The document announces schedule changes and new classes for Allstar Martial Arts Academy effective April 5, 2010. New classes include additional beginner classes for ages 5-6, a female only teens class, a black belt only class, and a weapons class. It also announces the upcoming summer camp from June 14-August 13 for ages 5-12, as well as upcoming testing and birthday party opportunities. The academy aims to develop confidence in students through martial arts training.
Allstar Martial Arts Academy Fall 2010 NewsletterJodi Lord
The document is a newsletter from Allstar Martial Arts Academy announcing upcoming events and news. It discusses an upcoming bullying prevention workshop, Halloween and Thanksgiving holiday hours, an upcoming board breaking clinic to help students overcome their fears, a "buddy week" where students can invite friends to class, and accomplishments of students who competed in a recent karate tournament.
This document discusses the other enemy faced by Civil War soldiers besides combat: disease, discontent, and despair. It analyzes how soldiers had to contend with illnesses like typhoid and malaria in camp hospitals. It also explores how homesickness and harsh conditions led to low morale and depression among troops. The bibliography and image sources cited provide further context on the hardships endured on the home front and battlefield during the American Civil War.
The Allstar Alert Spring 2011 Allstar Martial Arts AcademyJodi Lord
Martial arts training at Allstar Martial Arts Academy offers benefits beyond self-defense, including building character. Students learn discipline, respect, perseverance, and confidence through practicing techniques and tenets of taekwondo. The document announces upcoming events at the academy in spring and summer 2011, including testing ceremonies, summer camps, and a "Fun Week/Buddy Week" where students can invite family and friends to class.
The document provides photos and descriptions from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia. It shows views of the city of Vancouver and nearby mountains from the cruise ship that served as the photographer's home for a month during the Olympics. Several photos depict crowds and long lines at various Olympic venues, as well as the photographer's small cabin on the ship and their office overlooking the mountains, describing their experiences working at and viewing the Olympic events.
Salle Mauro Fencing Academy - World class fencing program developing Fencing In Houston, Texas. Fencing classes available for children and adults of all ages and skill levels.
RSB Henneke PD Training Program 031816Kane Henneke
The document provides information about a Rock Steady Boxing program for people with Parkinson's disease offered at Title Boxing Club. It summarizes the instructor Kane Henneke's qualifications and experience in martial arts. It outlines the typical class format, which includes conditioning, drills, and techniques. Students progress through a graduated degree program involving different techniques as they test for new belt levels. The club promises a safe, diverse martial arts experience and satisfaction for students and families.
McKenzie's Tae Kwon Do and Self-Defense Academy handbook outlines the history and philosophy of Tae Kwon Do, introduces Master Clifford McKenzie, and provides the rules, tenets, uniforms, belt requirements, terminology, and curriculum for students of the academy. The handbook establishes the foundation for students to progress through the colored belt ranks by demonstrating increasing proficiency in stances, blocks, kicks, punches, forms, one-steps, footwork, breaking, self-defense techniques, and knowledge of Tae Kwon Do. Students are expected to embody the tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance,
Learn Karate/Martial arts with self-defending & healing techniques from experts in Melbourne. We have vast experience and offering services to all age groups.
Martial Arts is a system of unarmed combat taught for self-defence, yet so much more is gained from constant training. Karate will improve your health, confidence, respect, discipline, focus and an overall change for the better to the way you live your life.
The document provides tips for staying safe in gymnastics. It emphasizes following the instructions of coaches, paying attention to your surroundings, learning proper form and technique, and using safety equipment like mats. Injuries can occur if gymnasts attempt skills beyond their ability or without the supervision of qualified coaches. Always make safety the top priority in gymnastics.
JuJitsu Training Resource - White To Orangeju1975met
This document provides an introduction to a training resource for white to orange belt martial arts students. It discusses the author's background and qualifications, having trained for over 15 years in various martial arts under respected instructors. The resource aims to offer reference material for students to practice techniques at home as they progress from white to orange belt. It provides a brief overview of jujitsu, explaining that it focuses on using an opponent's strength against them rather than relying on physical strength alone.
Salle Mauro Fencing Academy - World class fencing program developing Fencing In Houston, Texas. Fencing classes available for children and adults of all ages and skill levels.
RSB Henneke PD Training Program 031816Kane Henneke
The document provides information about a Rock Steady Boxing program for people with Parkinson's disease offered at Title Boxing Club. It summarizes the instructor Kane Henneke's qualifications and experience in martial arts. It outlines the typical class format, which includes conditioning, drills, and techniques. Students progress through a graduated degree program involving different techniques as they test for new belt levels. The club promises a safe, diverse martial arts experience and satisfaction for students and families.
