Az Internet Hungary 2013-on a DKT prezent¨¢lta a jelenlegi ¨¢ll¨¢st, a csatolt file-ban a kutat¨¢s jelenlegi helyzete ¨¦s a k?zelj?v?ben bek?vetkez? v¨¢ltoz¨¢sok l¨¢that¨®ak.
Mi¨¦rt jobb egy Programmatic rendszer, mint a Google? Edit Ditte Szab¨®
The document discusses programmatic advertising and compares it to advertising on Google. It states that programmatic provides access to more inventory, including Google's DoubleClick, and allows targeting using both first-party and valuable third-party data through data management platforms. Programmatic also provides significantly more ad impressions per month than Google, with access to dozens of supply side platforms, not just one. While Google may be sufficient for small campaigns, programmatic is preferred for performance at scale due to access to more high-quality audience data.
This document discusses linking smallholder farmers to markets in three key areas:
1) The essential public role in improving the rural investment climate through infrastructure, education, research and extension.
2) Considering appropriate business models focused on both exports and larger domestic markets that are growing faster.
3) Crafting the right organization models depending on the context, ranging from contract farming to vertical integration to farmers' associations.
Presentation at the policy roundtable in Kenya, February 2012.
In the modern open source world, where licenses and DVCS¡¯ allow instant and infinite forking, the only true control point for a community-based open source project is its name, its logo, and its identity. Your brand is your identity: this is how the rest of the world sees you and your project.
How can a volunteer-led open source project control it¡¯s own identity and brand? How do you manage your project¡¯s brand when most of your volunteers are coders who don¡¯t want to get involved with lawyers or deal with enforcing trademarks? How can the community keep their brand independent and free of commercial influence, so they can ensure the maximum number of people and corporations are interested in participating in their project?
Similarly, how can businesses respectfully use open source brands to their own advantage ¨C without being seen as co-opting and independent or open community open source project solely for their own gain? The desire to control the next hot project for your profit may quickly turn on you when another company simply forks the code under a better marketed service.
Learn the basics of all these topics and more with Shane Curcuru, who volunteers as Vice President, Brand Management for The Apache Software Foundation. Over the past few years Shane has led a group of volunteer ASF Members to define and implement a consistent brand policy for all 100 Apache projects ¨C spanning from the veritable HTTPD and Tomcat to the newest CouchDB and Hadoop.
La encefalopat¨ªa hep¨¢tica es una disfunci¨®n cerebral causada por insuficiencia hep¨¢tica que causa alteraciones neurol¨®gicas y psiqui¨¢tricas. Se clasifica seg¨²n la enfermedad subyacente (falla hep¨¢tica aguda, bypass portosist¨¦micos, cirrosis), la severidad de los s¨ªntomas, el curso de la enfermedad (epis¨®dico, recurrente, persistente), y los factores precipitantes. El tratamiento se enfoca en reducir la absorci¨®n de nitr¨®geno en el intestino y actuar sobre los factores precipitantes a
Growing your school in troubled times, sbacs webinarRick Newberry
The document provides strategies for growing school enrollment discussed by Rick Newberry. It recommends developing a clear brand, setting enrollment goals, dedicating resources to marketing, launching a parent ambassador program, following up on inquiries, re-recruiting current families, implementing word-of-mouth campaigns, focusing on the school website, generating online leads, and using social media to tell the school's story. The strategies aim to effectively communicate the school's value proposition and experience to attract more students.
This document lists minimal pairs of clothing items that differ by only one phoneme, such as "shirt" and "skirt", "pants" and "ants", "coat" and "goat", and "jeans" and "beans". It then lists the clothing items separately and assigns them a letter, either A or B, to distinguish the two words in each pair.
TrueMaisha Training Co. Ltd. is a Tanzanian training and consulting company that offers various services including open and tailored training programs, training advisory, corporate and personal retreats, and event planning and management. They provide professional development opportunities for employees, entrepreneurs, and individuals to empower their potential. Their services are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs, boosting customer satisfaction, and empowering human potential. They can be contacted through their offices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania or online.
