This study aims to evaluate the effects of foliar applications of zinc and boron on the growth, yield, and yield components of boro rice. The study will apply various concentrations of zinc (0.2%, 0.5%, 0.8%) and boron (0.5%, 1.5%, 2.0%) as foliar sprays at either tiller initiation or flowering initiation on boro rice variety BRRI dhan29. The study seeks to determine the optimal spraying concentration and timing of zinc and boron applications to maximize rice yield. The study will be conducted using a randomized complete block design with 3 replications and 15 treatments. Data will be collected on plant growth, yield components, and yield,
1) Zinc deficiency is a widespread problem affecting both crops and nearly half of the world's population, contributing to health issues.
2) Cereal crops are inherently low in zinc and rely on zinc-deficient soils, exacerbating the problem.
3) Increasing zinc concentrations in cereal grains through plant breeding (genetic biofortification) or zinc fertilizer application (agronomic biofortification) could help address zinc deficiency globally.
This document provides details of a research study on the effect of phosphorus and sulfur levels on growth, yield, and nutrient uptake of chickpea. It includes information on the study location, experimental design, treatments, observations to be recorded, and objectives. The study will use a factorial randomized block design to evaluate 12 treatment combinations of 3 phosphorus levels (0, 20, 40, 60 kg/ha) and 3 sulfur levels (0, 20, 40 kg/ha). The objectives are to evaluate the effects of P and S on chickpea growth, yield, quality, nutrient content, and economic viability. Key response variables to be measured include plant population, plant height, dry matter, yield attributes, yield, quality
The document discusses intercropping and integrated nutrient management in pulses. It describes the benefits of intercropping such as reducing pests and weeds, conserving soil moisture, and improving soil fertility. Integrated nutrient management involves using soil nutrients, fertilizers, organic manures, compost, and biofertilizers to maintain soil productivity. Adopting these practices can improve crop yields and nutrient use efficiency while maintaining the health of soils. However, some constraints to their adoption by farmers include lack of organic manures, biofertilizers, and knowledge.
This document discusses biofertilizers and their potential role in sustainable pulse production. It defines biofertilizers as preparations containing beneficial microorganisms that can aid plant growth and nutrition. Various types of biofertilizers are described, including nitrogen fixers, phosphate solubilizers, and plant growth promoters. The mechanisms by which these microorganisms enhance soil fertility and nutrient availability are explained. Challenges in commercializing biofertilizer formulations are also addressed. The document aims to highlight biofertilizers as a sustainable approach to meet India's growing demand for pulses while reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers.
An experiment was conducted at Unguwar kudu garden, Dutsin-Ma from the month of February to April 2023 to study the combined influence biochar and NPK performance of vegetable amaranths. Biochar used in the experiment was produced using pit method with a limited supply of oxygen. The experiment consisted of three levels of biochar at 5t/ha,2.5t/ha and 0t/ha along with three levels of NPK fertilizer at 100%, 50% and %0 of the recommended dosage which were laid in factorial Randomized Complete Block Design(RCBD), the absolute control experiment consisted 0ton/ha biochar and 0% recommended dose of NPK. Biochar produced from plant materials resulted in higher performance and yield (p<0.0500. Yield of amaranths was significantly higher with the application of 2.5t/ha of biochar and 50% recommended dose of NPK fertilizer (p<0.050). As such the combined application 2.5toh/ha and 50% recommended dose of NPK fertilizer is recommended for enhanced and economic production of vegetable amaranth in the study area.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Use EfficiencyinImproved Potato_Hailu Gebru 2017.pdfAbebeChindi1
Abstract Use of nutrient efficient crop species or cultivars
within species in combination with improved crop production
practices offer the best option for meeting the future food
requirements of growing world populations. Efficiency improvement has a key role for nutrient use and it improves both
productivity of yield and minimizes risks of losses that potentially harm the environment. To improve nutrient use efficiency (NUE), one strategy is to select cultivars of crops with high
NUE. Both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are among essential macronutrients commonly applied to agricultural crops
to optimize yields. Evaluation of potato cultivars with high N
and P efficiency is essential for sustainable production of the
crop. In Ethiopia, however, little research has been done to
elucidate better NUE of potato crop until recently. This study
was, thus, designed to evaluate selected potato cultivars
(Belete, Gudene, Jalene, Marachere and one local check) for
NP use efficiency under low levels of the nutrients in Wolaita
Sodo University, Ethiopia during 2014 and 2015. Factorial
combination of 3 levels of each N (0, 55.5 and 111 kg N
ha1 ) and P (0, 19.5 and 39 kg P ha1 ) were assigned to the
main plots and the 5 cultivars to subplots of split-plot design in
three replications. Efficiency indices such as agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency and recovery efficiency were
computed for combined NP nutrients. Results showed that
agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, apparent phosphorus use
efficiency and phosphorus use efficiencies were significantly
influenced by the interaction effect of rates of NP nutrition and
variety. Application of NP more than 55.5:19.5 kg ha1 will
not beneficial due to their less or equal use and recovery efficiencies to 55.5:19.5 kg NP ha1
. Belete was the most NP
efficient variety followed by Jalene and Gudene in all efficiency indices. Therefore, Belete, Jalene and Gudene return better
for NP at 55.5:19.5 kg ha1 for economical use of fertilizes
while obtaining satisfactory yield. It can be concluded that
yield response variation of the varieties was related to their
differences in NP uptake and use efficiencies; and the improved potato varieties were superior to local check in using
NP nutrients efficiently
This document discusses a study on the integrated effects of biochar and PK fertilizer on maize yield and soil properties in Pakistan. The main objectives were to assess how biochar alone and combined with PK fertilizer affects maize yield, nutrient uptake, and soil properties like bulk density, soil organic matter and total nitrogen. A literature review found that previous studies show biochar can increase crop yields even without nitrogen fertilizer by improving soil quality. When combined with fertilizer, biochar led to even greater yield increases. The review also found that applying phosphorus at 100kg/ha resulted in maximum maize growth and yield.