McKenzie's Tae Kwon Do and Self-Defense Academy handbook outlines the history and philosophy of Tae Kwon Do, introduces Master Clifford McKenzie, and provides the rules, tenets, uniforms, belt requirements, terminology, and curriculum for students of the academy. The handbook establishes the foundation for students to progress through the colored belt ranks by demonstrating increasing proficiency in stances, blocks, kicks, punches, forms, one-steps, footwork, breaking, self-defense techniques, and knowledge of Tae Kwon Do. Students are expected to embody the tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance,
Learn Karate/Martial arts with self-defending & healing techniques from experts in Melbourne. We have vast experience and offering services to all age groups.
Martial Arts is a system of unarmed combat taught for self-defence, yet so much more is gained from constant training. Karate will improve your health, confidence, respect, discipline, focus and an overall change for the better to the way you live your life.
The document provides tips for staying safe in gymnastics. It emphasizes following the instructions of coaches, paying attention to your surroundings, learning proper form and technique, and using safety equipment like mats. Injuries can occur if gymnasts attempt skills beyond their ability or without the supervision of qualified coaches. Always make safety the top priority in gymnastics.
JuJitsu Training Resource - White To Orangeju1975met
This document provides an introduction to a training resource for white to orange belt martial arts students. It discusses the author's background and qualifications, having trained for over 15 years in various martial arts under respected instructors. The resource aims to offer reference material for students to practice techniques at home as they progress from white to orange belt. It provides a brief overview of jujitsu, explaining that it focuses on using an opponent's strength against them rather than relying on physical strength alone.
JuJitsu Training Resource - White To Orangeju1975met
Allstar Newsletter April 2010
1. s
Allstar Martial Art
Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡ªWhere
Allstar Martial Arts Academy Champions are Made One Kick at a Time
9128 Forest Hill Blvd.
Wellington, FL 33411 Allstar Martial Arts and punches in class feels the BEAMING faces, filled
561-790-5422 Academy has many goals proud of himself for with pride and for its students and accomplishing that. He CONFIDENCE. families. One of the most wants to try harder to
important goals¡ª perfect the moves he
Inside you¡¯ll find great developing confidence in its learns. When a student
news about: students. sees in herself what he/she
A confident student will is capable of, you can see
Schedule Change 2 not allow another person to that student shine. Seeing
bully them. A confident what you can achieve and
student will not be a target believing in what you see,
Summer Camp 3 gives you the confidence to
for a bully to pick on. A
stand tall and proud.
Dodgeball Mania 3 confident student will
stand up for himself. A The all time confidence
confident student will BOOSTER...when a
Testing Ceremony 3
always try his best. student achieves her new
Confidence is the number rank, after all of the hard Allstar Martial Arts
Birthday Parties 3 one factor that makes a work she has put in for students gain more
student stand out from the months. If you¡¯ve been a confidence after every class
Allstar Family 4 crowd. student here, you¡¯ve they attend and after every
experienced it. If you¡¯re a kick they throw. Confident
Martial arts training helps
Allstar Students 4 family member and you¡¯ve children stand out from the
to develop that confidence
seen your child get their crowd. Allstar students
in students. A student that
learns the blocks, kicks, next belt, you¡¯ve witnessed stand out from the crowd.
Special points of
MMA Anyone? Allstar Martial Arts is Joining
? Summer Camp
Registrations have begun! the Mixed Martial Arts Craze
? Parent's Night Out Who wants to learn how to This means, traditionally, students are learning how
April 23, 2010 ground and pound? Allstar students learn how to to fall appropriately, how
Martial Arts Academy is defend themselves from a to roll appropriately, and
? We have a Facebook Fan
joining the mixed martial standing position. We, as how to defend from the
Page! Just search ¡°Allstar arts craze and adding instructors of taekwondo, ground. Our MMA classes,
Martial Arts Academy¡± MMA training to the understand that self however, will hone in on
and become a fan. It¡¯s a curriculum. defense is not limited to a these techniques and take
great way to stay up to standing attack/defense them to the next level.
date! Mixed martial arts is a
natural addition to the scenario. To bridge the MMA Drills for Teens/
? Coming soon...Cardio taekwondo training already gap, we have from day one Adults is Mon. at 8:00 p.m.,
Kickboxing! integrated common ground MMA Sparring is Wed. at
offered at Allstar Martial
Arts. Taekwondo is strictly defenses into our training 8:00 p.m. Are you up for
a standing martial art. for kids and adults. Our the challenge?
