Year 5 are having 10 samba workshops taught by Mags from London School of Samba and organised by Merton Music Foundation. I am producing a series of presentations to support their learning.
Blogging and social media can be used in schools for three main reasons: to improve teaching and learning, build relationships, and support professional development. It allows sharing work between lessons, gives students an authentic voice, and provides access to musicians. Blogging helps build relationships between students, teachers, parents, and educators. It also acts as a learning journal and repository for teachers. The document provides tips for getting started with blogging in schools, such as getting approval and ensuring online safety, and examples of blogs to learn from.
The document presents a series of questions that involve dividing the white space in four squares (A, B, C, D) into equal pieces. It asks the reader to divide square A into two pieces, square B into three pieces, square C into four pieces, and square D into seven pieces. It then provides the answers to each question, with the division of square D into seven pieces being posed as the most challenging. The document encourages readers not to overcomplicate problems and solutions.
Term 5 students will have the opportunity to take samba rhythm workshops led by Mags from the Merton Music Foundation and London School of Samba. They will learn about the history and origins of samba music and instruments. The document then provides details on several traditional samba instruments - their origins, what they look like, and how they are played as part of samba ensembles.
This document provides guidance for non-specialist teachers on teaching music to children. It discusses why music is important to teach as it develops important skills. It outlines some basic musical elements like pulse, rhythm, pitch, and tempo that non-specialist teachers can teach. It encourages teachers to use call and response singing and gestures to help children internalize these elements. The document also provides examples of how to break down a song into phrases to teach musical concepts and ways to record and share learning.
The recorder is an ancient woodwind instrument that dates back to the 13th century. It was popular in the Renaissance and Baroque eras but declined as the flute rose to prominence. In the late 19th century, interest in recorders renewed in Germany and spread to England and the United States. Modern recorders are readily available and commonly used as a classroom instrument for teaching students music fundamentals.
This document contains musical notes for a recorder song in the key of G major. The notes are arranged in lines to be played sequentially on the recorder. The document was created by Linda Abbott in July 2006 for students at Lake Avenue to learn recorder music.
The London Borough of Merton want to record a song to celebrate being an Olympic borough. Year 5 &6 are studying songwriting to help them compose their entries
ISIFFitness is a company that aims to help people stay healthy through balanced food portions. It was founded in 2008 in Great Britain as part of ISIFGlobal. ISIFFitness works with food manufacturer Bariatrix to create high-quality, nutritious foods that are easy to cook and taste good. Their goal is to make healthy eating and longevity an integral part of people's lives through balanced meals rich in nutrients.
This document discusses teaching music to students without being a specialist in music. It argues that music is important for developing patterns and order in children's brains. It busts the myth that only musical people can teach music, noting many non-musical careers also require skills like those in music. It provides guidance on teaching elements like pulse, rhythm, and pitch through call-and-response singing and thinking voice exercises. The document encourages recording lessons for self-evaluation and sharing teaching ideas online.
The document summarizes the history of school dinners in the UK, including key acts that established nutritional standards and provisions for free meals. It discusses Jamie Oliver's campaign to improve school food standards, the introduction of mandatory nutrition standards, and ongoing debates around ensuring all children have access to healthy, free school meals. The poor state of Britain's food culture is also noted, with proposals to provide free school meals for all children as a way to positively impact eating habits and reduce health inequalities.
Allah menciptakan mata agar manusia dapat melihat keindahan alam semesta dan tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya, serta untuk membaca Alquran dan belajar. Mata juga berguna untuk mengenali warna dan bentuk, serta menghargai orang buta yang tetap bersyukur kepada Allah meski kehilangan penglihatan.
Camille Saint-Sa?ns composed "Carnival of the Animals" as a set of character pieces meant to describe different animals through their sounds or movements. Though he refused to publish it during his lifetime, it uses an orchestra of strings, pianos, flutes, and clarinets to depict lions, chickens, donkeys, elephants and more. Each movement aims to sonically represent the named animal through its instrumentation and musical qualities.
Este documento describe la importancia de Mar¨ªa en la santificaci¨®n de los cristianos. Explica que Mar¨ªa es esencial para alcanzar la plenitud de la santidad en Cristo y que aquellos que desean ser santos deben tener a Mar¨ªa como amor en Dios. Tambi¨¦n resume los principales m¨¦todos de vida mariana como la esclavitud mariana y la piedad filial mariana.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kesetimbangan benda tegar dan konsep titik berat benda, termasuk rumus dan contoh perhitungan titik berat berbagai bentuk benda homogen linier, bidang, dan ruang seperti garis lurus, busur lingkaran, bidang segitiga, prisma, silinder, dan setengah bola.
