Nh畛ng i畛u khi畉n m畛t b m畉 m畛 ng畉c nhi棚n khi lm m畉 畛 trung qu畛cCuongdienbaby
Chuy畛n 畉n s畛ng 畛 Th動畛ng H畉i, Trung Qu畛c c湛ng ch畛ng v hai con g叩i, Tatum 達 ngh挑 r畉ng, th畉t kh坦 khn khi lm m畉 畛 m畛t 畉t n動畛c hon ton xa l畉, nh畉t l畉i l Trung Qu畛c. Nh動ng c担 s畛m nh畉n ra r畉ng, c坦 r畉t nhi畛u i畛u th炭 v畛 ang ch畛 m狸nh 畛 ph鱈a tr動畛c.
Please return the true name for marking on encNam Ninh H
An navigation officer noticed that all the island and reef names in the South China Sea on his ECDIS had been changed to Chinese pronunciations, rather than their true names. He contacted three maritime organizations - IHO, IMO, and UKHO - to request they return the markings to their correct names. The officer expressed that while China claims the South China Sea and Spratly Islands as theirs, the international community does not recognize these claims.
Lisa Archer will answer all these questions and more during this Secrets Webinar.
How do you build teams successfully with different personalities?
How do you build a team based on shared culture and vision?
What systems are available to hold teams accountable?
What are the best ways to help my team time block?
What are the Best Practices needed to build a cohesive team?
How do I create clarity and balance on a daily basis?
What is needed for effective communication between your entire team?
The document provides a recommended immunization schedule and time-table as authored by Dr. Armaan Singh. It outlines vaccines that should be administered and at what ages to help protect against various diseases. The schedule and footnotes are intended to guide healthcare providers on optimizing vaccine-preventable disease protection for patients.
This document discusses electricity generation and energy conversion. It explains that electricity is generated by converting other energy sources, like heat, wind, or sunlight into electrical energy using devices like generators. Generators convert mechanical energy, like from moving water or wind, into electrical energy using the Faraday effect. Motors operate on the same principles but convert electrical energy back into mechanical motion. Most large-scale electricity generation uses alternating current due to its advantages over direct current for transmission. Fossil fuels currently provide the majority of electricity but renewable sources are growing.
This document provides an overview of Terraform, an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It discusses Terraform's core concepts including providers, resources, data sources, and modules. An example demonstrates creating AWS SQS and S3 resources and a Heroku app using Terraform configuration files. The document also covers Terraform's workflow, features like remote state and provisioning, and compares it to similar configuration management tools.
The document contains comprehension questions about a passage on what makes an Olympic champion. It asks questions about specific details and inferences from the passage, such as the meaning of phrases, the main ideas of paragraphs, and differences between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. An answer key is provided with explanations for each question.
This document provides an overview of the course structure and assignments for a documentary production class. The course is divided into two parts: thinking (research, planning, writing) and doing (filming, interviewing, editing). Assignments include screening discussions and a film journal (10%), a production plan and reflection (25%), a project treatment (25%), a pitch (15%), and a final screening (25%). The document discusses different types of documentaries including participatory, reflexive, performative, poetic, expository, and observational forms. It also provides examples of influential documentaries in each style.
Posters: "God Made My Body" and "A Kind Deed"MyWonderStudio
This poem expresses faith that God created the body and can heal any sickness. It encourages praising God for good health. The second poem is about using kindness to brighten someone's day and cheer up a sad friend through kind deeds.
I had a wonderful Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve, my family attended a candlelight church service that told the story of Jesus' birth. The next day, we had a big Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. After dinner, we opened presents by the tree while Christmas music played in the background.
Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints is a cloud-managed endpoint security solution that provides visibility, context and control to prevent, detect, contain and remediate advanced cyber threats. It uses continuous monitoring, global threat intelligence, retrospective security capabilities and advanced analysis to uncover hidden malware, understand the full scope of attacks, and automatically contain threats. AMP protects Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile devices from advanced malware in a cost-effective way without slowing systems down.
