The document summarizes Woodrow Wilson's proclamation of neutrality at the outset of World War I in 1914. Wilson emphasized that the United States would remain impartial and friendly to all nations involved in the war. He acknowledged that American citizens came from many of the warring nations and may have varied sympathies, but stressed the importance of national unity and loyalty to the US government over personal interests. Wilson warned that stoking passion would be easy but extinguishing it difficult, and those who did so would bear heavy responsibility for any effects on the American people or nation.
Characteristics of drug misusers and their perceptions of medical careMichael Gregory
This document summarizes a study that explored the characteristics and perceptions of substance misusers who were detained in police custody. The study found:
- Over half of detainees reported withdrawal symptoms, even though many had not used drugs for over 12 hours. Heroin and cocaine users reported higher rates of withdrawal.
- Most detainees who requested medical assessment did so because they wanted treatment for withdrawal symptoms, though some wanted prescriptions for later use.
- Detainees had mixed views of forensic physicians, with some feeling doctors tried to help sometimes but many feeling they never received enough medication.
El documento describe la exploraci坦n f鱈sica completa de un reci辿n nacido, incluyendo la evaluaci坦n de la cabeza, ojos, cuello, t坦rax, extremidades y genitales. Se revisa la importancia de observar anomal鱈as en cada 叩rea como cefalohematomas, hipertelorismo, defectos del m炭sculo esternocleidomastoideo, s鱈ndrome de aspiraci坦n, tono muscular y cambios en la genitalia que pueden indicar la edad gestacional y otros problemas de salud.
Consumers face many unfair business practices that undermine their rights and interests. These include adulteration of products, use of false weights and measures to cheat customers, misleading advertisements, sale of substandard goods that can cause harm. While consumers have basic rights, businesses often take advantage of consumers' lack of awareness and inability to verify quality. Consumer protection aims to address this imbalance and safeguard consumers from exploitative practices through measures that educate consumers and give them avenues for redressal when rights are violated.
This document summarizes a presentation on voluntary building standards and why they are important. It discusses compulsory building regulations and then focuses on two voluntary standards - BREEAM in the UK and LEED in the US. BREEAM and LEED set higher standards than regulations and can improve building performance, reduce energy and costs, and provide marketing benefits. Certification under these standards also contributes to sustainability goals and may increase property values.
Les freelances fran巽ais voient 2016 en rose !myRHline
78% des ind辿pendants sont moins ou autant stress辿s qu'avant
65% des freelances gagnent autant ou plus qu'avant
90% des freelances sont heureux
The document describes the characteristics of a "Virtualoso", or expert at working virtually. A Virtualoso conducts meetings using online meeting tools rather than physical conference rooms. They are productive using only a laptop and phone from various locations like Starbucks. A Virtualoso is comfortable sharing documents, doing webinars, and using collaboration tools to work efficiently from anywhere. The document promotes the idea that the reader should become a Virtualoso by embracing virtual tools and ways of working.
The document summarizes Woodrow Wilson's proclamation of neutrality at the outset of World War I in 1914. Wilson emphasized that the United States would remain impartial and friendly to all nations involved in the war. He acknowledged that American citizens came from many of the warring nations and may have varied sympathies, but stressed the importance of national unity and loyalty to the US government over personal interests. Wilson warned that stoking passion would be easy but extinguishing it difficult, and those who did so would bear heavy responsibility for any effects on the American people or nation.
Characteristics of drug misusers and their perceptions of medical careMichael Gregory
This document summarizes a study that explored the characteristics and perceptions of substance misusers who were detained in police custody. The study found:
- Over half of detainees reported withdrawal symptoms, even though many had not used drugs for over 12 hours. Heroin and cocaine users reported higher rates of withdrawal.
- Most detainees who requested medical assessment did so because they wanted treatment for withdrawal symptoms, though some wanted prescriptions for later use.
- Detainees had mixed views of forensic physicians, with some feeling doctors tried to help sometimes but many feeling they never received enough medication.
