Youth Kickball Program PlanSierra GrussThis document provides details for a kickball activity session to be held at Sun-N-Fun on May 21, 2014. The activity will involve 20 elementary school students split into two teams practicing kicking and fielding skills through drills before playing a kickball game. Volunteers will facilitate the drills and game while ensuring safety and communication among participants. The session aims to develop kicking and catching skills while enhancing communication abilities.
Volunteer guideSierra GrussThis volunteer guide provides information for volunteers of the Alpha Phifa soccer tournament. The tournament will be held on November 23rd from 11am to 4pm at the upper turf fields at Cal Poly University to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Volunteers are needed for various roles before and during the event, including t-shirt design, food donation coordination, and marketing. The guide outlines volunteer shifts, parking, and expectations to help volunteers have a positive experience.
Developing quality assurance model in govt. schools in Pakistan. Problems of ...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanDeveloping quality assurance model in govt. schools in Pakistan. Problems of Pakistani Schools. Enhancing The Quality education in Pakistani Schools. Schools of Pakistan.
Volleyball League PlanSierra GrussThis document provides details for a girls' beach volleyball league and tournament, including:
- The league consists of 8 teams of 2 players each that will play a schedule of games over several Saturdays culminating in a single-elimination tournament on a Sunday.
- The games and tournament will take place at the Avila Beach volleyball courts. Basic rules, policies, and procedures are outlined to govern the league play and address any issues that may arise.
- League standings are tracked throughout play and teams are reminded of the upcoming tournament. No formal registration, training, or fees are required for the tournament beyond what was established for the league season.
405projectSierra GrussThe Santa Margarita Ranch hosts a variety of public and private events on its 14,000 acre property in Santa Margarita, California. One of its greatest strengths is the large venue size and amount of land, providing opportunities for unique events. However, its remote location in a small town is also an external weakness. The Ranch has opportunities to sponsor community events and build relationships. Its main threat is its small town location which may cause it to be overlooked compared to competitors with more resources nearby. The document provides a PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, and strategic plan with mission, vision, goals and objectives for the Ranch.
Education System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Sch...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanEducation System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Schools, Govt Schools in Pakistan, Teacher’s Perception of their professionalism in Govt. Primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan.
Education System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Sch...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanEducation System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Schools, Govt Schools in Pakistan, QUALITY SCHOOL EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN, CHALLENGES, SUCCESSES AND STRATEGIES OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN,
Complete-CV - Prof JoshiPankaj JoshiThis curriculum vitae summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Professor Pankaj Joshi. He is a physician specializing in diabetes care with over 30 years of experience. He has held academic and clinical positions in several countries and currently serves as the Director of the Diabetes Care Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. He has extensive qualifications and experience participating in clinical research trials related to diabetes treatment.
Health Fair Program PlanSierra GrussThe Health and Wellness Fair will take place on November 21st from 11am to 4pm on Dexter Lawn at Cal Poly. The event will include a blood drive hosted by United Blood Services, yoga classes, healthy snacks, bone marrow matching, and booths from running groups, clubs, and vendors. The goal is to educate participants on healthy living and wellness, while obtaining 100 blood donations. Activities will include a blood drive, health information booths, refreshments, and a schedule of events from set-up to clean-up.
Different Regimes of Governance in Pakistan, Ayub Khan Zia ul Haq Pervaiz Mus...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanThe document compares local governance reforms under elected and unelected regimes in Pakistan from 1947 to present. It finds that unelected military regimes, such as those led by Ayub Khan, Zia-ul-Haq, and Pervez Musharraf, were more effective at decentralizing power and increasing GDP growth through reforms that strengthened local governments. In contrast, elected civilian governments generally pursued more centralized policies and experienced slower economic growth along with issues like high inflation and unrest. Therefore, the document concludes that unelected institutions have been more powerful agents of change for local governance in Pakistan's history.
Lorna McArdle cv and portfolio 2016 Lorna McArdleThis document provides information about Lorna McArdle's graphic design experience and services. It includes examples of packaging, POS displays, and large format graphics she has created. It also summarizes some of the project management work she has done for organizations. The document demonstrates Lorna's extensive experience across many areas of graphic design spanning over 30 years.