A priest named Jairus came to Jesus asking for help because his daughter was very sick. Jesus went with Jairus to his home, but they arrived too late - the girl had died. Jesus told the mourning parents not to cry, and that the girl was only sleeping. He went into the room and told the girl to get up, and immediately she was alive again. Jairus and his wife were overjoyed at this miracle performed by Jesus.
The Cisco Firepower Management Center provides centralized management of Cisco network security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion prevention, and advanced malware protection. It collects extensive network intelligence, analyzes vulnerabilities, and provides policy recommendations. The Management Center offers unified policy management, superior threat intelligence, application visibility and control, and reporting/dashboards. It is available as a physical or virtual appliance and supports various Cisco security products.
Greece joined the euro in 2001 but faced major debt issues after the 2008 recession when its main industries of shipping and tourism declined. Greece was found to have underreported its deficit numbers and debt levels, which reached 113% of GDP, far exceeding eurozone limits. This led the EU and IMF to approve bailout packages totaling over 240 billion euros to rescue Greece from defaulting on its debt and prevent wider financial impacts, though austerity measures were also imposed. Debate continues over whether Greece leaving the eurozone could create larger financial shocks or be better for the eurozone in the long run.
Please return the true name for marking on encNam Ninh H
An navigation officer noticed that all the island and reef names in the South China Sea on his ECDIS had been changed to Chinese pronunciations, rather than their true names. He contacted three maritime organizations - IHO, IMO, and UKHO - to request they return the markings to their correct names. The officer expressed that while China claims the South China Sea and Spratly Islands as theirs, the international community does not recognize these claims.
Lisa Archer will answer all these questions and more during this Secrets Webinar.
How do you build teams successfully with different personalities?
How do you build a team based on shared culture and vision?
What systems are available to hold teams accountable?
What are the best ways to help my team time block?
What are the Best Practices needed to build a cohesive team?
How do I create clarity and balance on a daily basis?
What is needed for effective communication between your entire team?
The document provides a recommended immunization schedule and time-table as authored by Dr. Armaan Singh. It outlines vaccines that should be administered and at what ages to help protect against various diseases. The schedule and footnotes are intended to guide healthcare providers on optimizing vaccine-preventable disease protection for patients.
This document discusses electricity generation and energy conversion. It explains that electricity is generated by converting other energy sources, like heat, wind, or sunlight into electrical energy using devices like generators. Generators convert mechanical energy, like from moving water or wind, into electrical energy using the Faraday effect. Motors operate on the same principles but convert electrical energy back into mechanical motion. Most large-scale electricity generation uses alternating current due to its advantages over direct current for transmission. Fossil fuels currently provide the majority of electricity but renewable sources are growing.
This document provides an overview of Terraform, an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It discusses Terraform's core concepts including providers, resources, data sources, and modules. An example demonstrates creating AWS SQS and S3 resources and a Heroku app using Terraform configuration files. The document also covers Terraform's workflow, features like remote state and provisioning, and compares it to similar configuration management tools.
The document contains comprehension questions about a passage on what makes an Olympic champion. It asks questions about specific details and inferences from the passage, such as the meaning of phrases, the main ideas of paragraphs, and differences between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. An answer key is provided with explanations for each question.
This document provides an overview of the course structure and assignments for a documentary production class. The course is divided into two parts: thinking (research, planning, writing) and doing (filming, interviewing, editing). Assignments include screening discussions and a film journal (10%), a production plan and reflection (25%), a project treatment (25%), a pitch (15%), and a final screening (25%). The document discusses different types of documentaries including participatory, reflexive, performative, poetic, expository, and observational forms. It also provides examples of influential documentaries in each style.
