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Is OSGi Modularity
  Always Worth It?

            Glyn Normington

   ? Costs and bene?ts
   ? Case studies
   ? When is OSGi worth it?
OSGi Bene?ts
?Encapsulated module internals
 ?Easier to understand, maintain, and extend
?Explicit, versioned dependencies
 ?Simpli?ed impact analysis
 ?Faster class loading
?Visible architecture
 ?bundles, services, dependencies
 ?execution environment
OSGi Bene?ts
?Side-by-side versioning
?Loose coupling via services
OSGi Costs
Learning: OSGi, new runtime, new tools
Reusing 3rd party JARs
Designing appropriate bundles and services
De?ning and upgrading dependencies
Building bundles
Debugging resolution failures and class loading
Coping with dynamism
vert.x Case Study

? Asynchronous, event-driven web apps
? HTTP, WebSockets, sockjs
? Apps in Java, Groovy, JavaScript, Ruby
? Apps need not be thread safe
? JSON event bus

                         HTTP, WebSockets, sockjs


class loader                                           class loader

    module     verticle                       busmod

                 JSON                               JSON

                              event bus
Converting vert.x to OSGi

  ? Convert vert.x runtime to bundles
  ? Convert verticles to bundles
  ? (Convert busmods to bundles - similarly)
Convert Runtime to Bundles

  ? JARs:
   ? vert.x core
   ? Netty - network IO
   ? Jackson & Jackson Mapper - JSON

? Eye-ball existing OSGi manifests
? Generate manifests where necessary
 ? Use bnd or Virgo bundlor
 ? Create a manifest template
? Test resolution
Existing OSGi Manifests

 ? Bundle version 3.4.2.Final
?Jackson & Jackson Mapper
 ? Bundle version 1.9.4
Bundle vert.x core

? Use bnd or Virgo bundlor
? Manifest template required ...
vert.x Core Template

 ? vert.x name and version
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2

Bundle-SymbolicName: org.vertx.core

Bundle-Name: vert.x Core

Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.final

Export-Template: *;version="1.0.0.final"
vert.x Core Template

? Package import template version ranges
 ? Netty: [3.4.2.Final, 4.0)
 ? Jackson: [1.9.4, 2.0)
 ? Other optional imports: 0
   ? 0 means [0, )
vert.x Core Template

? Package import version ranges
 ? Netty: [3.4.2.Final, 4.0) Where did these
 ? Jackson: [1.9.4, 2.0)      come from?

 ? Other optional imports: 0
   ? 0 means [0, )
Version Ranges
? Lower bound
 ? What did you test?
 ? What old versions do you support?
? Upper bound
 ? Exporters versioning policy?
 ? How easy is it to change your bundle?
   ? Lifespan?
   ? Distribution?
Netty Version Range

[3.4.2.Final, 4.0)   [3.4.2.Final, 3.5)
Generate Bundle

bundlor.sh -i vert.x-core.jar
           -m vertx.core.mf
           -o vert.x-core-1.0.0.final.jar
Test Metadata
      ? Using Virgo, for simplicity
      ? Place dependencies in repository/usr
      ? Place vert.x core in pickup
      ? Start Virgo:

<DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.vertx.core' version '1.0.0.final'.
Modular Verticles
public class MyVerticle extends Verticle {

    public void start() {

          new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() {
            public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {


public class MyVerticle extends Verticle {

    public void start() {

          new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() {
            public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {


public class MyVerticle extends Verticle {

    public void start() {   redundant boilerplate
          new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() {
            public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {


public class MyVerticle extends Verticle {

    public void start() {   redundant boilerplate
          new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() {
            public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {
            }           not easily unit tested


public class MyVerticle extends Verticle {

    public void start() {   redundant boilerplate
          new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() {
            public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {
            }           not easily unit tested

    }   baked-in con?guration
Modular Verticle
? Move boilerplate code to a support bundle
? Convert con?guration to declarative
? Use services for loose coupling
 ? whiteboard pattern
public class MyHandler implements
  Handler<HttpServerRequest> {

    public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <bean class="org.vertx.osgi.sample.MyHandler"