Hamburger Markup Text Language is a tutorial on HTML elements and tags. It discusses the structure of opening and closing tags, including optional attributes. Common tags are listed like <head>, <body>, <p>, and <img>. Void elements are defined as tags that don't require closing, such as <br>. The <img> tag is explained in more detail, with required attributes like src and alt, and optional ones like height and width.
Nuevo ideario para los colegios claretianos de san jos¨¦ del surMarisela Riera
Esta presentaci¨®n puede ser utilizada para informar sobre el nuevo documento en vigencia y animar a su lectura e implementaci¨®n.
Mit ¨¦rt¨¹nk digitaliz¨¢ci¨® alatt? A digitaliz¨¢ci¨® ?t pill¨¦re a versenyk¨¦pes v¨¢l...petermoricz
Az ¨¹zleti modellek, a term¨¦kek-szolg¨¢ltat¨¢sok, a vev?kapcsolatok, az els?dleges, valamint a t¨¢mogat¨® ¨¦s a vezet¨¦si folyamatok digitaliz¨¢ci¨®j¨¢t egys¨¦ges keretbe rendezt¨¹k, ezzel a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyk¨¦pess¨¦g Kutat¨¢sa k¨¦rd?¨ªv¨¦nek digitaliz¨¢ci¨®s k¨¦rd¨¦seit is megalapozva. Az el?ad¨¢s ebben a form¨¢ban a Magyar Controlling Egyes¨¹let oktat¨¢si munkacsoportj¨¢nak workshopj¨¢n hangzott el 2019. m¨¢jus 10-¨¦n.
This document discusses linking smallholder farmers to markets in three key areas:
1) The essential public role in improving the rural investment climate through infrastructure, education, research and extension.
2) Considering appropriate business models focused on both exports and larger domestic markets that are growing faster.
3) Crafting the right organization models depending on the context, ranging from contract farming to vertical integration to farmers' associations.
Presentation at the policy roundtable in Kenya, February 2012.
In the modern open source world, where licenses and DVCS¡¯ allow instant and infinite forking, the only true control point for a community-based open source project is its name, its logo, and its identity. Your brand is your identity: this is how the rest of the world sees you and your project.
How can a volunteer-led open source project control it¡¯s own identity and brand? How do you manage your project¡¯s brand when most of your volunteers are coders who don¡¯t want to get involved with lawyers or deal with enforcing trademarks? How can the community keep their brand independent and free of commercial influence, so they can ensure the maximum number of people and corporations are interested in participating in their project?
Similarly, how can businesses respectfully use open source brands to their own advantage ¨C without being seen as co-opting and independent or open community open source project solely for their own gain? The desire to control the next hot project for your profit may quickly turn on you when another company simply forks the code under a better marketed service.
Learn the basics of all these topics and more with Shane Curcuru, who volunteers as Vice President, Brand Management for The Apache Software Foundation. Over the past few years Shane has led a group of volunteer ASF Members to define and implement a consistent brand policy for all 100 Apache projects ¨C spanning from the veritable HTTPD and Tomcat to the newest CouchDB and Hadoop.
La encefalopat¨ªa hep¨¢tica es una disfunci¨®n cerebral causada por insuficiencia hep¨¢tica que causa alteraciones neurol¨®gicas y psiqui¨¢tricas. Se clasifica seg¨²n la enfermedad subyacente (falla hep¨¢tica aguda, bypass portosist¨¦micos, cirrosis), la severidad de los s¨ªntomas, el curso de la enfermedad (epis¨®dico, recurrente, persistente), y los factores precipitantes. El tratamiento se enfoca en reducir la absorci¨®n de nitr¨®geno en el intestino y actuar sobre los factores precipitantes a
Growing your school in troubled times, sbacs webinarRick Newberry
The document provides strategies for growing school enrollment discussed by Rick Newberry. It recommends developing a clear brand, setting enrollment goals, dedicating resources to marketing, launching a parent ambassador program, following up on inquiries, re-recruiting current families, implementing word-of-mouth campaigns, focusing on the school website, generating online leads, and using social media to tell the school's story. The strategies aim to effectively communicate the school's value proposition and experience to attract more students.
