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14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 1
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
Preventing the spread ofPreventing the spread of
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 2
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
Some diseases have become immune to the
antibiotics we use. As a result, controlling
diseases and preventing infections from
spreading are more crucial than ever,
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 3
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
1. Wash your hands frequently - especially before
preparing food, before eating, and after using the
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 4
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
Insist that your health care
providers wash their hands
and use gloves, especially before
any invasive treatment or procedure.
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 5
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
Don't insist that your physician give
you antibiotics if you don't need
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 6
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
Antibiotics have no effect on
illnesses caused by viruses.
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 7
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
3. Take prescribed antibiotics exactly as instructed; do not
stop taking them without checking with your physician,
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 8
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
even if the medicine makes
you feel better - or worse.
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 9
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
4. Keep your immunizations  and
those of your children - up to
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 10
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
5. Don't send your child to a daycare enter or to school
with symptoms of an infection  such as vomiting,
diarrhea and/or fever.
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 11
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
7. Do not use IV drugs; if
you do, do not share
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 12
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
8. Don't share personal items  such as razor
blades, toothbrushes, combs, and
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 13
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
and don't eat or drink from others'
plates, glasses, or silverware.
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 14
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
9. Keep kitchen surfaces clean, especially when
preparing meat, chicken, and fish; disinfect kitchen
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 15
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
10. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold,
especially when the will be left out for a long
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 16
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 17
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 18
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 19
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 20
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 21
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 22
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A
14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 23
S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y  K h o b a r - K S A

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Gamal ElDin Soliman
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悋惘惠悋惺 惷愃愀 悋惆 Hypertension
Gamal ElDin Soliman
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Enzyme Induction and Inhibition: Mechanisms, Examples, and Clinical Significance
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Enzyme Induction and Inhibition: Mechanisms, Examples, and Clinical Significance
SAPIENT Medi-trivia Quiz (Prelims) | TRI-ORTA 2025
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SAPIENT Medi-trivia Quiz (Prelims) | TRI-ORTA 2025
Anindya Das Adhikary

Preventing the spread of infection

  • 1. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 1 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Preventing the spread ofPreventing the spread of infectioninfection
  • 2. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 2 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Some diseases have become immune to the antibiotics we use. As a result, controlling diseases and preventing infections from spreading are more crucial than ever,
  • 3. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 3 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 1. Wash your hands frequently - especially before preparing food, before eating, and after using the restroom.
  • 4. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 4 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Insist that your health care providers wash their hands and use gloves, especially before any invasive treatment or procedure.
  • 5. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 5 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Don't insist that your physician give you antibiotics if you don't need them.
  • 6. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 6 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A Antibiotics have no effect on illnesses caused by viruses.
  • 7. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 7 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 3. Take prescribed antibiotics exactly as instructed; do not stop taking them without checking with your physician,
  • 8. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 8 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A even if the medicine makes you feel better - or worse.
  • 9. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 9 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 4. Keep your immunizations and those of your children - up to date.
  • 10. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 10 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 5. Don't send your child to a daycare enter or to school with symptoms of an infection such as vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever.
  • 11. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 11 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 7. Do not use IV drugs; if you do, do not share needles.
  • 12. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 12 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 8. Don't share personal items such as razor blades, toothbrushes, combs, and hairbrushes
  • 13. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 13 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A and don't eat or drink from others' plates, glasses, or silverware.
  • 14. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 14 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 9. Keep kitchen surfaces clean, especially when preparing meat, chicken, and fish; disinfect kitchen surfaces.
  • 15. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 15 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A 10. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold, especially when the will be left out for a long time.
  • 16. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 16 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 17. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 17 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 18. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 18 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 19. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 19 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 20. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 20 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 21. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 21 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 22. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 22 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A
  • 23. 14 - September - 2012 Prepared By Dr Gamal Soliman 23 S ilv e r C r e s c e n t D is p e n s a r y K h o b a r - K S A