Nat Aroicon 2007 Sujit 1.2Dr.T.Sujit :-)This study evaluated the incidence of thyroid dysfunction in patients receiving radiotherapy (RT) or chemoradiotherapy (chemo-RT) for non-thyroid head and neck cancers. The study found that 20% of patients developed subclinical hypothyroidism, with most cases occurring within 6-12 months after treatment completion. Patients with hypopharyngeal tumors, T3 stage, N2 nodal involvement, or stage IV disease had a higher risk of developing subclinical hypothyroidism. While no patients showed clinical signs of hypothyroidism, many reported fatigue, indicating potential future overt hypothyroidism. Close monitoring of thyroid function was recommended.
Auchinairn Handbook 2010Auchinairn PSThe document provides information about Auchinairn Primary School and Nursery. It includes:
1) A welcome message from the Headteacher introducing the school handbook and emphasizing the importance of partnership between the school and parents.
2) An overview of the school including its aims, curriculum, staff, hours of operation, and calendar.
3) Contact information for the school and a brief description of its facilities and programs.
Advocating Sensible Sanitation in North America: What WorksAbigail BrownPHLUSH advocates for sanitation issues in North America. They have addressed public toilet design challenges in Portland by redesigning toilets for cost effectiveness, function, safety, accessibility, and ease of maintenance. For emergency sanitation, they promoted a simple twin bucket toilet system for earthquakes. Regarding ecological sanitation, PHLUSH brought experts together, shared information on sustainable sanitation systems, and addressed code barriers. Cross-cultural information sharing on toilet design and awareness has been valuable. PHLUSH asks questions about water, climate change, and future sanitation needs.
When Sensible Sanitation is Waterless Sanitation: Real-World IdeasAbigail BrownThis document is a presentation about waterless sanitation and real-world ideas for enacting waste awareness. It was given by Abigail Brown from PHLUSH in Portland, Oregon at an event in Santa Cruz, California on May 26, 2015. The presentation includes numerous photos courtesy of various organizations and individuals to illustrate concepts of public hygiene and sanitation.
Groundwater Decision-making: Case Study of the Pajaro ValleyAbigail BrownThis document summarizes a research project studying groundwater decision-making in California's Pajaro Valley. The goal is to understand how the region addresses long-term declining groundwater levels and drought vulnerability. The research team is conducting interviews and assessments of community members, groundwater groups, and decision-making processes. Initial findings examine structures and processes of formal and informal water management groups, as well as factors that influence local control and scale of analysis regarding shared groundwater resources. The research aims to provide insights that can help the region develop sustainable long-term groundwater management strategies.
Какво трябва да забравите от учебниците по маркетингilyancomГеорги Малчев и Илиян Ковачев с лекция в НБУ на тема "Какво трябва да забравите
от учебниците по маркетинг"
20120524HSA BGS TSIGOSDimitris TsingosThe Hellenic Start-up Association presentation by Dimitris Tsigos and the "start-up entrepreneurship & innovation" event by the British Graduates Society in Athens
Elvis 1996Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides the track listings for 50 CDs that were released as part of "The Original Elvis Presley Collection" box set in 1996. It lists the album title, release year, and tracks for each CD, noting when tracks match the original release or if there are additions or removals compared to the original. The CDs cover Elvis' entire recording career from 1956 to 1977.
Συμμετοχή του 2ου ΕΠΑΛ Σερρών στον περσινό Διαγωνισμό Επιχειρηματικότητας με ...KESYPSERRONΔημιουργία συνεταιρισμού εκτροφής βιολογικών κοτόπουλων, σφαγείου και παραγωγής βιολογικών ζωοτροφών.
Epcd Collection3Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides a listing of 15 albums in Elvis Presley's catalog. For each album, it provides the title, year or location of performance, and track listing. It also includes a brief note about sound quality for each album. The albums span Elvis' career and include live performances as well as studio recordings and remixes.
MedicinMan Februrary 2012Anup SoansThis document discusses a corporate social responsibility initiative by BroadSpektrum Healthcare Business Media. It discusses three books written by the author to help medical representatives and frontline managers build high-performing sales teams through continuous learning. The books provide knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits to empower representatives to use their current positions as stepping stones in their careers. The document also discusses eight maxims that are frameworks to help representatives focus on customer needs and wants to obtain repeat prescriptions.
