Stardust. 4 Headphones 10 Prep students A shape test
  • 4. Method1. Place 5 students in a quiet room.2. Place 5 student in a room with music playing. 3. Get the first group to do the without music test. 4.Then get the second group to do the with music test for the whole time the music will be playing.5.Tell them all the answer from the test for 2 minutes.6.Want 1 minutes, then do the test .7. First complete test without music for 5 minutes.8. Count the Results and see which group more of the answers right.
  • 7. How I am going to improve MY experiment next time.I would improve my experiment by getting the grade 3/4s because the preps are were not focused.
  • 8. ConclusionIn conclusion, that listening to music dose affects memory.