2. Page 2 Allstar Martial Arts Announcements
New Schedule of Classes¡ªEffective April 5, 2010
Our new schedule of classes takes Some of the new additions to the some really cool weapons, like the bo
effect April 5, 2010. We have added schedule include two more class days staff, Kamas, escrima, and more. Are
several classes. Also, please let us and times for 5 and 6 year old you a Leader? Our Leadership Class
know the days and times that you are Beginners! A BRAND NEW Class is invitation only. The instructors are
attending classes (even if there is no just added¡ªFEMALE ONLY Teens looking for top notch students to
change for you, so that we can update class! Also, new to this schedule is invite into our Leadership Team. You
our records. We are easy to contact¡ª our Black Belt Only class ¡ª Black are being watched every class to see if
email, Facebook, telephone or just Belts ONLY learn top secret moves! you are giving 150%. If you are, you
stop by. Our Weapons Class on Friday at 5:30 may be invited to join the exclusive
is open to all! Try it out and learn Leadership Team.
Allstar Martial Arts Summer Camp - Where We Kick It.
Summer is almost here! Do you want and girls, are welcome to attend. Each camper must bring a bagged
your child to be in a safe, air There are lunch to camp, with an extra
conditioned environment, with adult three snack and plenty to drink!
supervision at all times, while he has sessions to
a BLAST with other kids? choose from: FUN ? FITNESS ? SELF
That is what you get at Allstar June 14-18 DEFENSE
Martial Arts Academy¡¯s Summer
Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lord supervise, July 12-16
educate, and entertain the campers as August 9-13 There¡¯s no sitting and playing
they play organized martial arts video games around here! We
games, learn bully awareness, Time: 9:30am¡ª
will be burning up energy the
practice kicks and punches, and so 1:30pm
whole time!
much more.
Contact us to register!
No martial arts experience is Session Fee: $120
necessary. Ages 5 through 12, boys Sibling Fee: $60
Save the dates:
Upcoming Testing Ceremony
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Awards Ceremony
Monday, June 14, 2010
Makeup Testing Ceremony
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Keep in mind, the makeup test date should be
reserved for extreme circumstances which render you
unable to attend the regular Testing Ceremony date.
Are you tired of the same old boring birthday parties?
Enough bowling, enough skating, enough gymnastics!
Are you ready to take your child¡¯s birthday party to an
EXTREME level? An Allstar
Martial Arts Birthday Party will
be one that your child and his
friends never forget! You sit back
and relax, as we entertain the
Call for more details! Party dates
fill fast.
4. Allstar Martial Arts Acade
my is
family owned and operated
by Jack
and Jodi Lord, 5th and 3rd
9128 Forest Hill Blvd. Black Belts, each with ove
r 20 years experience
Wellington, FL 33411 in martial arts. Their chi
561-790-5422 ldren have trained under their instruction (sin
ce birth HAHA), and
have each earned their 2nd
degree Black Belts.
We Make Champions One Kick at a Time. Mr. and Mrs. Lord are com
mitted to training
students of Allstar Martial
Arts Academy to be
the best they can be, in the
studio and out.
The close knit family atmosp
here, brings
students and families togeth
er, and together we
all grow and learn¡ªrooting
for one another the
whole way. Keep on kickin
Congratulations to these Allstar Students:
Look who¡¯s adding Weapons your peers, and your family, and you Caleb Harris 4/22
Classes to his/her training: always find a way to help others in Jeremy Fairbairn 4/24
class without being asked to do so.
Eduardo Sayago Saez You are a role model. As part of the Jack Thomas 4/24
Dylan Nottingham Leadership Team, you are now able to Brandon Grillo 4/26
participate in demonstrations and act
Trident Nottingham Johnny Weber 4/28
as an ambassador for Allstar Martial
Weapons training is available to any Arts Academy. If you prove yourself Congratulations to the
student. If you¡¯re interested, please as an excellent Leader, you will be following brand new 1st
talk to us about it. asked to assist in classes. We will
Degree Black Belts:
show you how to become a successful
Who stood out from the Alex Hovannesian, Joshua Morel,
Leader in the Leadership Classes you
crowd, was invited to join the attend each week. Congratulations! Dane Dorsainvil, Nidiyan Rajendran,
Leadership Team and joined Saahas Rajendran, Jonathan
Leadership this month? Who has a birthday coming Rosenblatt, and Andrew Rosenblatt
Eduardo Sayago Saez HARD WORK PAYS OFF!
Joshua Morel 4/5
Samantha Taliercio
Jared Greenberg 4/7
Jack Yan
Coleen Peggs 4/7
Congratulations! You are an
outstanding example of what an Braden Strackman 4/8
Allstar Martial Arts Student should Jensen Buswell 4/13
strive to become. You were invited to
Spencer Baimel 4/15
join the Leadership Team because you
try your hardest in all that you do, Ari Aguilar 4/19
you demonstrate respect for yourself, Javier Keough 4/22