Posters: "God Made My Body" and "A Kind Deed"MyWonderStudio
This poem expresses faith that God created the body and can heal any sickness. It encourages praising God for good health. The second poem is about using kindness to brighten someone's day and cheer up a sad friend through kind deeds.
I had a wonderful Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve, my family attended a candlelight church service that told the story of Jesus' birth. The next day, we had a big Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. After dinner, we opened presents by the tree while Christmas music played in the background.
Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints is a cloud-managed endpoint security solution that provides visibility, context and control to prevent, detect, contain and remediate advanced cyber threats. It uses continuous monitoring, global threat intelligence, retrospective security capabilities and advanced analysis to uncover hidden malware, understand the full scope of attacks, and automatically contain threats. AMP protects Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile devices from advanced malware in a cost-effective way without slowing systems down.
A priest named Jairus came to Jesus asking for help because his daughter was very sick. Jesus went with Jairus to his home, but they arrived too late - the girl had died. Jesus told the mourning parents not to cry, and that the girl was only sleeping. He went into the room and told the girl to get up, and immediately she was alive again. Jairus and his wife were overjoyed at this miracle performed by Jesus.
The Cisco Firepower Management Center provides centralized management of Cisco network security solutions such as firewalls, intrusion prevention, and advanced malware protection. It collects extensive network intelligence, analyzes vulnerabilities, and provides policy recommendations. The Management Center offers unified policy management, superior threat intelligence, application visibility and control, and reporting/dashboards. It is available as a physical or virtual appliance and supports various Cisco security products.
Greece joined the euro in 2001 but faced major debt issues after the 2008 recession when its main industries of shipping and tourism declined. Greece was found to have underreported its deficit numbers and debt levels, which reached 113% of GDP, far exceeding eurozone limits. This led the EU and IMF to approve bailout packages totaling over 240 billion euros to rescue Greece from defaulting on its debt and prevent wider financial impacts, though austerity measures were also imposed. Debate continues over whether Greece leaving the eurozone could create larger financial shocks or be better for the eurozone in the long run.
chi ph鱈 th畛c t畉 m c叩c du h畛c sinh ph畉i b畛 ra khi du h畛c nh畉t b畉n . V狸 nhi畛u l鱈 do m c叩c trung t但m t畛 ch畛c du h畛c k cho c叩c h畛c sinh bi畉t 動畛c con s畛 th畛c t畉
Tr棚n v畉n n畉o 動畛ng v trong m畛i ng探 ng叩ch c畛a cu畛c 畛i, c坦 m畛t con 動畛ng m h畉u nh動 ai c滴ng ph畉i b動畛c i. 坦 l 動畛ng i 畉n v畛i ngh畛 nghi畛p, ph動董ng ti畛n m t畉t c畉 ch炭ng ta 畛u c畉n 畛 c坦 th畛 sinh t畛n
N畉u em l sinh vi棚n tr動畛ng y tr動畛ng d動畛c.
V n畉u em ang t狸m ki畉m m畛t h畛 th畛ng c叩c ph動董ng ph叩p gi炭p h畛c nhn m hi畛u qu畉, 畉t h畛c b畛ng v c坦 nhi畛u th畛i gian r畉nh 畛 theo u畛i am m棚 ri棚ng. Th狸 quy畛n s叩ch nh畛 ny s畉 m畛 ra cho em c畉 b畉u tr畛i l畛n. N坦 ch鱈nh l quy畛n s叩ch dnh cho em.
P/s: N畉u em th動畛ng 畛c s叩ch tr棚n Google Book, th狸 c坦 th畛 m畛 app Google Book v t畉i s叩ch ny v畛 v l動u vo m叩y, 畛 tra c畛u b畉t c畛 l炭c no nha.