El documento describe la exploraci坦n f鱈sica completa de un reci辿n nacido, incluyendo la evaluaci坦n de la cabeza, ojos, cuello, t坦rax, extremidades y genitales. Se revisa la importancia de observar anomal鱈as en cada 叩rea como cefalohematomas, hipertelorismo, defectos del m炭sculo esternocleidomastoideo, s鱈ndrome de aspiraci坦n, tono muscular y cambios en la genitalia que pueden indicar la edad gestacional y otros problemas de salud.
Consumers face many unfair business practices that undermine their rights and interests. These include adulteration of products, use of false weights and measures to cheat customers, misleading advertisements, sale of substandard goods that can cause harm. While consumers have basic rights, businesses often take advantage of consumers' lack of awareness and inability to verify quality. Consumer protection aims to address this imbalance and safeguard consumers from exploitative practices through measures that educate consumers and give them avenues for redressal when rights are violated.
This document summarizes a presentation on voluntary building standards and why they are important. It discusses compulsory building regulations and then focuses on two voluntary standards - BREEAM in the UK and LEED in the US. BREEAM and LEED set higher standards than regulations and can improve building performance, reduce energy and costs, and provide marketing benefits. Certification under these standards also contributes to sustainability goals and may increase property values.
Les freelances fran巽ais voient 2016 en rose !myRHline
78% des ind辿pendants sont moins ou autant stress辿s qu'avant
65% des freelances gagnent autant ou plus qu'avant
90% des freelances sont heureux
The document describes the characteristics of a "Virtualoso", or expert at working virtually. A Virtualoso conducts meetings using online meeting tools rather than physical conference rooms. They are productive using only a laptop and phone from various locations like Starbucks. A Virtualoso is comfortable sharing documents, doing webinars, and using collaboration tools to work efficiently from anywhere. The document promotes the idea that the reader should become a Virtualoso by embracing virtual tools and ways of working.
First Baptist Church provides various announcements for upcoming events and services in February and March 2016, including reminders to silence phones during service, that children will remain with parents in the main hall, and information about weekly prayer gatherings and a video series on building lasting relationships. The document also announces speakers and topics for upcoming Sunday services and events at First Baptist Church during this period.
-Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Begriff Compliance
-Die USA: Ursprung des Compliance-Trends
-Gibt es Compliance auch in Deutschland?
-Compliance-Anforderungen treiben den Markt
f端r Dokumenten-Technologien
-Information Compliance Policy
-Anforderungen an ein elektronisches Archivsystem
-Speichertechnologien f端r die Archivierung
-10 Compliance-Merks辰tze
Der Begriff Compliance sorgt bei vielen Anwendern f端r Verunsicherung.
Zahlreiche Anbieter vermarkten inzwischen Ihre Produkte unter dem Etikett
Compliance nicht nur herk旦mmliche Anbieter von DMS) und ECM)
L旦sungen, sondern auch Hersteller von Speichersystemen, Management)
Informations)Programmen und ERP)L旦sungen. Mit dem Begriff Compliance
hat sich zugleich ein neues Marktsegment gebildet. In Deutschland wird der
englische Begriff Compliance bisher nur selten verwendet. Rechtliche und
regulative Vorgaben f端r Dokumentationspflichten nehmen aber, wenn man
an Beispiele wie die GDPdU oder Basel II denkt, stetig zu. Es liegt also am
Kunden, sich zwischen spezialisierten Insell旦sungen zur Erf端llung
bestimmter Compliance)Anforderungen oder 端bergreifenden L旦sungen, die
auch Compliance)Anforderungen mit abdecken, zu entscheiden.
Das Whitepaper bietet einen berblick 端ber Hintergr端nde und notwendige
Manahmen zur Erf端llung der zunehmenden Compliance)Anforderungen.