Volunteer guideSierra GrussThis volunteer guide provides information for volunteers of the Alpha Phifa soccer tournament. The tournament will be held on November 23rd from 11am to 4pm at the upper turf fields at Cal Poly University to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Volunteers are needed for various roles before and during the event, including t-shirt design, food donation coordination, and marketing. The guide outlines volunteer shifts, parking, and expectations to help volunteers have a positive experience.
Developing quality assurance model in govt. schools in Pakistan. Problems of ...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanDeveloping quality assurance model in govt. schools in Pakistan. Problems of Pakistani Schools. Enhancing The Quality education in Pakistani Schools. Schools of Pakistan.
Volleyball League PlanSierra GrussThis document provides details for a girls' beach volleyball league and tournament, including:
- The league consists of 8 teams of 2 players each that will play a schedule of games over several Saturdays culminating in a single-elimination tournament on a Sunday.
- The games and tournament will take place at the Avila Beach volleyball courts. Basic rules, policies, and procedures are outlined to govern the league play and address any issues that may arise.
- League standings are tracked throughout play and teams are reminded of the upcoming tournament. No formal registration, training, or fees are required for the tournament beyond what was established for the league season.
405projectSierra GrussThe Santa Margarita Ranch hosts a variety of public and private events on its 14,000 acre property in Santa Margarita, California. One of its greatest strengths is the large venue size and amount of land, providing opportunities for unique events. However, its remote location in a small town is also an external weakness. The Ranch has opportunities to sponsor community events and build relationships. Its main threat is its small town location which may cause it to be overlooked compared to competitors with more resources nearby. The document provides a PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, and strategic plan with mission, vision, goals and objectives for the Ranch.
Education System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Sch...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanEducation System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Schools, Govt Schools in Pakistan, Teacher’s Perception of their professionalism in Govt. Primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan.
Education System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Sch...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanEducation System in Pakistan, Developing Quality Assurance Model in Govt. Schools, Govt Schools in Pakistan, QUALITY SCHOOL EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN, CHALLENGES, SUCCESSES AND STRATEGIES OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN,
Complete-CV - Prof JoshiPankaj JoshiThis curriculum vitae summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Professor Pankaj Joshi. He is a physician specializing in diabetes care with over 30 years of experience. He has held academic and clinical positions in several countries and currently serves as the Director of the Diabetes Care Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. He has extensive qualifications and experience participating in clinical research trials related to diabetes treatment.
Health Fair Program PlanSierra GrussThe Health and Wellness Fair will take place on November 21st from 11am to 4pm on Dexter Lawn at Cal Poly. The event will include a blood drive hosted by United Blood Services, yoga classes, healthy snacks, bone marrow matching, and booths from running groups, clubs, and vendors. The goal is to educate participants on healthy living and wellness, while obtaining 100 blood donations. Activities will include a blood drive, health information booths, refreshments, and a schedule of events from set-up to clean-up.
Different Regimes of Governance in Pakistan, Ayub Khan Zia ul Haq Pervaiz Mus...Comsats Institute of Information Technology Attock, Punjab PakistanThe document compares local governance reforms under elected and unelected regimes in Pakistan from 1947 to present. It finds that unelected military regimes, such as those led by Ayub Khan, Zia-ul-Haq, and Pervez Musharraf, were more effective at decentralizing power and increasing GDP growth through reforms that strengthened local governments. In contrast, elected civilian governments generally pursued more centralized policies and experienced slower economic growth along with issues like high inflation and unrest. Therefore, the document concludes that unelected institutions have been more powerful agents of change for local governance in Pakistan's history.
Lorna McArdle cv and portfolio 2016 Lorna McArdleThis document provides information about Lorna McArdle's graphic design experience and services. It includes examples of packaging, POS displays, and large format graphics she has created. It also summarizes some of the project management work she has done for organizations. The document demonstrates Lorna's extensive experience across many areas of graphic design spanning over 30 years.
Pismo karijernom savetnikuFondacija Tempus - Euroguidance centar u SrbijiBaza aktivnosti karijernog vođenja i savetovanja na sajtu Euroguidance centra u Republici Srbiji.