This document lists minimal pairs of clothing items that differ by only one phoneme, such as "shirt" and "skirt", "pants" and "ants", "coat" and "goat", and "jeans" and "beans". It then lists the clothing items separately and assigns them a letter, either A or B, to distinguish the two words in each pair.
TrueMaisha Training Co. Ltd. is a Tanzanian training and consulting company that offers various services including open and tailored training programs, training advisory, corporate and personal retreats, and event planning and management. They provide professional development opportunities for employees, entrepreneurs, and individuals to empower their potential. Their services are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs, boosting customer satisfaction, and empowering human potential. They can be contacted through their offices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania or online.
Hamburger Markup Text Language is a tutorial on HTML elements and tags. It discusses the structure of opening and closing tags, including optional attributes. Common tags are listed like <head>, <body>, <p>, and <img>. Void elements are defined as tags that don't require closing, such as <br>. The <img> tag is explained in more detail, with required attributes like src and alt, and optional ones like height and width.
Nuevo ideario para los colegios claretianos de san jos¨¦ del surMarisela Riera
Esta presentaci¨®n puede ser utilizada para informar sobre el nuevo documento en vigencia y animar a su lectura e implementaci¨®n.
Mit ¨¦rt¨¹nk digitaliz¨¢ci¨® alatt? A digitaliz¨¢ci¨® ?t pill¨¦re a versenyk¨¦pes v¨¢l...petermoricz
Az ¨¹zleti modellek, a term¨¦kek-szolg¨¢ltat¨¢sok, a vev?kapcsolatok, az els?dleges, valamint a t¨¢mogat¨® ¨¦s a vezet¨¦si folyamatok digitaliz¨¢ci¨®j¨¢t egys¨¦ges keretbe rendezt¨¹k, ezzel a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyk¨¦pess¨¦g Kutat¨¢sa k¨¦rd?¨ªv¨¦nek digitaliz¨¢ci¨®s k¨¦rd¨¦seit is megalapozva. Az el?ad¨¢s ebben a form¨¢ban a Magyar Controlling Egyes¨¹let oktat¨¢si munkacsoportj¨¢nak workshopj¨¢n hangzott el 2019. m¨¢jus 10-¨¦n.
Munk¨¢t vagy munkahelyet vesz el a BI ¨¦s az MI a c¨¦gekn¨¦l? Robert Pinter
El?ad¨¢s a Magyar Term¨¦k ¨¦vadz¨¢r¨® ¨¹zleti reggelij¨¦n 2023. december 7-¨¦n.
Az el?ad¨¢s kulcs ¨¹zenetei voltak a kkv-d?nt¨¦shoz¨®kb¨®l ¨¢ll¨® hallgat¨®s¨¢g sz¨¢m¨¢ra:
1. Az MI-ben tart¨®s tavasz / ak¨¢r ny¨¢r is v¨¢rhat¨®, itt fog vel¨¹nk maradni, ¨¦rdemes felk¨¦sz¨¹lni r¨¢.
2. Vita van azzal kapcsolatban, hogy az MI munk¨¢t vagy munkahelyeket vesz-e ink¨¢bb el ¨C de a munka vil¨¢ga eg¨¦sz biztosan ¨¢talakul.
3. Az MI / BI ¨ªg¨¦rete az adatvez¨¦relts¨¦g, ami egy hat¨¦konyabb, versenyk¨¦pesebb, ¨¹gyf¨¦lbar¨¢t ¨¦s munkav¨¢llal¨® centrikus munkahely / c¨¦g l¨¦trehoz¨¢sa.
4. Az MI haszn¨¢lat¨¢nak alap felt¨¦tele, hogy megfelel? adatvagyonnal rendelkezzetek.
5. Az MI-t t?bbf¨¦lek¨¦ppen lehet haszn¨¢lni. A kkv-k sz¨¢m¨¢ra a SaaS MI megold¨¢sok a leggyorsabban ¨¦s legolcs¨®bban kipr¨®b¨¢lhat¨®k.
