CodeFest 2010. Иноземцев И. — Fantom. Cross-VM LanguageCodeFestThis document introduces Fantom, a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM. It highlights Fantom's features that improve developer productivity over Java such as type inference, literals, closures, and mixins. It also discusses Fantom's safety features like nullable types and const classes/fields. The document provides examples of Fantom's support for object-oriented, functional, declarative, and dynamic programming paradigms. It lists companies and projects using Fantom including X5, F4 IDE, Terminals, and The document encourages readers to get involved with the Fantom community and language.
Keynote: Challenges, Pains and Points of Software Development TodayCodeFestThe document discusses challenges in modern software development. It notes that typically only 70% of work is spent on analysis before starting coding. It advocates for design driven by the business domain using domain-driven design (DDD) to better understand customer needs. The document also discusses defining a ubiquitous language based on business semantics and building user experience-driven design from user workflows and existing business logic. Finally, it argues the primary purpose for writing software is to focus on user experience rather than interfaces or completing projects.
CodeFest 2010. Погребняк А. — Проблемы оценки труда программистовCodeFestПроблемы оценки труда программистов, Александр Погребняк (Alawar Entertainment)
CodeFest 2014. Осипов К. — NoSQL: вангуем вместеCodeFestThis document discusses NoSQL databases and alternatives to relational databases. It covers three key aspects: data models, data consistency, and data storage. For data models, it describes popular NoSQL models like key-value, document, and column stores and compares them to the relational and graph models. For consistency, it discusses CAP theorem and tradeoffs between consistency, availability and performance. It provides examples to illustrate how different databases approach consistency. For storage, it covers technologies like B-trees, LSM trees, and consistent hashing. The document recommends keeping an eye on specific databases and technologies and suggests some existing databases that can be used.
CodeFest 2013. Rauschmayer A. — An overview of ECMAScript 6, the next version...CodeFestThe document summarizes key details about ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the next version of JavaScript. It discusses how ES6 is being designed to address JavaScript's use in complex applications and libraries. The talk also covers many of the new language features being added in ES6, such as block scoping, arrow functions, classes, modules, and more. All information is preliminary as features may change before the finalization of ES6.
CodeFest 2010. Иноземцев И. — Fantom. Cross-VM LanguageCodeFestThis document introduces Fantom, a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM. It highlights Fantom's features that improve developer productivity over Java such as type inference, literals, closures, and mixins. It also discusses Fantom's safety features like nullable types and const classes/fields. The document provides examples of Fantom's support for object-oriented, functional, declarative, and dynamic programming paradigms. It lists companies and projects using Fantom including X5, F4 IDE, Terminals, and The document encourages readers to get involved with the Fantom community and language.
Keynote: Challenges, Pains and Points of Software Development TodayCodeFestThe document discusses challenges in modern software development. It notes that typically only 70% of work is spent on analysis before starting coding. It advocates for design driven by the business domain using domain-driven design (DDD) to better understand customer needs. The document also discusses defining a ubiquitous language based on business semantics and building user experience-driven design from user workflows and existing business logic. Finally, it argues the primary purpose for writing software is to focus on user experience rather than interfaces or completing projects.
CodeFest 2010. Погребняк А. — Проблемы оценки труда программистовCodeFestПроблемы оценки труда программистов, Александр Погребняк (Alawar Entertainment)
CodeFest 2014. Осипов К. — NoSQL: вангуем вместеCodeFestThis document discusses NoSQL databases and alternatives to relational databases. It covers three key aspects: data models, data consistency, and data storage. For data models, it describes popular NoSQL models like key-value, document, and column stores and compares them to the relational and graph models. For consistency, it discusses CAP theorem and tradeoffs between consistency, availability and performance. It provides examples to illustrate how different databases approach consistency. For storage, it covers technologies like B-trees, LSM trees, and consistent hashing. The document recommends keeping an eye on specific databases and technologies and suggests some existing databases that can be used.
CodeFest 2013. Rauschmayer A. — An overview of ECMAScript 6, the next version...CodeFestThe document summarizes key details about ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the next version of JavaScript. It discusses how ES6 is being designed to address JavaScript's use in complex applications and libraries. The talk also covers many of the new language features being added in ES6, such as block scoping, arrow functions, classes, modules, and more. All information is preliminary as features may change before the finalization of ES6.
Система при которой работать неэффективно НЕ получитсяNetpeakПрезентация для вебинара eSputnik
Спикер: Денис Золотарёв, Head of Email Marketing
12 авгуcта 2020, онлайн
«Особенности Agile-разработки интернет-проектов»DataArt29-я встреча IT talk Spb.
23 апреля 2015 г.
