Navigating the Dining Halls in CollegeUniversity of New Hampshire Health ServicesThe document provides tips for navigating university dining halls as a first-year student. It advises students to walk through the dining hall to survey options before getting food, as items cycle regularly. Students are also encouraged to plan meal times, take only what they will eat, and ask staff about special dietary needs or alternatives. Basic nutrition guidelines are outlined, including eating 3 meals and snacks with no more than 3 hours between.
Why Should the Doctor Rx Your Product?Anup SoansDecades ago, Peter Drucker was invited to address the senior management team at General Motors, he asked them a simple, but penetrating question: “Why should I buy a GM car?”
Many senior executives attempted to answer that simple question but, nobody was able to give a convincing answer! The senior managers at General Motors had unlearnt the art of winning customers by not being able to answer the simple question - “Why should I buy a GM car?” But they kept introducing more and more new models which less and less customers bought. And that was the prelude to GM’s decline and bankruptcy.
That question still resonates for every business including Indian Pharma. I wonder how many field sales people - Medical Reps and their managers can answer the question - Why Should the Doctor Rx Your Product? Having a clear answer to that question is the key to winning customers - be they doctors, chemists, distributors or hospitals.
As companies grow larger, hierarchies are created and sales processes like CRM/SFA evolve and become embedded. In the absence of a dynamic top leadership, hierarchy and processes become rigid and difficult to change even though rapidly changing market dynamics demand that they do. Bureaucracy slows down customer-centric decision making and inaction becomes part of the organisation's culture. The emphasis shifts from developing employees and winning customers to launching products and hitting numbers.
Peter Drucker rarely blamed individuals; he saw root causes in the design of organizations—in their structures, processes, norms, and routines. He would ask leaders a few provocative questions: “What is your mission? What should you stop doing? Where has the drive for short-term efficiencies undermined long-term effectiveness? What should be your objectives and guiding principles?”
Williams 2007 Dialectics In Muslim Mindanao Developmentmarkswilliams59The document examines various dialectics that have characterized discourses of development in Muslim Mindanao since World War II, including tensions between macro vs micro economic policies, indigenous vs national claims, and Western vs non-Western paradigms. It analyzes these dialectics in two categories: concrete applications focusing on economic policies, claims, and authority structures, and philosophical abstractions regarding paradigms, trauma vs resilience, and researcher neutrality vs action. The goal is to understand the complexity of development challenges in Muslim Mindanao and reveal the true forces at play in development efforts.
SMOGabrielle DThe document discusses strategies for social media optimization (SMO) for Grange Hotels group. It recommends creating a travel blog, e-magazine, and tagging content to increase linkability. It also suggests making content like audio files and videos available on platforms like YouTube to help content travel further. Rewards like advertising community events on the Grange Hotels website can encourage inbound links. Allowing reuse of content can boost visibility. Metrics like member numbers, comments, and site interactions/visibility can measure SMO effectiveness. Influencers help spread messages while followers build popularity, and shifts in either can indicate needed strategy changes.
It's Always Been Done That WayS Bryce KozlaThis document outlines a presentation about change management in libraries. It discusses the conundrum of an "us vs. them" mentality between those enthusiastic about change ("bright eyes") and those resistant to change ("pearl clutchers"). It provides tips for communicating across this divide, including holding space for others' perspectives, focusing on goals and needs, addressing fears, and creating a psychologically safe environment for teams. The presentation emphasizes that change is inevitable and that asking questions can help involve all staff.
MedicinMan January 2012 IssueAnup Soans1. Getting work done through others willingly by influencing them rather than directing them.
2. Creating replicas of oneself in terms of ability and performance by developing the skills of team members.
3. Demanding the best from oneself as well as others and not accepting mediocrity. This drives high performance.
Infinite Logistics ProfileBlogatize.netThe document provides an overview of Infinite Group, a logistics company established in 2006 that focuses on transport, warehousing, and consulting services. It details the company's vision, mission, values, history of acquisitions and expansions, services offered, clients, accreditations, and contact information. The company aims to be indispensable in customers' supply chains by operating ethically and innovatively while continuously improving.
