Knopka the travellerTony PanayotovaKnopka the traveller
Knopa, or Knopka, was born in 2010 in Prague. She is a Chihuahua and moved to a new home at 3 weeks old when her mother became ill. Knopka likes travelling and has been to Odessa, Ukraine where she met her best friend Chacha. Knopka also enjoys going by car to the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine twice, where she stayed at a beautiful wooden hotel by the river Prut.
Knopka the travellerTony PanayotovaKnopka the traveller
Knopa, or Knopka, was born in 2010 in Prague. She is a Chihuahua and moved to a new home at 3 weeks old when her mother became ill. Knopka likes travelling and has been to Odessa, Ukraine where she met her best friend Chacha. Knopka also enjoys going by car to the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine twice, where she stayed at a beautiful wooden hotel by the river Prut.
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