P/s: N畉u em ang t狸m ki畉m c叩ch 畛 h畛c hi畛u qu畉 t畉i tr動畛ng y d動畛c, 畛 畉t h畛c b畛ng v c坦 nhi畛u th畛i gian theo u畛i nh畛ng am m棚 - s畛 th鱈ch ri棚ng. Th狸 d動畛i 但y l 3 quy畛n s叩ch em c畉n 畛c ngay nh辿:
1. Quy畛n S畛 tay h動畛ng d畉n h畛c nhn m hi畛u qu畉 t畉i tr動畛ng y d動畛c => T畉i v畛 畛 但y https://letrongdai.com/so-tay-huong-dan-sinh-vien-y-duoc/
2. Quy畛n C畉m nang h畛c nhn m hi畛u qu畉 t畉i tr動畛ng y d動畛c => T畉i v畛 畛 但y https://letrongdai.com/cam-nang-sinh-vien-y-duoc/
3. Quy畛n B畛T T畛C - c畉m nang gi炭p sinh vi棚n y d動畛c h畛c nhn m hi畛u qu畉 v chu畉n b畛 cho t動董ng lai ngh畛 nghi畛p t動董i s叩ng => T畉i v畛 畛 但y https://letrongdai.com/sach-but-toc/
Li棚n h畛:
Email: bsletrongdai@gmail.com
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/drletrongdai
Facebook Bs 畉i: https://www.facebook.com/bsletrongdai
Hotline Bs 畉i: 0981815168
Tony b畉o l c叩ch t畛 thi畛n t畛t nh畉t l t畉o ra vi畛c lm cho ng動畛i ta, n棚n Tony
ang k棚u m畉y b畉n tr畉 b畛 thnh ph畛 v畛 qu棚 ph叩t tri畛n n担ng nghi畛p ho畉c du
l畛ch. N担ng nghi畛p th狸 tr畛ng c但y xu畉t kh畉u, du l畛ch th狸 x但y "resort" hay d畛ch v畛
g狸 坦 畛 T但y n坦 畉n, n坦 ch董i, n坦 t狸m hi畛u vn h坦a, r畛i m狸nh l畉y ti畛n c畛a T但y.
l畉n tr動畛c con n坦i chuy畛n v畛i m畛t anh ang h畛c APU v畛 vi畛c lm th棚m b棚n
Nh畉t. Anh 畉y b畉o l do anh 畉y kh担ng mu畛n lm Th畛 B畉y, Ch畛 Nh畉t n棚n xin
c滴ng kh坦. Anh 畉y k畛 c坦 l畉n 畉nh i lm 畛 kh叩ch s畉n 5 sao. 畛 畉y m 畉nh lm
動畛c 1 tu畉n, anh ngh畛 lu担n. Anh b畉o n坦 nh動 ki畛u coi m狸nh kh担ng l con
ng動畛i 畉y. N坦 b畉t m狸nh k辿o m畛t c叩i gi動畛ng r畉t n畉ng ra, tr畉i chn g畛i cho s畉ch
畉p r畛i g畉p m畉y c叩i "futon" (m畉y c叩i 畛m ng畛 畛 d動畛i 畉t 箪) b畛 vo t畛 m n坦
b畉t m狸nh lm trong 3 ph炭t. Xong r畛i c畛 c坦 m畛t b b i theo gi叩m s叩t k棚u
hayaku (nhanh l棚n). L炭c b 畉y i, th狸 anh lm ch畉m l畉i m畛t ch炭t th畉 b 畉y
quay l畉i b畉o: "Tao ngh挑 l my kh担ng lm 動畛c c叩i ny 但u". Anh b畉o 畛 nh
anh kh担ng ph畉i lm g狸, th畉 h担m 畉y lm xong anh x動畛c h畉t m坦ng tay :3. Th畉
l anh chuy畛n sang hi畛u b叩nh lm vi畛c.