This document provides information about exploring film music in association with Neil Brand's "People's Guide to the Orchestra". It discusses film music background and context, the orchestra, Neil Brand's thoughts on composing film music. Key points include that Neil Brand has composed a piece called "People's Guide to the Orchestra" featuring narration by an actor. The document also summarizes Neil Brand's responses to common questions about what it's like to be a composer and how composers become composers.
This document outlines Jackie Schneider's TeachMeet Music session from June 2015. It discusses transitioning primary school music programs to secondary programs and lists some commonly used primary music teaching resources. It also provides contact information for Jackie Schneider, including an email, twitter account, and links to a school music blog and personal teaching blog for getting additional information or asking questions.
This document discusses the benefits of integrating technology and music education. It notes that using technology can increase listening skills, sound discrimination, spatial awareness, teamwork and leadership. While computers and laptops are common in classrooms, music software is underutilized. The document recommends using recording software and technology more to create, perform, assess and improve student work in order to promote creativity and inclusion. Blogging and online resources like YouTube provide opportunities to connect, learn, and share music making. With free and easy-to-use tools, technology gives students and teachers new ways to listen, record, collaborate, and deconstruct music.
This document explores pentatonic scales, which are musical scales made up of five different notes. It introduces three common pentatonic scales - C major pentatonic, F major pentatonic, and G major pentatonic - and encourages the reader to experiment composing short melodies using the C major pentatonic scale.
This document provides instructions for listening to a piece of music and having a discussion with a partner about what is heard. It prompts the listener to get comfortable, focus on sounds before the music starts, describe how the music makes them feel, discuss what colors and stories are associated with the music, and consider how the music would inspire movement and art. The listener is then asked to identify instruments and share insights with the full class.
The document provides instructions for creating a bulletin board display about music. It suggests printing pictures of musical instruments, notes, lyrics or album covers and attaching them to the board along with facts about different genres of music or influential musicians. Captions and labels could be included to identify the pictures and enhance the educational aspect of the display.
The document discusses the history and development of school dinners in the UK from the early 1900s to present day. It outlines key acts and policies that established nutritional standards and entitlement to free school meals. It also describes Jamie Oliver's campaign that led the government to found the School Food Trust and mandate improved nutritional standards for school lunches, limiting unhealthy options and requiring daily fruit/vegetables. The document emphasizes the importance of school meals for children's health and development, and barriers to providing ideal lunch programs.
This presentation is a record of 5 plenaries I did with years 1 & 2 using popular picture books to reinforce some musical concets we had explored in our music lessons
Year 5 have 10 djembe drumming workshops led by Caroline from Merton Music Foundation as part of a wider opportunities programme. I made this presentation to support their learning
The document describes an underwater carnival musical composition created by Year 3 students. It introduces various underwater creatures represented by student groups who were tasked with completing a table with musical clips matching each animal's characteristics. The teacher provides positive feedback, praising the collaborative work and sound clips that suit each creature well, and asks for favorite clips and reasons.
The London Borough of Merton want to record a song to celebrate being an Olympic borough. Year 5 &6 are studying songwriting to help them compose their entries
ISIFFitness is a company that aims to help people stay healthy through balanced food portions. It was founded in 2008 in Great Britain as part of ISIFGlobal. ISIFFitness works with food manufacturer Bariatrix to create high-quality, nutritious foods that are easy to cook and taste good. Their goal is to make healthy eating and longevity an integral part of people's lives through balanced meals rich in nutrients.
This document discusses teaching music to students without being a specialist in music. It argues that music is important for developing patterns and order in children's brains. It busts the myth that only musical people can teach music, noting many non-musical careers also require skills like those in music. It provides guidance on teaching elements like pulse, rhythm, and pitch through call-and-response singing and thinking voice exercises. The document encourages recording lessons for self-evaluation and sharing teaching ideas online.
The document summarizes the history of school dinners in the UK, including key acts that established nutritional standards and provisions for free meals. It discusses Jamie Oliver's campaign to improve school food standards, the introduction of mandatory nutrition standards, and ongoing debates around ensuring all children have access to healthy, free school meals. The poor state of Britain's food culture is also noted, with proposals to provide free school meals for all children as a way to positively impact eating habits and reduce health inequalities.
