Uskrs Mia TvorekEdukacija Obrazovni portalPrezentacije za predmet "Narodna tradicija" 1. razred, "Uskrs"
Mia Tvorek, Osnovna škola "Lazar Savatić" Beograd
Prica o BozicuAleksandra Tasic AdamovicBožić je jedan od najvažnjih hrišćanskih praznika i svaki narod ima svoje običaje i pesme. U prezentaciji su predstavljeni običaji koji prethode Božiću. Oni imaju posebno značenje u našem narodu.
Rezultati konkursa za pdp 2019 radovi odabrani za zborniknerconjaНа конкурсу за примере добре праксе за XXXIII Сабор учитеља Рапублике Србије, 1. 6. 2019. из наше школе послато је осам радова.
Три рада изабрана су за презентовање на радионицама у току трајања Сабора, 15,16. 6. 2019. у Београду. Осталих пет радова изабрани су за Електронски зборник радова.
Ово је велики успех наших учитељица и наставника, као и сарадника који су учествовали у реализацији угледних часова, тематских и пројектних активности.
Сарадња и свакодневни рад су се показали корисним и веома успешним, а на задовољство и ученика и наставника.
Книга и компютър - ръка за ръкаGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramТатяна Любенова разказа как новата визия на библиотеката я превръща в любимо място на децата от селото, където освен че ползват компютрите, те все повече четат.
Prica o BozicuAleksandra Tasic AdamovicBožić je jedan od najvažnjih hrišćanskih praznika i svaki narod ima svoje običaje i pesme. U prezentaciji su predstavljeni običaji koji prethode Božiću. Oni imaju posebno značenje u našem narodu.
Rezultati konkursa za pdp 2019 radovi odabrani za zborniknerconjaНа конкурсу за примере добре праксе за XXXIII Сабор учитеља Рапублике Србије, 1. 6. 2019. из наше школе послато је осам радова.
Три рада изабрана су за презентовање на радионицама у току трајања Сабора, 15,16. 6. 2019. у Београду. Осталих пет радова изабрани су за Електронски зборник радова.
Ово је велики успех наших учитељица и наставника, као и сарадника који су учествовали у реализацији угледних часова, тематских и пројектних активности.
Сарадња и свакодневни рад су се показали корисним и веома успешним, а на задовољство и ученика и наставника.
Книга и компютър - ръка за ръкаGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramТатяна Любенова разказа как новата визия на библиотеката я превръща в любимо място на децата от селото, където освен че ползват компютрите, те все повече четат.
Ликовна радионица у КостолцуRenata MncМесто одржавања: Одељење Костолац, Народна библиотека „Илија М. Петровић“ Пожаревац
Радионицу водиле библиотекарке: Рената Минић, Невена Вуксановић и Марија Миловановић и сликарке из Удружења ликовних стваралаца „Ђура Јакшић“ Пожаревац
Сликарска техника: акрилик
Време одржавања: мај 2016. године
Projekat prelo j.popovic indjija finalAleksandar MijalkovićZajednički projekat nastavnika koji objedinjava nastavu srpskog jezika, svakodnevnog života u prošlosti i narodne tradicije
Конфесионалност у методици допунске наставе у Париском регионуSrpska škola u inostranstvuКонфесионалност у методици допунске наставе у Париском региону
Тематски дан у ВождуМаја Радоман ЦветићанинПрезентација активности у оквиру тематског дана ,,Вожд у духу светосавља'', 26.01.2022.
ОШ ,,Вожд Карађорђе'' Алексинац
LIBRAR-E TURKEY PROJECTGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThe Librar-e Turkey Project is a 28-month pilot project involving 26 provinces and 52 district libraries across Turkey. It aims to promote public libraries and librarianship in Turkey. The project team has worked to build support from the library community by organizing meetings with library school faculty and students to engage future librarians. They have also held meetings with directors of pilot public libraries who expressed more motivation than expected.
Romania new services_presentation_final_enGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThe document discusses the state of libraries in Romania. Key points include:
- Romania has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the EU and roughly 20% of its workforce works abroad.
- Romanian culture has discouraged innovation and community participation, resulting in sterile public institutions.