Con h畛i l: "Anh 董i, em t動畛ng xin vi畛c 畛 Nh畉t kh担ng kh坦 l畉m m, t畉i v狸
tr動畛ng m狸nh th畛ng k棚 l 91% sinh vi棚n c坦 vi畛c lm tr動畛c khi t畛t nghi畛p. M
ch動a k畛 sinh vi棚n Vi畛t Nam c嘆n h畛c gi畛i t畛p 畉u tr動畛ng APU? M t畉i sao 畛t
t畛t nghi畛p v畛a r畛i nhi畛u anh ch畛 h畛c xong i v畛 VN lm vi畛c th畉?"
Anh b畉o l: "T畉i m畛i ng動畛i kh担ng th鱈ch kh畛. 畛 Nh畉t em lm vi畛c l 1 ti畉ng l
ra lm kh担ng c坦 chuy畛n ngh畛 ng董i. M 1 gi畛 n坦 ch畛 tr畉 em 150k th担i. Nh動ng
lm 畛 M畛 hay Canada n坦 tr畉 em 11 担 l h董n 200k, m em lm kh担ng cng
th畉ng nh動 畛 Nh畉t. Th畉 n棚n anh ngh挑 v狸 th畉 m m畛i ng動畛i v畛 nhi畛u."
tr動畛ng APU m畛i thay tr動畛ng ph嘆ng tuy畛n sinh. Tr動畛ng ph嘆ng tr動畛c 但y
l ng動畛i Vi畛t Nam. B 畉y l ng動畛i gi畛 c叩c c董 m畉t v畛 tuy畛n sinh 畛 APU.
Nh動ng b 畉y l畉i b叩n c董 m畉t 坦 cho TIU l tr動畛ng 畛i th畛 c畛a APU tr棚n
Tokyo, tr動畛ng ny l tr動畛ng b畉n Hong Anh s畉 n畛p 董n 畉y. Th畉 l nh
tr動畛ng ph叩t hi畛n ra m畛i u畛i vi畛c b 畉y v b 畉y l棚n TIU lm r畛i. Th畉 n棚n l
ngy x動a c叩c h畛c b畛ng trong tr動畛ng l trao cho ng動畛i Vi畛t Nam nhi畛u l畉m
t畉i v狸 VN h畛c gi畛i. Nh動ng b但y gi畛 cho 鱈t i r畛i v r畉i 畛u cho c叩c n動畛c kh叩c,
nh動ng v畉n ph畉i cho ng動畛i VN kh担ng cho kh担ng 動畛c v狸 ton c叩c th叩nh GPA,
h畛c kinh qu叩. Anh 畉y b畉o ng動畛i VN b但y gi畛 畛 APU ang h董i b畛 k狸 th畛 b畛i c叩c
sinh vi棚n kh叩c :3. Bu畛n gh棚 c董!
2. G畛i con g叩i c畛a ba,
Ba trao 畛i v畛i con t畛ng chuy畛n m畛t.
1/ Tony khuy畉n kh鱈ch c叩c b畉n tr畉 lm n担ng nghi畛p l r畉t 炭ng. i畛u 坦 mang
箪 ngh挑a nh但n vn cao. Gi炭p n担ng th担n ph叩t tri畛n b畛n v畛ng. Nh動ng khuy棚n
c叩c b畉n tr畉 lm du l畛ch th狸 ba th畉y kh担ng h畛p l箪 l畉m. Nh動 con th畉y 畉y, h担m
nh m狸nh l棚n Lao Cai Sapa, n坦i chuy畛n v畛i 担ng Lu但n m ba g畛i b畉ng c畉u, con
g畛i b畉ng 担ng 畉y, 担ng Lu但n 畉y c嘆n tr畉 h董n ba m畉y tu畛i nh動ng l ch畛 m畛t nh
hng 畛 Sapa. Ki畉m c滴ng kh叩 nhi畛u ti畛n. Nh動ng 担ng 畉y n坦i: "Sapa s畉p ch畉t
r畛i v狸 担ng ng動畛i Vi畛t l棚n qu叩! Tr動畛c 但y ch畛 c坦 T但y th狸 Sapa r畉t 畉p s畉ch,
y棚n b狸nh!"