Using agronomic biofortification to boost zinc, selenium,.pdfIqbalHussain913371
This study investigated the biofortification of zinc, selenium, and iodine in food crops grown on soils in China's Loess Plateau region, which is typically deficient in these micronutrients. Field trials were conducted applying fertilizers of selenium, zinc, and iodine individually and in combination to the soil and as foliar sprays on winter wheat. The results showed that soil-applied selenium increased selenium concentrations in wheat, maize, soybean, potato, cabbage, and canola to target levels. Foliar selenium and zinc also effectively boosted levels of these nutrients in wheat grain. Soil zinc only increased levels in cabbage and canola, while foliar zinc was effective for wheat. Soil
Significance of agronomic biofortification with zinc in maize.pptxrangaswamyranga8341
Fortification is a cost-effective and sustainable approach, which is highly effective and has large coverage, especially in the poorer regions of the world.
Fortification with the help of fertilizers would be a very rapid and practical approach to maximize mineral uptake and grain mineral accumulation in food crops immediately.
Most of the Indian soils are deficient in micro, macronutrients, and organic matter, by following the fortification approach we can reduce Nutrient deficiency in soils. Organic matter is the best source for the enrichment of micronutrients, and biofertilizers and also releases nutrients slowly into soil for a long period during crop growth.
About 75% of exogenous applications of Zn sources like ZnSO4 get fixed in the soil.
Fixation of Zn in soils with pH > 7.0 increases with increasing concentration of carbonates, thus becoming unavailable and can be reverted to available form with Zn solubilizing bacteria through the production of organic acids viz., gluconic acid which is designated as a strong acid among the mono carboxylic group of acid and are found to be easily biodegradable. Gluconic acid has the major anion which may be an important agent that helps in the solubilization of insoluble Zn compounds and makes it available to plant roots.
Comparative efficiency of soil and foliar applied zinc inAlexander Decker
The document summarizes a field study that evaluated the comparative efficacy of soil and foliar applied zinc in improving the yield and yield components of wheat variety Kiran-95. The study found that applying zinc through both soil (5 kg/ha at tillering and 5 kg/ha at booting stage) and foliar spray (0.2% at tillering and 0.2% at booting stage) led to maximum plant height, tillers, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, biological yield, and grain yield, followed closely by the foliar application treatment. While soil application of 10 kg/ha at tillering produced the third highest results, control plots without zinc application showed
Comparative efficiency of soil and foliar applied zinc inAlexander Decker
The study evaluated the comparative efficacy of soil and foliar applied zinc on the growth and yield of wheat variety Kiran-95. It found that applying zinc through both soil (5 kg/ha at tillering and 5 kg/ha at booting stage) and foliar spray (0.2% at tillering and 0.2% at booting stage) produced the maximum plant height, tillers, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, biological yield, and grain yield, followed closely by the foliar application treatment. While soil application of 10 kg/ha at tillering performed third best, it was found that both the split soil and split foliar applications were most effective and
Effect of zinc, iron and boron on growth, yield and quality of Bitter gourd (...Open Access Research Paper
The present research was carried out to evaluate the effects of micronutrients such as boron, iron and zinc on growth and yield of bitter gourd at research area of vegetables, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad during the year of 2019. Trial was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design comprising of 2 varieties and 9 treatments replicated three times. Various reproductive and vegetative parameters like fruit weight, fruit yield per vine, fruit length etc. were recorded. Data was recorded by following the standard procedures. When fruit would get ready to harvest they were harvested. Data was investigated by ANOVA techniques and by using LSD test means were compared at 5% probability level. Different varieties and micronutrients showed significant variations among, germination percentage, fruit fresh weight, fruit diameter and chemical parameter like vitamin C, TSS and Chlorophyll Contents. The treatment T4 (ZnSO4 0.5%+FeSO4 0.5%) found best for number of days 40-50 taken to first flowering, fruit diameter(14.45mm) and fruit length (26.3cm) as compared to control treatment (without foliar spray). Fruit yield per plant (1.75kg per plant), average fruit weight (170.09gm), number of fruits per plant (9.66) and male and female ratio of bitter gourd responded significantly to the foliar application of Iron, Boron and Zinc.