Тема: «Особенности Agile-разработки интернет-проектов на PHP/Yii, Python/Djangо и Java/Spring»
Спикер: Петр Курышев, «ИнфоСреда»
AUR 2012 Управление уровнями зрелости предприятия. Управление сопротивлением ...Sergei PenkovУправление уровнями зрелости предприятия. Управление сопротивлением при внедрении IT решений. Опыт совершенствования деятельности ОАО "ВНИПИГаздобыча"
Концепции, принципы и методики управления развитием организации, управление изменениями и сопротивлением при внедрении 3D технологий
И.С. Овчинников, Д.Н. Кудасов, С.А. Пеньков
В начале презентации - видео выступления на AUR 2012
ALM Summit 2016 - Кроссплатформенный ALM с инструментами MicrosoftMicrosoftУправление жизненным циклом проектов (ALM) – тема достаточно обширная, и в каждой компании часто выстраивается собственный процесс, состоящий из различных инструментов. На семинаре мы покажем вам, как использовать облачные инструменты Microsoft для разработки, тестирования и построения процесса управления жизненным циклом кроссплатформенных проектов. В докладе - про то, как инструменты Microsoft помогают в разработке кроссплатформенных проектов, на примере Android-приложения с подключенным Application Insights и Mobile Engagements, с развертыванием в Github и автоматической сборкой из Github в Visual Studio Team Services.
Визуализация и информационные стендыDenis DiakonovПримеры различных информационных стендов которые помогают вовлекать команды к решению проблем и внедрению методов lean six sigma, TPM, SMED и так далее
Успешная карьера в современной разработки программного обеспеченияSergey MorgunovКраткая информация о том, что должен знать каждый разработчик программного обеспечения.
Видео версия презентации
Администрирование небольших сервисов или один за всех и 100 на одного. Роман ...yaeventsРоман Андриади, Яндекс
Работает в департаменте эксплуатации Яндекса с 2005 года. С 2010 года – руководитель группы администрирования коммуникационных, контент- и внутренних сервисов.
Тема доклада
Администрирование небольших сервисов, или Один за всех и 100 на одного.
Администрирование коммуникационных сервисов начиналось в 2004 году с обслуживания десятка серверов и десятка сервисов, на них располагающихся. Со временем сервисов становилось все больше, увеличивалось число задач по ним, а десяток серверов вырос в парк из сотен машин, разделенных на множество разношерстных кластеров. В докладе будет рассказано, как с ростом объемов кластера эволюционировали приемы администрирования, какие инструменты при этом использовались, как мы написали свой инструмент управления, как и чем он научился помогать нам за эти годы.
Alexander GraebeCodeFestThe document discusses Uber's APIs and how they can be used to build experiences that enhance transportation. It notes that Uber has facilitated over 2 billion trips across more than 470 cities. Developers can integrate their apps with Uber's APIs to authenticate users, request rides, access ride details and context through the trip to improve users' experiences. The document provides examples of how ride context could be used to suggest local guides, play media based on trip duration, and control smart home devices like heating when approaching home.
Marko BerkovićCodeFestThis document discusses building and shipping software using GitHub. It provides key facts about GitHub such as being founded in 2008, having over 15 million registered users and 36 million repositories. It also shares principles from "The Zen of GitHub" including that responsive is better than fast, practicality beats purity, and favor focus over features. The document advocates for empowering businesses to build great software through culture, tools, process and a DevOps approach.
Raffaele RialdiCodeFestThis document introduces .NET Core and its advantages over the .NET Framework. It discusses how .NET Core is cross-platform, uses the .NET Standard library, and can create self-contained applications. It also highlights how .NET Core applications are smaller, faster, and container-friendly. The document demonstrates how to use the dotnet CLI and publish .NET Core applications to reduce their deployment size. Overall, it promotes adopting .NET Core for its performance, portability, and familiar .NET APIs.
Rene GroeschkeCodeFestRené Gröschke gave a talk on the latest features and future direction of Gradle. Some of the key points included:
- Gradle is moving to a Kotlin-based DSL for improved performance, tooling support, and bringing application patterns to builds.
- Performance improvements include a dedicated performance team that has improved Android Gradle Plugin build times significantly.
- Composite builds allow including external projects to debug dependencies or test plugins against real projects.
- Build cache and distributed build cache are incubating features to cache and share build results for faster rebuilds.
- Gradle build scans provide insights into builds to debug issues, optimize performance, and compare builds
Mete AtamelCodeFestThe document discusses containerizing ASP.NET Core applications with Kubernetes. It begins with an overview of .NET Core and containers, and how they have converged. It then discusses Kubernetes and how it can help manage containers at scale. It covers Kubernetes building blocks like deployments, pods, labels, services, and replica sets. It provides examples of deploying containers with Kubernetes, including demonstrations of creating deployments, services, scaling applications, and rolling updates.