Elvis Collection6Elvis Presley BluesThis document is a list of over 200 bootleg recordings of Elvis Presley, including live concerts, studio outtakes, rehearsals and unreleased tracks. The bootlegs span Elvis' entire career from the 1950s until his death in 1977 and include recordings from his concerts, television appearances and time spent in Las Vegas and the recording studio. Locations listed include cities across the United States as well as Germany.
Emergency Telecommuting GuideCitrix OnlineWeather happens. Gas leaks happen. Even flu pandemics happen. And sometimes these unpredictable workplace disruptions prevent us from getting to the office. If we're without a plan, what do we do?
Being proactive and having an at-hand plan of action will prepare you to successfully meet the challenges of working when emergency telecommuting is required.
This comprehensive emergency telecommuting guide provides critical information and just-in-time solutions for those who find themselves unexpectedly working from a distance.
Learn more about our telework solutions:
Online Meetings:
Remote Access:
And more:
Directconnect200808 Installcodewarrior congrejoThis document provides instructions for installing and licensing Autodesk DirectConnect 2008. It describes downloading and installing the latest version, and the system requirements. For licensing, it explains that some file formats require licenses, and provides steps to activate the software from a serial number for new customers through an online activation process using the serial number and hardware ID. It also describes advanced licensing procedures like floating licenses.
What Is Hummingbird & The Entity Search Revolution?MamadigitalThe document discusses Google's Hummingbird algorithm update and the concept of entities. It summarizes that Hummingbird aims to understand the full meaning and context of search queries rather than just individual keywords. It also explains that entities are objects that can be associated with facts and properties to represent relationships. Identifying entities on a website can help search engines better understand page content.
2003 Close UpElvis Presley BluesThis 4-CD box set from BMG Heritage provides an inside look at Elvis Presley's career through 89 previously unreleased songs. CD1 features rare stereo masters from the 1950s. CD2 includes unreleased outtakes from his first 4 post-Army films. CD3 has comprehensive unreleased takes from studio sessions in Nashville. CD4 is a complete, previously unreleased 1972 live concert in San Antonio, Texas, giving fans an intimate glimpse into Elvis' music-making.
Yes for eban w.uDimitris TsingosThe 11th EBAN Winter University will take place on January 17-18, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. The event is focused on "Exits" and will feature experts discussing exit processes and cases. Over 150 participants from across Europe and beyond are expected to attend the 2-day event focused on entrepreneurship, co-investment models, and angel syndicates. The YES - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs supports the Winter University.
2007 Elvis At The MoviesElvis Presley BluesThis document provides release information for a two-disc compilation album of songs Elvis Presley recorded for his movies. Disc 1 includes songs from films like Love Me Tender, Jailhouse Rock, and Blue Hawaii. Disc 2 features songs from Viva Las Vegas, Kissin' Cousins, and Charro!, among others. The album was released in 2007 by Sony/BMG in the US, EU, and Japan under various catalog numbers and prices.
Proof of stock reduction Ghassan KabbaraThe document discusses efforts by the IT department to reduce stock levels at an auto parts company between August 2005 and December 2006. It finds that:
1) Total stock was reduced by KD 90,000, but efforts by the IT department specifically reduced controlled stock items by KD 30,000.
2) Focusing only on controlled items shows stock reductions of KD 110,000, more clearly demonstrating the impact of the IT measures introduced.
3) While stock was reduced, the full KD 110,000 reduction is not visible in financial reports due to stock valuations being merged and obsolete stock provisions.
Auchinairn Handbook 2010Auchinairn PSThe document provides information about Auchinairn Primary School and Nursery. It includes:
1) A welcome message from the Headteacher introducing the school handbook and emphasizing the importance of partnership between the school and parents.
2) An overview of the school including its aims, curriculum, staff, hours of operation, and calendar.
3) Contact information for the school and a brief description of its facilities and programs.
Advocating Sensible Sanitation in North America: What WorksAbigail BrownPHLUSH advocates for sanitation issues in North America. They have addressed public toilet design challenges in Portland by redesigning toilets for cost effectiveness, function, safety, accessibility, and ease of maintenance. For emergency sanitation, they promoted a simple twin bucket toilet system for earthquakes. Regarding ecological sanitation, PHLUSH brought experts together, shared information on sustainable sanitation systems, and addressed code barriers. Cross-cultural information sharing on toilet design and awareness has been valuable. PHLUSH asks questions about water, climate change, and future sanitation needs.