Allah menciptakan mata agar manusia dapat melihat keindahan alam semesta dan tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya, serta untuk membaca Alquran dan belajar. Mata juga berguna untuk mengenali warna dan bentuk, serta menghargai orang buta yang tetap bersyukur kepada Allah meski kehilangan penglihatan.
Camille Saint-Sa?ns composed "Carnival of the Animals" as a set of character pieces meant to describe different animals through their sounds or movements. Though he refused to publish it during his lifetime, it uses an orchestra of strings, pianos, flutes, and clarinets to depict lions, chickens, donkeys, elephants and more. Each movement aims to sonically represent the named animal through its instrumentation and musical qualities.
Este documento describe la importancia de Mar¨ªa en la santificaci¨®n de los cristianos. Explica que Mar¨ªa es esencial para alcanzar la plenitud de la santidad en Cristo y que aquellos que desean ser santos deben tener a Mar¨ªa como amor en Dios. Tambi¨¦n resume los principales m¨¦todos de vida mariana como la esclavitud mariana y la piedad filial mariana.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kesetimbangan benda tegar dan konsep titik berat benda, termasuk rumus dan contoh perhitungan titik berat berbagai bentuk benda homogen linier, bidang, dan ruang seperti garis lurus, busur lingkaran, bidang segitiga, prisma, silinder, dan setengah bola.
This document provides information about exploring film music in association with Neil Brand's "People's Guide to the Orchestra". It discusses film music background and context, the orchestra, Neil Brand's thoughts on composing film music. Key points include that Neil Brand has composed a piece called "People's Guide to the Orchestra" featuring narration by an actor. The document also summarizes Neil Brand's responses to common questions about what it's like to be a composer and how composers become composers.
This document outlines Jackie Schneider's TeachMeet Music session from June 2015. It discusses transitioning primary school music programs to secondary programs and lists some commonly used primary music teaching resources. It also provides contact information for Jackie Schneider, including an email, twitter account, and links to a school music blog and personal teaching blog for getting additional information or asking questions.
This document discusses the benefits of integrating technology and music education. It notes that using technology can increase listening skills, sound discrimination, spatial awareness, teamwork and leadership. While computers and laptops are common in classrooms, music software is underutilized. The document recommends using recording software and technology more to create, perform, assess and improve student work in order to promote creativity and inclusion. Blogging and online resources like YouTube provide opportunities to connect, learn, and share music making. With free and easy-to-use tools, technology gives students and teachers new ways to listen, record, collaborate, and deconstruct music.
This document explores pentatonic scales, which are musical scales made up of five different notes. It introduces three common pentatonic scales - C major pentatonic, F major pentatonic, and G major pentatonic - and encourages the reader to experiment composing short melodies using the C major pentatonic scale.
This document provides instructions for listening to a piece of music and having a discussion with a partner about what is heard. It prompts the listener to get comfortable, focus on sounds before the music starts, describe how the music makes them feel, discuss what colors and stories are associated with the music, and consider how the music would inspire movement and art. The listener is then asked to identify instruments and share insights with the full class.
The document provides instructions for creating a bulletin board display about music. It suggests printing pictures of musical instruments, notes, lyrics or album covers and attaching them to the board along with facts about different genres of music or influential musicians. Captions and labels could be included to identify the pictures and enhance the educational aspect of the display.
The document discusses the history and development of school dinners in the UK from the early 1900s to present day. It outlines key acts and policies that established nutritional standards and entitlement to free school meals. It also describes Jamie Oliver's campaign that led the government to found the School Food Trust and mandate improved nutritional standards for school lunches, limiting unhealthy options and requiring daily fruit/vegetables. The document emphasizes the importance of school meals for children's health and development, and barriers to providing ideal lunch programs.
This presentation is a record of 5 plenaries I did with years 1 & 2 using popular picture books to reinforce some musical concets we had explored in our music lessons
Year 5 have 10 djembe drumming workshops led by Caroline from Merton Music Foundation as part of a wider opportunities programme. I made this presentation to support their learning
The document describes an underwater carnival musical composition created by Year 3 students. It introduces various underwater creatures represented by student groups who were tasked with completing a table with musical clips matching each animal's characteristics. The teacher provides positive feedback, praising the collaborative work and sound clips that suit each creature well, and asks for favorite clips and reasons.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline George
Odoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots¡ªsystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI¡ªthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
In order to create
strong rhythms
everyone must work
Visual signs are a good
way to give clear