Bioremediation Through The Use of Indigenous Natural Resources vis-a-vis Its ...Agriculture Journal IJOEAR
Abstract An assessment was undertaken to study the combating capacity of bacterial consortia isolated from different sources viz. oil spillage sludge and water spillage of petrol pump and rhizosphere of rice plant against the fluoride toxicity under field condition. Oryza sativa was selected as a test species. The recommended doses of chemical fertilizers (70:35:35) and different concentration of sodium fluoride (25 , 50 , 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 and 500 mg Kg-1 F) were used for first set of experiment and the second set were treated with vermicompost, compost, bacterial consortia and different concentration of sodium fluoride(25 ; 50 , 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 and 500 mg Kg-1 F). Among all of the species Penicillium, Aspergillus and Fusarium were resistant and survived under fluoride polluted condition. One unique thing was observed from these experiment that paddy which were grown under indigenous organic inputs treated plots gave maximum yield under T1 treatment (25 mg Kg-1 F) which was above the control set. Moreover, stress enduring metabolites viz. proline content of flag leaves were lowest recorded under indigenous organic inputs treated plots as compared to chemical fertilizer treated plots. Data were significantly different at 5% level using Duncans Multiple Range Test. From the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) value of paddy clearly depicted that the crop of those plots were treated with indigenous organic inputs were more resistant for enduring stress condition. In these experiment combination of vermicompost, compost and bacterial consortia were capable of reducing the amount of fluoride within plant parts especially in grains (< 0.3 mg Kg-1 as recommended by EPA, FAO and WHO), where fluoride was within permissible range as well as they reduced the fluoride content within the soil (2.57-16.44 mg Kg-1. as recommended by FAO, EPA, and WHO) as was noted by measuring the fluoride in the plant parts and soil after the experiment. Therefore, bacterial consortia could be an alternative for bioremediation of fluoride.
Response of Two Soybean Varieties to the Application of Organic Fertilizers I...Repository Ipb
This study investigated the effects of different types of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of two soybean varieties. The organic fertilizers tested were poultry manure, Centrosema pubescens, and Tithonia diversifolia. The results showed that Centrosema pubescens and Tithonia diversifolia increased plant height, reduced pest and disease levels, and improved productivity compared to poultry manure. Tithonia diversifolia was the most effective organic fertilizer, resulting in the highest soybean yields of 1.48 tons per hectare. Variety Anjasmoro consistently outperformed Wilis in terms of growth and yield across all fertilizer treatments.
This study investigated the effects of different levels of chemical fertilizers and organic manures on wheat yield. Spent mushroom compost was combined with three levels of chemical fertilizers (control, intermediate, and complete) and applied to wheat. The highest wheat kernel yield of 6,225 kg/ha was achieved using the intermediate level of chemical fertilizers combined with aged spent mushroom compost. Overall, applying spent mushroom compost combined with intermediate chemical fertilizers produced the highest wheat yield.
Response of maize productivity to nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue ...Open Access Research Paper
The main purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue green algae extract levels on the productivity of maize. Two field experiments were conducted at private farm at Algraydh Village, Bialla district, Kafrelshiekh Governorate, Egypt during 2017 and 2018 seasons. The treatments were allocated in a strip-plot design with four replications. The vertical-plots were devoted to nitrogen fertilizer levels (60, 80, 100 and 120kgN fed-1). While, the horizontal-plots were assigned to spraying with blue green algae levels (without as control, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0g L-1). Increasing fertilizer levels up to 120kg N fed-1 significantly exceeded other levels of nitrogen fertilizer and produced the highest averages of growth characters, yield and grain quality, followed by using 100kg N fed-1 and there is no significant differences between them in most studied growth characters and yields in both seasons. Foliar spraying with 6.0g L-1 significantly surpassed other treatments and recorded the maximum averages of growth, yield and its components and grains quality of maize, followed by spraying plants with 4.5g L-1 and without significant differences between them in all studied characters in both seasons. Generally, mineral fertilizing maize with 100kgN fed1 (saved 20kgN fed1) beside spraying with algae extract at 4.5g L-1 were recommended for enhancing productivity and seed quality of maize moreover, reducing the pollution resulted from high levels of mineral nitrogen fertilizer under the environmental conditions of Kafrelshiekh Governorate Egypt.
Ajayasree T. S. Seminar ppt (Microbiome engineering)Ajayasree TS
Microbiome engineering aims to manipulate plant and soil microbiomes to optimize agricultural functions like stress tolerance, growth promotion, and phytoremediation. Techniques include transferring native or synthetic microbiomes to seeds, seedlings, or soil. This can improve drought tolerance, disease resistance, and heavy metal accumulation. Challenges include understanding complex microbiome dynamics and interactions under field conditions. Microbiome engineering shows potential to develop sustainable agriculture through balanced, beneficial microbiome compositions.
Breeding high iron pearl millet cultivars: present status and future prospectsICRISAT
Micronutrient malnutrition, widespread in resource poor families in the developing world where large populations rely on cereals as staple food, has emerged as a major health challenge. Over 60% and 30% of the worlds populations are deficient in iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), respectively. About 80% of pregnant women and 70% children are reported to suffer from Fe deficiency, while 52% children (<5 years) have stunted growth in India2,3. Biofortification is a cost-effective and sustainable agricultural approach to deliver essential micronutrients through staple foods. Pearl millet is an important staple food in the arid and semi-arid regions of Asia and Africa. The primary focus of HarvestPlus-supported pearl millet biofortification research at ICRISAT is on improving Fe density with Zn density as an associated trait.