Louise d - trial presentationTrailplanTrails provide healthy benefits by promoting physical activity. The built environment, which includes community design, land use, transportation systems, and patterns of human activity, influences levels of physical activity. Features like streets, parks, sidewalks, bike paths, and public transportation can encourage walking and biking. Using trails and engaging in other physical activities has been linked to reducing the risks of health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. In Niagara, the Greater Niagara Circle Route trail promotes physical activity in the community.
Food Advertising AwardsStacey InglisSamples of new product and advertising awards I received while Director of Marketing with J&J Snack Foods, Corp.
Career Solutions.PptxIrina Podtchernina podtcha@gmail.comКак успешно пройти собеседование, как искать работу, какие задать вопросы работодателю.
Тренинг: Собеседование на 100%.
Navigating the Dining Halls in CollegeUniversity of New Hampshire Health ServicesThe document provides tips for navigating university dining halls as a first-year student. It advises students to walk through the dining hall to survey options before getting food, as items cycle regularly. Students are also encouraged to plan meal times, take only what they will eat, and ask staff about special dietary needs or alternatives. Basic nutrition guidelines are outlined, including eating 3 meals and snacks with no more than 3 hours between.
Why Should the Doctor Rx Your Product?Anup SoansDecades ago, Peter Drucker was invited to address the senior management team at General Motors, he asked them a simple, but penetrating question: “Why should I buy a GM car?”
Many senior executives attempted to answer that simple question but, nobody was able to give a convincing answer! The senior managers at General Motors had unlearnt the art of winning customers by not being able to answer the simple question - “Why should I buy a GM car?” But they kept introducing more and more new models which less and less customers bought. And that was the prelude to GM’s decline and bankruptcy.
That question still resonates for every business including Indian Pharma. I wonder how many field sales people - Medical Reps and their managers can answer the question - Why Should the Doctor Rx Your Product? Having a clear answer to that question is the key to winning customers - be they doctors, chemists, distributors or hospitals.
As companies grow larger, hierarchies are created and sales processes like CRM/SFA evolve and become embedded. In the absence of a dynamic top leadership, hierarchy and processes become rigid and difficult to change even though rapidly changing market dynamics demand that they do. Bureaucracy slows down customer-centric decision making and inaction becomes part of the organisation's culture. The emphasis shifts from developing employees and winning customers to launching products and hitting numbers.
Peter Drucker rarely blamed individuals; he saw root causes in the design of organizations—in their structures, processes, norms, and routines. He would ask leaders a few provocative questions: “What is your mission? What should you stop doing? Where has the drive for short-term efficiencies undermined long-term effectiveness? What should be your objectives and guiding principles?”
Williams 2007 Dialectics In Muslim Mindanao Developmentmarkswilliams59The document examines various dialectics that have characterized discourses of development in Muslim Mindanao since World War II, including tensions between macro vs micro economic policies, indigenous vs national claims, and Western vs non-Western paradigms. It analyzes these dialectics in two categories: concrete applications focusing on economic policies, claims, and authority structures, and philosophical abstractions regarding paradigms, trauma vs resilience, and researcher neutrality vs action. The goal is to understand the complexity of development challenges in Muslim Mindanao and reveal the true forces at play in development efforts.
SMOGabrielle DThe document discusses strategies for social media optimization (SMO) for Grange Hotels group. It recommends creating a travel blog, e-magazine, and tagging content to increase linkability. It also suggests making content like audio files and videos available on platforms like YouTube to help content travel further. Rewards like advertising community events on the Grange Hotels website can encourage inbound links. Allowing reuse of content can boost visibility. Metrics like member numbers, comments, and site interactions/visibility can measure SMO effectiveness. Influencers help spread messages while followers build popularity, and shifts in either can indicate needed strategy changes.