When Sensible Sanitation is Waterless Sanitation: Real-World IdeasAbigail BrownThis document is a presentation about waterless sanitation and real-world ideas for enacting waste awareness. It was given by Abigail Brown from PHLUSH in Portland, Oregon at an event in Santa Cruz, California on May 26, 2015. The presentation includes numerous photos courtesy of various organizations and individuals to illustrate concepts of public hygiene and sanitation.
Groundwater Decision-making: Case Study of the Pajaro ValleyAbigail BrownThis document summarizes a research project studying groundwater decision-making in California's Pajaro Valley. The goal is to understand how the region addresses long-term declining groundwater levels and drought vulnerability. The research team is conducting interviews and assessments of community members, groundwater groups, and decision-making processes. Initial findings examine structures and processes of formal and informal water management groups, as well as factors that influence local control and scale of analysis regarding shared groundwater resources. The research aims to provide insights that can help the region develop sustainable long-term groundwater management strategies.
Какво трябва да забравите от учебниците по маркетингilyancomГеорги Малчев и Илиян Ковачев с лекция в НБУ на тема "Какво трябва да забравите
от учебниците по маркетинг"
20120524HSA BGS TSIGOSDimitris TsingosThe Hellenic Start-up Association presentation by Dimitris Tsigos and the "start-up entrepreneurship & innovation" event by the British Graduates Society in Athens
Elvis 1996Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides the track listings for 50 CDs that were released as part of "The Original Elvis Presley Collection" box set in 1996. It lists the album title, release year, and tracks for each CD, noting when tracks match the original release or if there are additions or removals compared to the original. The CDs cover Elvis' entire recording career from 1956 to 1977.
Συμμετοχή του 2ου ΕΠΑΛ Σερρών στον περσινό Διαγωνισμό Επιχειρηματικότητας με ...KESYPSERRONΔημιουργία συνεταιρισμού εκτροφής βιολογικών κοτόπουλων, σφαγείου και παραγωγής βιολογικών ζωοτροφών.
Epcd Collection3Elvis Presley BluesThis document provides a listing of 15 albums in Elvis Presley's catalog. For each album, it provides the title, year or location of performance, and track listing. It also includes a brief note about sound quality for each album. The albums span Elvis' career and include live performances as well as studio recordings and remixes.
MedicinMan Februrary 2012Anup SoansThis document discusses a corporate social responsibility initiative by BroadSpektrum Healthcare Business Media. It discusses three books written by the author to help medical representatives and frontline managers build high-performing sales teams through continuous learning. The books provide knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits to empower representatives to use their current positions as stepping stones in their careers. The document also discusses eight maxims that are frameworks to help representatives focus on customer needs and wants to obtain repeat prescriptions.
Elvis Collection6Elvis Presley BluesThis document is a list of over 200 bootleg recordings of Elvis Presley, including live concerts, studio outtakes, rehearsals and unreleased tracks. The bootlegs span Elvis' entire career from the 1950s until his death in 1977 and include recordings from his concerts, television appearances and time spent in Las Vegas and the recording studio. Locations listed include cities across the United States as well as Germany.
Emergency Telecommuting GuideCitrix OnlineWeather happens. Gas leaks happen. Even flu pandemics happen. And sometimes these unpredictable workplace disruptions prevent us from getting to the office. If we're without a plan, what do we do?
Being proactive and having an at-hand plan of action will prepare you to successfully meet the challenges of working when emergency telecommuting is required.
This comprehensive emergency telecommuting guide provides critical information and just-in-time solutions for those who find themselves unexpectedly working from a distance.
Learn more about our telework solutions:
Online Meetings:
Remote Access:
And more:
Directconnect200808 Installcodewarrior congrejoThis document provides instructions for installing and licensing Autodesk DirectConnect 2008. It describes downloading and installing the latest version, and the system requirements. For licensing, it explains that some file formats require licenses, and provides steps to activate the software from a serial number for new customers through an online activation process using the serial number and hardware ID. It also describes advanced licensing procedures like floating licenses.