2/ C叩i c畉u g狸 坦 畛 b棚n Nh畉t 畉n lm 畛 KS v畛i nhi畛m v畛 d畛n ph嘆ng. Th畉y ngay
l c畉u 畉y kh担ng 畛 s畛c kh畛e 畛 lm vi畛c 坦. C畉u 畉y n坦i "畛 nh kh担ng ph畉i
lm g狸". L畉i th棚m c叩i t鱈nh gian d畛i c畛a ng動畛i Vi畛t, c畉u 畉y b畉o "th畉y b 畉y ra
ngoi c畉u 畉y lm ch畉m l畉i". 畛 Nh畉t B畉n quan tr畛ng nh畉t l trung th畛c.
Kh担ng trung th畛c kh担ng c坦 ch畛 畛ng 畛 Nh畉t.
V畉n 畛 s畛c kh畛e: Con c滴ng kh担ng 畛 s畛c kh畛e 畛 lm vi畛c 坦 但u. V狸 con v
c畉u 坦 畛u m畉c m畛t khuy畉t i畛m l h畛c nhi畛u qu叩 m kh担ng r竪n luy畛n th畛
l畛c. Ch畛 kh担ng ph畉i l ng動畛i Nh畉t ng動畛i ta khinh th動畛ng m狸nh. C担ng vi畛c
n坦 嘆i h畛i nh動 v畉y, v mu畛n lm ph畉i 畛 s畛c kh畛e.
3/ Tr棚n tu ba, m畉y h担m nay c坦 m畛t 担ng ng動畛i Nh畉t i c湛ng tu t畛 TQ v畛
Nh畉t. Ch鱈nh v狸 v畉y ba ch畛 c坦 動a ra m畛t y棚u c畉u l m畛i thuy畛n vi棚n tu但n th畛
quy t畉c sinh ho畉t. Tr動畛c 但y ch畛 c坦 VN v畛i nhau th狸 cho t畛 do tho畉i m叩i ch炭t.
Nh動ng b但y gi畛 c坦 ch畛 tu, th狸 ph畉i tu但n th畛 quy 畛nh. S挑 quan ph畉i n b棚n
ph嘆ng n s挑 quan. L鱈nh ph畉i n b棚n ph嘆ng n l鱈nh. V畉y m c叩c ch炭 畉y tu但n
th畛 動畛c c坦 1 h担m. 畉n t畛i h担m nay, c叩c ch炭 s挑 quan 達 l畉i b棚 th畛c n t畛
ph嘆ng n s挑 quan sang ph嘆ng n c畛a l鱈nh 畛 ng畛i. M畛t vi畛c 董n gi畉n nh動 v畉y
m ng動畛i VN c滴ng thi畉u 箪 ch鱈 con 畉.
4/ Ng動畛i VN lu畛m thu畛m quen, n棚n khi g畉p ph畉i m担i tr動畛ng h董i nguy棚n t畉c
m畛t ch炭t l k棚u kh畛. M畉t c担ng i ra n動畛c ngoi du h畛c 畛 h畛c c叩i ti畉n b畛
c畛a ng動畛i ta. V畉y m 畉n l炭c i lm l畉i s畛 kh畛, kh担ng c坦 畛 ngh畛 l畛c 畛 tu但n
th畛 nguy棚n t畉c. B畛 v畛 VN 畛 i lm theo ki畛u lu畛m thu畛m v tr畛 m担i ch棚 bai
畛 Nh畉t l kh畛. Ba kh担ng ngh挑 l nh畛ng ng動畛i th鱈ch lu畛m thu畛m th狸 s畉 t畛n t畉i
動畛c 畛 m担i tr動畛ng qui c畛 nh動 畛 Nh畉t B畉n. C嘆n tr棚n th畉 gi畛i ny, ch畉ng c坦 畛
但u l nhn c畉 con 畉. 畛 但u c滴ng v畉y, Canada, hay M畛, hay Ch但u u, t畉t c畉
畛u ph畉i mi畛t mi lao 畛ng con 畉.