Khi t担i g畉p em l畉n 畉u ti棚n l l炭c em v畛a b動畛c ra kh畛i xe, ng動畛i cao l棚u ngh棚u, tr棚n c畛 l嘆ng th嘆ng c叩i m叩y 畉nh b辿 t鱈, r畛t r竪 c但u cho ch畛. Vi ti畉ng sau, t担i 達 th畉y em tung tng trong khu担n vi棚n 畉y mu s畉c v 但m thanh c畛a Universal Studio trong m畛t ngy th叩ng 8 n畉ng ch坦i chang 畛 Los Angeles. Tr担ng th畉y c叩i g狸 em c滴ng reo 畉p th畉, 畉p qu叩, r畛i lao 畉n t畉o d叩ng, ch畛p 畉nh, r畛i xem l畉i 畉nh, ng畉m ngh鱈a v th鱈ch th炭. Nh畛ng l炭c 坦, nh狸n em, ch畉c ch畉ng ai ngh挑 tr棚n vai em l c畉 m畛t g叩nh n畉ng: Cha em 達 m畉t, m畉 em ang ng畛i t湛 v l m畛t trong nh畛ng t湛 nh但n l動董ng t但m n畛i ti畉ng 畛 Vi畛t Nam hi畛n nay, c嘆n em 達 i t畛 Nam ra B畉c, v r畛i sang c畉 tr畛i T但y, 畛 hy v畛ng 嘆i c担ng l箪 cho m畉.
Please return the true name for marking on encNam Ninh H
An navigation officer noticed that all the island and reef names in the South China Sea on his ECDIS had been changed to Chinese pronunciations, rather than their true names. He contacted three maritime organizations - IHO, IMO, and UKHO - to request they return the markings to their correct names. The officer expressed that while China claims the South China Sea and Spratly Islands as theirs, the international community does not recognize these claims.
1. G畛i con g叩i,
B畛 b畉n Nh. L. tr動畛c 但y lm c湛ng tr動畛ng v畛i ba ?
Ba qu棚n m畉t l con 達 k畛 cho ba v畛 b叩c 畉y, ba c滴ng kh担ng nh畛 b叩c 畉y l 担ng
no. N坦i chung ba kh担ng 畛 箪 畉n m畉y 担ng ki畛u nh動 v畉y 畛 tr動畛ng c畛a ba.
C叩i ki畛u tr畛ng nam khinh n畛, c叩i ki畛u 畛c o叩n chuy棚n quy畛n, nh動 v畉y
th狸 kh担ng th畛 ch畉p nh畉n 動畛c 畛 m畛t x達 h畛i ti畉n b畛. Con m狸nh 畉 ra m 叩nh
nh動 叩nh qu但n th湛. V畛 chuy畛n b畉n Nh. L. i h畛c n ch畛 v狸 b畛 b畛 m畉ng th狸 ba
c滴ng kh担ng th鱈ch l畉m. Nh畉 ra b畉n 畉y n棚n h畛c v狸 nng khi畉u c畛a b畉n 畉y v畛n
c坦. Ch畛 c坦 th畛 lm c叩i g狸 v狸 nng khi畉u, v m狸nh y棚u th鱈ch th狸 m狸nh m畛i lm t畛t
動畛c. C嘆n m狸nh lm c叩i g狸 v狸 t畛c kh鱈 m lm th狸 th動畛ng s畉 th畉t b畉i.
Con 畛 nh t狸m tr棚n "youtube" c叩i video "clip" b鱈 m畉t 畛nh lu畉t h畉p d畉n 畛
xem. C滴ng c坦 th畛 c坦 ch炭t 鱈t 鱈ch l畛i cho con v b畉n b竪 con. C叩i "clip" 坦 n坦i
r畉ng: Suy ngh挑 c畛a con ng動畛i l m畛t tr動畛ng s坦ng ph叩t ra trong kh担ng
trung. V狸 v畉y h達y ngh挑 li棚n t畛c r畉ng t担i h畉nh ph炭c, h達y ngh挑 m畛t c叩ch 畉y
nng l動畛ng r畉ng t担i h畉nh ph炭c, th狸 v滴 tr畛 s畉 叩p 畛ng l畉i c叩i suy ngh挑 c畛a
b畉n. V狸 suy ngh挑 c畛a b畉n l m畛t l畛c h畉p d畉n trong v滴 tr畛モ.
