Az összefoglaló Dr. Forgó Sándor tanár úr rendszerezése és munkája alapján készült.
Marshall Mc luhan és a technikai determinizmustiborsilyeMarshall McLuhan a Torontói Iskola egyik jeles képviselője. Leginkább ismert a Global village és a The Medium is the Message meghatározásairól. Elmélete központi mozgatója pedig a technikai determinizmus volt.
Chapter 1 - Mass Communication and Its Digital Transformationjbraun128The document discusses the convergence of media through technological, economic, and cultural changes. It explains that technological convergence involves the integration of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment. This leads to changes in media organizations, content, use, distribution, audiences, and professions. The increasing interactivity and globalization of media blurs traditional lines between mass and interpersonal communication. The document also summarizes theories of mass communication, including transmission models and critical theory approaches.
Communication theoryTravisThis document discusses the evolution of communication theory models from Aristotle's original linear model to more modern conceptualizations. Aristotle's model proposed a straightforward, one-way transmission of information from speaker to audience. Later models, like those developed by Shannon and Weaver, incorporated the concept of "noise" or interference. Structural models accounted for the relationship between sender and receiver, and how their interaction results in a cyclical communication process. The most influential current model focuses on how messages are encoded as "representations" of reality, and how understanding the cultural context helps the receiver connect with the message.
Relationship-between-Traditional-Media-and-New-Media.pptxUnkNown803706Traditional media is still valuable despite the rise of new media due to its wider reach, especially among those in remote areas. Both traditional and new media are important for keeping people informed and connected, as the choice of media depends on one's needs, interests, and lifestyle. While new media is useful, traditional media is not yet obsolete.
Theories and effects of mass communication (20082423 somi, kim)Sophie KimMass communication involves an organization using technology to communicate with a large audience. There are four major categories of mass communication theory: postpositivism, hermeneutic theory, critical theory, and normative theory. Mass communication effects examines how media content impacts individuals and society, as well as how living in a media-saturated world changes interactions and culture. Understanding media effects requires examining messages, mediums, owners, and audiences.
MODELS OF COMMUNICATION.pdfBejayCastanetoThis document discusses several models of communication:
- Linear models include Aristotle's model, Lasswell's model, and Berlo's SMCR model which view communication as one-way.
- Transactional models like Shannon and Weaver's model see communication as an exchange between sender and receiver.
- Interactive models such as Schramm's model and Dance's helical model view communication as a circular process between two or more parties. Each model type is described along with their components and criticisms.
Critique of Grunigs 4 PR ModelspasinoThe document discusses Grunig and Hunt's four models of public relations: press agentry, public information, one-way asymmetrical, and two-way symmetrical. It provides definitions of each model, discusses their history, factors of influence, critiques, benefits and downsides, and examples of organizations that use each model and when. The presentation seeks to analyze the models and provide practical examples to broaden understanding of when each could be applied by PR practitioners.
multimedia-authoring-and-tools-chapter-2.pptxSaqlainYaqub1The document discusses multimedia authoring and tools. It covers several topics:
- Multimedia authoring metaphors like scripting languages, slide shows, hierarchies, and more.
- Elements of multimedia presentation like graphics styles, fonts, and color.
- Video transitions such as cuts, wipes, and dissolves.
- Automatic authoring topics including capturing media, structuring hypermedia, and linearizing content.
- An overview of VRML for 3D modeling and its lighting capabilities.
- Useful multimedia authoring tools like Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Director, and Flash.
Diffusion & innovation theoryMuhammad Sohaib AfzaalThe document provides an overview of diffusion of innovation theory, which explains how new ideas and technologies spread through cultures over time. Some key points:
- The theory looks at how innovations are communicated and adopted by different groups in a society, and the factors that influence adoption rates, such as education levels.
- There are five categories of adopters (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards) that describe people based on how soon they adopt innovations.
- Five factors influence adoption: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of the innovation.
- Opinion leaders and change agents play important roles in influencing others' adoption. Targeting opinion
The communication revolutionAninditaAichThe document discusses the evolution of media from traditional to new forms. It describes how traditional print media and radio broadcasting dominated mass communication prior to the Information Age using centralized and one-way transmission to large anonymous audiences. It then outlines the development of new computational media relying on the internet and digital technologies for interactive and personalized communication between individuals and small groups. The conclusion suggests that while new technologies drive media changes, cultural shifts also influence new technology adoption.
Four Phases of Mediatization: An Analysis of the Mediatization of PoliticsFrancesco Piccinelli CasagrandeThis document summarizes Jesper Strömbäck's four phases of mediatization theory. The four phases are: 1) mass media becomes the main source of information, 2) mass media becomes independent from political power, 3) political and social actors start adapting to mass media, and 4) social and political actors internalize media logic. The document provides context on Strömbäck and what media logic is. It then analyzes the four phases theory, noting the phases occurred from the 17th century to present day. The document concludes with a SWOT analysis of the four phases theory.
