The document contains diagrams and descriptions of parts of a carburetor and LPG converter. It shows the needle jet, needle holder, pilot port, throttle spring, fuel inlet, and other parts of the carburetor. It also includes diagrams of single-channel and dual-channel LPG converter designs, labeling dimensions and modifications from the standard parts.
The document contains diagrams and descriptions of parts of a carburetor and LPG converter. It shows the needle jet, needle holder, pilot port, throttle spring, fuel inlet, and other parts of the carburetor. It also includes diagrams of single-channel and dual-channel LPG converter designs, labeling dimensions and modifications from the standard parts.
Lambda sonda ima zadatak da po邸alje
odreen naponski signal elektronskoj
upravljakoj jedinici (ECU) koja zahvaljujui
njemu prepoznaje trenutni sastav sme邸e
vazduha i goriva.
Da bi pravilno funkcionisala mora se
prethodno zagrejati, energijom dobijenom
iz struje vrelih, sagorelih
gasova, do odreene temperature potrebne
za njeno pravilno funkcionisanje u
kompletnom radnom opsegu motora.