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How to start
   mobile marketing
   with Foursquare

   A Practical Guide

Wednesday, 16 November 11
marketing needs

   so you can do more
   with your time.

                            This work is licensed under the
                            Creative Commons Attribution-
                            NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.


Wednesday, 16 November 11


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Problem - no one has time for all
       the new marketing stuff.
    Mobile is becoming the new focus of
    integrated marketing.

    Foursquare provides the location incentives
    and tools to help you get started with
    mobile marketing today. So you dont have
    to commit to big budget, low value
    vouchers.                                4

Wednesday, 16 November 11
     How ready is your business for
     the next wave of smart phones?   5

Wednesday, 16 November 11
                            No  this is a wrist phone watch from

Wednesday, 16 November 11
Wednesday, 16 November 11
                            the percentage of 18 C 29 year old with a mobile

Wednesday, 16 November 11
                            the percentage of people in a recent study who
                            compare prices using their mobile while out
                            shopping                                   8
                            The percentage of smartphone users who have
                            apps installed


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Wednesday, 16 November 11
                            million activated Android mobiles

Saturday Nights All Right


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Claim your stores on Foursquare

                                Click here to claim

                                Be creative and offer
                                something to your
                                followers and reward

                                Be fun. Do you want a
                                badge for repeat


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Be a Pro at Foursquare
                                   Using Foursquare yourself
                                   is the best way to
                                   understand the mechanics.

                                   And its the best way to
                                   find out how your
                                   competition is using

                                   Finally .. you can get
                                   badges like this for 1000+


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Create your own brand identity
                            To make it easier to
                            manage your stores and
                            marketing create a new
                            Foursquare account in the
                            name of your brand or

                            Once created, start looking
                            for customers who checkin
                            to your store.


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Put up Posters or Stickers


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Reward the Mayor


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Get more people in your store C
           Hold a Swarm Badge Party


Wednesday, 16 November 11
Track your checkins & trends


Wednesday, 16 November 11
You can call me Loyal
         A Manifesto to the
       Your loyal and best customers dont
      have to check-in every day.
       Your loyal customers rave about you.   Loyalty is the
      Recommend and Add Tips for you.          best badge to
       What are you doing for them?           earn on
                                                 read more about it.


Wednesday, 16 November 11
11 step guide to
1. Be a Pro at Foursquare
2. Claim your business on Foursquare
3. Create your own brand identity in Foursquare
4. Add a prize or incentives for people to visit your shop
5. Reward the Mayor
6. Add Tips & To Dos to your stores
7. Put Stickers or Posters in Store
8. Hold a Foursquare Swarm Badge Party
9. Track Checkins & Trends
10.Promote Foursquare on Twitter, Facebook & your website.
11. Focus on returning and loyal customers

Wednesday, 16 November 11
How much time does
        this take?
        Dont worry!          YOU CAN
        You determine the    SPEND AS
        time you want to
        spend on Social     LITTLE AS 30
        Media or LOLling      MINUTES
        around with your     EACH DAY

Wednesday, 16 November 11
Trends in digital
              Ol Skool                  Nu Skool
     ? Print Ads            ?   Social Media    ? Data Analytics
     ? Magazines            ?   E-mail          ? Automated
     ? Expos & Trade        ?   CRM               Marketing
       Shows                ?   How to Videos   ? Location based
     ? Tele-sales           ?   Banner Ads      ? Time-limited
                            ?   Search            deals
     ? Direct Mail
                            ?   SEO             ? Re-targeting
     ? Radio                                    ? Online-Offline
                            ?   Viral
     ? TV                                         Targetting

Wednesday, 16 November 11
marketing needs
 ?Member                                                single-mindedness.

                                                                             so you can do more
                                                                             with your time.



