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Knopka the traveller
Maia Seliatina, Odessa, Ukraine
Knopa , or Knopka, was born in Prague in 2010. Her mom is Lily, and her dad is Mustang. She looks like
her dad,
but she takes a lot after her mom. Her breed is Chihuahua.
Knopas parents loved each other very much, they got married and had four babies, one girl and three boys.
When Knopa was three weeks old, she moved to her new home because her mom got ill and couldnt feed
First Knopa lived in a slipper and then she had a new dog house.
She lived with the cat Vasilisa which taught the little doggy everything.
Knopka the traveller
Knopka likes travelling. First she went around the city of Odessa. Once, she was walking in the
park of Shevchenko and met a black and red puppy. It was Chacha, or Charlotta, and Chacha became
Knopas best friend.
Chacha was born last year, in 2014. Chacha likes travelling , too.
And she likes walking in the parks.
Find five differences.
Chacha has got a boyfriend, Semen. They like spending time together.
Chacha is a very trendy girl as well as Knopa. She wants Semen to like her.
Knopa likes going by car. She went to the Carpathians twice. There she stayed at a beautiful
wooden hotel by the river Prut. When she came there for the first time, there were two little dogs
at the hotel, (frankly, they lived by the hotel, they were not allowed inside), and Knopka made
them go away. After that she felt as if she was the owner of the area. So, every morning she ran around the hotel
and checked if everything was Okay.
When Knopka went to the Carpathians for the second time, she was the only dog at the hotel.
Knopka the traveller
Knopka the traveller

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Knopka the traveller

  • 1. Knopka the traveller Maia Seliatina, Odessa, Ukraine
  • 2. Knopa , or Knopka, was born in Prague in 2010. Her mom is Lily, and her dad is Mustang. She looks like her dad, but she takes a lot after her mom. Her breed is Chihuahua. Knopas parents loved each other very much, they got married and had four babies, one girl and three boys. When Knopa was three weeks old, she moved to her new home because her mom got ill and couldnt feed her. First Knopa lived in a slipper and then she had a new dog house. She lived with the cat Vasilisa which taught the little doggy everything.
  • 4. Knopka likes travelling. First she went around the city of Odessa. Once, she was walking in the park of Shevchenko and met a black and red puppy. It was Chacha, or Charlotta, and Chacha became Knopas best friend.
  • 5. Chacha was born last year, in 2014. Chacha likes travelling , too. And she likes walking in the parks.
  • 7. Chacha has got a boyfriend, Semen. They like spending time together. Chacha is a very trendy girl as well as Knopa. She wants Semen to like her.
  • 8. Knopa likes going by car. She went to the Carpathians twice. There she stayed at a beautiful wooden hotel by the river Prut. When she came there for the first time, there were two little dogs at the hotel, (frankly, they lived by the hotel, they were not allowed inside), and Knopka made them go away. After that she felt as if she was the owner of the area. So, every morning she ran around the hotel and checked if everything was Okay. When Knopka went to the Carpathians for the second time, she was the only dog at the hotel.