Con c滴ng n棚n t狸m 畛c nh畛ng t叩c ph畉m c畛a 担ng Nguy畛n Tr畉n B畉t. ng ny 畛
VN. Lm gi叩m 畛c m畛t c担ng ty do 担ng 畉y s叩ng l畉p ra t畛 l炭c b畉t 畉u 畛i m畛i.
ng 畉y vi畉t r畉t th畉ng th畉n v畛 nh畛ng t畛n t畉i c畛a ch畉 畛. Khi畉n cho c叩c l達nh
畉o 担i khi th畉y t畛c kh鱈. Nh動ng c叩i quan tr畛ng l 担ng 畉y 達 h動畛ng d畉n
ng動畛i ta c叩ch t動 duy r畉t hay. 畉c bi畛t l v畛i nh畛ng ng動畛i tr畉 tu畛i nh動 c叩c
V畛 nh畛ng v畉n 畛 ba vi畉t v畛 ... trong "email" hay tr棚n "facebook", ba c滴ng
達 suy ngh挑 r畉t nhi畛u tr動畛c khi vi畉t. Ba hi畛u 動畛c s畛 lo l畉ng c畛a con, c畛a m畉
con, c畛a nhi畛u ng動畛i trong gia 狸nh. Ai c滴ng hi畛u: ... cai tr畛 b畉ng b畉o l畛c,
n棚n ai c滴ng lo l畉ng ba s畉 b畛 ... b畉t b畛 t湛 nh動 C湛 Huy H V滴, L棚 C担ng 畛nh,
Hong H畉i, L棚 Th畛 C担ng Nh但n
Tuy nhi棚n, m畛c 畛 c畛a ba c嘆n k辿m xa so v畛i nh畛ng ng動畛i b畛 b畉t b畛 t湛. H畛
gi畛i, c坦 tr狸nh 畛, c坦 s畛c 畉nh h動畛ng l畛n, h畛 畉u tranh tr畛c di畛n. C嘆n ba ch畛 l
n担ng d但n n坦i cn vi畉t m畛i chuy畛n tr棚n "facebook" nh動 nh畛ng c但u chuy畛n
ng畛 ng担n th担i. Kh担ng n坦i c畛 th畛 畉n ai. Nh動ng m畛i ng動畛i 畛c 畛u hi畛u l ba
ang n坦i c叩i g狸.
2. T畉i sao ba v r畉t nhi畛u ng動畛i kh叩c c畛 li棚n t畛c moi nh畛ng c叩i x畉u xa, th畛i tha
ra n坦i. C叩c c畛 ngy x動a b畉o y棚u cho roi cho v畛t. Nh畛ng g狸 ba n坦i kh担ng
lm cho ... s畛p 畛 動畛c m l畉i c坦 th畛 gi炭p h畛 s畛a sai v v畛ng vng h董n x動a.
Ch鱈nh b畛n n畛nh th畉n t畛i ngy tung h担 ... m畛i lm cho ... nhanh s畛p 畛 h董n.
V畛i l畉i m畛t l箪 do th畛 hai n畛a: Ngy nay d畛 th畛 h董n x動a r畉t nhi畛u. V狸 sao v畉y?
R探 rng l nh畛 c坦 nh坦m m畉y trm ng動畛i Nh但n Vn Giai Ph畉m th畛i k畛
nh畛ng nm 1950 h畛 嘆i d但n ch畛. R畛i nh畛 c坦 nh坦m m畉y trm ng動畛i X辿t L畉i -
Ch畛ng ... th畛i nh畛ng nm 1960 h畛 c滴ng 嘆i d但n ch畛. Th畉 n棚n th畛i nay ...
b畉t bu畛c ph畉i 畛 cho ng動畛i ta c坦 th棚m ch炭t kh担ng kh鱈 畛 th畛 con 畉.
