Epmf brochureHochleitner MarineThe document discusses the important role of precious metals in modern society. It notes that precious metals are used in a wide variety of applications from electronics to medicine to transportation. Some key points made include that Europe has the most extensive refining and manufacturing capacity for precious metals in the world. Precious metals are highly recyclable and the European precious metals industry has comprehensive recycling capabilities. Precious metals have unique properties that make them well-suited for applications that improve lives and facilitate technological progress while reducing environmental impacts.
It's Always Been Done That WayS Bryce KozlaThis document outlines a presentation about change management in libraries. It discusses the conundrum of an "us vs. them" mentality between those enthusiastic about change ("bright eyes") and those resistant to change ("pearl clutchers"). It provides tips for communicating across this divide, including holding space for others' perspectives, focusing on goals and needs, addressing fears, and creating a psychologically safe environment for teams. The presentation emphasizes that change is inevitable and that asking questions can help involve all staff.
Unlocking Social CRM for your Organisation (Keynote)Joakim NilssonThis document summarizes a presentation on using social CRM to leverage social media for customer management. It discusses how social media has changed CRM and the customer purchase funnel. It provides 5 strategies for using social media and emphasizes identifying your organization's social media presence, managing listening and engagement, and using the right tools. It also stresses the importance of developing programs with clear goals, objectives, metrics and actions to take based on social media insights.
Scrum luqmanLuqman ShareefScrum is an agile framework for managing product development projects, utilizing short development cycles called sprints. Key roles in scrum include the product owner, who manages requirements, and the scrum master, who facilitates the process. Scrum utilizes artifacts like a product backlog of features and sprint backlogs, and meetings like daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives to manage development and continuously improve.
Vía Láctea 2012 6ºAFernando GuadixEl documento describe la constelación de Canis Major. Explica que la estrella más brillante, Sirio, ha recibido varias interpretaciones mitológicas como la diosa Isis o el dios Anubis con cabeza de chacal que guía a los muertos. También menciona que Canis Majoris (VY CMa) es una hipergigante roja localizada en esta constelación y que es una de las estrellas más grandes y luminosas conocidas.
Digital dependency and privacy2Ashley MartyDigital dependency has increased as 7 out of 10 people cannot live without the internet. While people are aware that websites track data through cookies and emails to target ads, 66% of US adults do not want personalized ads and 55% of young adults reject sharing their data for more targeted ads. To address privacy concerns, groups like Digital Due Process are advocating that the government require a warrant before accessing private data from emails and location services stored online. However, some customers are willing to share general data in exchange for free online services.
Epmf brochureHochleitner MarineThe document discusses the important role of precious metals in modern society. It notes that precious metals are used in a wide variety of applications from electronics to medicine to transportation. Some key points made include that Europe has the most extensive refining and manufacturing capacity for precious metals in the world. Precious metals are highly recyclable and the European precious metals industry has comprehensive recycling capabilities. Precious metals have unique properties that make them well-suited for applications that improve lives and facilitate technological progress while reducing environmental impacts.
It's Always Been Done That WayS Bryce KozlaThis document outlines a presentation about change management in libraries. It discusses the conundrum of an "us vs. them" mentality between those enthusiastic about change ("bright eyes") and those resistant to change ("pearl clutchers"). It provides tips for communicating across this divide, including holding space for others' perspectives, focusing on goals and needs, addressing fears, and creating a psychologically safe environment for teams. The presentation emphasizes that change is inevitable and that asking questions can help involve all staff.
Unlocking Social CRM for your Organisation (Keynote)Joakim NilssonThis document summarizes a presentation on using social CRM to leverage social media for customer management. It discusses how social media has changed CRM and the customer purchase funnel. It provides 5 strategies for using social media and emphasizes identifying your organization's social media presence, managing listening and engagement, and using the right tools. It also stresses the importance of developing programs with clear goals, objectives, metrics and actions to take based on social media insights.
Scrum luqmanLuqman ShareefScrum is an agile framework for managing product development projects, utilizing short development cycles called sprints. Key roles in scrum include the product owner, who manages requirements, and the scrum master, who facilitates the process. Scrum utilizes artifacts like a product backlog of features and sprint backlogs, and meetings like daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives to manage development and continuously improve.
Vía Láctea 2012 6ºAFernando GuadixEl documento describe la constelación de Canis Major. Explica que la estrella más brillante, Sirio, ha recibido varias interpretaciones mitológicas como la diosa Isis o el dios Anubis con cabeza de chacal que guía a los muertos. También menciona que Canis Majoris (VY CMa) es una hipergigante roja localizada en esta constelación y que es una de las estrellas más grandes y luminosas conocidas.