Effect of Phosphorus and Zinc on the Growth, Nodulation and Yield of Soybean ...Premier Publishers
This study investigated the effects of phosphorus and zinc on the growth, nodulation, and yield of two soybean varieties in Nigeria. Phosphorus application significantly affected growth, nodulation, yield, and some yield components, with 60 kg P2O5/ha giving the highest growth and yield. Phosphorus also increased nodulation, with 30 kg P2O5/ha providing the highest nodulation. Zinc application did not significantly affect most growth characters or nodulation, except for reducing plant height. Phosphorus increased soybean yield significantly to 1.9 t/ha compared to the control of 1.7 t/ha. Protein and oil contents were not significantly affected by phosphorus but were by zinc
Generally, wheat productivity severely affected due to imbalanced fertilizer application, and on other hand NPB are 100%, 90% and 55% deficient in Pakistani soils as well as K deficiency appears rapidly. Therefore appropriate nutrient management is essentially required to obtain economic wheat yield. A field experiment was carried out at Students Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, during 2014-15. The trial was arranged on randomized complete block design, replicated thrice and treatments included: Control (untreated), NPK= 90:60:60 kg ha-1, NPK = 90-30-30 kg ha-1 + B: 1% (tillering), NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 + B: 1% (tillering), NPK = 90:30:30 kg ha-1 + B: 2% (tillering), NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 + B: 2% (tillering).The statistical analysis of data proved that various combinations of NPK and boron application displayed significant (P<0.05) effects on nearly all the growth and yield components of wheat. Thus, maximum plant height 86.7, more tillers 418.0 m2, increased spike length 11.6 cm, grains spike-1 51.0 and 49.0, grain weight plant-1 7.9 g, seed index (1000 grain weight) 41.7 g, biological yield 9131.7 kg ha-1, grain yield 3880.0 kg ha-1 and harvest index 42.5 were noted at NPK-120-60-60 kg ha-1 + B 2% at tillering phase, Whereas, all growth and yield parameters were measured poor under control (un-treated) plots. Hence, it was decided from the results that use of NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 and 2% foliar application of boron at tillering stage proved better as compared to other treatments.
Rice agroforestry: How trees can accelerate agroecological transitionsCIFOR-ICRAF
Presented by Fergus Sinclair, Rachmat Mulia, Himlal Baral,
Jim Roshetko, and Rob Finlayson
(CIFOR-ICRAF) at 6th International Rice Congress, Manila, Philippines, on 16-19 Oct 2023
Phytoremediation potential of mustard (Brassica juncea) varieties exposed to ...MDMAHMUDALNOOR
This document summarizes a study that assessed the phytoremediation potential of 11 mustard (Brassica juncea) varieties exposed to lead (Pb) stress. Seedlings were treated with 200 亮M Pb nitrate for 60 days. All varieties showed reduced growth under Pb stress. Variety BJ DH 17 exhibited the lowest reduction in traits including Pb accumulation. Variety Sambal showed the highest translocation of Pb from root to shoot and shoot to grain. It also had the highest bioaccumulation coefficient. Based on these results, the study concluded that variety Sambal is the most suitable for Pb phytoremediation due to its ability to extract and translocate Pb from
Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions |...Innspub Net
This study investigated the effects of applying biochar from wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse on maize yield and plant nutrients under rainfed conditions. A field experiment was conducted in which maize was grown in plots treated with wheat straw biochar at 5 and 10 tons/ha, sugarcane bagasse biochar at 5 and 10 tons/ha, or a control with no biochar. The results showed that wheat straw biochar at 10 tons/ha and sugarcane bagasse biochar at 10 tons/ha significantly increased maize grain yield, plant biomass, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compared to the control. However, biochar did not significantly affect micronutrient levels in the maize
Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions|I...Innspub Net
To investigate the maize yield and nutrient concentration in its leaves as affected by biochar from different organic materials (wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse), a field experiment was conducted on maize crop during 2013 at koont research farm chakwal. The treatments were control, wheat straw biochar at 5t ha-1, and 10t ha-1, sugarcane bagasse biochar at 5t ha-1and 10t ha-1. The experiment was conducted in RCBD. Maize was grown in 4m 6m sized plots. Soil samples were taken before sowing of crop for determination of soil pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and texture. The plant parameters were grain yield, plant biomass, macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Wheat straw biochar 10 t/ha showed an increase of 16.1% N, 38.8% P, 33% K, 28.9% biomass and 20.8% grain yield. Sugarcane bagasse biochar at a rate of 10 t/ha showed significant increase of 14.9% N, 27.7% P, 30% K, 27.6% biomass and 22.1% grain yield. None of the biochar treatment showed any significant increase in micronutrient concentration in plant.