It's Always Been Done That WayS Bryce KozlaThis document outlines a presentation about change management in libraries. It discusses the conundrum of an "us vs. them" mentality between those enthusiastic about change ("bright eyes") and those resistant to change ("pearl clutchers"). It provides tips for communicating across this divide, including holding space for others' perspectives, focusing on goals and needs, addressing fears, and creating a psychologically safe environment for teams. The presentation emphasizes that change is inevitable and that asking questions can help involve all staff.
MedicinMan January 2012 IssueAnup Soans1. Getting work done through others willingly by influencing them rather than directing them.
2. Creating replicas of oneself in terms of ability and performance by developing the skills of team members.
3. Demanding the best from oneself as well as others and not accepting mediocrity. This drives high performance.
Infinite Logistics ProfileBlogatize.netThe document provides an overview of Infinite Group, a logistics company established in 2006 that focuses on transport, warehousing, and consulting services. It details the company's vision, mission, values, history of acquisitions and expansions, services offered, clients, accreditations, and contact information. The company aims to be indispensable in customers' supply chains by operating ethically and innovatively while continuously improving.
Louise d - trial presentationTrailplanTrails provide healthy benefits by promoting physical activity. The built environment, which includes community design, land use, transportation systems, and patterns of human activity, influences levels of physical activity. Features like streets, parks, sidewalks, bike paths, and public transportation can encourage walking and biking. Using trails and engaging in other physical activities has been linked to reducing the risks of health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. In Niagara, the Greater Niagara Circle Route trail promotes physical activity in the community.
Food Advertising AwardsStacey InglisSamples of new product and advertising awards I received while Director of Marketing with J&J Snack Foods, Corp.
Career Solutions.PptxIrina Podtchernina podtcha@gmail.comКак успешно пройти собеседование, как искать работу, какие задать вопросы работодателю.
Тренинг: Собеседование на 100%.
2. Считаем пальчики Можешь пальцы сосчитать: Один, два, три, четыре, пять. Один, два, три, четыре, пять – Десять пальцев, пара рук – Вот твоё богатство, друг. На счёт по очереди следует загибать пальцы. На последние строчки покрутить кистями рук, показывая "фонарики".
3. Прятки В прятки пальчики играли И головки убирали, Вот так, вот так, И головки убирали. Ритмично сгибать и разгибать все пальцы одновременно.
4. Киска Киска ниточки мотала И клубочки продавала. Сколько стоит? - Три рубля. Покупайте у меня! Вращать руками, как бы наматывая нить на клубок, вытянуть обе ладони вперёд, показать три пальчика, сжать кулачки, снова вытянуть обе ладони.
5. Лягушка Лягушка-попрыгушка - Глазки на макушке. Прячьтесь от лягушки, Комары да мушки! Постукивать пальчиками о стол, поднять и показать две ладошки, сжать пальцы в кулачки.
6. Замок На дверях висит замок. Кто его открыть не смог? Мы замочком постучали, Мы замочек повертели, Мы замочек покрутили И открыли! Пальцы сложить в "замочек", затем постучать о стол "замочком". Затем покрутить "замочком" в воздухе и показать ладошки.
7. На лужок На лужок пришли зайчата, Медвежата, барсучата, Лягушата и енот. На зелёный на лужок Приходи и ты дружок! Сгибание пальцев в кулачок в ритме потешки. При перечислении животных сгибать пальцы на обеих руках поочерёдно.
8. Капустка Мы капустку рубим-рубим, Мы капустку солим-солим, Мы капустку трём-трём, Мы капустку жмём-жмём. Движения прямыми ладонями вверх-вниз, поочерёдное поглаживание подушечек пальцев, потирать о кулачок. Сжимать и разжимать кулачки.
9. Использованная литература: Гаврина С.Е., Кутявина Н.Л., Топоркина И.Г., Щербинина С.В. Развиваем руки – чтоб учиться и писать, и красиво рисовать.