What Is Hummingbird & The Entity Search Revolution?MamadigitalThe document discusses Google's Hummingbird algorithm update and the concept of entities. It summarizes that Hummingbird aims to understand the full meaning and context of search queries rather than just individual keywords. It also explains that entities are objects that can be associated with facts and properties to represent relationships. Identifying entities on a website can help search engines better understand page content.
2003 Close UpElvis Presley BluesThis 4-CD box set from BMG Heritage provides an inside look at Elvis Presley's career through 89 previously unreleased songs. CD1 features rare stereo masters from the 1950s. CD2 includes unreleased outtakes from his first 4 post-Army films. CD3 has comprehensive unreleased takes from studio sessions in Nashville. CD4 is a complete, previously unreleased 1972 live concert in San Antonio, Texas, giving fans an intimate glimpse into Elvis' music-making.
Yes for eban w.uDimitris TsingosThe 11th EBAN Winter University will take place on January 17-18, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. The event is focused on "Exits" and will feature experts discussing exit processes and cases. Over 150 participants from across Europe and beyond are expected to attend the 2-day event focused on entrepreneurship, co-investment models, and angel syndicates. The YES - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs supports the Winter University.
2007 Elvis At The MoviesElvis Presley BluesThis document provides release information for a two-disc compilation album of songs Elvis Presley recorded for his movies. Disc 1 includes songs from films like Love Me Tender, Jailhouse Rock, and Blue Hawaii. Disc 2 features songs from Viva Las Vegas, Kissin' Cousins, and Charro!, among others. The album was released in 2007 by Sony/BMG in the US, EU, and Japan under various catalog numbers and prices.
Proof of stock reduction Ghassan KabbaraThe document discusses efforts by the IT department to reduce stock levels at an auto parts company between August 2005 and December 2006. It finds that:
1) Total stock was reduced by KD 90,000, but efforts by the IT department specifically reduced controlled stock items by KD 30,000.
2) Focusing only on controlled items shows stock reductions of KD 110,000, more clearly demonstrating the impact of the IT measures introduced.
3) While stock was reduced, the full KD 110,000 reduction is not visible in financial reports due to stock valuations being merged and obsolete stock provisions.
2. 4 х 4 = 16 Вот стоят четыре сундука. В каждом спят Четыре индюка Сколько их всего? Ответ таков: В сундуках Шестнадцать индюков.
3. 4 х 5 = 20 На глубине, никому не мешая, Можно спокойно подумать о многом… Плавала в море Акула большая И приставала ко всем осьминогам: «Если, допустим, цифра четыре Будет на цифру пять умножаться, каждый вам скажет в подводном мире, что в результате получится двадцать»
4. 4 х 6 = 24 (или 24 = 6 х 4) Четырежды шесть и шестью четыре – ответ одинаковый: двадцать четыре. Вывод: от чисел переставления не изменяется произведение!
5. Эту важную арифметическую тайну мы узнали. И даже формулу можно специальную вывести: Множимое х множитель = Множитель х множимое
6. Тайну эту дальше откроет нам фея. Достаточно выучить половину таблицы. Чтобы узнать, чему равно 7 х 4, надо вспомнить, сколько будет 4 х 7 .
7. 4 х 7 = 28 Четыре дня брожу возле скал и в день ловлю по семь комаров. Уже двадцать восемь в банку поймал- такой у меня комариный улов.
8. 4 х 8 = 32 Едва начинается вторник, из дома (одет и побрит) выходит с лопатою дворник и ласково всем говорит: - Весна на дворе и ли осень запомните эти слова: умножив четыре на восемь, получите вы тридцать два.
9. 4 х 9 = 36 У девочки Нюры четыре кармана, а в каждом кармане – по девять конфет. Всего тридцать шесть их должно быть, но странно, что этих конфет и в помине уж нет!
10. Заполни таблицу 4 х 2 = 4 х 3 = 4 х 4 = 4 х 5 = 4 х 6 = 4 х 7 = 4 х 8 = 4 х 9 = 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
11. Использованная литература: Тим Собакин Таблица умножения В.В.Волина Праздник числа В презентации использованы изображения с сайтов: – анимации http:// feja - zari .narod. ru / - фея