Seven traditions in the field of communication socio-psychological traditionJimi KayodeThe socio-psychological tradition in communication epitomizes the scientific perspective, using systematic observation and experimental methods to study cause-and-effect relationships and behavioral change. Its founding father, Carl Hovland, conducted experimental research on the effects of communication at Yale University. The tradition brought empiricism to communication research by systematically studying relationships between communication stimuli, audience characteristics, and opinion change. It can be divided into behavioral, cognitive, and communi-biological branches.
Adaptive Structuration TheoryArun JacobAdaptive Structuration Theory proposes that group decision making is influenced, not determined, by factors such as composition, communication networks, and norms. It moves beyond theories of strict determinism or phases of group development. The theory describes how groups both reproduce existing social structures through interaction but can also adapt rules and resources to accomplish goals and transform structures over time through communication.
Uses and gratification theory-presentationTrang PhamThe document discusses uses and gratification theory (U&G theory), which states that audiences actively engage with media to fulfill certain needs rather than media having a passive influence. It provides the historical background of U&G theory from the 1920s onward and outlines key reasons for media use including information, personal identity, entertainment, integration and social interaction. It also discusses how U&G theory remains relevant today due to concepts like interactivity and asynchroneity and the development of new media.
Development communicationKajalsing23Development communication aims to provide communities with information to improve their lives and make public programs and policies effective. It involves applying communication principles and techniques to accelerate a country's transformation from poverty to economic growth. Key aspects of development communication include informing, instructing, inspiring, insisting on, and involving communities. It addresses issues like population growth, illiteracy, poverty, disease, and lack of infrastructure and aims to overcome socioeconomic problems. Approaches to development communication include diffusion of innovations, use of mass media, and supporting ongoing development programs. It is important for development communication to be tailored to each context through research and engagement with stakeholders.
Bevezetés a kommunikáció elméletébeGábor SzombatiEbben a témában megtekinthő a kommunikáció fogalma. a kifejezés jelentései, eltérő értelmezései, a legfőbb jellemzői és funkciói, a kommunikáció kiindulási feltételei, posztulátumai.
Az összefoglaló Dr. Forgó Sándor tanár úr rendszerezése és munkája alapján készült.
Theories and effects of mass communication (20082423 somi, kim)Sophie KimMass communication involves an organization using technology to communicate with a large audience. There are four major categories of mass communication theory: postpositivism, hermeneutic theory, critical theory, and normative theory. Mass communication effects examines how media content impacts individuals and society, as well as how living in a media-saturated world changes interactions and culture. Understanding media effects requires examining messages, mediums, owners, and audiences.
MODELS OF COMMUNICATION.pdfBejayCastanetoThis document discusses several models of communication:
- Linear models include Aristotle's model, Lasswell's model, and Berlo's SMCR model which view communication as one-way.
- Transactional models like Shannon and Weaver's model see communication as an exchange between sender and receiver.
- Interactive models such as Schramm's model and Dance's helical model view communication as a circular process between two or more parties. Each model type is described along with their components and criticisms.
Critique of Grunigs 4 PR ModelspasinoThe document discusses Grunig and Hunt's four models of public relations: press agentry, public information, one-way asymmetrical, and two-way symmetrical. It provides definitions of each model, discusses their history, factors of influence, critiques, benefits and downsides, and examples of organizations that use each model and when. The presentation seeks to analyze the models and provide practical examples to broaden understanding of when each could be applied by PR practitioners.
multimedia-authoring-and-tools-chapter-2.pptxSaqlainYaqub1The document discusses multimedia authoring and tools. It covers several topics:
- Multimedia authoring metaphors like scripting languages, slide shows, hierarchies, and more.
- Elements of multimedia presentation like graphics styles, fonts, and color.
- Video transitions such as cuts, wipes, and dissolves.
- Automatic authoring topics including capturing media, structuring hypermedia, and linearizing content.
- An overview of VRML for 3D modeling and its lighting capabilities.
- Useful multimedia authoring tools like Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Director, and Flash.
Diffusion & innovation theoryMuhammad Sohaib AfzaalThe document provides an overview of diffusion of innovation theory, which explains how new ideas and technologies spread through cultures over time. Some key points:
- The theory looks at how innovations are communicated and adopted by different groups in a society, and the factors that influence adoption rates, such as education levels.
- There are five categories of adopters (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards) that describe people based on how soon they adopt innovations.
- Five factors influence adoption: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of the innovation.