Wednesday, 16 November 11
Want to read
                            click to visit


Wednesday, 16 November 11

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How to get started with foursquare

  • 1. How to start mobile marketing with Foursquare today. A Practical Guide 1 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 2. marketing needs single-mindedness. so you can do more with your time. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. 2 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 3. @damiensaunders 3 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 4. Problem - no one has time for all the new marketing stuff. Mobile is becoming the new focus of integrated marketing. Foursquare provides the location incentives and tools to help you get started with mobile marketing today. So you dont have to commit to big budget, low value vouchers. 4 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 5. Smart phone 2011 How ready is your business for the next wave of smart phones? 5 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 6. Smart phone 2013? No this is a wrist phone watch from 2011 6 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 7. Wednesday, 16 November 11 93 the percentage of 18 C 29 year old with a mobile 7
  • 8. Wednesday, 16 November 11 30 the percentage of people in a recent study who compare prices using their mobile while out shopping 8
  • 9. 50 The percentage of smartphone users who have apps installed 9 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 10. Wednesday, 16 November 11 100 million activated Android mobiles 10
  • 11. Saturday Nights All Right 11 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 12. Claim your stores on Foursquare Click here to claim Be creative and offer something to your followers and reward Mayors Be fun. Do you want a badge for repeat visitors? 12 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 13. Be a Pro at Foursquare Using Foursquare yourself is the best way to understand the mechanics. And its the best way to find out how your competition is using Foursquare. Finally .. you can get badges like this for 1000+ checkins. 13 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 14. Create your own brand identity To make it easier to manage your stores and marketing create a new Foursquare account in the name of your brand or client. Once created, start looking for customers who checkin to your store. 14 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 15. Put up Posters or Stickers 15 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 16. Reward the Mayor 16 13 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 17. Get more people in your store C Hold a Swarm Badge Party 17 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 18. Track your checkins & trends 18 15 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 19. You can call me Loyal A Manifesto to the Loyal. Your loyal and best customers dont have to check-in every day. Your loyal customers rave about you. Loyalty is the Recommend and Add Tips for you. best badge to What are you doing for them? earn on Foursquare. read more about it. 19 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 20. 11 step guide to Foursquare 1. Be a Pro at Foursquare 2. Claim your business on Foursquare 3. Create your own brand identity in Foursquare 4. Add a prize or incentives for people to visit your shop 5. Reward the Mayor 6. Add Tips & To Dos to your stores 7. Put Stickers or Posters in Store 8. Hold a Foursquare Swarm Badge Party 9. Track Checkins & Trends 10.Promote Foursquare on Twitter, Facebook & your website. 11. Focus on returning and loyal customers 20 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 21. How much time does this take? Dont worry! YOU CAN You determine the SPEND AS time you want to spend on Social LITTLE AS 30 Media or LOLling MINUTES around with your EACH DAY customers. 21 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 22. Trends in digital marketing Ol Skool Nu Skool ? Print Ads ? Social Media ? Data Analytics ? Magazines ? E-mail ? Automated ? Expos & Trade ? CRM Marketing Shows ? How to Videos ? Location based ? Tele-sales ? Banner Ads ? Time-limited ? Search deals ? Direct Mail ? SEO ? Re-targeting ? Radio ? Online-Offline ? Viral ? TV Targetting 22 Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 23. marketing needs Bri3sh ?Interac3ve ?Media ? Associa3on ?-?\ ?Member single-mindedness. so you can do more with your time. This ?work ?is ?licensed ?under ?the ?Crea3ve ? Commons ?A7ribu3on-?\NonCommercial-?\ ShareAlike ?License. ? To ?view ?a ?copy ?of ?this ?license, ?visit ?h7p:// crea3vecommons.org/licenses/by-?\nc-?\sa/3.0/; ?or, ? (b) ?send ?a ?le7er ?to ?Crea3ve ?Commons, ?171 ?2nd ? Street, ?Suite ?300, ?San ?Francisco, ?California, ? 94105, ?USA. Wednesday, 16 November 11
  • 24. Want to read more? click to visit damiensaunders.com 24 Wednesday, 16 November 11