6. A koll¨¦g¨¢itokat be kell vonni az MI megold¨¢sok c¨¦gen bel¨¹li alkalmaz¨¢s¨¢ba, k¨¹l?nben bizalmatlanok lesznek ¨¦s szabot¨¢lni fogj¨¢k azt.
A k?nyvt¨¢r mint tanul¨¢si k?rnyezet helye ¨¦s szerepe a digit¨¢lis ¨¢llampolg¨¢rr¨¢...Reka Racsko
A digit¨¢lis ¨¢t¨¢ll¨¢sban ¨¦lenj¨¢r¨® orsz¨¢gok, mint ?sztorsz¨¢g ¨¦s Finnorsz¨¢g nagy szerepet sz¨¢nnak a k?nyvt¨¢rnak mint a tanul¨¢si k?rnyezet egyik sz¨ªnter¨¦nek. El?ad¨¢somban egy olyan ?sszehasonl¨ªt¨® vizsg¨¢lat eredm¨¦nyeit ismertetem, ami bemutatja, hogy mit ¨¦rt¨¹nk a 21. sz¨¢zadban a digit¨¢lis transzform¨¢ci¨® alatt ¨¦s e folyamatban hogyan jelenik meg a k?nyvt¨¢r. Fontosnak tartom e t¨¦ma vizsg¨¢lat¨¢t abb¨®l a szemsz?gb?l is, hogy a K12 koroszt¨¢ly eset¨¦ben milyen kulcskompetenci¨¢k fejleszt¨¦s¨¦t tekintik priorit¨¢snak, ¨¦s ebben a k?zgy?jtem¨¦nyek hogyan jelennek meg ¨¦s a megnevezett c¨¦lok hogyan feleltethet?ek meg a digit¨¢lis ¨¢llampolg¨¢rs¨¢g kompetencia-rendszer¨¦nek.
Koll¨¢r Csaba: Innov¨¢ci¨® ¨¦s kommunik¨¢ci¨® a mesters¨¦ges intelligencia kor¨¢ban a T¨¢rsadalmi Kredit Rendszere f¨®kusz¨¢ban
Az "INNOV?CI?-KOMMUNIK?CI? A V?LLALATOKN?L" c¨ªm?, az MTA GTB Kommunik¨¢ci¨®menedzsment Munkabizotts¨¢g tudom¨¢nyos konferenci¨¢j¨¢n elhangzott el?ad¨¢s prezent¨¢ci¨®ja
Id?pont: 2020. m¨¢rcius 6.
Helysz¨ªn: Magyar Tudom¨¢nyos Akad¨¦mia, Budapest
Szolg¨¢lati k?zlem¨¦ny: A prezent¨¢ci¨® az Innov¨¢ci¨®s ¨¦s Technol¨®giai Miniszt¨¦rium ?NKP-19-3-I-OE-38 k¨®dsz¨¢m¨² ?j Nemzeti Kiv¨¢l¨®s¨¢g Programj¨¢nak szakmai t¨¢mogat¨¢s¨¢val k¨¦sz¨¹lt.
A mesters¨¦ges intelligencia ¨¦s a domotika t¨¢rsadalmi ¨¦s technol¨®giai k¨¦rd¨¦sei a fels?oktat¨¢sban c¨ªm? tudom¨¢nyos-szakmai konferenci¨¢n elhangzott el?ad¨¢s prezent¨¢ci¨®ja.
A konferencia a HEDY projekt t¨¢mogat¨¢s¨¢val val¨®sult meg.
id?pont: 2023. m¨¢jus 19.
helysz¨ªn: ?budai Egyetem B¨¢nki Don¨¢t G¨¦p¨¦sz ¨¦s Biztons¨¢gtechnikai M¨¦rn?ki Kar
This document provides guidance on digital marketing strategies and tactics. It discusses testing different promotion approaches such as evenly spreading a budget across all articles versus focusing most funds on the top-performing pieces. The document also outlines steps to measure market size and identify buyer personas. Additionally, it provides tips on setting goals and timelines for short and long-term strategies. Marketing channels, typical costs, and testing approaches are examined to help optimize efforts.