  <service interface="org.vertx.java.core.Handler"
      <entry key="type"
      <entry key="port" value="8080">

7. request from network     org.vertx.core
                                                                    4. create server
                                                                    5 register handler
                                                                    6. set server listening
    9. HttpServerRequest operations           8. Handler.handle()


                          1. listen for/?nd bundle

                                                                                 3. listen for/?nd handler

                                2. publish handler

                                                     OSGi Service Registry
Was it worth it?
?vertx implementation can be hidden
?Boilerplate factored out
?Unit testing simpli?ed
?Con?guration externalised
Deciding dependency version ranges
Reworking vert.x to improve encapsulation
Programming model changed
Shared dependencies must be thread safe
 Deciding dependency version ranges
 Reworking vert.x to improve encapsulation
 Programming model changed
 Shared dependencies must be thread safe

Conclusion: probably not worth it
vSphere Web Client
    Case Study
vSphere Web Client

? OSGi based web server
 ? Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat
? Plugins allow users to extend the Web Client
 ? Custom data
 ? Custom relationships (for new/existing data)

                          Flex UI


          Web Client)

          vCenter Server

  VM                     VMware

                          Flex UI                         Custom Flex UI
                        component                          component

                               BlazeDS                            BlazeDS

          Web Client)
                            Data                           Custom Data
                           Service                           Service

          vCenter Server                 plugin zip
                                           plugin zip
                                             plugin zip
  VM                     VMware                           Remote Data
                        Inventory                           Source
Was it worth it?

?Extensible by users
?Internals not accessible to users
?Dynamically updateable
Steep initial learning curve
Investment required in Virgo tooling
OSGi exposed to users
Steep initial learning curve
Investment required in Virgo tooling
OSGi exposed to users

 Conclusion: worth it
Croatian Telecom
  Case Study
? Virgo 3.0.3, EclipseLink, Atomikos,
  ActiveMQ, Tomcat clustering, Hazelcast
? In production for more than a year
 ? last 7 months as a cluster
? Nearly 1 million user accounts
? 100s of web requests per second, peak
? Only one major outage, due to a Linux bug
Cited Bene?ts

?Better understand components you use
?Cleaner, higher quality code
?Better system architecture
?Reusable modules
Cited Costs
Time to learn the intricacies of OSGi
Time to integrate non-OSGi ready
Cited Costs
Time to learn the intricacies of OSGi
Time to integrate non-OSGi ready

   Conclusion: worth it
OSGi Costs
Learning: OSGi, new runtime, new tools
Reusing 3rd party JARs
Designing appropriate bundles and services
De?ning and upgrading dependencies
Building bundles
Debugging resolution failures and class loading
Coping with dynamism
Reduced isolation in some cases
Further investment in tooling required
OSGi Bene?ts
?Encapsulated module internals
?Explicit, versioned dependencies
?Side-by-side versioning
?Visible architecture
?Loose coupling via services
?used understanding of components

?Reusable modules
When is OSGi worth it?
?Lower layers bene?t most
 ?Control dependencies
 ?Hide internals
    Lower layers push higher layers to OSGi

? Exposing OSGi to users
?Long-lived or critical applications

For so much, what shall we give in return?

           (wording from the edge of the Belfast ?1 coin)
Further Information
? Java Application Architecture by Kirk
? http://www.osgi.org
? http://underlap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/osgi-
? http://vertx.io/
? http://underlap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/
? http://www.osgi.org/wiki/uploads/Links/
? Coins by Rob Redwood
Credits   ? Bene?ts of using OSGi

          ? One Pound by Leo Reynolds

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Is OSGi modularity always worth it?