Ova aktivnost je deo Priručnika za nastavnike srednjih škola ,,Karijerno vođenje i savetovanje” u izdanju Fondacije Tempus – Euroguidance centra i Beogradske otvorene škole (2014). Više informacija na
2. Дефинисање појма -саветовање
• Саветовање се дефинише као процес од
личност до личности у коме се једној
личности помаже да повећа своје
разумевање и способности за решавање
својих проблема(Д.Мортенсен
3. Настанак и развој појма-
• Настало је из облика међусобне сарадње и
помоћи људи добре воље.
• Саветовање је део наше професије,али и
професије за себе и покрива многе делатн-
ости(савет. за брак,избор позива, болести
• Традиција нашег васпитања говори о нор-
мативистичкој педагогији која је заснована
на ауторитативном васпитању и једносме-
рној комуникацији :васпитач и васпитаник
4. • Данас говоримо о интерактивној педагогији
која предпоставља вишесмерну комуникацију
и богате интерперсонале односе свих
учесника у васпитању.
• И Дом ученика данас све ређе схватамо као
,,социјални азил,, већ као подстицајни систем
који се ослања на акциони потенцијал сваког
детета(заједнички рад и зајед.одговорност и
деце и васпитача за њихов развој,живот и рад)
5. • Некада је саветовање схваћено и свођено
на ниво давања савета и на једнострано
моралисање и придиковање.
• Данас саветовање схватамо као међуоднос,
размену,заједничко решавање неког
проблема,помоћ(да схвати,сазна самоста-
лно или заједно са нама разреши проблем).
6. Облици помоћи код саветовања
• 1. васпитанику помажемо да оствари увид у
свој проблем(да га разоткрије,сазна,схвати)
• 2. заједно са њим трагамо за узроцима,ко-
ренима проблема и условима који су дове-
ли до лошег стања
• 3. договарамо се како да заједнички откло-
нимо узроке,променимо стање и решимо
7. Проблеми у процесу саветовања
• 1. онај који саветује,тј.васпитач, треба да
зна пуно о саветовању, да прође инструкта-
жу и вежбу.
• 2. да зна проблеме којима се саветовање
врши нпр. да упути васпитаника у методе и
технике учења или да познаје услове,узрок
васпитаниковог агресивног понашања...)
• Дакле,основни захтев се односи на компет-
етност васпитача за специфичне послове.
8. Битне одлике успешног саветовања
1. Емпатичност васпитача је његова склоност
и способност да се уживи у проблем и
животну ситуацију свог васпитаника.То није
само природна склоност,већ се и учи тј. за-
снива на знањима о васпитаницима, друже-
њу са њима и са њиховим проблемима.
Дакле, битан је квалитет дружења.
9. 2.Систематско праћење развоја, напредова-
ња школског рада и понашања васпитаника
У томе ће нам помоћи вођење тзв.личног
досијеа или картона васпитаника,који ће
васпитачу омогућити да правовремено и
најбољи начин реагује.
10. 3.Битна одлика саветовања је и интимност и
поверење.Саветодавац-васпитач више се
бави узроцима него симптомима.Неуспех
детета у некој области само је симптом,а
његовом констатацијом само започињемо
заједнички посао.
11. 4.Емоционална компонента је такође битна у
саветовању.Васпитаник ће моћи да
саопшти концепт о себи и из позиције
инертног обје-кта пређе у позицију
активног субјекта и тако учествује у свом
12. Врсте тј.деловање у саветодавном
13. Резиме
Саветовање немојте схватити као поправни
испит неефикасне школе или лоше породи-
це. Саветовање је у средишту деловања
свих који се баве васпитањем. А само васп-
итање није ни само оно што ради васпитач,
ни само оно што ради васпитаник, већ ме-
ђуљудски однос,комуникација у најхумани-
јем смислу и тако га треба креирати.
14. Аутокорективно понашање васпитаника и
искуство личног контакта неће доћи до
изражаја ако нема у вашем раду саветова-
ња, као васпитног поступка и односа. Саве-
товање васпитача и васпитаника има улогу
катарзе,покреће скривене просторе
подсвести,разоткрива прикривено и од нас
самих.Користећи програм и технике савето-
вања обогатићемо праксу васпитног рада.