- The average age of collections in Romanian libraries was 43 years old in 2008, and only 10% of the population visited libraries that year, indicating 50 years of neglect.
- Libraries have been isolated from international counterparts and function more as museums than community centers. This lack of advocacy and demand has created difficulties for libraries.
Provadia ppt gsfip_enGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document summarizes a project undertaken by the "Aleko Konstantinov 1884" library in Provadia, Bulgaria. The project aimed to promote social inclusion and employment for vulnerable groups through new e-services offered at the library. Activities included training unemployed youth and older adults in computer skills and career counseling. As a result, 13 youth and 6 older adults acquired qualifications, and 14 participants found jobs. The library benefited from increased capacity and prestige in the community for offering these services.
Samokov povishavane znaniata_i_umeniata_na_kmetovete_enGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document describes a project by the Paisii Hilendarski Municipal Library to provide training to mayors and technical assistants from Samokov Municipality. The training aimed to improve skills in using new technologies and providing e-services to citizens. Modules covered topics such as Windows, online searching, e-documents, e-signatures, legislation resources and national databases. As a result, mayors' offices improved their ability to offer administrative services electronically, benefiting residents. The project also decentralized services and improved quality of life. Sustainability plans included further consultations and expanding training to other groups.
Financial Services in Modern LibrariesGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThe document discusses a training program on financial services that was conducted at the Lyuben Karavelov District Library in Ruse, Bulgaria. It provided training to library users to improve financial literacy and familiarity with financial products. The program trained 20 librarians as trainers who then delivered training to 94 library users in 10 groups. Trainees learned about topics like debit/credit cards, loans, mortgages, and Bulgaria's banking laws. The program resulted in improved financial knowledge for users and an innovative new service being launched at the library in partnership with a local bank.
Virtual Medical SchoolGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThe document describes a Virtual Medical School project created by the "Probuda 126" library in the village of Zgorigrad, Vratsa Municipality. The project targeted residents who had worked in the local Plakalnitsa mine, 80% of whom suffered from osteochondral and pulmonary diseases. Using the library's equipment and resources, the project provided access to educational e-materials and specialists on these common diseases. Over 50% of retired mine workers participated. The Virtual Medical School helped increase participants' medical knowledge and quality of life.
Supporting Social Inclusion and Communication by Facilitating the Access of H...Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document outlines a project between Ivan Vazov District Public Library, the Union of the Deaf in Bulgaria, and other organizations to improve access to electronic resources for hearing impaired individuals. The project aims to establish a new service providing equal opportunities for hearing impaired people to use public services, initiate their active integration into the community through accessible e-services, and raise awareness of their needs and importance of inclusion. The organizations will work together to facilitate hearing impaired access to electronic resources and services at Ivan Vazov District Public Library.
The Challenge: Care for the Different ChildrenGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document summarizes a project that provided training and resources to libraries to help them better support and integrate children with special education needs through information and communication technologies (ICT). The project trained library specialists and partnered libraries with special education centers. It provided ICT resources and over 300 hours of training to 70 children with special needs and their parents. The project helped children access higher quality education through ICT, improved behavior and support systems, and increased awareness and skills for library specialists and teachers in using technology as an educational tool.
Global Libraries - Bulgaria Final AssessmentGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document summarizes the results of a survey assessing the impact of Bulgaria's Glob@l Libraries program. The program equipped public libraries with computers, internet access, and training for librarians. Surveys found the program significantly increased library visits and users, internet usage at libraries, and use of new digital services. Many users now rely on libraries as their only access to computers and the internet. The program helped people study, improve jobs skills, search for jobs and health information. It also strengthened family/community ties. Vulnerable groups like Roma and unemployed saw particularly strong impacts on communication, community integration, and qualification. In conclusion, the program gave many people new opportunities to participate in the digital world and improved their lives
Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria Program Final Impact Assessment StudyGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document summarizes the results of a survey assessing the impact of Bulgaria's Glob@l Libraries program. The program equipped public libraries with computers, internet access, and training for librarians. Surveys found the program significantly increased library visits and users, internet usage at libraries, and use of new digital services. Many users now rely solely on libraries for technology/internet access. The program helped people study, improve jobs skills, search for work, access health information, and communicate more in their communities. Vulnerable groups like Roma and unemployed saw particularly strong benefits from increased access. In conclusion, the program stimulated technology use and provided equal opportunities for citizens to engage in the digital world through their local libraries.
