Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well around noon and asks her for a drink of water, surprising her since Jews normally did not interact with Samaritans. He tells her about living water that will quench her thirst forever. When Jesus reveals details of her personal life that only God would know, she believes he is a prophet. They discuss the proper place of worship, with Jesus saying true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth. The woman proclaims Jesus as the Messiah to her village, and many Samaritans come to believe in him after hearing his message themselves.
Hard Conversations: The Big Ask (Elijah and Elisha)Stephen Palm
This sermon features Elisha's "big ask" for a double portion of Elijah's spirit. We look at how the big ask paves the way for the big answer which challenges the faith of others. We will ask the hard question: "What am I doing that's big?"
"Here Comes The Judge" - Should Christians Judge Others?Don McClain
We as Christians MUST make wise discernment's between truth and error, right and wrong,Good and evil. So - what kind of judging does the Lord forbid in Matthew 7:1-6? - Remember - the Lord will judge us when He comes again.
Acts 19, Receiving the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Spirit, becoming hard...Valley Bible Fellowship
Paul arrives in Ephesus and finds some disciples who had not received the Holy Spirit. He baptizes them in Jesus' name and lays hands on them so they receive the Holy Spirit. Some Jews try to invoke Jesus' name in exorcisms but are rebuked by demons. Paul teaches in the school of Tyrannus for two years and many miracles are performed through him. When some become hardened against the gospel, Paul withdraws and reasons daily. Demetrius stirs up a riot against Paul in the theater, accusing him of threatening the cult of Artemis.
Hard Conversations: The Big Ask (Elijah and Elisha)Stephen Palm
This sermon features Elisha's "big ask" for a double portion of Elijah's spirit. We look at how the big ask paves the way for the big answer which challenges the faith of others. We will ask the hard question: "What am I doing that's big?"
"Here Comes The Judge" - Should Christians Judge Others?Don McClain
We as Christians MUST make wise discernment's between truth and error, right and wrong,Good and evil. So - what kind of judging does the Lord forbid in Matthew 7:1-6? - Remember - the Lord will judge us when He comes again.
Acts 19, Receiving the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Spirit, becoming hard...Valley Bible Fellowship
Paul arrives in Ephesus and finds some disciples who had not received the Holy Spirit. He baptizes them in Jesus' name and lays hands on them so they receive the Holy Spirit. Some Jews try to invoke Jesus' name in exorcisms but are rebuked by demons. Paul teaches in the school of Tyrannus for two years and many miracles are performed through him. When some become hardened against the gospel, Paul withdraws and reasons daily. Demetrius stirs up a riot against Paul in the theater, accusing him of threatening the cult of Artemis.