  • 1. Is OSGi Modularity Always Worth It? Glyn Normington
  • 2. Agenda ? Costs and bene?ts ? Case studies ? When is OSGi worth it?
  • 3. OSGi Bene?ts ?Encapsulated module internals ?Easier to understand, maintain, and extend ?Explicit, versioned dependencies ?Simpli?ed impact analysis ?Faster class loading ?Visible architecture ?bundles, services, dependencies ?execution environment
  • 5. OSGi Costs Learning: OSGi, new runtime, new tools Reusing 3rd party JARs Designing appropriate bundles and services De?ning and upgrading dependencies Building bundles Debugging resolution failures and class loading Coping with dynamism
  • 7. vert.x ? Asynchronous, event-driven web apps ? HTTP, WebSockets, sockjs ? Apps in Java, Groovy, JavaScript, Ruby ? Apps need not be thread safe ? JSON event bus
  • 8. client HTTP, WebSockets, sockjs vert.x server class loader class loader module verticle busmod module JSON JSON event bus
  • 9. Converting vert.x to OSGi ? Convert vert.x runtime to bundles ? Convert verticles to bundles ? (Convert busmods to bundles - similarly)
  • 10. Convert Runtime to Bundles ? JARs: ? vert.x core ? Netty - network IO ? Jackson & Jackson Mapper - JSON
  • 11. Approach ? Eye-ball existing OSGi manifests ? Generate manifests where necessary ? Use bnd or Virgo bundlor ? Create a manifest template ? Test resolution
  • 12. Existing OSGi Manifests ?Netty ? Bundle version 3.4.2.Final ?Jackson & Jackson Mapper ? Bundle version 1.9.4
  • 13. Bundle vert.x core ? Use bnd or Virgo bundlor ? Manifest template required ...
  • 14. vert.x Core Template ? vert.x name and version Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-SymbolicName: org.vertx.core Bundle-Name: vert.x Core Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.final Export-Template: *;version="1.0.0.final"
  • 15. vert.x Core Template ? Package import template version ranges ? Netty: [3.4.2.Final, 4.0) ? Jackson: [1.9.4, 2.0) ? Other optional imports: 0 ? 0 means [0, )
  • 16. vert.x Core Template ? Package import version ranges ? Netty: [3.4.2.Final, 4.0) Where did these ? Jackson: [1.9.4, 2.0) come from? ? Other optional imports: 0 ? 0 means [0, )
  • 17. Version Ranges ? Lower bound ? What did you test? ? What old versions do you support? ? Upper bound ? Exporters versioning policy? ? How easy is it to change your bundle? ? Lifespan? ? Distribution?
  • 18. Netty Version Range [3.4.2.Final, 4.0) [3.4.2.Final, 3.5)
  • 19. Generate Bundle bundlor.sh -i vert.x-core.jar -m vertx.core.mf -o vert.x-core-1.0.0.final.jar
  • 20. Test Metadata ? Using Virgo, for simplicity ? Place dependencies in repository/usr ? Place vert.x core in pickup ? Start Virgo: ... <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.vertx.core' version '1.0.0.final'.
  • 22. public class MyVerticle extends Verticle { public void start() { vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } } ).listen(8080); } }
  • 23. public class MyVerticle extends Verticle { public void start() { vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } } ).listen(8080); } }
  • 24. public class MyVerticle extends Verticle { public void start() { redundant boilerplate vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } } ).listen(8080); } }
  • 25. public class MyVerticle extends Verticle { public void start() { redundant boilerplate vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } not easily unit tested } ).listen(8080); } }
  • 26. public class MyVerticle extends Verticle { public void start() { redundant boilerplate vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } not easily unit tested } ).listen(8080); } baked-in con?guration }
  • 27. Modular Verticle ? Move boilerplate code to a support bundle ? Convert con?guration to declarative metadata ? Use services for loose coupling ? whiteboard pattern
  • 28. public class MyHandler implements Handler<HttpServerRequest> { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { ... } }