Presentation of good international practices in the Global Libraries initiati...Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThe document discusses the state of libraries in Romania. Key points include:
- Romania has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the EU and roughly 20% of its workforce works abroad.
- Romanian culture has discouraged innovation and community participation, resulting in sterile public institutions.
- The average age of collections in Romanian libraries was 43 years old in 2008, and only 10% of the population visited libraries that year, indicating 50 years of neglect.
- Libraries have been isolated from international counterparts and function more as museums than community centers. This lack of demand has created a cycle that makes it difficult for libraries to improve.
Traditions and Innovations in the Small Public LibraryGlob@l Libraries - Bulgaria ProgramThis document provides an overview of traditions and innovations at small public libraries in Stambolovo Municipality, Bulgaria. It describes the natural beauty and history of the region. Libraries have transitioned from small collections to modern information centers through a program that provided computers and training. Libraries preserve cultural heritage through collections and events celebrating traditions like Vine Grower's Day, Baba Marta, and Lazarus Saturday. They host community events and bring generations together while adapting to current needs through technology and knowledge access.
Мая Манич, библиотекар в Народна библиотека „Доситей Новакович” – гр. Неготин, Сърбия
Biblioteka „ Dositej Novaković“ bila je učionica đacima koji
pohađaju časove Veronauke. U njoj su sticali znanja o
pravoslavnim hrišćanskim praznicima i običajima .
3. *Nastavnice Veronauke u tri
gradske škole sa učenicima 4.
razreda govorile su o posnoj
hrani pred veliki hrišćanski
praznik VASKRS na časovima
* Đaci su svojom rukom
ispisivali recepte i ukrašavali
Biblioteka „ Dositej
Novaković“ koja se bavi i
izdavaštvom u saradnji sa
veroučiteljicama realizuje
ideju štampanja zbornika
pod nazivom
„ Posni đački kuvar“
Posni đački kuvar sadrži
slane i slatke
specijalitete, ispisane na
5o stranica ukrašene
dečijim crtežima
Projekta je podržala SO
Svoj blagoslov dao je i
episkop timocki
gospodin Justin, a
uvodnu reč starešina
crkve Sv. Trojice
sveštenik Ranko Jović.
Biblioteka promociju
đačkog zbornika
predstavlja kroz dva
događaja .
Knjiga se seli sa polica
biblioteke na
manifestacije, svoj život
započinje kroz pesmu i
Naziv je manifestacije
kojom smo obeležili 7. april
Svetski Dan zdravlja
Predstavili smo naš Posni
đački kuvar promocijom
zdrave hrane, sporta i
prevencije zdravlja
U tome su nam pomogli
Podružnica društva za
borbu protiv raka „ Neven“
Lekari iz ovog udruženja
merili su nivo šećera i krvni
Nutricioniosta Snežana
Uruković govorila je o
zdravoj hrani
9. Osnovne škole
Vrtić „Pčelica“
Kancelarija za mlade
Pokrovitelj je opština
Svoju drugu promociju
Posni đački kuvar doživeo
je na dva velika hrišćanska
praznika Blagovesti i
Lazarevu subotu u porti
crkve Sv. Trojice uz
prigodan program.U isto
vreme smo proslavili dva
velika hrišćanska praznika I
promovisali naš zbornik
dečijih radova.
11. U programu su učestvovali
učenici koji pohađaju
časove Veronauke (svih
uzrasta) i etno grupa
12. Zahvalnost dugujemo
svaštenicima crkvene
opštine Negotin koji su nas
podržali u ideji da ovaj
zbornik dečijih radova
ugleda svetlost dana.
13. Đački posni kuvar nastao je kao plod dobre saradnje
„ Dositej Novaković“i ljudi koji su svojim idejama doprineli da
ovaj, po svojoj formi i sadržaju poseban zbornik, bude u
rukama dece i odraslih i svoj život nastavi i van polica