Este documento fornece uma introdu??o aos principais métodos e ferramentas utilizadas no design de UX/UI, incluindo sketch, wireframe, prototipagem, bibliotecas de padr?es. Explica o que cada um serve e como pode ser usado de forma eficiente no processo de design. Também fornece links para ferramentas online populares.
?????? ?????? ?? : Rebrand design process in startupsunyeon lee
???? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?????.
You can find out that these two questions and answers.
How I make a new brand design guide?
What is the role of designer in startup?
ZUIX is a design system created by Zigbang's CTO team to standardize design across all of Zigbang's services. It uses React Native for responsive, multi-platform components and includes tools like Storybook for development and a design review infrastructure for validation. The deployment process involves code reviews, CI/CD pipelines, and publishing to a npm registry. Training and documentation is provided through tools like Google Classroom and Notion. The team aims to further develop ZUIX by improving the design review tools, adding end-to-end testing, and analyzing component usage. The goal is to solve Zigbang's unique challenges through an agile, collaborative approach between designers and developers.
讲演资料「クリエイターのためのトーン&マナー设计について」(パソナテック主催セミナー)Concent, Inc.
発表者:山口陽一郎(株式会社コンセント デザイナー)
This is a presentation about tone and manner design for creators.
Prepared by Mr. Yamaguchi from Concent, Inc., for Pasonatech staff seminar on February 19th, 2014.
This document defines and compares interaction design (IxD), user experience (UX) design, visual (UI) design, and the roles involved in the design process. IxD focuses on satisfying user needs and desires. Personas with backstories are used to represent users. UX design incorporates disciplines like IxD to positively impact the overall user experience. UI design finalizes visual details. Clients are classified A, B, C based on budget, with A having the largest budget and most deliverables. The roles involved include clients, sales teams, stakeholders, project managers, developers, lead designers, and UI designers.
UX STRAT Online 2021 Presentation by Gideon Simons, ZinierUX STRAT
These slides are for the following session presented at the UX STRAT Online 2021 Conference:
"Progressive Design with AI"
Gideon Simons
Zinier: Senior Director of Product Design & User Research
The document discusses the history of chocolate, from its origins in Mesoamerica to its spread throughout Europe. Cacao beans were first used as currency and medicine by the Olmec and Mayans. Spanish conquistadors then brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century, where it evolved into the chocolate confections we know today through the addition of sugar and other flavors.
O documento descreve uma aula de projeto gráfico sobre identidade visual. Inclui discuss?es sobre escolha de tipografia, analogias formais e sem?nticas, e exemplos de painéis visuais representando emo??es através de elementos tipográficos e imagens associadas. O professor pede aos alunos que desenvolvam duas solu??es para painéis visuais representando uma palavra que expressa emo??o.
Experiência do Usuário e Jornada do Usuário Raiana Comiran
O documento descreve a jornada de uma designer e como ela aplica os conceitos e métodos de Experiência do Usuário (UX) em seu trabalho. Ele discute como a UX é multidisciplinar e envolve entender as necessidades e perspectivas dos usuários para criar solu??es melhores. A jornada do usuário é apresentada como um método importante para mapear as a??es e sentimentos dos usuários ao longo do processo.
This document defines and compares interaction design (IxD), user experience (UX) design, visual (UI) design, and the roles involved in the design process. IxD focuses on satisfying user needs and desires. Personas with backstories are used to represent users. UX design incorporates disciplines like IxD to positively impact the overall user experience. UI design finalizes visual details. Clients are classified A, B, C based on budget, with A having the largest budget and most deliverables. The roles involved include clients, sales teams, stakeholders, project managers, developers, lead designers, and UI designers.
UX STRAT Online 2021 Presentation by Gideon Simons, ZinierUX STRAT
These slides are for the following session presented at the UX STRAT Online 2021 Conference:
"Progressive Design with AI"
Gideon Simons
Zinier: Senior Director of Product Design & User Research
The document discusses the history of chocolate, from its origins in Mesoamerica to its spread throughout Europe. Cacao beans were first used as currency and medicine by the Olmec and Mayans. Spanish conquistadors then brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century, where it evolved into the chocolate confections we know today through the addition of sugar and other flavors.