Micronutrient delivery system through seed in crop plantsAnkit Moharana
micronutrient application method, application through seed, seed priming and coating method of application,effect on crop growth and stand establishment due to application of micronutrient
Effect of Algal Bio-fertilizer on the Vigna radiata: A Critical ReviewIJERA Editor
The continuous increasing demand of food crops and decrease in productivity due to continuous use of chemical
fertilizer has not only resulted in decline of crop yield, loss of fertility and degradation of soil but has also led us
one step back in achieving sustainable agriculture. The use of algal bio-fertilizer provides an effective, ecofriendly
and non-polluting approach in improving the productivity of crop by both nitrogen fixation and
photosynthesis. Algal bio-fertilizers improve soil structure and increase yield productivity even if applied in a
small area. The application of algal bio-fertilizers in plants has resulted in increase in root, shoot length with
number of leaves and hence overall growth of the plant has been increased. India being one of the largest
producer and consumer of pulses requires abundant amount of pulse production to fulfil the demands of ever
growing populations which can be achieved by using algal bio-fertilizers. This paper briefly underlines the usage
of algal bio-fertilizers as an important tool for sustainability and alternative usage against the chemical
Different media are used to culture microorganisms and sterile technique is required to prevent contamination. Media and lab materials must be sterilized before use through autoclaving or pressure cooking. Microbes can be cultured in liquid tubes, solid slant tubes, or petri plates. Serial dilutions and plate counts are then used to estimate microbial populations from samples.
This document discusses a study on the integrated effects of biochar and PK fertilizer on maize yield and soil properties in Pakistan. The main objectives were to assess how biochar alone and combined with PK fertilizer affects maize yield, nutrient uptake, and soil properties like bulk density, soil organic matter and total nitrogen. A literature review found that previous studies show biochar can increase crop yields even without nitrogen fertilizer by improving soil quality. When combined with fertilizer, biochar led to even greater yield increases. The review also found that applying phosphorus at 100kg/ha resulted in maximum maize growth and yield.
Using agronomic biofortification to boost zinc, selenium,.pdfIqbalHussain913371
This study investigated the biofortification of zinc, selenium, and iodine in food crops grown on soils in China's Loess Plateau region, which is typically deficient in these micronutrients. Field trials were conducted applying fertilizers of selenium, zinc, and iodine individually and in combination to the soil and as foliar sprays on winter wheat. The results showed that soil-applied selenium increased selenium concentrations in wheat, maize, soybean, potato, cabbage, and canola to target levels. Foliar selenium and zinc also effectively boosted levels of these nutrients in wheat grain. Soil zinc only increased levels in cabbage and canola, while foliar zinc was effective for wheat. Soil
Significance of agronomic biofortification with zinc in maize.pptxrangaswamyranga8341
Fortification is a cost-effective and sustainable approach, which is highly effective and has large coverage, especially in the poorer regions of the world.
Fortification with the help of fertilizers would be a very rapid and practical approach to maximize mineral uptake and grain mineral accumulation in food crops immediately.
Most of the Indian soils are deficient in micro, macronutrients, and organic matter, by following the fortification approach we can reduce Nutrient deficiency in soils. Organic matter is the best source for the enrichment of micronutrients, and biofertilizers and also releases nutrients slowly into soil for a long period during crop growth.
About 75% of exogenous applications of Zn sources like ZnSO4 get fixed in the soil.
Fixation of Zn in soils with pH > 7.0 increases with increasing concentration of carbonates, thus becoming unavailable and can be reverted to available form with Zn solubilizing bacteria through the production of organic acids viz., gluconic acid which is designated as a strong acid among the mono carboxylic group of acid and are found to be easily biodegradable. Gluconic acid has the major anion which may be an important agent that helps in the solubilization of insoluble Zn compounds and makes it available to plant roots.
Comparative efficiency of soil and foliar applied zinc inAlexander Decker
The document summarizes a field study that evaluated the comparative efficacy of soil and foliar applied zinc in improving the yield and yield components of wheat variety Kiran-95. The study found that applying zinc through both soil (5 kg/ha at tillering and 5 kg/ha at booting stage) and foliar spray (0.2% at tillering and 0.2% at booting stage) led to maximum plant height, tillers, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, biological yield, and grain yield, followed closely by the foliar application treatment. While soil application of 10 kg/ha at tillering produced the third highest results, control plots without zinc application showed
Comparative efficiency of soil and foliar applied zinc inAlexander Decker
The study evaluated the comparative efficacy of soil and foliar applied zinc on the growth and yield of wheat variety Kiran-95. It found that applying zinc through both soil (5 kg/ha at tillering and 5 kg/ha at booting stage) and foliar spray (0.2% at tillering and 0.2% at booting stage) produced the maximum plant height, tillers, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, biological yield, and grain yield, followed closely by the foliar application treatment. While soil application of 10 kg/ha at tillering performed third best, it was found that both the split soil and split foliar applications were most effective and
Effect of zinc, iron and boron on growth, yield and quality of Bitter gourd (...Open Access Research Paper
The present research was carried out to evaluate the effects of micronutrients such as boron, iron and zinc on growth and yield of bitter gourd at research area of vegetables, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad during the year of 2019. Trial was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design comprising of 2 varieties and 9 treatments replicated three times. Various reproductive and vegetative parameters like fruit weight, fruit yield per vine, fruit length etc. were recorded. Data was recorded by following the standard procedures. When fruit would get ready to harvest they were harvested. Data was investigated by ANOVA techniques and by using LSD test means were compared at 5% probability level. Different varieties and micronutrients showed significant variations among, germination percentage, fruit fresh weight, fruit diameter and chemical parameter like vitamin C, TSS and Chlorophyll Contents. The treatment T4 (ZnSO4 0.5%+FeSO4 0.5%) found best for number of days 40-50 taken to first flowering, fruit diameter(14.45mm) and fruit length (26.3cm) as compared to control treatment (without foliar spray). Fruit yield per plant (1.75kg per plant), average fruit weight (170.09gm), number of fruits per plant (9.66) and male and female ratio of bitter gourd responded significantly to the foliar application of Iron, Boron and Zinc.