Digital dependency and privacy2Ashley MartyDigital dependency has increased as 7 out of 10 people cannot live without the internet. While people are aware that websites track data through cookies and emails to target ads, 66% of US adults do not want personalized ads and 55% of young adults reject sharing their data for more targeted ads. To address privacy concerns, groups like Digital Due Process are advocating that the government require a warrant before accessing private data from emails and location services stored online. However, some customers are willing to share general data in exchange for free online services.
Gluten Free at UNHUniversity of New Hampshire Health ServicesThis document provides information for students with celiac disease or gluten intolerance on navigating UNH dining facilities. It explains what celiac disease is, its effects if left untreated, and gluten-free diet suggestions. It outlines the special accommodations offered by UNH dining, including a gluten-free zone with separate equipment and a la carte ordering. Sample gluten-free meal plans and ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner are also provided.
Pds Web 2 0 Teacher Tube 12 8 09HPHSThis document provides an agenda and overview for a professional development workshop on using Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, and social media in the classroom. It introduces various free blogging platforms and hosting sites that teachers can use to set up class blogs, and provides examples of how blogs can be used for activities like current events discussions, math problems, and publishing class newsletters. The document also lists resources for creating podcasts, videos, presentations, and storing photos online.
MagicoDavid CoventryThere are three main revenue streams for websites: advertising, merchandising, and subscriptions. Advertising can be generic ads like Google AdSense, targeted ads tailored to site content, or carried ads in a daily newsletter. Merchandising involves selling products related to the site. Subscriptions provide access to premium or exclusive content. The bulk of revenue will likely come from advertising, but merchandising and subscriptions require additional considerations like high-value content or managing an online shop.
Megan w - trail presentationTrailplanThis document summarizes a presentation about developing healthy communities through land use planning and policy. It discusses how policy can influence community design to promote health, provides examples of provincial land use policies that support complete and healthy communities, and describes a resource developed by the local health unit called "Healthy Community Design: Policy Statements for Official Plans" to provide guidance to municipal planners. The presentation encourages using an advocacy approach and the new policy resource to influence trail development plans and municipal land use policies.
Sylvia MaisanoSylvia MaisanoSylvia Maisano is a technology instructor at the Thompson Community Center in Warren, Michigan. She has developed several technology and business courses and received grants to fund equipment and books for the courses. She has received many awards and certifications for her technology skills and leadership. She also participates in various professional development activities and organizations.
Mining and analyzing social media hicss 45 tutorial – part 1Dave KingDave King presented on mining and analyzing social media. The presentation covered introducing social media and defining it, as it can be defined in many ways. It also covered data mining processes and examples, text mining processes and examples, and using analytics to predict future trends. The remainder of the presentation would focus on sentiment analysis and social network analysis.
TVARMA_Hardbound_declassifiedTarun VarmaThis document is a dissertation submitted by Tarun Varma to the University of Oxford exploring how teachers provide instrumental support to enable self-regulated learning in students. It begins with acknowledgements and a table of contents. The literature review discusses key concepts around self-regulation, the elements of socio-cognitive learning, and how teacher instrumental support can enable adaptive learning. The methodology section outlines the case study research design using a participating school, data collection instruments including observations and interviews, and the data analysis plan. Preliminary analysis is also discussed.
Report 40 under 40 EYL AthensDimitris TsingosEuropean Young Leaders: '40 under 40'
Report of the three-day seminar, part of an annual working programme co-organised by Friends of Europe and EuropaNova, Summer 2013, Athens
Felicitacions 6èCan Cantó 6èEl documento contiene varios mensajes en diferentes idiomas deseando Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año Nuevo y Felices Fiestas a otros estudiantes y maestros. Los mensajes incluyen frases como "Bon Nadal", "Feliz Ano Novo", "Merry Christmas" y deseos de que todos tengan una buena Navidad y reciban muchos regalos.
5. Стаи птиц улетают Прочь за синее море, Все деревья блистают В разноцветном уборе .
6. Ходит осень по дорожке, Промочила в лужах ножки, Льют дожди и нет просвета, Затерялось где – то лето.
7. Поутру вчера дождь в стёкла окон стучал, Над землёю туман облаками вставал. В полдень дождь перестал, и, что белый пушок, На осеннюю грязь начал падать снежок. И. Никитин
8. Использованная литература: Составитель: Ольга Гаврилова Природа края в художественной литературе Времена года. Тюмень, 1997 В презентации использованы изображения с сайтов: Анимации : www.animashky.ru Картинки: http://www.bestwallpapers.net.ru/ http://www.photoclip.ru/index.php?show_aux_page http://www.bfoto.ru/