Do v畉y, 叩m ng動畛i nh動 b畛n ba, hay n坦i nhi畛u, vi畉t nhi畛u, c滴ng l v狸 mu畛n
th畉 h畛 c叩c con sau ny s畉 c坦 動畛c m畛t x達 h畛i c担ng b畉ng h董n, d但n ch畛 h董n
m th担i.
C叩i anh Ph..., ch叩u c畛a b Kh... hi畛u tr動畛ng c滴 c畛a m畉 畉y. H担m tr動畛c sinh
nh畉t anh ta, r動畛u vo m畛i c坦 cam 畉m h畛i ba m畉y c但u. m k畛 l畉 th畉t, ba
hi畛n lnh nh動 v畉y, m c畉p d動畛i c畛a ba l畉i ch畛 d叩m h畛i th畉ng th畉n khi c坦 r動畛u
vo. C嘆n khi kh担ng c坦 r動畛u th狸 ch畉ng d叩m h畛i g狸.
Anh Ph... 坦 h畛i ba th畉 ny: Ng動畛i ta b畉o i tu l i t湛, anh th畉y sao?
Ba h畛i l畉i: V畉y ch炭 em th畉y sao?
Anh ta b畉o: Em ch動a i t湛, nh動ng em th畉y 炭ng l i tu r畉t t湛 t炭ng.
Ba li畛n n坦i: V畛i anh, 畛 nh, i tu, hay i t湛, kh担ng kh叩c nhau l m畉y. Lm
sao th畉 動畛c 炭ng kh担ng? Th畉 ny nh辿! Nhu c畉u c畛a con ng動畛i g畛m c坦: n,
ng畛, m畉c, v gi畉i tr鱈, h畛c t畉p. V畉y 畛 但u m em ch畉ng 動畛c n, ng畛, m畉c.
C嘆n gi畉i tr鱈 v h畛c t畉p anh th畉y m狸nh lu担n thi畉u th畛i gian. L炭c no anh c滴ng
mu畛n 畛c 壊叩界鞄. 畛 nh anh c嘆n 鱈t th畛i gian h董n. Tr棚n tu anh c坦 nhi畛u th畛i
gian h董n 畛 畛c. Bao nhi畛u l 壊叩界鞄 ang 畛i anh 畛c. V狸 v畉y anh kh担ng h畛
th畉y b畉t h畉nh
Ba n坦i th棚m: M畛t i畛m n畛a: nh畉 ra c叩c em ph畉i dnh th畛i gian r畉nh r畛i tr棚n
tu 畛 h畛c chuy棚n m担n, sau ny thng ch畛c r畉t c畉n 畉n n坦. Nh動ng c叩c em
l畉i kh担ng lm. Th畉t ra c滴ng kh坦 tr叩ch. V狸 r探 rng c叩c em nh狸n th畉y m畛t s畛
ng動畛i h畛c hnh chm ch畛, ki畉n th畛c chuy棚n m担n t畛t, 動畛c thuy畛n tr動畛ng,
m叩y tr動畛ng 叩nh gi叩 l t畛t, nh動ng l畉i thng ch畛c ch畉m h董n nh畛ng th畉ng
ch畉ng th竪m h畛c hnh g狸, nh動ng bi畉t c叩ch mang m畛t m畛 ti畛n 畉n bi畉u gi叩m
畛c. C叩i c董 ch畉 n坦 lm h畛ng c叩c em.
3. Nh動ng con g叩i 畉, m狸nh c畛 n棚n h畛c nhi畛u 畛c nhi畛u, m狸nh h畉nh ph炭c v畛i
nh畛ng ki畉n th畛c m m狸nh ki畉m 動畛c, th狸 c叩i ngo畉i c畉nh n坦 kh担ng lm 畉nh
h動畛ng 動畛c 畉n t狸nh c畉m c畛a m狸nh. V狸 v畉y t畉i sao ba lu担n khuy棚n c叩c con
畛c 壊叩界鞄. Ba r畉t kh担ng th鱈ch vi畛c em trai con c畛 th鱈ch ch董i game tr棚n tab
ho畉c m叩y t鱈nh. N坦 lm h畛ng ng動畛i ta. M c叩i 畉u th狸 r畉t ngh竪o nn.