Bioremediation Through The Use of Indigenous Natural Resources vis-a-vis Its ...Agriculture Journal IJOEAR
Abstract An assessment was undertaken to study the combating capacity of bacterial consortia isolated from different sources viz. oil spillage sludge and water spillage of petrol pump and rhizosphere of rice plant against the fluoride toxicity under field condition. Oryza sativa was selected as a test species. The recommended doses of chemical fertilizers (70:35:35) and different concentration of sodium fluoride (25 , 50 , 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 and 500 mg Kg-1 F) were used for first set of experiment and the second set were treated with vermicompost, compost, bacterial consortia and different concentration of sodium fluoride(25 ; 50 , 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 and 500 mg Kg-1 F). Among all of the species Penicillium, Aspergillus and Fusarium were resistant and survived under fluoride polluted condition. One unique thing was observed from these experiment that paddy which were grown under indigenous organic inputs treated plots gave maximum yield under T1 treatment (25 mg Kg-1 F) which was above the control set. Moreover, stress enduring metabolites viz. proline content of flag leaves were lowest recorded under indigenous organic inputs treated plots as compared to chemical fertilizer treated plots. Data were significantly different at 5% level using Duncans Multiple Range Test. From the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) value of paddy clearly depicted that the crop of those plots were treated with indigenous organic inputs were more resistant for enduring stress condition. In these experiment combination of vermicompost, compost and bacterial consortia were capable of reducing the amount of fluoride within plant parts especially in grains (< 0.3 mg Kg-1 as recommended by EPA, FAO and WHO), where fluoride was within permissible range as well as they reduced the fluoride content within the soil (2.57-16.44 mg Kg-1. as recommended by FAO, EPA, and WHO) as was noted by measuring the fluoride in the plant parts and soil after the experiment. Therefore, bacterial consortia could be an alternative for bioremediation of fluoride.
Response of Two Soybean Varieties to the Application of Organic Fertilizers I...Repository Ipb
This study investigated the effects of different types of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of two soybean varieties. The organic fertilizers tested were poultry manure, Centrosema pubescens, and Tithonia diversifolia. The results showed that Centrosema pubescens and Tithonia diversifolia increased plant height, reduced pest and disease levels, and improved productivity compared to poultry manure. Tithonia diversifolia was the most effective organic fertilizer, resulting in the highest soybean yields of 1.48 tons per hectare. Variety Anjasmoro consistently outperformed Wilis in terms of growth and yield across all fertilizer treatments.
This study investigated the effects of different levels of chemical fertilizers and organic manures on wheat yield. Spent mushroom compost was combined with three levels of chemical fertilizers (control, intermediate, and complete) and applied to wheat. The highest wheat kernel yield of 6,225 kg/ha was achieved using the intermediate level of chemical fertilizers combined with aged spent mushroom compost. Overall, applying spent mushroom compost combined with intermediate chemical fertilizers produced the highest wheat yield.
Response of maize productivity to nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue ...Open Access Research Paper
The main purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of nitrogen fertilizer and spraying with blue green algae extract levels on the productivity of maize. Two field experiments were conducted at private farm at Algraydh Village, Bialla district, Kafrelshiekh Governorate, Egypt during 2017 and 2018 seasons. The treatments were allocated in a strip-plot design with four replications. The vertical-plots were devoted to nitrogen fertilizer levels (60, 80, 100 and 120kgN fed-1). While, the horizontal-plots were assigned to spraying with blue green algae levels (without as control, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0g L-1). Increasing fertilizer levels up to 120kg N fed-1 significantly exceeded other levels of nitrogen fertilizer and produced the highest averages of growth characters, yield and grain quality, followed by using 100kg N fed-1 and there is no significant differences between them in most studied growth characters and yields in both seasons. Foliar spraying with 6.0g L-1 significantly surpassed other treatments and recorded the maximum averages of growth, yield and its components and grains quality of maize, followed by spraying plants with 4.5g L-1 and without significant differences between them in all studied characters in both seasons. Generally, mineral fertilizing maize with 100kgN fed1 (saved 20kgN fed1) beside spraying with algae extract at 4.5g L-1 were recommended for enhancing productivity and seed quality of maize moreover, reducing the pollution resulted from high levels of mineral nitrogen fertilizer under the environmental conditions of Kafrelshiekh Governorate Egypt.
Ajayasree T. S. Seminar ppt (Microbiome engineering)Ajayasree TS
Microbiome engineering aims to manipulate plant and soil microbiomes to optimize agricultural functions like stress tolerance, growth promotion, and phytoremediation. Techniques include transferring native or synthetic microbiomes to seeds, seedlings, or soil. This can improve drought tolerance, disease resistance, and heavy metal accumulation. Challenges include understanding complex microbiome dynamics and interactions under field conditions. Microbiome engineering shows potential to develop sustainable agriculture through balanced, beneficial microbiome compositions.