5/ V畛 vi畛c c叩i b ng動畛i VN gian l畉n. Ba v con 畛u kh担ng bi畉t vi畛c 坦 c坦
ch鱈nh x叩c hay kh担ng? Tuy nhi棚n, 畛 Nh畉t B畉n m畛i m畛t c担ng ty, m畛t c董 quan
畛u c坦 vn h坦a mang t鱈nh "gia 狸nh b畛n v畛ng". Ng動畛i ta th動畛ng lm cho
3. m畛t c董 quan t畛 畉u 畉n l炭c v畛 h動u, ch畛 kh担ng m畉y khi ng動畛i ta nh畉y t畛
ch畛 n畛 sang ch畛 kia. B畛i v狸: Thu nh畉p kh担ng kh叩c nhau nhi畛u gi畛a c叩c c董
quan. B畉o hi畛m nh動 nhau. V vn h坦a c担ng ty l lm m畛i ng動畛i trong c担ng
ty li棚n k畉t ch畉t ch畉 nh動 m畛t gia 狸nh.
6/ H畛c b畛ng kh担ng nh動 c叩c anh ch畛 坦 kh叩o nhau: Kh担ng ph畉i l kh担ng th畛
kh担ng cho VN ch畛 v狸 m畛t b qu畉n l箪 ng動畛i VN gian l畉n.
H畛c b畛ng l ng但n s叩ch 達 動畛c duy畛t v k畉 ho畉ch l cho VN 100 xu畉t/ nm
ch畉ng h畉n, c滴ng cho Indonesia 100 xu畉t/ nm ch畉ng h畉n. Nh動ng kh担ng v狸
th畉 m ng動畛i ta s畉 l畉y 畛 100 sinh vi棚n VN, v 100 sinh vi棚n Indonesia.
D畛 cho l 100 xu畉t, nh動ng c叩c sinh vi棚n mu畛n l畉y h畛c b畛ng th狸 ph畉i v動畛t
qua c叩i m畛c (level) m ng動畛i ta y棚u c畉u. N畉u ch畛 c坦 60 ng動畛i 畉t y棚u c畉u th狸
ng動畛i ta ch畛 l畉y 60 ng動畛i, s畛 th畛a 40 xu畉t s畉 chuy畛n sang cho n董i no c坦
nhi畛u ng動畛i v動畛t m畛c y棚u c畉u.
V狸 v畉y khi b畛n con thi h畛c b畛ng kh担ng ph畉i l ch畛 c畉nh tranh v畛i c叩c b畉n
trong n動畛c, m th畛c t畉 l c畉nh tranh v畛i c畉 c叩c b畉n 畛 M畛, c, Th叩i, Indo...
Th畉 gi畛i ph畉ng l nh動 v畉y 畉y!
Th畉 cho n棚n con kh担ng c畉n ph畉i lo l畉ng chuy畛n nhi畛u ng動畛i thi hay 鱈t ng動畛i
thi. M ch畛 c畉n ph畉n 畉u lm th畉t t畛t, 畛 v動畛t qua y棚u c畉u c畛a h畛, 畛 畛 ti棚u
chu畉n l畉y h畛c b畛ng. Th畉 l con th畉ng gi畉i.
N畉u ch畛 c坦 10 ng動畛i d畛 tuy畛n, m c畉 10 ng動畛i 畛u k辿m, th狸 c滴ng kh担ng ai l畉y
動畛c h畛c b畛ng.
Nh動ng n畉u 100 ng動畛i d畛 tuy畛n 畛u 畉t y棚u c畉u th狸 c畉 100 s畉 l畉y 動畛c h畛c
Th畉 nh辿! Ba ch炭c con vui v畉!