O documento descreve uma aula de projeto gráfico sobre identidade visual. Inclui discuss?es sobre escolha de tipografia, analogias formais e sem?nticas, e exemplos de painéis visuais representando emo??es através de elementos tipográficos e imagens associadas. O professor pede aos alunos que desenvolvam duas solu??es para painéis visuais representando uma palavra que expressa emo??o.
Experiência do Usuário e Jornada do Usuário Raiana Comiran
O documento descreve a jornada de uma designer e como ela aplica os conceitos e métodos de Experiência do Usuário (UX) em seu trabalho. Ele discute como a UX é multidisciplinar e envolve entender as necessidades e perspectivas dos usuários para criar solu??es melhores. A jornada do usuário é apresentada como um método importante para mapear as a??es e sentimentos dos usuários ao longo do processo.
34. from Dongwhan Kim
Design Thinking ???
? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????
? A process of creative and critical thinking that allows information and
ideas to be organized, decisions to be made, situations to be
improved, and knowledge to be gained. (Charles Burnette)
??? ???
89. from Dongwhan Kim
? ???
Personas help us to understand users, not as part of a group or a
demographic, but as individuals with a history, goal, interest, and
relationship to the product.
? Alan Cooper? ?? ?? ??? (1999)
? ?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??
? ???? ???? ??, ???(typical)? ???? ??
? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? (shared understanding)
96. from Dongwhan Kim
? Sarah is a 30 year old teacher who lives in Seattle. She's
unmarried by in a long-term relationship of two years. She meets
about once per month to cook with her friends to share stories,
play games, and explore new foods. Before they get together,
Sarah and her friends usually pick a theme for the food at the next
? End Goals
? Sarah's end goals for cooking in a social context are to:?
- Experiment with new foods?
- Make cooking fun?
- Share recipe ideas with others?
- Impress others with her cooking and creativity
? Life Goals
? Sarah's long-term life goals are to grow her friendships,
share stories and help other learn. This last goal applies to
her career as a teacher but also indicates her approach to
cooking and her friendships.
120. from Dongwhan Kim
? Lead question
? How do you manage house chores with your spouse?
? How do you (or your spouse) appreciate for your chore service?
? Follow-up questions
? Would you appreciate it and think of your spouse if sweet notes
appear at random times while doing chores? (X)
? Would you be willing to spend the time writing the notes to your
spouse? (O)
122. from Dongwhan Kim
? Lead question
? Do you reward yourself when you’ve completed a chore?
? Follow-up question
? Do you keep a To-Do list?
? Do you make a list of chores that you are responsible for?
? If no, how do you remember what chores you are responsible for?
132. from Dongwhan Kim
Search Timeline
I must say, I love wireframing in
#keynotekungfu -
2 more pages, then o? to #blonski
1 hour
prototyping for iPhone and about to
compare with Should be an
interesting battle.
1 hour
Verdict: is
AWESOME. Thank you @tbisaacs!!!
1 hour
New Tweet
133. from Dongwhan Kim
New Tweet
.?123 space Search
140 ?
151. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ?? (Customer Actions)
? It includes steps, choices, activities and interaction that
customers performs in the process of purchasing, consuming and
evaluating the service.
152. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ?? ??? ??? (“Onstage” contacts employee actions)
? Steps and activities that the contact employees performs that are
visible to the customer.
153. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ??? ??? ??? (“Backstage” contacts employee actions)
? Steps and activities that occur behind the scene to support
onstage activities.
154. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ?? ???? (Support Process)
? Covers the internal services, steps and interactions that take
place to support the contact employees in delivering the service.
156. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ????? (Line of interaction)
? Direct interactions between the customer and organization.
157. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ??? (Line of visibility)
? This line separates all service activities that are visible to the
customers from those that are not visible.
158. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ??
? ?? ????? (Line of internal interaction)
? This line separates contact employees activities from those of
other service support activities and people.
166. from Dongwhan Kim
?????? ??
? ??? ???? ?? ??
? ??? ????
Creating realistic customer expectations
? ?? ???
Empowering human element (job description, selection criteria, appraisal
? ?? ???
Rendering the service as promised (quality control and training system)
? ??? ?? ???
Providing necessary tools such as system speci?cation
168. from Dongwhan Kim
????? ???
Step 1
Identify the process
to be blueprinted
Step 2
Identify the
customer or
customer segment
Step 3
Map the process
from the customer’s
point of view
Step 4
Map contact
employee actions,
onstage &
Step 5
Link customer and
contact person activities
to needed support
Step 6
Add evidence of
service at each
customer action