Breeding high iron pearl millet cultivars: present status and future prospectsICRISAT
Micronutrient malnutrition, widespread in resource poor families in the developing world where large populations rely on cereals as staple food, has emerged as a major health challenge. Over 60% and 30% of the worlds populations are deficient in iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), respectively. About 80% of pregnant women and 70% children are reported to suffer from Fe deficiency, while 52% children (<5 years) have stunted growth in India2,3. Biofortification is a cost-effective and sustainable agricultural approach to deliver essential micronutrients through staple foods. Pearl millet is an important staple food in the arid and semi-arid regions of Asia and Africa. The primary focus of HarvestPlus-supported pearl millet biofortification research at ICRISAT is on improving Fe density with Zn density as an associated trait.
Effect of Phosphorus and Zinc on the Growth, Nodulation and Yield of Soybean ...Premier Publishers
This study investigated the effects of phosphorus and zinc on the growth, nodulation, and yield of two soybean varieties in Nigeria. Phosphorus application significantly affected growth, nodulation, yield, and some yield components, with 60 kg P2O5/ha giving the highest growth and yield. Phosphorus also increased nodulation, with 30 kg P2O5/ha providing the highest nodulation. Zinc application did not significantly affect most growth characters or nodulation, except for reducing plant height. Phosphorus increased soybean yield significantly to 1.9 t/ha compared to the control of 1.7 t/ha. Protein and oil contents were not significantly affected by phosphorus but were by zinc
Generally, wheat productivity severely affected due to imbalanced fertilizer application, and on other hand NPB are 100%, 90% and 55% deficient in Pakistani soils as well as K deficiency appears rapidly. Therefore appropriate nutrient management is essentially required to obtain economic wheat yield. A field experiment was carried out at Students Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, during 2014-15. The trial was arranged on randomized complete block design, replicated thrice and treatments included: Control (untreated), NPK= 90:60:60 kg ha-1, NPK = 90-30-30 kg ha-1 + B: 1% (tillering), NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 + B: 1% (tillering), NPK = 90:30:30 kg ha-1 + B: 2% (tillering), NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 + B: 2% (tillering).The statistical analysis of data proved that various combinations of NPK and boron application displayed significant (P<0.05) effects on nearly all the growth and yield components of wheat. Thus, maximum plant height 86.7, more tillers 418.0 m2, increased spike length 11.6 cm, grains spike-1 51.0 and 49.0, grain weight plant-1 7.9 g, seed index (1000 grain weight) 41.7 g, biological yield 9131.7 kg ha-1, grain yield 3880.0 kg ha-1 and harvest index 42.5 were noted at NPK-120-60-60 kg ha-1 + B 2% at tillering phase, Whereas, all growth and yield parameters were measured poor under control (un-treated) plots. Hence, it was decided from the results that use of NPK = 120:60:60 kg ha-1 and 2% foliar application of boron at tillering stage proved better as compared to other treatments.
Rice agroforestry: How trees can accelerate agroecological transitionsCIFOR-ICRAF
Presented by Fergus Sinclair, Rachmat Mulia, Himlal Baral,
Jim Roshetko, and Rob Finlayson
(CIFOR-ICRAF) at 6th International Rice Congress, Manila, Philippines, on 16-19 Oct 2023
Phytoremediation potential of mustard (Brassica juncea) varieties exposed to ...MDMAHMUDALNOOR
This document summarizes a study that assessed the phytoremediation potential of 11 mustard (Brassica juncea) varieties exposed to lead (Pb) stress. Seedlings were treated with 200 亮M Pb nitrate for 60 days. All varieties showed reduced growth under Pb stress. Variety BJ DH 17 exhibited the lowest reduction in traits including Pb accumulation. Variety Sambal showed the highest translocation of Pb from root to shoot and shoot to grain. It also had the highest bioaccumulation coefficient. Based on these results, the study concluded that variety Sambal is the most suitable for Pb phytoremediation due to its ability to extract and translocate Pb from
Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions |...Innspub Net
This study investigated the effects of applying biochar from wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse on maize yield and plant nutrients under rainfed conditions. A field experiment was conducted in which maize was grown in plots treated with wheat straw biochar at 5 and 10 tons/ha, sugarcane bagasse biochar at 5 and 10 tons/ha, or a control with no biochar. The results showed that wheat straw biochar at 10 tons/ha and sugarcane bagasse biochar at 10 tons/ha significantly increased maize grain yield, plant biomass, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compared to the control. However, biochar did not significantly affect micronutrient levels in the maize
Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions|I...Innspub Net
To investigate the maize yield and nutrient concentration in its leaves as affected by biochar from different organic materials (wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse), a field experiment was conducted on maize crop during 2013 at koont research farm chakwal. The treatments were control, wheat straw biochar at 5t ha-1, and 10t ha-1, sugarcane bagasse biochar at 5t ha-1and 10t ha-1. The experiment was conducted in RCBD. Maize was grown in 4m 6m sized plots. Soil samples were taken before sowing of crop for determination of soil pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and texture. The plant parameters were grain yield, plant biomass, macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Wheat straw biochar 10 t/ha showed an increase of 16.1% N, 38.8% P, 33% K, 28.9% biomass and 20.8% grain yield. Sugarcane bagasse biochar at a rate of 10 t/ha showed significant increase of 14.9% N, 27.7% P, 30% K, 27.6% biomass and 22.1% grain yield. None of the biochar treatment showed any significant increase in micronutrient concentration in plant.