- Opinion leaders and change agents play important roles in influencing others' adoption. Targeting opinion
The communication revolutionAninditaAichThe document discusses the evolution of media from traditional to new forms. It describes how traditional print media and radio broadcasting dominated mass communication prior to the Information Age using centralized and one-way transmission to large anonymous audiences. It then outlines the development of new computational media relying on the internet and digital technologies for interactive and personalized communication between individuals and small groups. The conclusion suggests that while new technologies drive media changes, cultural shifts also influence new technology adoption.
Four Phases of Mediatization: An Analysis of the Mediatization of PoliticsFrancesco Piccinelli CasagrandeThis document summarizes Jesper Strömbäck's four phases of mediatization theory. The four phases are: 1) mass media becomes the main source of information, 2) mass media becomes independent from political power, 3) political and social actors start adapting to mass media, and 4) social and political actors internalize media logic. The document provides context on Strömbäck and what media logic is. It then analyzes the four phases theory, noting the phases occurred from the 17th century to present day. The document concludes with a SWOT analysis of the four phases theory.
Seven traditions in the field of communication socio-psychological traditionJimi KayodeThe socio-psychological tradition in communication epitomizes the scientific perspective, using systematic observation and experimental methods to study cause-and-effect relationships and behavioral change. Its founding father, Carl Hovland, conducted experimental research on the effects of communication at Yale University. The tradition brought empiricism to communication research by systematically studying relationships between communication stimuli, audience characteristics, and opinion change. It can be divided into behavioral, cognitive, and communi-biological branches.
Adaptive Structuration TheoryArun JacobAdaptive Structuration Theory proposes that group decision making is influenced, not determined, by factors such as composition, communication networks, and norms. It moves beyond theories of strict determinism or phases of group development. The theory describes how groups both reproduce existing social structures through interaction but can also adapt rules and resources to accomplish goals and transform structures over time through communication.
Uses and gratification theory-presentationTrang PhamThe document discusses uses and gratification theory (U&G theory), which states that audiences actively engage with media to fulfill certain needs rather than media having a passive influence. It provides the historical background of U&G theory from the 1920s onward and outlines key reasons for media use including information, personal identity, entertainment, integration and social interaction. It also discusses how U&G theory remains relevant today due to concepts like interactivity and asynchroneity and the development of new media.
Development communicationKajalsing23Development communication aims to provide communities with information to improve their lives and make public programs and policies effective. It involves applying communication principles and techniques to accelerate a country's transformation from poverty to economic growth. Key aspects of development communication include informing, instructing, inspiring, insisting on, and involving communities. It addresses issues like population growth, illiteracy, poverty, disease, and lack of infrastructure and aims to overcome socioeconomic problems. Approaches to development communication include diffusion of innovations, use of mass media, and supporting ongoing development programs. It is important for development communication to be tailored to each context through research and engagement with stakeholders.
Bevezetés a kommunikáció elméletébeGábor SzombatiEbben a témában megtekinthő a kommunikáció fogalma. a kifejezés jelentései, eltérő értelmezései, a legfőbb jellemzői és funkciói, a kommunikáció kiindulási feltételei, posztulátumai.
Az összefoglaló Dr. Forgó Sándor tanár úr rendszerezése és munkája alapján készült.
1. Deák Ivett
Kommunikáció- és médiatudomány
2. „Az emberi percepció nem az inger egyszeri
felfogása, hanem komplex interakciós
Gerbner György
3. Gerbner György: magyar származású
1939-ben emigrált az Egyesült Államokba
1942-ben újságírói diplomát szerzett
1943-ban belépett az amerikai
1946-ban ismerkedett meg későbbi
feleségével, Kutasi Ilona színésznővel
4. A háború után kommunikációs diplomát
Neki köszönhetően a Pennsylvaniai Egyetem
lett a médiakutatás egyik fellegvára az USÁ-
A kultivációs elmélet atyja
1956: létrehozta kommunikációs modelljét
2 pontban felülmúlta a Shannon-Weaver
5. Az üzenetet összekapcsolja a valósággal
Kommunikáció = kétdimenziós folyamat
Két dimenzió:
o Perceptuális
o Kommunikációs, közlési ill. kontrolláló
7. E – esemény
M – Ingervevő
E1 – ingervevő percepciója az eseményről
S/E – jelzésforma tartalom
M2 – befogadó
SE1 – eseményről szóló jelzés vagy állítás
8. Riley és Riley
Gerbner valóság-halmazából az egyénre ható
elsődleges és referencia csoportok hatását
emelték ki.
Az egyének számára elsődleges csoportjaik,
valamint a munkahelyük szervezeti kultúrája
értékrendet, viselkedésmintát adnak.