This document discusses strategies for maintaining an ongoing presence across multiple channels. It suggests that having a coordinated brand presence can increase brand awareness, consideration, and loyalty among both customers and employees. However, maintaining such a presence requires resources to develop content, manage different channels, and implement techniques like thought leadership, community management, influencer marketing, and social selling. Systems and enlisting employee and customer advocacy can help organizations effectively share content across channels on an ongoing basis.
The document discusses how to collect customer data from various sources and how to use that data within a company. It recommends collecting 50% of data from customer-facing employees, 40% from third parties like mystery shops, and 10% from online monitoring. It provides examples of using customer satisfaction data and feedback on the sales, product, and marketing sides of a business. Specifically, it shows that customers who report good service spend more on average. It also shares an example of a Lego product idea website and encourages using customer testimonials and advocacy for marketing.
The document discusses the importance of customer experience and feedback. Some key points:
- Customers' perceptions of a brand are based on their experiences, not what a company thinks of itself.
- Studies show that customers are willing to pay more for great customer experience. However, many companies have not started formal customer experience initiatives.
- By 2020, customer experience is projected to be the most important product differentiator over brand and price.
- Most unsatisfied customers do not provide feedback but simply leave. Companies should actively seek feedback to understand customer satisfaction.
- Customer experience significantly influences purchasing decisions.
2. Helyette(m) is van m¨¢s?
1. Mi t?rt¨¦nt?
2. Mi¨¦rt t?rt¨¦nt?
3. Mi fog t?rt¨¦nni? (predikt¨ªv)
4. Mit t?rt¨¦njen emiatt? (preszkript¨ªv)
Alapja: Machine Learning
Ha a g¨¦p avatkozik be: Programmatic
6. Mi a mi j?v?nk ebben?
Natural interfaces
Machine learning
Quantum computing
Meg¨¦rteni a
?sszek?tni a
fizikai ¨¦s
?talak¨ªtani az
K?vetni a
Fejleszteni az
Haszn¨¢lni a
gyorsabb ¨¦s
N?velni a
Editor's Notes
#7: Presenter guidance:
Use this slide to explore the potential that technology has to transform the enterprise.
Discuss 1-2 scenarios as examples of innovative work we¡¯re doing with customers today and use this as a springboard to discuss the innovation agenda with your customer.
Key points:
Over the past several years, enterprises have invested in specific technology-led initiatives, like enabling a mobile workforce, modernizing infrastructure with cloud technology, or getting value out of big data. Looking ahead, we believe organizations must that take a collective and ongoing approach to reimagining what¡¯s possible with the latest technology capabilities.
How might you deliver crowdsourced services? Technology availability has finally created a shift where individuals outside your business can organize and act faster than you can internally. In a world where everyone and everything is becoming constantly connected, what data can your customers and products collect and how can that data add value through increased differentiation or revenue? Examples:
Hyper-local environmental conditions, like real-time road and weather conditions, could improve transportation safety and routing.
Real-world insights into how a product is used, like tire speed, road conditions, and air pressure of an automobile tire, can inform the research and development process and change how products are designed, sold and serviced.
Traditional centralized services, like security monitoring, could be re-architected for self-service, relying on neighbors in addition to or instead of call centers.
How might you grow your global business more sustainably? As global population grows, resources such as energy and water will have an increasing impact on enterprises. At Microsoft, we¡¯ve taken a three-pronged approach to becoming carbon neutral: lean, green and accountable. How might you use technology to become a more sustainable business? Examples
Connecting disparate building equipment systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.) into an integrated management platform can help manage energy consumption in your facilities.
How Microsoft did it:
Sourcing emerging technology (like machine learning) from carbon neutral cloud providers can help you avoid increasing your datacenter footprint. Carbon neutral cloud providers utilize green power through a number of ways, such as making power purchase agreements with wind farms, making equity investments in green power projects, generating power on-site, and purchasing renewable energy.
