Charter Communications acquired Time Warner Cable in a $55.1 billion deal closed in May 2016. The acquisition created a leading broadband and cable company serving over 25 million customers across 41 states. The deal was valued at $78.7 billion, or an enterprise value to EBITDA multiple of 8.3 times TWC's 2015 EBITDA. The valuation was based on comparable company multiples, comparable acquisition multiples, and a discounted cash flow analysis of TWC's projected cash flows over five years. The acquisition was aimed at improving competitiveness and customer service in TWC markets through Charter's technologies and operating strategy.
The document provides an overview of preliminary unaudited results for 2011 and outlook for 2012 from Gafisa Group. Key points:
- 2011 results included large non-cash adjustments totaling R$889 million from budget overruns, contract dissolutions, and asset impairments.
- A new strategic plan focuses on narrowing geographic scope, reducing Tenda risk through a new sales model, and expanding high-margin AlphaVille projects.
- Guidance for 2012 includes R$500-700 million in operating cash flow, launches of R$2.7-3.3 billion, and delivery of 22,000-26,000 units.
JetBlue is considering going public and needs to determine an appropriate offering price per share. There are advantages like raising capital but also disadvantages like increased disclosure requirements to going public. Two approaches are used to value JetBlue's shares: comparable company multiples which yield prices of $10.70-$19.76 per share, and discounted cash flow analysis which results in $26 per share. Considering these analyses, the team recommends an IPO price of $22 per share to raise sufficient capital without being too high and hindering future capital raising.
The report discusses the dinosaur Triceratops. It lived during the Late Cretaceous period, was 30 feet tall and weighed 11 tons. As a herbivore, it only ate plants. It had three horns on its face and a boney shield on its neck to protect from predators. The Triceratops roamed the Earth for around 7-10 million years.
This document provides information about the CRIWG 2010 conference, including:
- It will take place in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 13-15, 2010.
- The venue will be Castle Vaeshartelt and activities include a river cruise dinner and wine tasting.
- There will be 47 submissions presented over the 3 day period covering collaboration and decision support topics.
- Keynote speakers include a founder of the Information Systems field and GSS pioneers who will present on a new generation of GSS technologies.
Charter Communications acquired Time Warner Cable in a $55.1 billion deal closed in May 2016. The acquisition created a leading broadband and cable company serving over 25 million customers across 41 states. The deal was valued at $78.7 billion, or an enterprise value to EBITDA multiple of 8.3 times TWC's 2015 EBITDA. The valuation was based on comparable company multiples, comparable acquisition multiples, and a discounted cash flow analysis of TWC's projected cash flows over five years. The acquisition was aimed at improving competitiveness and customer service in TWC markets through Charter's technologies and operating strategy.
The document provides an overview of preliminary unaudited results for 2011 and outlook for 2012 from Gafisa Group. Key points:
- 2011 results included large non-cash adjustments totaling R$889 million from budget overruns, contract dissolutions, and asset impairments.
- A new strategic plan focuses on narrowing geographic scope, reducing Tenda risk through a new sales model, and expanding high-margin AlphaVille projects.
- Guidance for 2012 includes R$500-700 million in operating cash flow, launches of R$2.7-3.3 billion, and delivery of 22,000-26,000 units.
JetBlue is considering going public and needs to determine an appropriate offering price per share. There are advantages like raising capital but also disadvantages like increased disclosure requirements to going public. Two approaches are used to value JetBlue's shares: comparable company multiples which yield prices of $10.70-$19.76 per share, and discounted cash flow analysis which results in $26 per share. Considering these analyses, the team recommends an IPO price of $22 per share to raise sufficient capital without being too high and hindering future capital raising.
The report discusses the dinosaur Triceratops. It lived during the Late Cretaceous period, was 30 feet tall and weighed 11 tons. As a herbivore, it only ate plants. It had three horns on its face and a boney shield on its neck to protect from predators. The Triceratops roamed the Earth for around 7-10 million years.
This document provides information about the CRIWG 2010 conference, including:
- It will take place in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 13-15, 2010.
- The venue will be Castle Vaeshartelt and activities include a river cruise dinner and wine tasting.
- There will be 47 submissions presented over the 3 day period covering collaboration and decision support topics.
- Keynote speakers include a founder of the Information Systems field and GSS pioneers who will present on a new generation of GSS technologies.
4. L脱rt 奪 l脱rePraksisoppgavenDel 1: Observasjon Hovedsakelig 30 min observasjon, men drar inn ting som er observert tidligere.Del 2: Dr淡fting a intervju, observasjon og notater.Autoritativ lederstilForbereder timene med tanke p奪 det uforberedteTydelig ramme i form av klare regler med konsekvenserRelasjonsbygging (l脱rer elev, elev elev)Konfliktl淡sningSkole hjem samarbeidPersonlig, ikke privatKollektive arbeidsformerEngasjement som motivasjonsfaktor (Markedsf淡ring) Ros og positive forsterkereBlikkkontakt og 奪pent kroppsspr奪k ovenfor elever
5. RelasjonsoppgavenBegrepet relasjonL脱rer elevrelasjonenAsymmetrisk relasjonAnsvar for sosial og faglig utviklingSelvoppfatning og mestringsf淡lelseGjensidig respekt /tillitPositiv relasjonPersonlig involveringKjennskap til elevens bakgrunn og forutsetningerPositive tilbakemeldinger og rosNegativ relasjonMistillit og konflikterDominerende/autorit脱r l脱rerTidligere utrygge voksenrelasjonerPositive l脱rer- elev relasjoner vil styrke min posisjon som klasseleder og kunnskapsformidler.