Micronutrient delivery system through seed in crop plantsAnkit Moharana
micronutrient application method, application through seed, seed priming and coating method of application,effect on crop growth and stand establishment due to application of micronutrient
Effect of Algal Bio-fertilizer on the Vigna radiata: A Critical ReviewIJERA Editor
The continuous increasing demand of food crops and decrease in productivity due to continuous use of chemical
fertilizer has not only resulted in decline of crop yield, loss of fertility and degradation of soil but has also led us
one step back in achieving sustainable agriculture. The use of algal bio-fertilizer provides an effective, ecofriendly
and non-polluting approach in improving the productivity of crop by both nitrogen fixation and
photosynthesis. Algal bio-fertilizers improve soil structure and increase yield productivity even if applied in a
small area. The application of algal bio-fertilizers in plants has resulted in increase in root, shoot length with
number of leaves and hence overall growth of the plant has been increased. India being one of the largest
producer and consumer of pulses requires abundant amount of pulse production to fulfil the demands of ever
growing populations which can be achieved by using algal bio-fertilizers. This paper briefly underlines the usage
of algal bio-fertilizers as an important tool for sustainability and alternative usage against the chemical
Different media are used to culture microorganisms and sterile technique is required to prevent contamination. Media and lab materials must be sterilized before use through autoclaving or pressure cooking. Microbes can be cultured in liquid tubes, solid slant tubes, or petri plates. Serial dilutions and plate counts are then used to estimate microbial populations from samples.
This document provides an overview of phytochrome, a photoreceptor pigment found in plants. It discusses the key points of phytochrome including its two forms (Pr and Pfr), its role in photomorphogenesis, discovery, biosynthesis, functions in processes like photoperiodism, and relationship to the circadian clock. The document also briefly mentions other plant photoreceptors like cryptochrome and their roles in light detection and responses. It provides definitions and explanations of technical terms in clear language.
This study evaluated the effects of various biofertilizer treatments on mulberry growth. Key findings:
1) Co-inoculation of potash mobilizing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and nitrogen fixing bacteria led to the highest growth, fresh leaf weight, root volume, organic carbon, and available P and K.
2) Treatments involving combinations of reduced (50-75%) inorganic fertilizers with biofertilizers still showed benefits like increased growth, nutrient levels, and soil properties over the control or full inorganic treatments alone.
3) Integrating biofertilizers with reduced chemical fertilizers has potential to improve crop productivity in a sustainable manner.
Micro- organisms transform organic matter into plant nutrients that are assimilated by plants. Soil organisms represent a large fraction of global terrestrial .
Micro- organisms transform organic matter into plant nutrients that are assimilated by plants. Soil organisms represent a large fraction of global terrestrial .
Micro- organisms transform organic matter into plant nutrients that are assimilated by plants. Soil organisms represent a large fraction of global terrestrial .
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
Comparative study of Zn and farmyard manure (.pptx
1. Comparative study of Zn and farmyard
manure (FYM) on Pisum sativum L
Presented by: Irum Choudhary
Registration No. F20BBOTN3E01029
MS Botany
Session (2020-2022)
Supervisor: Dr. Muhammad Jamil
3. 3
Leguminous crops have protein, vitamins, particularly vitamin B
complex and large amount of carbohydrates (Kumar et al.,
Pea (Pisum Sativum) is widely grown throughout the temperate
zone and one of the world most important legume crop, with a
9.5-million-hectare production area, become forth in number
after common bean, chickpea, and cow pea (FAO 2018).
4. 4
One of the major factors which effects the growth and yield of
pea plant is micronutrient deficiency especially of Zn as it is
very important for growth and its deficiency may lead to
reduction in seed formation (Bell and Dell, 2008).
Zn is very essential for plants as well as human development,
metabolic reaction, enzymatic reaction, oxidation reduction
reaction, nitrogen metabolism, protein production and energy
transmission (Cakmak et al., 2010). Conti
5. 5
FYM is composed of sheep, cow, poultry, and horses wastes
and known as complete fertilizer having organic matter and
organic compost.
when we use organic fertilizers with chemical fertilizers had
more positive effect on soil health and microbial biomass
based on the soil quality indicators (Dutta S. et al., 2003).
6. 6 Objectives
1. To explore the effects of Zn and FYM on growth, yield and
physiology of pea plant
2. To suggest the recommended dose of Zn for proper growth and
yield of pea plant
3. To find an economic and ecofriendly way to overcome hidden
hunger in future.
7. The experiment Comparative study of ZnSO4 and farmyard
manure (FYM) on Pisum sativum L. was conducted at the
research field area of Islamia University, Bahawalpur during
rabi season 2021-2022.
7 Methodology