  • 29. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"> <bean class="org.vertx.osgi.sample.MyHandler" id="handler"/> <service interface="org.vertx.java.core.Handler" ref="handler"> <service-properties> <entry key="type" value="HttpServerRequestHandler"> <entry key="port" value="8080"> </service-properties> </service> </blueprint>
  • 30. 7. request from network org.vertx.core bundle 4. create server 5 register handler 6. set server listening 9. HttpServerRequest operations 8. Handler.handle() modular org.vertx.osgi verticle bundle bundle 1. listen for/?nd bundle 3. listen for/?nd handler blueprint 2. publish handler service OSGi Service Registry
  • 32. Bene?ts ?vertx implementation can be hidden ?Boilerplate factored out ?Unit testing simpli?ed ?Con?guration externalised
  • 33. Costs Deciding dependency version ranges Reworking vert.x to improve encapsulation Programming model changed Shared dependencies must be thread safe
  • 34. Costs Deciding dependency version ranges Reworking vert.x to improve encapsulation Programming model changed Shared dependencies must be thread safe Conclusion: probably not worth it
  • 35. vSphere Web Client Case Study
  • 36. vSphere Web Client ? OSGi based web server ? Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat ? Plugins allow users to extend the Web Client ? Custom data ? Custom relationships (for new/existing data)
  • 37. browser Flex UI component BlazeDS Virgo (vSphere Web Client) Data Service ESX ESX ESX Server Server Server vCenter Server VM VM VMware VM Inventory Service
  • 38. browser Flex UI Custom Flex UI component component BlazeDS BlazeDS Virgo (vSphere Web Client) Data Custom Data Service Service ESX ESX ESX Server Server Server vCenter Server plugin zip plugin zip plugin zip VM VM VMware Remote Data VM Inventory Source Service
  • 40. Bene?ts ?Modular ?Extensible by users ?Internals not accessible to users ?Dynamically updateable
  • 41. Costs Steep initial learning curve Investment required in Virgo tooling OSGi exposed to users
  • 42. Costs Steep initial learning curve Investment required in Virgo tooling OSGi exposed to users Conclusion: worth it
  • 43. Croatian Telecom Case Study
  • 44. Overview ? Virgo 3.0.3, EclipseLink, Atomikos, ActiveMQ, Tomcat clustering, Hazelcast ? In production for more than a year ? last 7 months as a cluster ? Nearly 1 million user accounts ? 100s of web requests per second, peak ? Only one major outage, due to a Linux bug
  • 45. Cited Bene?ts ?Better understand components you use ?Cleaner, higher quality code ?Better system architecture ?Reusable modules
  • 46. Cited Costs Time to learn the intricacies of OSGi Time to integrate non-OSGi ready components
  • 47. Cited Costs Time to learn the intricacies of OSGi Time to integrate non-OSGi ready components Conclusion: worth it
  • 49. OSGi Costs Learning: OSGi, new runtime, new tools Reusing 3rd party JARs Designing appropriate bundles and services De?ning and upgrading dependencies Building bundles Debugging resolution failures and class loading Coping with dynamism Reduced isolation in some cases Further investment in tooling required
  • 50. OSGi Bene?ts ?Encapsulated module internals ?Explicit, versioned dependencies ?Side-by-side versioning ?Dynamism ?Visible architecture ?Loose coupling via services ?used understanding of components Better ?Reusable modules
  • 51. When is OSGi worth it? ?Lower layers bene?t most ?Control dependencies ?Hide internals Lower layers push higher layers to OSGi ? Exposing OSGi to users ?Long-lived or critical applications
  • 52. PRO TANTO QUID RETRIBUAMUS For so much, what shall we give in return? (wording from the edge of the Belfast ?1 coin)
  • 53. Further Information ? Java Application Architecture by Kirk Knoernschild ? http://www.osgi.org ? http://underlap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/osgi- case-study-modular-vertx.html ? http://vertx.io/ ? http://underlap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/ virgo-in-vsphere.html ? http://www.osgi.org/wiki/uploads/Links/ SemanticVersioning.pdf
  • 54. ? Coins by Rob Redwood Credits ? Bene?ts of using OSGi http://www.osgi.org/Technology/WhyOSGi ? One Pound by Leo Reynolds

Editor's Notes