L但u l但u k k畛 chuy畛n.
H担m tr動畛c Nh. L. ng畛i c畉nh con k畛 v畛i con v畛 b畛 b畉n 畉y. B畉n b畉o h畛i c畉p 1
b畉n h畛c d畛t l畉m, ton b畛 h畛c sinh trung b狸nh. B但y gi畛 em trai b畉n 畉y h畛c gi畛i
h董n th担ng minh h董n ch畛 ngy x動a. Th畉 l b畛 b畉n su畛t ngy n坦i l nh ny
may c th畉ng con trai k th狸 nh畛c m畉t.
B畉n b畉o l鱈 do b畉n 畉n l畛p 10 b畉n ms h畛c piano do mami b畉n d畉y v狸 l b畉n k
c坦 箪 畛nh h畛c nh動ng m h担m 畉y l li棚n hoan b畉n b竪 c畛a ba b畉n 畉y th畉 l b畉o
em trai b畉n 叩nh n th狸 n坦 ch畛 bi畉t 叩nh m畛i m畛t b畉n l do n n坦 h動畛ng
d畉n t畛ng n畛t m畛t. N坦 叩nh xong mn v畛 tay th畉 b畛 n坦 m畛i n坦i l may c坦
th畉ng em ch畛 k th狸 nh畛c. Th畉 l b畉n b畛c m狸nh b畉n quy畉t t但m i h畛c n,
b但y gi畛 b畉n 叩nh c nhi畛u r畛i m em 叩nh c m畛i b畉n.
B畉n k畛 ngy x動a b畛 b畉n 叩nh b畉n kinh l畉m, c坦 l畉n c嘆n t炭m t坦c 畉p 畉u vo
t動畛ng. D達 man!
Con k畛 l ba t畛 叩nh t畛 th狸 ba t b畉t t v畛i b炭p b棚 n畉m s畉p xu畛ng r畛i 叩nh vo
b炭p b棚 ho畉c l vo g畛i.
C叩i b叩c ny l b叩c l畉n tr動畛c con k畛 m tr動畛c b叩c lm c湛ng tr動畛ng v畛i ba 畉y.
Con th狸 h畛i ti畛u h畛c th狸 c坦 th畛 n坦i t畛 ho nh動ng m con ngh挑 l k畛 c畉 con c坦
h畛c d畛t th狸 ba c滴ng k lm nh動 b叩c 畉y. Sao b叩c tr畛ng nam khinh n畛 v畉y?
C嘆n chuy畛n n畛a l v畛 ... th狸 con ngh挑 l ba n棚n k n坦i nhi畛u qua "mail" ho畉c
qua "facebook" b畛i v狸 l an ninh m畉ng c畛a VN p g畛i l si棚u t畛t. Con ang
t動畛ng t動畛ng nh動 l c坦 m畛t 畛ng ch畛 ng畛i c畉 ngy xem tin nh畉n c畛a d但n, d但n
ng g狸. N坦i chung ng動畛i nh動 ba nhi畛u n棚n ch畉c nta k b畉t 但u nh動ng m
c滴ng n棚n tr叩nh r畛i ro, m畉y chuy畛n 畉y n坦i ngoi v畛i nhau th担i, l畛i n坦i gi坦
bay. B畛i v狸 th畛 nh畉t l ba vi畉t k gi畉i quy畉t 動畛c g狸, th畛 hai l ... ch畉 li棚n
quan 畉n m狸nh, k 畉nh h動畛ng 畉n 畛i s畛ng gia 狸nh m狸nh, m狸nh c滴ng k b畛
ch炭ng n坦 竪 n辿n nhi畛u l畉m. Con ngh挑 l v畉n n棚n tr叩nh r畛i ro ba 畉!
Ch炭c ba i m畉nh kho畉!