Microsoft is carbon neutral:
Using a business intelligence solution to track, report and manage your global footprint and then regularly cascading the costs of environmental impact throughout the business helps drives accountability and includes sustainability in financial planning discussions.
How Microsoft does it: and
How might you reinvent your value chain? As customers look beyond buying stand-alone products to expecting a connected experience, how might you shift from a product company to a service provider? Examples:
An insurance provider could move from aging systems to a connected, dynamic platform to more quickly provide new services directly to customers.
A discrete manufacturer could offer customized or personalized clothes or shoes through streamlined logistics/sourcing.
A process manufacturer could pair centralized production with localized finishing to gain economies of scale with hyper-local products.
How Carslburg took their brewery ¡°glocal¡±:
A company could monetize their data and insights by publishing it through a data marketplace.
Microsoft Azure Marketplace:
A manufacturer could use the cloud to prototype and test new products or manufacturing processes more quickly.
A retailer could adopt more demand-driven principles and flexible manufacturing to become responsive to what¡¯s selling in stores.
Retail innovation:
A manufacturer could adopt 3D printing to deliver highly personalized goods quickly, such as prosthetics.
How might you bridge physical and digital worlds? Today¡¯s mobile smartphones provide more computing power than used to launch the Apollo space missions or even the space shuttle. With this power¡ªand connectivity to virtually unlimited computing power in the cloud¡ªcomes amazing capabilities to offer engaging experiences that add enjoyment and value. Examples:
A sports team can augment the stadium experience with digital experiences that add fun and promote deeper engagement.
How Microsoft and Real Madrid are transforming how futbol is played, coached, watched and experienced:
Shoppers in a retail clothing store (or online) could try on clothes virtually or get opinions from others about what looks good on them.
Cities could make navigation easier, safer and more enjoyable.
How Microsoft and Guide Dogs UK are helping visually impaired people safely navigate their surroundings:
Schools can transform learning by using technology to promote exploration, trial and peer-to-peer sharing with the teacher becoming a learning guide.
How might you improve operations to provide continuous uptime? The Internet of Things (IoT) is here today in the devices, sensors, cloud services, and data your business uses. Connecting the devices and line-of-business assets you already have can help improve efficiencies, enable innovation and transform your business. Examples:
A factory could use machines monitored by the equipment manufacturers to help minimize downtime.
How Lido Stone Works built an intelligent factory:
Manufacturers could automate plant operations by connecting with a streamlined management environment.
How KUKU created a connected factory with 60,000 devices:
Enterprise IT could use modern analytics systems and processes to improve network security monitoring.
How might you deliver faster, smarter service to your customers? We¡¯re now in the age of the customer where experiences differentiate brands and products. Examples:
An appliance manufacturer could constantly improve its product by monitoring product use information to update equipment performance and schedule proactive service with a customer.
An elevator manufacturer could use artificial intelligence to improve the speed and efficiency of service.
Microsoft Research proof of concept:
A retailer could provide a more immersive shopping experience and facilitate faster checkouts and better service with cloud-based technology.
Microsoft and GameStop collaboration:
A transportation/hospitality provider (airline, train, cruise ship, hotel, etc.) could streamline the traveler experience, enabling all services through a customer¡¯s smartphone.
How might you advance human-centric design? Machine learning and artificial intelligence are now enabling some amazing experiences. Examples:
A company could provide more personalized customer service by using artificial intelligence to recognize customers when they approach a service desk.
Microsoft Project Adam recognizes any object with a neural network:
A company could provide multi-lingual customer service.
Skype Translator provides the ability to speak another language without learning one, translating spoken or written (ie. Instant messages) language in real-time.
A company could add voice commands to their app, enabling more seamless mobile moments.
Cortana integration with Insteon example:
A company could enable anyone to discover new information through a personalized content feed, helping improve cross-company collaboration.
About Microsoft Delve:
A retail store could incorporate eye-tracking technology into interactive digital signage on the showroom floor.
Steve Gleason¡¯s ALS video: