The document provides definitions and properties regarding surds (irrational numbers expressed as the nth root of a positive number). It defines surds and their algebraic operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It discusses simplifying surds expressions and rationalizing fractions involving surds. Examples are provided to demonstrate simplifying various surds expressions and solving exponential equations involving surds.
This document provides information about logarithms including:
- The definition of logarithms and their relationship to exponents
- Examples of evaluating logarithmic expressions
- Properties of logarithms including product, quotient, and power properties
- How to expand and condense logarithmic expressions using these properties
- How to solve logarithmic equations by using the properties of logarithms.
The document provides information about the Pythagorean theorem:
1) It states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
2) It gives examples of right triangles that satisfy the theorem, such as ones with sides of 3, 4, 5 or 5, 12, 13.
3) It includes an animated proof of the theorem showing how the area of the square on the hypotenuse equals the combined areas of the squares on the other two sides.
Two horses are tied to opposite vertices of a 6m by 6√2m rectangular field with 6m ropes. To find the common grazing area:
1) The horses can graze a combined area formed by two intersecting circles of radius 6m centered at the vertices.
2) The area of each circular segment is calculated as the sector area minus the triangular area.
3) The common grazing area is twice the circular segment area, which equals 12π - 18√3 square meters.
Euclid's proof of the infinitude of primes uses mathematical induction. It considers any finite list of prime numbers p1, p2, ..., pn and constructs the number q = P + 1, where P is the product of the primes in the list. Euclid shows that either q is prime, proving there are more primes than in the list, or some prime factor of q cannot be in the list, again showing there are more primes. This proves there is no largest prime number and primes are infinite. Later mathematicians like Euler, Erdos, and Furstenberg provided alternative proofs using unique prime factorizations and divergent series.
The document defines and provides examples of polynomials. It states that a polynomial is an expression that can include constants, variables, and exponents, and can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as long as it does not involve dividing by a variable or having fractional exponents. The document then gives examples of polynomials and non-polynomials. It also discusses key properties of polynomials including their degree, standard form, adding and subtracting polynomials, and finding zeros of polynomials.
Two geometrical figures are similar if one can be obtained from the other by a uniform scaling (enlarging or shrinking) while maintaining the same shape. Specifically, two polygons are similar if they have the same corresponding angles and proportional side lengths, and two triangles are similar if they have the same three angles. The similarity of figures is denoted with a tilde symbol such as ΔABC ~ ΔDEF for similar triangles.
This document discusses congruent and similar triangles. It defines that congruent triangles have all sides and angles equal, while similar triangles have the same shape but not necessarily the same size. It explains that two figures can be similar but not congruent, but not the other way around. It then discusses how to determine if triangles are similar using corresponding sides, angles, ratios, and proportions. Specifically, it states that if two triangles have two congruent angles or all sides proportional, then the triangles are similar.
The document discusses the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It provides background on Pythagoras, who is credited with discovering the theorem, and describes several proofs of the theorem, including visual proofs using cutouts and a video proof using Starbursts. It also demonstrates how to use the Pythagorean theorem to find missing sides of right triangles or the distance between two points.
Pythagorean Theorem and its various ProofsSamanyou Garg
The document discusses several proofs of the Pythagorean theorem provided by different mathematicians. It begins by stating the theorem, then provides 6 different proofs: the first given by President James Garfield in 1876 using a trapezoid approach; the second using similarity of triangles; the third constructing a square from 4 copies of a right triangle; the fourth also using similarity; the fifth by rearrangement of the formula; and the sixth using a geometric representation of the areas. It also discusses some applications of the theorem in fields like architecture, navigation, and coordinate geometry.
The document is a student's acknowledgement for their project on surface area and volume. It thanks their teacher, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, for giving them the opportunity to complete this project which helped them research and learn about surface areas and volumes. This powerpoint presentation covers the important 10th grade NCERT chapter of Mensuration, which includes information on surface areas and volumes.
This document discusses working with surds, which are expressions involving square roots. It provides rules for multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting, and simplifying surds. Some key rules covered are combining like terms under a square root, rationalizing denominators by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator, and squaring both sides of an equation to clear surds before solving. Examples are provided to demonstrate applying these rules to simplify expressions and solve equations involving surds.
The document discusses similar triangles and scale factors. It provides examples of similar triangles in nature, art, architecture, and mathematics. It explains the different rules to determine if triangles are similar: AAA (angle-angle-angle), PPP (proportional property), PAP (proportional angles property), and RHS (right-hypotenuse-side). Examples are given applying these rules to prove triangles are similar and calculate missing side lengths or scale factors.
This document discusses polynomials and their properties. It defines polynomials as algebraic expressions involving variables and real numbers. It describes the different types of polynomials based on the number of terms they contain such as monomials, binomials, and trinomials. The document also discusses the degree of a polynomial as well as the maximum number of real zeros a polynomial can have based on its degree. Additionally, it provides relationships between the zeros and coefficients of polynomials. Finally, it introduces the division algorithm for polynomials and how it can be used to verify if one polynomial is a factor of another.
1) Congruent and similar triangles can be used to simplify design and calculations. Congruent triangles have equal sides and angles, while similar triangles have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
2) Corresponding sides and angles of similar triangles have the same ratios. Ratios can be used to determine unknown side lengths.
3) Triangles are similar if two angles are congruent (AA similarity) or if all three sides are proportional (SSS similarity).
This document provides information about mensuration, which is the measurement of geometric figures. It begins with acknowledging the teacher for providing the opportunity to present on this topic. It then defines important terms like perimeter, area, volume, and introduces plain and solid figures. Formulas for calculating the perimeter, area, surface area and volume of squares, rectangles, triangles, cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones are presented along with examples. The document concludes by listing the group members who prepared the presentation.
The document provides information on surface area and volume formulas and calculations for basic 3D shapes including prisms, cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres. It defines key terms like surface area and volume and provides example calculations and formulas for finding the surface area and volume of cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Diagrams and examples are included to illustrate the different shapes and how to set up the surface area and volume calculations.
This document provides information about common plane and 3D figures including their names, formulas for calculating area, perimeter/surface area, and volume. For plane figures it covers square, rectangle, trapezium, circle, and parallelogram. For 3D figures it covers cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, and cone. It lists the key formulas for calculating measurements of each shape.
Polynomials And Linear Equation of Two VariablesAnkur Patel
A complete description of polynomials and also various methods to solve the Linear equation of two variables by substitution, cross multiplication and elimination methods.
For polynomials it also contains the description of monomials, binomials etc.
1. The document defines various 3D shapes including cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, and hemispheres.
2. It provides the formulas to calculate the surface area and volume of each shape. For cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones it gives the formulas for total surface area. For spheres and hemispheres it provides the formulas for total surface area, curved surface area, and volume.
3. The document was created collaboratively by several students, with each person responsible for explaining different shapes.
This document provides information about mensuration and geometry topics such as trapezoids, rhombuses, cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and their formulas for area, surface area, and volume. It includes definitions and examples of each shape. There are also example problems, tables summarizing the formulas, and a multiple choice and short answer question bank related to mensuration. The document was created by Arnav Gosain of VIII-C at Tagore International School for the purpose of learning about geometry topics involving area, surface area, and volume calculations.
- The document discusses different statistical measures including the mean, median, and mode.
- It provides examples of calculating the mean, median, and mode from sets of data. For example, it calculates the mean number of days students were absent from school based on attendance records.
- The examples demonstrate how to determine the measure, possible limitations, and common uses of each statistical measure.
The PowerPoint presentation covers the surface areas and volumes of various shapes including cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, hemispheres, and frustums. For each shape, it provides the formulas to calculate total surface area, lateral surface area, and volume. Surface area formulas are given for cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, hemispheres, and frustums. Volume formulas are also provided for each of these shapes.
Anamica Ukirde is a 10th grade student at Holy Cross English High School with Roll No. 73 and Seat No. 1219. The document discusses the positive and negative impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) on education. Positively, ICT enables lifelong learning, distance learning, access to experts worldwide, and simulations of impossible experiments. However, ICT also involves large costs, can distract students and teachers to focus more on technology than content, and may decrease a child's imagination. In conclusion, while ICT has benefits, its use must be carefully considered to avoid negative impacts.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang metode numerik dan teknik komputasi. Ia menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang pendekatan numerik dan algoritma untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah rekayasa serta pokok bahasan seperti deret Taylor, analisis galat, dan penyelesaian persamaan linier dan nonlinier.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang gaya magnetik, bahan magnetik, dan induktansi. Terdapat penjelasan tentang gaya pada muatan bergerak di medan magnetik, gaya antara unsur-unsur arus diferensial, sifat magnetik bahan, syarat batas magnetik, rangkaian magnetik, dan induktansi. Juga diberikan contoh soal latihan terkait topik yang dibahas.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang medan elektromagnetik, yang mencakup:
1. Hukum Biot-Savart dan Ampere untuk menentukan intensitas medan magnet dari sumber arus.
2. Konsep kurl yang berhubungan dengan hukum Ampere.
3. Teorema Stokes untuk mengubah integral garis menjadi integral permukaan.
Kuliah 5 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Segitiga Konversi Energi, Rangkaian Sa...Fathan Hakim
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang rangkaian listrik satu fasa dan tiga fasa beserta konsep-konsep dasarnya seperti tegangan, arus, daya, impedansi, dan sistem per-unit.
Kuliah 4 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Konsep Awal Penghitungan, Tips Menghin...Fathan Hakim
Medan magnet, arus listrik, tegangan, tahanan, daya, dan energi merupakan konsep dasar tenaga listrik. Arus adalah gerakan muatan, tegangan adalah perbedaan tekanan listrik, dan tahanan adalah hambatan aliran arus. Daya adalah laju kerja, sedangkan energi adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan kerja. Dokumen ini juga memberikan beberapa tips untuk menghindari bahaya listrik.
Kuliah 3 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Sistem Transmisi dan Distribusi )Fathan Hakim
Sistem transmisi dan distribusi tenaga listrik dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan parameter teknis seperti arus, tegangan, jarak, dan konstruksi, serta dilengkapi peralatan pengamanan untuk mendistribusikan tenaga dari pusat pembangkit ke konsumen dengan aman.
Pythagorean Theorem and its various ProofsSamanyou Garg
The document discusses several proofs of the Pythagorean theorem provided by different mathematicians. It begins by stating the theorem, then provides 6 different proofs: the first given by President James Garfield in 1876 using a trapezoid approach; the second using similarity of triangles; the third constructing a square from 4 copies of a right triangle; the fourth also using similarity; the fifth by rearrangement of the formula; and the sixth using a geometric representation of the areas. It also discusses some applications of the theorem in fields like architecture, navigation, and coordinate geometry.
The document is a student's acknowledgement for their project on surface area and volume. It thanks their teacher, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, for giving them the opportunity to complete this project which helped them research and learn about surface areas and volumes. This powerpoint presentation covers the important 10th grade NCERT chapter of Mensuration, which includes information on surface areas and volumes.
This document discusses working with surds, which are expressions involving square roots. It provides rules for multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting, and simplifying surds. Some key rules covered are combining like terms under a square root, rationalizing denominators by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator, and squaring both sides of an equation to clear surds before solving. Examples are provided to demonstrate applying these rules to simplify expressions and solve equations involving surds.
The document discusses similar triangles and scale factors. It provides examples of similar triangles in nature, art, architecture, and mathematics. It explains the different rules to determine if triangles are similar: AAA (angle-angle-angle), PPP (proportional property), PAP (proportional angles property), and RHS (right-hypotenuse-side). Examples are given applying these rules to prove triangles are similar and calculate missing side lengths or scale factors.
This document discusses polynomials and their properties. It defines polynomials as algebraic expressions involving variables and real numbers. It describes the different types of polynomials based on the number of terms they contain such as monomials, binomials, and trinomials. The document also discusses the degree of a polynomial as well as the maximum number of real zeros a polynomial can have based on its degree. Additionally, it provides relationships between the zeros and coefficients of polynomials. Finally, it introduces the division algorithm for polynomials and how it can be used to verify if one polynomial is a factor of another.
1) Congruent and similar triangles can be used to simplify design and calculations. Congruent triangles have equal sides and angles, while similar triangles have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
2) Corresponding sides and angles of similar triangles have the same ratios. Ratios can be used to determine unknown side lengths.
3) Triangles are similar if two angles are congruent (AA similarity) or if all three sides are proportional (SSS similarity).
This document provides information about mensuration, which is the measurement of geometric figures. It begins with acknowledging the teacher for providing the opportunity to present on this topic. It then defines important terms like perimeter, area, volume, and introduces plain and solid figures. Formulas for calculating the perimeter, area, surface area and volume of squares, rectangles, triangles, cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones are presented along with examples. The document concludes by listing the group members who prepared the presentation.
The document provides information on surface area and volume formulas and calculations for basic 3D shapes including prisms, cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres. It defines key terms like surface area and volume and provides example calculations and formulas for finding the surface area and volume of cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Diagrams and examples are included to illustrate the different shapes and how to set up the surface area and volume calculations.
This document provides information about common plane and 3D figures including their names, formulas for calculating area, perimeter/surface area, and volume. For plane figures it covers square, rectangle, trapezium, circle, and parallelogram. For 3D figures it covers cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, and cone. It lists the key formulas for calculating measurements of each shape.
Polynomials And Linear Equation of Two VariablesAnkur Patel
A complete description of polynomials and also various methods to solve the Linear equation of two variables by substitution, cross multiplication and elimination methods.
For polynomials it also contains the description of monomials, binomials etc.
1. The document defines various 3D shapes including cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, and hemispheres.
2. It provides the formulas to calculate the surface area and volume of each shape. For cubes, cuboids, cylinders and cones it gives the formulas for total surface area. For spheres and hemispheres it provides the formulas for total surface area, curved surface area, and volume.
3. The document was created collaboratively by several students, with each person responsible for explaining different shapes.
This document provides information about mensuration and geometry topics such as trapezoids, rhombuses, cubes, cuboids, cylinders, and their formulas for area, surface area, and volume. It includes definitions and examples of each shape. There are also example problems, tables summarizing the formulas, and a multiple choice and short answer question bank related to mensuration. The document was created by Arnav Gosain of VIII-C at Tagore International School for the purpose of learning about geometry topics involving area, surface area, and volume calculations.
- The document discusses different statistical measures including the mean, median, and mode.
- It provides examples of calculating the mean, median, and mode from sets of data. For example, it calculates the mean number of days students were absent from school based on attendance records.
- The examples demonstrate how to determine the measure, possible limitations, and common uses of each statistical measure.
The PowerPoint presentation covers the surface areas and volumes of various shapes including cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, hemispheres, and frustums. For each shape, it provides the formulas to calculate total surface area, lateral surface area, and volume. Surface area formulas are given for cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, spheres, hemispheres, and frustums. Volume formulas are also provided for each of these shapes.
Anamica Ukirde is a 10th grade student at Holy Cross English High School with Roll No. 73 and Seat No. 1219. The document discusses the positive and negative impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) on education. Positively, ICT enables lifelong learning, distance learning, access to experts worldwide, and simulations of impossible experiments. However, ICT also involves large costs, can distract students and teachers to focus more on technology than content, and may decrease a child's imagination. In conclusion, while ICT has benefits, its use must be carefully considered to avoid negative impacts.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang metode numerik dan teknik komputasi. Ia menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang pendekatan numerik dan algoritma untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah rekayasa serta pokok bahasan seperti deret Taylor, analisis galat, dan penyelesaian persamaan linier dan nonlinier.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang gaya magnetik, bahan magnetik, dan induktansi. Terdapat penjelasan tentang gaya pada muatan bergerak di medan magnetik, gaya antara unsur-unsur arus diferensial, sifat magnetik bahan, syarat batas magnetik, rangkaian magnetik, dan induktansi. Juga diberikan contoh soal latihan terkait topik yang dibahas.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang medan elektromagnetik, yang mencakup:
1. Hukum Biot-Savart dan Ampere untuk menentukan intensitas medan magnet dari sumber arus.
2. Konsep kurl yang berhubungan dengan hukum Ampere.
3. Teorema Stokes untuk mengubah integral garis menjadi integral permukaan.
Kuliah 5 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Segitiga Konversi Energi, Rangkaian Sa...Fathan Hakim
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang rangkaian listrik satu fasa dan tiga fasa beserta konsep-konsep dasarnya seperti tegangan, arus, daya, impedansi, dan sistem per-unit.
Kuliah 4 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Konsep Awal Penghitungan, Tips Menghin...Fathan Hakim
Medan magnet, arus listrik, tegangan, tahanan, daya, dan energi merupakan konsep dasar tenaga listrik. Arus adalah gerakan muatan, tegangan adalah perbedaan tekanan listrik, dan tahanan adalah hambatan aliran arus. Daya adalah laju kerja, sedangkan energi adalah kemampuan untuk melakukan kerja. Dokumen ini juga memberikan beberapa tips untuk menghindari bahaya listrik.
Kuliah 3 Dasar Sistem Tenaga Listrik ( Sistem Transmisi dan Distribusi )Fathan Hakim
Sistem transmisi dan distribusi tenaga listrik dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan parameter teknis seperti arus, tegangan, jarak, dan konstruksi, serta dilengkapi peralatan pengamanan untuk mendistribusikan tenaga dari pusat pembangkit ke konsumen dengan aman.
This document summarizes Chapter 1 of the textbook "Discrete Mathematics" by R. Johnsonbaugh. It covers the topics of logic, proofs, and propositional logic. Key points include:
- Logic is the study of correct reasoning and is used in mathematics and computer science.
- A proposition is a statement that can be determined as true or false. Connectives like AND, OR, and NOT can combine propositions.
- Truth tables define the truth values of compound propositions formed from connectives.
- Quantifiers like "for all" and "there exists" are used to make universal and existential statements.
- A proof is a logical argument establishing the truth of a theorem using definitions, ax
Dasar sistem telekomunikasi (modulasi)Fathan Hakim
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang modulasi amplitudo dalam sistem telekomunikasi. Modulasi amplitudo adalah proses penumpangan sinyal informasi berupa gelombang sinus ke amplitudo gelombang sinus pembawa. Jenis-jenis modulasi amplitudo diantaranya adalah AM, DSB, SSB yang memanfaatkan variasi amplitudo gelombang pembawa untuk mengirimkan informasi.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
2. Properties of Surds
1 1
n 4
Definition : a a n
16 4
16 2
m 1 m m
n 3 3 3
a n
a n a 16 4 4
16 2 8
m 1
m n m 3
a n
a a 16 4 4
4096 8
m n m
a a
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
3. Simplify the surds
For positif real numbers a and b
n n n
a.b a. b
32 16.2 16. 2 4 2
3 294 3 49.6 3 49. 6 3.7. 6 21 6
32 3
8.4 3
8. 3 4 3
2 4
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
4. Simplify!!!!!
288 12 2
500 x 10 5
x x x
500 5 4
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
5. Algebraic Operation on Surds
Addition and Subtraction
Suppose , b
a R and c R
a c b c= a b c
5 5 10 5 = 5 10 5 15 5
5 3 48 2 27 = 5 3 4 3 6 3 5 4 6 3
3 3
20 125 3 5 = 2 5 5 5 3 5 = 0
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
6. Algebraic Operation on Surds
Suppose , b
a R and c, d R
a c .b d = ab. cd
5 5.10 2 = 5.10 5.2 50 10
3 2 3 2 3 6 6 2 5 2 6
2 5 5 3 2 = 2.5 2.3 5.2 = 10 6 10
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
7. Algebraic Operation on Surds
Suppose , b
a R and c, d R
a c :b d = a:b c:d
1 1
5 8 :10 2 = 5 :10 8: 2 4 .2 1
2 2
2 3.3 2 6 6 1
= =
12 6 12 6 2
2 2
5 2 5 2 5 2 3
3 3 3
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
8. Simplify!!!!!
0,36 0,16 1
6 2 5 2 2 5 2 11 10
a b
a b
a b
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
23. Try this Questions!!!
1 1
2 2 4
1 3
4 12
5 6
a b 30 9
5 6
a b ......?
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
24. Exponential Equations
a a B C
3x 27 3x 33 x 3
1 1 1 1
1 2x 1 2 52 x 5 2 2x x
52 x 5 5 5 5 2 4
36 x 3
27 x 1
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS
25. Try this Questions!!!
x 2 1
5 125 x
4x 2 3
16 x 5 x 4
1 5
32 2x
273 x 7
x 3
0, 09 x 2
0,33 x 1
Jeff Bivin -- LZHS